18 research outputs found

    Liposomal delivery enhances cutaneous availability of ciclopirox olamine

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    The present study involves development and investigation of liposomal system for improving skin residence of ciclopirox olamine in cutaneous mycosis. Spherical unilamellar liposomes of ciclopirox olamine were prepared by ethanol injection method. The vesicle size and % entrapment efficiency were in the range of 196 ± 1.73 to 1040.66 ± 7.02 nm and 34.28 ± 4.4 to 54.89 ± 1.9 respectively. The electrokinetic potential varied from -52.4 ± 2.0 to -71.7 ± 1.3 mV. A 32 factorial design was utilized to optimize the concentrations of cholesterol and Phospholipon® 90H. Cholesterol was found to be primarily responsible for the behaviour of the liposomes as compared to the phospholipid. FTIR study revealed that liposomal encapsulation preserved the principal characteristic group of ciclopirox olamine required for antifungal action. In-vitro artificial membrane and ex-vivo excised rat skin studies demonstrated reasonably higher cutaneous deposition of the drug. Liposomes proved interesting tool for maximizing the drug retention in skin, an important requisite in treatment of cutaneous fungal infections.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Utjecaj sadržaja lijeka i veličine aglomerata na tabletiranje i oslobađanje bromheksin hidroklorida iz aglomerata s talkom pripremljenih kristalokoaglomeracijom

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    The objective of the investigation was to study the effect of bromhexine hydrochloride (BXH) content and agglomerate size on mechanical, compressional and drug release properties of agglomerates prepared by crystallo-co-agglomeration (CCA). Studies on optimized batches of agglomerates (BXT1 and BXT2) prepared by CCA have showed adequate sphericity and strength required for efficient tabletting. Trend of strength reduction with a decrease in the size of agglomerates was noted for both batches, irrespective of drug loading. However, an increase in mean yield pressure (14.189 to 19.481) with an increase in size was observed for BXT2 having BXH-talc (1:15.7). Surprisingly, improvement in tensile strength was demonstrated by compacts prepared from BXT2, due to high BXH load, whereas BXT1, having a low amount of BXH (BXH-talc, 1:24), showed low tensile strength. Consequently, increased tensile strength was reflected in extended drug release from BXT2 compacts (Higuchi model, R2 = 0.9506 to 0.9981). Thus, it can be concluded that interparticulate bridges formed by BXH and agglomerate size affect their mechanical, compressional and drug release properties.Cilj rada bio je praćenje utjecaja sadržaja bromheksidin hidroklorida (BXH) i veličine aglomerata na mehanička svojstva, kompresivnost i oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz aglomerata pripravljenih kristalokoaglomeracijom (CCA). Optimizirani pripravci aglomerata (BXT1 i BXT2) pripravljeni CCA metodom pokazuju adekvatnu sferičnost i čvrstoću potrebnu za učinkovito tabletiranje. U oba pripravka se smanjenjem veličine aglomerata smanjivala i čvrstoća, neovisno o količini ljekovite tvari. Međutim, povećanje prosječnog tlaka s povećanjem veličine čestica primijećeno je u pripravku BXT2 s omjerom BXH-talk 1:15,7. Iznenađuje da su kompakti pripravljeni iz BXT2, s visokim sadržajem BXH, imali veću vlačnu čvrstoću, dok su BXT1 s niskim sadržajem BXH (BXH-talk, 1:24) imali manju čvrstoću. Veća vlačna čvrstoća imala je za posljedicu produljeno oslobađanje ljekovite tvari iz BXT2 (Higuchijev model, R2 = 0,9506 do 0,9981). Može se zaključiti da mostovi među česticama BXH i veličina aglomerata utječu na njihova mehanička i kompresivna svojstva te na oslobađanje ljekovite tvari

    Functioning and productivity of Jan Aushadhi stores in India: The owners' perspective

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    Objective: Jan Aushadhi (People's Medicine) Stores (JAS) are still struggling to get well established in India. Although the Jan Aushadhi (JA) scheme was launched in 2008, the number of JAS has not increased much until now. Therefore, we aimed to determine the working and productivity of JAS in the country. Methodology: We conducted a web-based survey of current JAS owners using a validated questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to the E-mail addresses as mentioned on JA website. We solicited the information about the aspects such as background information, working and productivity of the store, hurdles while running a JAS, and the opinions. Results: One hundred and sixty-nine individuals responded to the survey out of 1008 (response rate = 16.76%). One hundred and forty-three (84.62%) JAS owners have reported the net monthly profit to be Rs. <5000/-. They have also reported that there are certain hurdles while running the shop. Other important average values for certain parameters were follows: patients approaching a JAS/day – 47.43, net profit/month – Rs. 4230.85, and prescriptions filled/day – 27.06. Conclusion: Dealing with generic drugs is a multifaceted and complex issue in India. JAS were not as “economically productive” as to a regular “government”/community pharmacy in India. There are some flaws as far as the functioning JAS is considered. Although JA scheme was launched long back, it has not spread well in the country until now. Productive inputs are essential for better running of the scheme. The government should think of the hurdles and the suggestions as reported by the JAS owners

    Development of Budesonide Loaded Biopolymer Based Dry Powder Inhaler: Optimization, In Vitro Deposition, and Cytotoxicity Study

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    The progress in the development of DPI technology has boosted the use of sensitive drug molecules for lung diseases. However, delivery of these molecules from conventional DPI to the active site still poses a challenge with respect to deposition efficiency in the lung. At same time, serious systemic side effects of drugs have become a cause for concern. The developed budesonide loaded biopolymer based controlled release DPI had shown maximum in vitro lung deposition with least toxicity. The subject of present study, lactose-free budesonide loaded biopolymer based DPI, further corroborates the great potential of antiasthmatic drugs. This technology is expected to revolutionize the approaches towards enhanced therapeutic delivery of prospective drugs

    Design and evaluation of bilayer floating tablets of cefuroxime axetil for bimodal release<b style=""></b>

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    812-816Study aims to design a gastroretentive delivery system for bimodal release of cefuroxime axetil (CA). CA has site-specific absorption from upper gastrointestinal tract and in intestine it undergoes hydrolysis to cefuroxime having poor absorption. Unabsorbed drug causes high concentration of antibiotic entering colon and contributes to the side effects like colitis. Therefore, a gastro-retentive dosage form is required to ensure controlled drug delivery within drug-absorbable regions. Bilayer tablet, each layer containing half the dose of drug was formulated with one immediate release layer (IRL) and another floating matrix layer (FML). The FML showed good floating properties with buoyancy lag time of 12-35 min and floating time of 8-24 h. Thus, bimodal drug release comprising of immediate release for quick onset of action followed by controlled release minimizing the concentration of unabsorbed drug entering colon was achieved. No change in amorphous nature of drug during processing was observed, which was confirmed by differential scanning colorimeter and X-ray diffractometer. The -sintigraphy confirmed the gastric residence of tablets in human volunteers

    Formulation and Evaluation of Optimized Oxybenzone Microsponge Gel for Topical Delivery

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    Background. Oxybenzone, a broad spectrum sunscreen agent widely used in the form of lotion and cream, has been reported to cause skin irritation, dermatitis, and systemic absorption. Aim. The objective of the present study was to formulate oxybenzone loaded microsponge gel for enhanced sun protection factor with reduced toxicity. Material and Method. Microsponge for topical delivery of oxybenzone was successfully prepared by quasiemulsion solvent diffusion method. The effects of ethyl cellulose and dichloromethane were optimized by the 3 2 factorial design. The optimized microsponges were dispersed into the hydrogel and further evaluated. Results. The microsponges were spherical with pore size in the range of 0.10-0.22 m. The optimized formulation possesses the particle size and entrapment efficiency of 72 ± 0.77 m and 96.9 ± 0.52%, respectively. The microsponge gel showed the controlled release and was nonirritant to the rat skin. In creep recovery test it had shown highest recovery indicating elasticity. The controlled release of oxybenzone from microsponge and barrier effect of gel result in prolonged retention of oxybenzone with reduced permeation activity. Conclusion. Evaluation study revealed remarkable and enhanced topical retention of oxybenzone for prolonged period of time. It also showed the enhanced sun protection factor compared to the marketed preparation with reduced irritation and toxicity

    Utjecaj umrežavanja na udio metronidazola u pektinskim zrncima

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    The purpose of this study was to improve the entrapment efficiency of the water-soluble drug metronidazole using internal cross-linking agents. Calcium pectinate beads containing metronidazole were prepared by dropping a drug-pectin solution in 1% and 5% (m/V) calcium chloride for surface crosslinked beads. For the core cross-linked beads, calcium carbonate was dispersed in the drug-pectin solution. The beads were characterized by particle size, swelling ratio, SEM, DSC, and in vitro drug release. It was found that the beads obtained by core cross linking produced more drug entrapped beads than the surface cross-linked beads. Beads obtained using 1% (m/V) calcium chloride showed more drug entrapment than those obtained using 5% calcium chloride. The core cross-linking of pectin beads reduced drug loss by about 10-20%. The water lodging capacity of beads depended upon gel strength, which is a function of the internal gelling agent and pectin concentration. Complete drug release was observed within 30-60 min in the acidic dissolution medium. This work has showed that the core cross-linking agent increases the water-soluble drug entrapment of in calcium pectinate beads.Svrha istraživanja bila je poboljšati udio vodotopljive ljekovite tvari metronidazola u pripravcima s pektinskim zrncima koristeći sredstva za umrežavnje poput kalcijevog karbonata. Površinski umrežena zrnca kalcijevog pektinata s metronidazolom pripravljena su dokapavanjem otopine lijeka i pektina u 1% i 5% (w/V) otopinu kalcijevog klorida. Zrnca s umreženom jezgrom pripravljena su dispergiranjem kalcijevog karbonata u otopinu ljekovite tvari i pektina. Zrncima su određeni sljedeći parametri: veličina čestica, sposobnost bubrenja, SEM, DSC i oslobađanje ljekovite tvari in vitro. Zrnca dobivena umrežavanjem jezgre sadržavala su veći udio lijeka (1020%) od površinski umreženih zrnaca. Zrnca dobivena s 1% (w/V) otopinom kalcijevog klorida sadržavala su veći udio lijeka od onih dobivenih s 5% otopinom. Kapacitet vezanja vode zrnaca ovisio je o jakosti gela, a jakost gela ovisila je internom agensu za geliranje i koncentraciji pektina. U kiselom mediju ljekovita tvar se u potpunosti oslobodila unutar 3060 minuta

    Volumetric and optical properties of ACE inhibitor captopril in aqueous-alcoholic mixtures

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    Captopril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor that is used for the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure. This article addresses the accurate measurements of densities and refractive indices of solutions containing captopril in pure solvents such as water, methanol, ethanol and 1-propanol and aqueous mixtures of methanol, ethanol and propan-1-ol of 30%, 50% and 70% by volume in a wide range of drug concentration at 26 °C. This article also includes the evaluation of apparent molar volume, partial molar volume at infinite dilution and transfer volumes. The concentration dependence of the refractive indices studied and respective fitting parameters have been reported. Different properties are interpreted in terms of intermolecular interactions, effect of drug on structure of solvent/solvent mixture and overall structural fittings in solutions

    Knowledge, attitude, and practice of organ donation among pharmacy students

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    Objective: To assess knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of organ donation (OD) among pharmacy students. Methodology: A web-based, cross-sectional study of students pursuing different pharmacy courses was conducted. A specially designed questionnaire was used to survey the students. Results: A total of 160 students responded to survey. Nearly, three-fourth students wished to donate organs to anyone, 83.1% wanted to donate by considering the health status of the recipient, and 98.1% feel that OD should be promoted. Some negative findings were as follows: less knowledge about some uncommon organs that can be donated, for example, blood vessels, bone, intestine, and heart valves; 76.3% students do not know the process of registering while 84.4% have not registered/pledged for OD. Average knowledge about law related to OD was also poor, i.e., 1.87. Conclusion: Overall KAP for OD was positive for except for a few issues. There is need to add some OD related topic/s in the pharmacy curriculum