28 research outputs found

    Percutaneous endobiliary ablation of malignant biliary strictures with a novel temperature-controlled radiofrequency ablation device

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to determine the safety and effectiveness of percutaneous endobiliary radiofrequency ablation of malignant biliary obstructions with a temperature-controlled radiofrequency ablation device.METHODSIn this single center retrospective study, a total of 62 consecutive patients with malignant biliary obstruction were evaluated. Thirty patients who underwent endobiliary radiofrequency ablation with metallic stent placement were in the study group and 32 patients who underwent only metallic stenting were in the control group. Outcomes of this study were technical success, complications related to the procedure, stent patency, and overall survival.RESULTSAll procedures were technically successful in both groups. There was no procedure-related mortality in either group. Procedural complication rates were similar between the groups. Although statistically not significant, the only two major complications (hemobilia requiring endovascular treatment) were in the control group. Median primary stent patency was significantly longer in the study group than in the control group (223 days vs. 158 days; P = 0.016). Median survival rates were also longer in the study group (246 days vs. 198 days; P = 0.004).CONCLUSIONPercutaneous endobiliary radiofrequency ablation is safe and feasible with this novel radiofrequency ablation device in patients with malignant biliary obstruction. Percutaneous endobiliary radiofrequency ablation has a potential to improve both stent patency and survival

    Radiation doses from head, neck, chest and abdominal CT examinations: an institutional dose report

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to obtain typical values for head, neck, chest, and abdominal computed tomography (CT) examinations from routine patients in 2018, and to review our data with national and international diagnostic reference levels (DRLs).METHODSSingle-phase head, neck, chest, and abdominal CT scans of adults performed in 64-slice CT in 2018 were included in this study. Radiation dose parameters of CT scans were obtained from the picture archiving and communication system of our hospital. Volumetric CT dose index (CTDIvol) and dose length product (DLP) values were recorded. Effective dose (ED) and scan length was calculated. A 16 cm diameter phantom is referenced for head CT, and 32 cm diameter phantom is referenced for neck, chest, and abdominal CT. Descriptive statistics of the variables were given according to the normality testing.RESULTSMedian CTDIvol value was 53 mGy for the head, 13.1 mGy for the neck, 8.3 mGy for the chest, and 8.6 mGy for the abdomen. Median DLP value was 988 mGy.cm for the head, 299 mGy.cm for the neck, 314 mGy.cm for the chest, and 457 mGy.cm for the abdomen. Median ED value was 2.07 mSv for the head, 1.76 mSv for the neck, 4.4 mSv for the chest, and 6.8 mSv for the abdomen. Considering national DRLs, median CTDIvol values of head, chest, and abdomen were lower, whereas median DLP and ED values of head and chest were higher. For the abdomen, the median DLP and ED values were lower.CONCLUSIONOverall radiation dose parameters obtained in this study points out the need for optimization of head CT examinations in our institution

    Determination of groundwater pollution potential using a GIS-based DRASTIC model and development of vulnerability maps for Erzin Plain.

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    TEZ8091Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2010.Kaynakça (s. 179-188) var.xiii, 189 s. : res., hrt., çizelge ; 29 cm.The goals of this study were to determine the pollution potential of the Erzin Plain (Hatay) groundwater (GW) as well as developing seasonal and annual vulnerability maps using GIS-based DRASTIC model. Various data sets for soil characteristics, geology, hydraulic conductivity, land use, precipitation, groundwater depth, and groundwater quality were collected and used as model input parameters as well as topographical maps. During August 2006, November 2006, February 2007, and May 2007 terms, GW depth was observed and water quality was assessed in terms of electrical conductivity (EC), nitrate concentration (NO3), and anions and cations. The water quality data were then evaluated through hydrogeochemical methods, and maps were developed with geostatistical methods for GW depth, EC, and NO3. Long term precipitation series were analyzed and appropriate probabilistic distribution models were determined through frequency analysis. Precipitation forecasts were also done for standard return periods (Tr=1.25, 2, 100 years). Seasonal, annual, and different probability GW vulnerability maps were developed. Land use map (LUM) for the research area was integrated into the GW vulnerability map and adjusted GW vulnerability (DDI) map was formed. Based on the DDI map, there was an increase in GW vulnerability level and distribution as compared to DI map. Piper ve Schoeller diagrams revealed that all wells except one within the study area were determined to be originating from the same geological formation. DI maps and EC levels were found to be in correlation. However, no correlation could be established between NO3 concentration and GW vulnerability areas. It was concluded that the probability DI maps developed based on precipitation data were more realistic in forecasting than the DI maps that considered average precipitation.Bu çalışma ile; Erzin Ovası (Hatay) yer altı suyu (YAS) kirlenme potansiyelinin Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi (CBS) tabanlı DRASTIC Modeli (DM) kullanılarak belirlenmesi, mevsimlik ve yıllık YAS hassasiyet (Dİ) haritalarının geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma alanı toprak verileri, jeolojik kesitleri, hidrolik iletkenlik verileri, yağış gözlemleri, YAS derinlikleri, topoğrafik haritaları, arazi kullanım verileri, YAS kalitesi gözlemleri ve analiz sonuçları materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Ağustos 2006, Kasım 2006, Şubat 2007 ve Mayıs 2007 dönemlerinde YAS derinlikleri ölçülmüş; su örnekleri alınarak elektriksel iletkenlik (EC) değerleri ölçülmüş, nitrat (NO3) ve anyon-katyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Su kalitesi sonuçları hidrojeokimyasal yöntemler ile değerlendirilmiş; YAS derinliği, EC ve NO3 değişkenleri jeoistatistiksel yöntemlerle haritalanmıştır. Uzun yıllık yağış serilerine frekans analizleri yapılarak uygun olasılık dağılım modelleri saptanmış, standart yineleme yıllarına (Tr=1.25, 2, 100 yıl) ait yağış tahminleri yapılmıştır. Mevsimlik, yıllık ve farklı olasılıklı YAS hassasiyet haritaları geliştirilmiştir. YAS hassasiyet haritasına araştırma alanı arazi kullanım haritası (AKH) entegre edilmiş ve düzeltilmiş YAS hassasiyet haritası (DDİ) üretilmiştir. YAS hassasiyet derecesi ve yayılımının DDİ haritasında, Dİ haritasına göre arttığı saptanmıştır. Çalışma alanındaki bir kuyu hariç olmak üzere tüm kuyuların aynı jeolojik formasyondan kaynaklandığı Piper ve Schoeller diyagramları ile belirlenmiştir. Dİ haritaları ile EC değerleri uyumlu bulunmuş, ancak; NO3 konsantrasyonları ile YAS hassasiyet alanları arasında bir korelasyon elde edilememiştir. Yağış verilerine bağlı olasılıklı Dİ haritalarının, ortalama yağış verileri kullanılarak geliştirilen Dİ haritalarına göre daha gerçekçi olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: ZF2006D4

    Hava kirliliği dağılımının belirlenmesinde ISCST3 model programının kullanımı:Açs örneği

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    TEZ4187Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2002.Kaynakça (s. 81-84) var.ix, 91 s. 30 cm.

    Effect of smartphone case material on bacteria growth

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    Mobile phones, especially ones with internet capabilities, have recently entered our lives and become essential parts of our daily lives. As a result, they have become an important factor in the spread of pathogens, especially among teenagers. The aim of this research is to compare smartphone case materials and the glass back of the phone (Apple iPhone 4S®), based on their contamination by bacteria after 1 week of usage. The research question of this investigation is: “How do the leather, silicone and plastic smartphone cases and the glass back of the phone without any case differ in terms of total bacteria count, measured using the viable cell counting method after a timespan of one week with daily usage of exactly one charge cycle?” The method used to investigate the research question is the viable cell counting method. The case is first disinfected and used everyday until the phone battery runs out. Culture is taken from the case by a cotton swab after 1 week and then is serial diluted up to the factor of 105. All dilution factors are incubated in LB agar plates for 24 hours at 37ºC. Bacterial colonies are counted, and the dilution factor with colony count between 30-300 bacteria is used in data analysis. The mean results of viable bacteria number per ml of culture (in CFU/ml) are as follows: 8.86x105 for leather, 7.28x105 for silicone, 6.32x105 for plastic and 4.42x105 for glass. ANOVA tests proved that there is indeed significant difference between test groups (p = 0.015114832). The conclusion is that all smartphones get contaminated by bacteria, but the glass has the lowest bacteria count showing that smartphone cases should be avoided for hygiene as much as possible. If a case is absolutely necessary, leather ones should not be preferred

    The use of ISCST3 model program for determination of air pollution distribution: A case study for ACF

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    Bu çalışmada Adana Çimento Sanayi'nin (AÇS), tesis ve çevresindeki hava kalitesine olan etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla "United States Environmental Protection Agencv (USEPA)" tarafından geliştirilen "Industrial Source Complex Short Term 3, (ISCST3)" model programı kullanılmıştır. Model girdileri olarak: Adana Çimento Fabrikası baca gazı emisyonları ve bölgenin meteorolojisini yansıtan meteorolojik veriler kullanılmış ve tesisten kaynaklanan toz (PM10) emisyonlarının tesis çevresindeki 20x20 km2'lik alanda oluşturacağı yer seviyesi konsantrasyonları (YSK) belirlenmiştir. Tesisten kaynaklanan tozun bölgede oluşturacağı dağılım, iki ve üç boyutlu haritalar ile gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca fabrikadan kaynaklanan PM10 emisyonunun, tesisin çevresindeki en büyük yerleşim merkezi olan İncirlik Beldesi üzerindeki hava kirliliğine katkıları da belirlenmiştir. Modelin doğruluğunu kanıtlamak üzere model sonuçları ile hava kalitesi ölçüm sonuçlan karşılaştırılmış, model sonuçlarının yüksek oranda doğruluk gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.In this study, Industrial Source Complex Short Term Model developed by USEPA was used in order to determine the effects of Adana Cement Factory to air quality in its vicinity. As model inputs, Adana Cement Factory slack gas emission and data representing meteorological situation of the region were used and ground level concentrations of PM10 emissions were determined for on area of 20 x 20 km2 surrounding the plant. The pollution distribution from factory was presented in 2D and 3D maps. Besides, the contribution of PM10 caused by ACF to air pollution in the vicinitv of İncirlik Town which is the largest city around ACF was also determined. The model results were compared to air quality measurements in order to verify the model. The model results were determined, to be with accuracy based on the observations

    Estimating of rational pollution load for industry sectors in Adana

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    Bu çalışmada, Adana ilindeki sanayiden kaynaklanan endüstriyel kirletici yükleri Endüstriyel Kirlilik Projeksiyon Sistemi (IPPS) ile elde edilmiş endüstriyel kirlenme yoğunluk faktörleri kullanılarak sektörel bazda oransal olarak tahmin edilmiştir. Endüstriyel kirletici yüklerinin tahmininde toksik kirlenme (hava, su ve toprak için), toksik metal kirlenmesi, hava kirlenmesi (SO2 ve PMıoPM_{ıo}) ve su kirlenmesi (BOİ ve AKM) parametreleri dikkate alınmıştır.In this paper, the emissions factors available in Industrial Pollution Projection System (IPPS) were used to estimate industrial pollution emissions of industry sectors in Adana -Turkey. The estimated industrial pollution emissions cover toxic pollution (for air, land and water), toxic metal pollution, air pollution (SO2, and PMıoPM_{ıo}) and water pollution (BOD and TSS) parameters

    Effect of different music tempos on aerobic performance and recovery

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    The aim of this study was to determine effect of different music tempos on aerobic performance and recovery period. Thirty-five healthy male students (age=22.63 +/- 2.94, body mass=71.40 +/- 10.71, height=178.24 +/- 9.95) who were studying at Faculty of Sport Sciences voluntarily participated in this study. Participants carried out Bruce treadmill test with 72 hour intervals under three conditions: slow tempo music (100 bpm), fast tempo music (140 bpm) and no music. Anova was applied for statistical analysis. Fast tempo music (18.28 +/- 3.01 minute) was determined to improve running time by 4.63% and 3.10% compared to no music (17.47 +/- 2.83 min) and slow tempo music (17.73 +/- 3.09 min), respectively (p0.05). Lactate accumulation during 15 min recovery was found lower with slow tempo music compared to fast tempo and no music conditions (p<0.05). As a result, it can be concluded that fast tempo music improved running time and performance by creating ergogenic effect while slow tempo music led to fast decreasein heart rate and lactate accumulation during 15 min recovery

    Investıgatıon Of the Lıfe Qualıty of Women In Ankara Accordıng to Theır Partıcıpatıon In Physıcal Actıvıty

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    Introduction: Exercising regularly and participating in physical activity improves endurance by strengthening the cardiovascular system as well as muscle strength and flexibility. Regular physical exercise is also beneficial for mental health. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of joining a physical exercise program in female participants in terms of age, marital status, education level, welfare level, frequency of participation in physical activity, general health status, physical appearance and life quality. Material and method: A quantitative method was used in the research. The population of the study consists of women over the age of 18 who live in Ankara who regularly attend sport centres. The study group consisted of 355 women who were collected by easy sampling, within a total sample of 7500 women over the age of 18, members of 15 B-fit sports centres operating in different regions of Ankara. In order to evaluate the life quality of the research group, the ''Life Quality'' scale developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) (1998) and adapted by Sevil into Turkish was used as data collection tool. The scale has five sub-dimensions and consists of 23 questions. As the data showed normal distribution, T-test was used for binary comparisons, Anova for multiple comparisons, and LSD test was used to determine the source of the differences. Results: The majority of the women participating in the study were between 36-44 years old, married and graduate. The majority of women exercised occasionally. Welfare, health status and physical appearance ware intermediate. It was determined that women attribute importance to health status and physical appearance. Conclusion: It was found that the life quality of the women with good welfare level was higher and was concluded that the quality of life increased as the physical activity level increased

    Hacı Baba Baklavacısı ve Türk tatlı kültürü

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2016.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Çekiç, Can Eyüp