13 research outputs found

    Provider perspectives on demand creation for maternal vaccines in Kenya [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background. Expansion of maternal immunization, which offers some of the most effective protection against morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and neonates, requires broad acceptance by healthcare providers and their patients. We aimed to describe issues surrounding acceptance and demand creation for maternal vaccines in Kenya from a provider perspective. Methods. Nurses and clinical officers were recruited for semi-structured interviews covering resources for vaccine delivery, patient education, knowledge and attitudes surrounding maternal vaccines, and opportunities for demand creation for new vaccines. Interviews were conducted in English and Swahili, transcribed verbatim from audio recordings, and analyzed using codes developed from interview guide questions and emergent themes. Results. Providers expressed favorable attitudes about currently available maternal immunizations and introduction of additional vaccines, viewing themselves as primarily responsible for vaccine promotion and patient education.  The importance of educational resources for both patients and providers to maintain high levels of maternal immunization coverage was a common theme. Most identified barriers to vaccine acceptance and delivery were cultural and systematic in nature. Suggestions for improvement included improved patient and provider education, including material resources, and community engagement through religious and cultural leaders. Conclusions. The distribution of standardized, evidence-based print materials for patient education may reduce provider overwork and facilitate in-clinic efforts to inform women about maternal vaccines. Continuing education for providers should address communication surrounding current vaccines and those under consideration for introduction into routine schedules. Engagement of religious and community leaders, as well as male decision-makers in the household, will enhance future acceptance of maternal vaccines

    Secure DNA data compression using algebraic curves

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    Real world external validation of metabolic gestational age assessment in Kenya.

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    Using data from Ontario Canada, we previously developed machine learning-based algorithms incorporating newborn screening metabolites to estimate gestational age (GA). The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of these algorithms in a population of infants born in Siaya county, Kenya. Cord and heel prick samples were collected from newborns in Kenya and metabolic analysis was carried out by Newborn Screening Ontario in Ottawa, Canada. Postnatal GA estimation models were developed with data from Ontario with multivariable linear regression using ELASTIC NET regularization. Model performance was evaluated by applying the models to the data collected from Kenya and comparing model-derived estimates of GA to reference estimates from early pregnancy ultrasound. Heel prick samples were collected from 1,039 newborns from Kenya. Of these, 8.9% were born preterm and 8.5% were small for GA. Cord blood samples were also collected from 1,012 newborns. In data from heel prick samples, our best-performing model estimated GA within 9.5 days overall of reference GA [mean absolute error (MAE) 1.35 (95% CI 1.27, 1.43)]. In preterm infants and those small for GA, MAE was 2.62 (2.28, 2.99) and 1.81 (1.57, 2.07) weeks, respectively. In data from cord blood, model accuracy slightly decreased overall (MAE 1.44 (95% CI 1.36, 1.53)). Accuracy was not impacted by maternal HIV status and improved when the dating ultrasound occurred between 9 and 13 weeks of gestation, in both heel prick and cord blood data (overall MAE 1.04 (95% CI 0.87, 1.22) and 1.08 (95% CI 0.90, 1.27), respectively). The accuracy of metabolic model based GA estimates in the Kenya cohort was lower compared to our previously published validation studies, however inconsistency in the timing of reference dating ultrasounds appears to have been a contributing factor to diminished model performance

    Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Disease and Prevention Products: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preferences of Kenyan Healthcare Workers in Two Counties in 2021

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) among infants under 6 months of age. Yet, in Kenya, little is known about healthcare workers’ (HCWs) knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions around RSV disease and the prevention products under development. Between September and October 2021, we conducted a mixed methods cross-sectional survey to assess HCWs’ knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of RSV disease and RSV vaccinations in two counties. We enrolled HCWs delivering services directly at maternal and child health (MCH) departments in selected health facilities (frontline HCWs) and health management officers (HMOs). Of the 106 respondents, 94 (88.7%) were frontline HCWs, while 12 were HMOs. Two of the HMOs were members of the Kenya National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (KENITAG). Of the 104 non-KENITAG HCWs, only 41 (39.4%) had heard about RSV disease, and 38/41 (92.7%) felt that pregnant women should be vaccinated against RSV. Most participants would recommend a single-dose vaccine schedule (n = 62, 58.5%) for maximal adherence and compliance (n = 38/62, 61.3%), single dose/device vaccines (n = 50/86, 58.1%) to prevent wastage and contamination, and maternal vaccination through antenatal care clinics (n = 53, 50%). We found the need for increased knowledge about RSV disease and prevention among Kenyan HCWs

    Drivers and barriers of vaccine acceptance among pregnant women in Kenya

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    Maternal vaccination coverage remains suboptimal globally and is lowest in low- and middle-income countries. Attitudes toward maternal vaccines have been characterized in middle-high income settings, however data from African countries are limited. We assessed drivers and barriers of vaccine acceptance among pregnant women in Kenya. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among pregnant women aged 15–49 y. We enrolled a convenience sample of women presenting for antenatal care at seven health-care facilities in four diverse counties (Nairobi, Mombasa, Marsabit, Siaya) of Kenya and from the community in two counties (Nairobi, Siaya). We described frequencies of socio-demographic characteristics of participants and their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding maternal vaccination. We enrolled 604 pregnant women with a median age of 26.5 y, of whom 48.2% had primary education or less. More than 95% agreed that maternal vaccines are “important for my health” and that getting vaccinated is “a good way to protect myself from disease”. The most commonly cited reason in favor of maternal vaccination was disease prevention (53.2%). Fear of side effects to mother/baby (15.1%) was the most frequently reported potential barrier. Influenza vaccine is not in routine use in Kenya; however, 77.8% reported willingness to accept influenza vaccination during pregnancy. Maternal vaccination is well accepted among Kenyan pregnant women. We identified the provision of adequate vaccine information and addressing safety concerns as opportunities to improve maternal vaccine uptake. The expressed willingness to receive a vaccine not currently in routine use bodes well for implementation of new maternal vaccines in Kenya

    Provider Perspectives on Demand Creation for Maternal Vaccines in Kenya

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    Background. Expansion of maternal immunization, which offers some of the most effective protection against morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and neonates, requires broad acceptance by healthcare providers and their patients. We aimed to describe issues surrounding acceptance and demand creation for maternal vaccines in Kenya from a provider perspective. Methods. Nurses and clinical officers were recruited for semi-structured interviews covering resources for vaccine delivery, patient education, knowledge and attitudes surrounding maternal vaccines, and opportunities for demand creation for new vaccines. Interviews were conducted in English and Swahili, transcribed verbatim from audio recordings, and analyzed using codes developed from interview guide questions and emergent themes. Results. Providers expressed favorable attitudes about currently available maternal immunizations and introduction of additional vaccines, viewing themselves as primarily responsible for vaccine promotion and patient education. The importance of educational resources for both patients and providers to maintain high levels of maternal immunization coverage was a common theme. Most identified barriers to vaccine acceptance and delivery were cultural and systematic in nature. Suggestions for improvement included improved patient and provider education, including material resources, and community engagement through religious and cultural leaders. Conclusions. The distribution of standardized, evidence-based print materials for patient education may reduce provider overwork and facilitate in-clinic efforts to inform women about maternal vaccines. Continuing education for providers should address communication surrounding current vaccines and those under consideration for introduction into routine schedules. Engagement of religious and community leaders, as well as male decision-makers in the household, will enhance future acceptance of maternal vaccines