115 research outputs found

    Keberkesanan Kepimpinan Tempatan dalam Aktviti Pembangunan Desa di Daerah Kudat, Sabah

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    Kajian ini merupakan analisis terbadap persepsi penduduk kampung tentang tabap keberkesanan kepimpinan tempatan peringkat kampung dalam aktiviti pembangunan desa. Secara khususnya, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi penduduk kampung terbadap kejayaan kepimpinan tempatan peringkat kampung melaksanakan tugas mereka sebagai pemimpin, penerimaan penduduk terbadap kepimpinan tempatan peringkat kampung sebagai pemimpin mereka, kepuasan penduduk terbadap sikap kepimpinan tempatan peringkat kampung ke atas aktiviti pembangunan dan kepuasan penduduk kampung terhadap tabap peng1ibatan kepimpinan tempatan peringgkat kampung dalam aktiviti pembangunan desa. Kajian ini dija1ankan di tiga kawasan pi1ihanraya Dewan Undangan Negeri di daerah Kudat, Sabah iaitu N.1 Banggi, N.2 Kudat dan N.4 Matunggong. Seramai 210 orang penduduk kampung dipilih secara rawak sebagai sampel bagi kajian ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui kaedah temubual dengan menggunakan satu set borang soal selidik setelah mendapat kebenaran daripada kerajaan negeri Sabah dan Pegawai Daerah Kudat. Keputusan yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa hampir semua (98.6%) responden beranggapan bahawa tahap keberkesanan kepimpinan tem,patan peringkat kampung daJam aktiviti pembangunan desa adalah lemah. Kajtan ini juga mendapati bahawa 93.3% daripada responden berpendapat bahawa kepimpinan tempatan peringkat kampung di Kudat tidak berjaya melaksanakan tugas yang diamanahkan kepada mereka. Hanya separuh (51.4%) daripada responden menerima kepimpinan tempatan peringkat kampung sebagai pemimpin mereka dalam aktiviti pembangunan desa. Selain itu, kajian ini mendapati bahawa 59.0% daripada responden tidak berpuashati terhadap sikap kepimpinan tempatan peringkat kampung ke atas aktiviti-aktiviti pembangunan yang dilaksanakan di kawasan mereka. Dari segi tahap penglibatan kepimpinan tempatan peringkat kampung dalam aktiviti pembangunan desa pula kajian ini mendapati bahawa dua pertiga (60.5%) daIipada responden tidak berpuashati

    Federal Political Elites and the Expansion of Ethnic Politics to the Periphery State of Sabah in Malaysia

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    Ethnic politics has been an important feature of Malaysia’s political life since even before its formation in 1963. Despite being part of Malaysia, however, the East Malaysia state of Sabah historically was devoid of such politics. But since the formation of Malaysia, there has been a long decline in ethnic tolerance and harmony in Sabah due to the federal elite’s success in expanding ethnic politics there. This thesis investigates the following questions: How did the governing elites in Kuala Lumpur successfully expand ethnic politics to Sabah? Why was it important for the governing politicians to expand such politics to the periphery state? Why did the public allow this to happen? By carrying out in-depth ethnohistorical investigation into the role played by governing federal politicians in generating ethnicity in Sabah’s politics, this thesis notes how ethnic politics can be developed, escalated and diffused. It describes how the federal political elite’s decision to export West Malaysia’s model of ethnic based coalition government eventually established ethnicity as a feature of Sabah politics due to competition and collaboration between federal and local political elites, and competition between local politicians who elicited responses along ethno-religious lines from the public. For their part the people of Sabah came to accept the expansion there of ethnic politics and its principles of consociational democracy under pressure from the federal elite. From a policy perspective, the findings suggest that abandoning ethnic-based democracy and policies is crucial in providing more universal benefits to the citizenry and preventing full-fledged conflict within an ethnically and religiously diverse population

    Contract Farming System: A Tool to Tranforming Rural Society in Sabah.

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    Recent decades have seen major change in agricultural technologies as a consequence to various programs for an agricultural development in rural areas of Sabah. Villagers in Sabah have always been receptive to new agricultural technologies that promises to improve their standard of living and as a reflection from the promotion of new agricultural technologies, many peoples in rural areas in Sabah now working with a mix of traditional and modern technologies. Along with the adoption of modern technologies, there has been a rapid transformation to cash economy among rural areas in Sabah (Marten, 1990). However, most villagers in Sabah are still produce almost entirely for home consumption, although the other economic activity of rural peoples in Sabah is small-enterprises as well as “kedai kampung” or rural shop that is registered under the local registration authority. This means, meeting basic household food needs is still the priority of most farmers in Sabah. Most also produced as much as surplus as possible to meet cash needs generated by expanding public education, rural electrification, modern communication (e.g. Radio and Television), and modern transport. It confirmed that most rural societies in Sabah still run their subsistence agricultural economy as compared to cash economy, which generally in farm activities, men do the major task and the women do the very minor task. Alongside with the fact that in this post-modern world most rural society in Sabah involved in agricultural economy, rural population especially among youth has declined. This means that human force for agricultural sector is declined as well. Rural population in Sabah was declining due to migration of younger-age groups. Outward migration among them was caused by the economic purposes such as to find non-agricultural financial resources (work in government sector either in the white or blue collar works). As according to Bryden (2000) villagers often migrated because the trend in agricultural income that is reported as lower than income from other economic activities. Some of them were migrated to the urban areas when they employed as the non-government professional executive level and further their education. Some other (female) moved to follow husband. In short, they were migrated because of work-related reason and to get social fulfillment in the form of further education, social amenities and the family reason. This phenomenon in the future, out migration of youth will leave the youngsters and old folks to maintain the village and at the end, population of rural areas in Sabah will be increasingly independent. Village-base economy especially agricultural production will suffer when the active youth have left for the town. In the other hand, rural poverty profile that is currently high will be increased. Hence, commercialization of agricultural sectors in rural areas assumed as the best resolution to improve villager’s standard of living that is bring about transformation of rural agrarian society from the traditional society to modern agrarian society through contract farming system.Contract Farming System, Rural Society

    Ideology and Islamization in Malaysia: an analysis using a sociology Of knowledge

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    The past thirty years have seen a swift advance in the idea of Islamization of Knowledge (IoK) in Malaysia. The term ‘Islamization’ meaning the reform of knowledge in Islam, has been used by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas and Ismail Al-Faruqi, especially in the late 1970s, to explicate the process of Islamizing and the reformation of academia in the Muslim world, in the aftermath of the ‘malaise’ of the ʿummah. The IoK project in Malaysia is substantially related to the Sociology of Knowledge (SoK) theory which accentuates that ideas are closely related to the settings where the ideas initiated. This paper analyses the origin of the IoK as an ideology using a SoK theory proposed by Karl Mannheim (1893-1947). According to Mannheim, the particular conception of ideology implied when a person is being skeptics of the ideas forwarded by his opponent whether it is an individual, groups or organization. From this point of view, we are looking at the person’s idea merely as a disguise or falsification of his true nature or interest. Mannheim called this a ‘distortion’ rather than simply lies and it can gradually become clear when it is contrasted with the total conception of ideology (Mannheim, 1954). The total conception of ideology for Mannheim is somewhat different in its scope where it deals with the ideology of a certain time in history or a historical-social group and it is concerned with the characteristics and composition of the total structure of the mind of the people or group in this certain time frame (Mannheim, 1954). Furthermore, the paper investigates a different perspective of knowledge where it will look into the questions of ‘What makes Malaysia's intellectual and political environment so conducive to generating the IoK project? What were the main reasons for the government to engage in a project like IoK? What was the role of the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohammad in promoting IoK and what was the reason for him in doing so?’ The paper concludes that Mahathir’s Islamization project is also part of his bid to stay in power by controlling knowledge. Under Mahathir’s rule, he tries to control the way knowledge is disseminated to the people by controlling Islamic institutions, strengthen Islamic law against the civil law of the country and formed Islamic based institution of higher learning promoting his way of Islam

    The effectiveness of rural youth leadership: a case study in Kudat, Sabah

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    If Sabah’s rural youth organisations are to be run effectively, they need strong leaders. This article discusses the issue of leadership and also examines the charge that these organisations are blighted by a lack of management. The data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire, the results of which were analysed using SPSS. In this study, one hundred youths with a mean age of 25 years were chosen as respondents. According to the results of the study, 89 percent of the respondents perceived there is no effective leadership in rural youth organisations in Sabah. The respondents also suggested that this problem can only be solved through intensive, one-to-one self-coaching of the leaders

    Reaksi Penduduk Sabah Terhadap Pembentukan Malaysia: Suatu Perbandingan Dulu dan Kini

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    Sejarah pembentukan Malaysia merupakan episod penting dalam konteks sejarah negara ini. Sekalipun Persekutuan Malaysia yang dibentuk pada asalnya adalah melibatkan Tanah Melayu, Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura, tetapi artikel ini hanya akan memberi tumpuan ke-atas Sabah sahaja, khususnya dalam aspek reaksi penduduk di negeri ini terhadap pembentukan persekutuan tersebut dalam dua era yang berbeza iaitu sebelum dan selepas pembentukannya. Penelitian reaksi penduduk Sabah terhadap pembentukan Malaysia sebelum persekutuan adalah berasaskan penelitian terhadap data sekunder yang diperoleh dari akhbar tempatan yang diterbitkan pada ketika itu. Sebaliknya, bagi menilai reaksi penduduk Sabah selepas pembentukan Malaysia adalah berdasarkan penggunaan survei. Berdasarkan penggunaan kedua-dua kaedah tersebut maka adalah ditegaskan bahawa reaksi penduduk Sabah terhadap pembentukan Malaysia adalah pelbagai. Secara keseluruhannya dapatan tersebut memberi gambaran bahawa isu pembentukan Malaysia merupakan isu yang kekal hebat diperkatakan di negeri ini

    Menyingkap Peristiwa Penyingkiran Singapura dari Malaysia (1963-1965)

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    Sebaik sahaja penubuhan Malaysia, pemimpin Persekutuan yang diterajui oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman-Tun Razak bukan sahaja terpaksa berhadapan dengan konfrontasi Malaysia-Indonesia, tetapi juga masalah Singapura yang dicetuskan oleh Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew terus menerus mencetuskan provokasi dan tekanan kepada kerajaan pusat sehingga membawa kepada penyingkiran Singapura dari Malaysia. Justeru itu, tidak hairanlah sekiranya salah seorang pemimpin utama Persekutuan, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tun Abdul Razak menganggap Singapura seumpama, ‘duri dalam daging’ selama berada dalam Malaysia. Persoalannya, mengapakah beliau mengungkapkan perumpamaan tersebut? Kertas kerja ini akan menyingkap peristiwa penyingkiran Singapura dari Malaysia (1963-1965), terutamanya dalam aspek peranan yang dimainkan oleh Tun Razak dalam usaha meleraikan isu berkaitan Singapura semasa dalam Persekutuan Malaysia

    Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN): Usaha Memulihkan Semula Keamanan Negara Malaysia

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    Susulan peristiwa 13 Mei 1969, sehari kemudian kerajaan telah mengisytiharkan Darurat di seluruh negara. Sehubungan itu, bagi memulihkan keamanan, kerajaan telah menubuhkan Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN) pada 16 Mei 1969. Pada umumnya, keanggotaan jawatankuasa dan matlamat MAGERAN telah banyak dibincangkan dalam mana-mana penulisan. Namun begitu, persoalan bagaimanakah pemimpin utama dalam MAGERAN dipilih masih belum begitu jelas dibincangkan lagi. Justeru itu, dengan berasaskan kaedah disiplin sejarah perkara ini akan dirungkaikan dalam artikel ini. Artikel ini juga akan membincangkan langkah-langkah yang telah diambil oleh MAGERAN untuk memulihkan semula keamanan dan sistem demokrasi yang telah lama diamalkan di negara ini. Dalam pada itu, kertas kerja ini menegaskan bahawa dengan adanya kepimpinan yang berwibawa dalam MAGERAN maka keamanan negara telah berjaya dipulihkan dalam masa yang singkat

    Gerakan Koperasi di Sabah (1960an hingga 1980an): Peranan dan Cabaran

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    Artikel ini membincangkan tentang sejarah gerakan koperasi di sabah dengan melihat peranan, peluang dan cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh koperasi di negeri tersebut sejak awal penubuhan iaitu sekitar tahun 1960an hingga pertengahan tahun 1980an. Antara aspek-aspek yang dibincangkan dalam artikel ini ialah berkaitan dengan peranan koperasi dalam pembangunan sosio-ekonomi di negeri Sabah. Seperti gerakan koperasi di negeri lain, aspek kepimpinan sering menjadi halangan utama dalam mencapai matlamat organisasi. Banyak organisasi koperasi yang gulung tikar disebabkan kegagalan pihak pengurusan atasan (ahli lembaga/ pengurus) berfungsi dan memainkan peranan dalam mengurus organisasi sesuai dengan matlamat dan prinsip koperasi. Justeru, artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana masalah kepimpinan ini perlu diutamakan dan diperbaiki agar pemimpin-pemimpin koperasi yang dilantik adalah mereka yang betul-betul layak dan berkaliber memimpin koperasi

    Understanding the Link Between Inter-Group Relations and Psychological Issues

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    Understanding the relationship between inter-group relations, stress and copying strategies will continue to be an integral part of modern society. However, many still tend to misunderstood about the impact of intergroup relations towards stress. Apart from that, many still lacking in understating how to deal with stress caused by inter-group relations. For this reason, explaining the significant of inter-group relations in people’s stress and the way the people should deal with stress caused by inter-group relations is immensely valuable. This paper presents a discussion on the relationship between inter-group relations, stress and the way the people should deal with stress caused by inter-group relations. It is hoped that the paper provides room for improved knowledge and understanding on the relationship between inter-group relations and stress, and the way they should be dealt with stress caused by inter-group relations