6 research outputs found

    Box-Cox Regression Method in Time Scaling

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    Hata terimi ile bağımlı değişkenin süreklilik ve normal dağılma varsayımıbozulduğu durumlarda λj, j = 1, 2, ..., k, kuvvet dönüşümü ile tanımlanan Box-Coxregresyon yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Y'ler üzerindeki λj, j = 1, 2, ..., k, kuvvetdönüşümünün hangi λj değerinde Hata Kareler Toplamı (HKT)' nı minimum yaptığıdurum ele alınmaktadır. Box-Cox regresyon yöntemi, regresyon fonksiyonunundoğrusal olmayan durumu, sabit olmayan hata varyansları ve hata terimlerinindağılışlarının çarpıklığını düzeltmek için Y'nin üzerinde dönüşüm yapılması açısındanoldukça uygundur. Bu çalışmada fark ve diferansiyel analizin birlikte ele alındığızaman skalası türev kavramı kullanılarak Box-Cox regresyon yöntemi kullanmanınavantaj ve dezavantajları incelenmiştir. Box-Cox regression method with λj, for j = 1, 2, ..., k, power transformation can beused when dependent variable and error term of the linear regression model do notsatisfy the continuity and normality assumptions. The situation obtaining the smallestmean square error when optimum power λj, transformation for j = 1, 2, ..., k, of Y hasbeen discussed. Box-Cox regression method is especially appropriate to adjustexistence skewness or heteroscedasticity of error terms for a nonlinear functionalrelationship between dependent and explanatory variables. In this study, the advantageand disadvantage use of Box-Cox regression method have been discussed indifferentiation and differantial analysis of time scale concept

    Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Women with Preeclampsia and Eclampsia at a Tertiary Care Center

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    Aim: Preeclampsia is a multisystem disorder of unknown etiology and one of the leading causes of maternal, fetal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. Adverse outcomes can be improved by early identification of the disease and timely referral to a tertiary center. The aims of this study were to evaluate the outcomes of preeclampsia-eclampsia cases and share our experiences in a tertiary center. Methods: The study conducted by retrospectively analyzing the data of 350 women who gave birth between 2008 and 2013 at a tertiary care center. Results: The mean age of the enrolled women was 35 years, the mean gestational age at delivery-36 weeks, the mean birth weight-2.73 kg, and the mean platelet count was 204.000/ mm3. The incidence of preterm deliveries was 66.6%. Severe preeclampsia was noted in 29.4% of cases. Neonatal intensive care unit admissions were seen in 10.6% of cases. A total of 22.9% of these women had vaginal deliveries, while the other 77.1% underwent cesarean section. High systolic blood pressure and elevated serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferase values had significant independent effects of differentiating between mild and severe preeclampsia. Conclusion: Fetomaternal morbidity and mortality rates associated with hypertensive disorders are alarming, especially in developing countries. As such, the high-risk obstetric population should be screened earlier in pregnancy. A system allowing early referral in these cases should be created. (The Medical Bulletin of Haseki 2015; 53:143-6

    Anaesthetic Management with Thromboelastography in a Patient with Glanzmann Thrombasthenia

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    Glanzmann thrombastenia (GT) is a rare disease of an autosomal recessive inheritance characterized with fatal bleeding tendency. The anaesthesiologist should be cognizant of the risk involved and be prepared with necessary measures. In this paper, we present a GT case of a 9-year-old male with hypospadias, which was successfully repaired after platelet transfusions according to the thromboelastography tracings

    Anaesthetic Management with Thromboelastography in a Patient with Glanzmann Thrombasthenia

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    Glanzmann trombastenisi (GT) ölümcül kanamalara yol açabilen, nadir görülen otozomal resesif geçişli bir hastalıktır. Anestezistler bu kanama riskinin farkında olmalı ve gerekli önlemleri almalıdırlar. Bu yazıda, tromboelastografi traseleri rehberliğinde trombosit transfüzyonu sonrası başarılı hipospadias tamiri yapılan 9 yaşındaki GT tanılı erkek olgu sunulmuştur.Glanzmann thrombastenia (GT) is a rare disease of an autosomal recessive inheritance characterized with fatal bleeding tendency. The anaesthesiologist should be cognizant of the risk involved and be prepared with necessary measures. In this paper, we present a GT case of a 9-year-old male with hypospadias, which was successfully repaired after platelet transfusions according to the thromboelastography tracings

    Clinical Significance of R202Q Alteration of MEFV Gene in Children With Familial Mediterranean Fever

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate the clinical impact of the R202Q (c.605G>A) alteration of Mediterranean fever (MEFV) gene in children with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF)