31 research outputs found

    TRAIL Death Receptor-4, Decoy Receptor-1 and Decoy Receptor-2 Expression on CD8+ T Cells Correlate with the Disease Severity in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disorder. Although the pathogenesis of disease is unclear, it is well known that T cells play a major role in both development and perpetuation of RA through activating macrophages and B cells. Since the lack of TNF-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL) expression resulted in defective thymocyte apoptosis leading to an autoimmune disease, we explored evidence for alterations in TRAIL/TRAIL receptor expression on peripheral T lymphocytes in the molecular mechanism of RA development. METHODS: The expression of TRAIL/TRAIL receptors on T cells in 20 RA patients and 12 control individuals were analyzed using flow cytometry. The correlation of TRAIL and its receptor expression profile was compared with clinical RA parameters (RA activity scored as per DAS28) using Spearman Rho Analysis. RESULTS: While no change was detected in the ratio of CD4+ to CD8+ T cells between controls and RA patient groups, upregulation of TRAIL and its receptors (both death and decoy) was detected on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in RA patients compared to control individuals. Death Receptor-4 (DR4) and the decoy receptors DcR1 and DcR2 on CD8+ T cells, but not on CD4+ T cells, were positively correlated with patients' DAS scores. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that TRAIL/TRAIL receptor expression profiles on T cells might be important in revelation of RA pathogenesis

    Autogenous abdominal fat transplantation into temporomandibular joint following removal of osteochondroma

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    Background: An osteochondroma (OC) of the condylar process is a rare condition which primarily affects the mandibular condyle. There are several surgical treatment protocols of OC. As effective hemostatic agents and space fillers, autogenous free-fat grafts prevent scar formation and helps to hinder the accumulation of blood and serum, which otherwise, may be replaced by a dense collagen (scar), osteoid or bone. We report the autogenous abdominal fat transplantation, following the removal of a condylar OC. Methods: A 42-year-old man presented with the one-year history of progressive facial asymmetry and deviation of the chin, cross-bite to the contralateral side, and difficulty in mastication. Radiographic and clinical findings confirmed the diagnosis of an OC. Computed tomography (CT) showed lateral and inferior displacement of the right mandibular condyle due to the presence of a bone lesion from the medial aspect of the condylar head. Results: The OC was removed; the remaining portion of the condyle was re-shaped and smoothened. Abdominal fat harvesting was done 2–3 cm below the umbilicus and 3–5 cm length on the transverse midline. The defective area was filled with a harvested autogenous abdominal fat. Conclusion: Our results suggest that autogenous abdominal fat graft placement after the removal of OC with condyloplasty is yielded satisfactory treatment outcomes. © 2018 The Author

    Detection of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia in East Turkey

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    Summary A study was implemented to investigate the presence of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) in East Turkey. This study was based on clinical surveillance in the field, surveillance at regional slaughterhouses and regular submission of suspected lesions to regional laboratories. The results showed that the agent of CCPP, Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capripneumoniae (Mccp), could be detected by culture and specific polymerase chain reaction from 37.5% (12/32) of lung samples taken from goats of ten different herds. This agent was also isolated from two of 13 sheep samples (one from the lung and the other from a nasal swab). Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae was isolated in pure culture and characterised at a finer molecular level. The East Turkish isolate was found to be closely related to another strain of Turkish origin, as well as to Mccp strains isolated in Tunisia. The isolation of Mccp from sheep lung lesions brings the strict host-specificity of this pathogen into question. It may also indicate that Mccp presents a risk for wildlife in the region. Such results, the authors believe, demonstrate that adequate risk assessments should be undertaken in Turkey and neighbouring countries

    Effect of hyaluronic acid on the osseointegration of dental implants

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    yazan, murude/0000-0003-0618-9070; Onder, M Ercument/0000-0002-1488-616X; ATIL, Fethi/0000-0002-8286-4819WOS: 000457629100010PubMed: 30558816The mechanism of osseointegration is related to many factors, including the quality of the bone, the biocompatibility and surface characteristics of the implant material, the surgical technique, and functional loading. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hyaluronic acid gel on the osseointegration of implants placed in defined areas of the mandible in rabbits. Hyaluronic acid is known to have an osteoinductive effect during regeneration of bony defects, and we thought that it might also have a favourable effect on osseointegration, a specialised mechanism to heal bone. Ten New Zealand rabbits aged 10 weeks and weighing 2.5-3.0 kg were used, and sites for implants that were far enough from the apices of the teeth in the mandibular molar area were chosen. Two cavities were prepared in each rabbit, one (anterior) for the control implant, and one (posterior) for the implant with hyaluronic acid gel (Medical Instinct GmbH, Bovenden). New bone and the osteoid matrix content around the dental implants were evaluated histologically and histomorphometrically two months after the operation, and no significant difference was found between the two groups. (C) 2018 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Scientific Research Project Unity of Kirikkale UniversityThis study was supported by Scientific Research Project Unity of Kirikkale University

    Single-port Laparoscopic Surgery by Use of a Surgical Glove Port: Initial Experience with 25 Cases

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    Rezumat Chirurgie laparoscopicã cu un singur port folosind "port mãnuaeã chirurgicalã": primul studiu pe 25 de cazuri Premize: chirurgia laparoscopicã cu un singur port a câştigat popularitate în ultimii zece ani. Aceastã tehnicã este folositã în unele proceduri chirurgicale. Acest articol descrie o metodã nouã şi mai ieftinã, cunoscutã sub numele de "portul mãnuşã chirurgicalã (PMC)" sau "port improvizat" şi explicã studiul efectuat pe 25 de cazuri. Metodã: s-au efectuat unsprezece colecistectomii, reparaåia la opt hernii inghinale prin procedeu total extraperitoneal, trei splenectomii, douã rezecåii gastrice şi o procedurã anti-reflux. Rezultate: Douãzeci şi patru de proceduri din douãzeci şi cinci, au fost finalizate fãrã sã fie convertite la intervenåie deschisã sau multi-port. La un pacient care prezenta atât litiaza biliarã cât şi tumora gastrointestinalã stromalã, s-au efectuat în aceeaşi sesiune şi colecistectomie şi rezecåie gastricã parcelarã prin tehnica laparoscopicã cu un singur port "mãnuşa chirurgicalã". La un alt caz, au fost efectuate douã incizii suplimentare de câte 5 mm pentru hemostazã. Pentru cazul de reparaåie a herniei hiatale, a fost necesarã o intervenåie chirurgicalã suplimentarã pentru hemoragie postoperatorie, care a fost efectuatã prin aceeasi tehnicã cu port mãnuşã chirurgicalã. Concluzie: Chirurgia laparoscopicã cu un singur port este o tehnicã care poate fi aplicatã în cazul multor proceduri chirurgicale. PMC este o tehnicã mai nouã, pentru care unele experiente preliminare sunt deja publicate în întreaga lume. Tehnica PMC are unele avantaje cum ar fi: cost-eficienåã, implantare uşoarã şi sigurã a portului şi extracåia uşoarã a pieselor chirurgicale. De asemenea poate fi utilizatã şi pentru tratamentul complicaåiilor postoperatorii. Cuvinte cheie: laparoscopie cu un singur port, laparoscopie cu port mãnuşã chirurgicalã, depãrtãtor Alexis Abstract Background: single-port laparoscopic surgery has gained popularity over the last decade. This technique is used for several surgical procedures. This paper documents a new and cheaper access method known as "surgical glove port" or "homemade single-port", and describes our initial experience with 25 cases. Method: Eleven cholecystectomies, eight totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repairs, three splenectomies, two gastric wedge resections, and one anti-reflux procedure were performed. Results: Twenty-four procedures out of twenty-five were completed without conversion to open or multiple port techniques. An individual patient who had both cholelithiasis and gastrointestinal stromal tumor underwent both cholecystectomy and gastric wedge resection in the same session with surgical glove port technique. In another case two additional 5-mm incisions were made for hemostasis. The additional operation was required and performed by using surgical glove port for a hiatal hernia repair case, because of postoperative hemorrhage. Conclusion: Single-port laparoscopic surgery is an applicable technique for plenty of surgical procedures. Also, surgical Corresponding author: Atil Cakmak, MD Ankara Universitesi Tıp Fakultesi Ibni Sina Hastanesi Akademik Yerleske K4 06100 Sıhhıye Ankara Turkey E-mail: [email protected] glove port is a newer technique and some initial experiences have already published all over the world. Surgical glove port has advantages such as cost-effectiveness, easy and safe port implantation and specimen extraction. SGP can also be used for treating post-operative complications