101 research outputs found

    Subrecent charophyte flora from Çesşmealti (Izmir Gulf, Western Turkey): Palaeoecological implications

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    A charophyte assemblage from lower Holocene sediments in ces,mealti (Izmir Gulf, Turkey) is described and illustrated for the first time here. This assemblage is composed of well-preserved gyrogonites and oospores of Lamprothamnium papulosum, which occur in association with seeds of Ruppia cf. maritima and up to eight ostracod species and 22 benthic foraminiferal taxa. The fossil assemblage was extracted from five clay intervals of the SK-2 borehole. The presence of monospecific assemblages of L. papulosum indicates that very shallow (up to 1 m deep), brackish, alkaline, and oligotrophic waters prevailed in the gulf under strong seasonality (marked cyclical changes in humidity and/or temperature). The dominance of germinated gyrogonites suggests that the water salinity of the lagoon decreased during the humid season, reaching at least 10 parts per thousand. The associated ostracod fauna supports the palaeoenvironmental conditions inferred from the flora. Despite the gulf receiving considerable freshwater input, it remained semiconnected to the sea, as indicated by the diverse foraminifera assemblage. The availability of freshwater in the Izmir Gulf during the early Holocene Climatic Optimum, between-9000 and 5000 years BP, might have played an important role for the first human settlements in the area dating back 5500 years BP.Project TUBITAK, 2214-A International Research Fellowship Program (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) [1059B142100601]; Spanish Research Agency (AEI) [PID2020 - 113912 GB -100]; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [PID2020 - 113912 GB -100]This study was funded by the project TUBITAK, 2214-A International Research Fellowship Program 1059B142100601 Fellowship Number (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) . This work is a contribution of the project IBERINSULA (PID2020 - 113912 GB -100/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) of the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) . The authors thank the Yumun Engineering Limited Company who performed the borehole campaigns and provided the studied samples. The editor Dr. Elisabeth Gross and two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the manuscript. The English text was cor- rected by Michael Maudsley (Serveis linguistics , University of Barcelona)

    Subrecent charophyte flora from Çemealti (Izmir Gulf, Western Turkey): Palaeoecological implications

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    A charophyte assemblage from lower Holocene sediments in Çeşmealtı (Izmir Gulf, Turkey) is described and illustrated for the first time here. This assemblage is composed of well-preserved gyrogonites and oospores of Lamprothamnium papulosum, which occur in association with seeds of Ruppia cf. maritima and up to eight ostracod species and 22 benthic foraminiferal taxa. The fossil assemblage was extracted from five clay intervals of the SK-2 borehole. The presence of monospecific assemblages of L. papulosum indicates that very shallow (up to 1 m deep), brackish, alkaline, and oligotrophic waters prevailed in the gulf under strong seasonality (marked cyclical changes in humidity and/or temperature). The dominance of germinated gyrogonites suggests that the water salinity of the lagoon decreased during the humid season, reaching at least 10‰. The associated ostracod fauna supports the palaeoenvironmental conditions inferred from the flora. Despite the gulf receiving considerable freshwater input, it remained semiconnected to the sea, as indicated by the diverse foraminifera assemblage. The availability of freshwater in the Izmir Gulf during the early Holocene Climatic Optimum, between ∼9000 and 5000 years BP, might have played an important role for the first human settlements in the area dating back 5500 years BP

    Evaluation of radioactive properties and microfaunal evidence in the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles straits and Golden Horn sediments

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    The aim of this study is to investigate radioactive pollutants from pollution loads transported from the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea by the Turkish Straits System and their effects on microfauna (benthic foraminifer and ostracod) assemblages. In the study, the effects of gross alpha and beta activity on the species number, species diversity, dominant species and species richness of benthic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages were investigated in 16 bottom sediments taken from different depths in the Golden Horn, Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits. In the studied sediment samples examined 61 genera and 64 species of benthic foraminifera, 23 genera and 26 species of ostracoda were identified. In addition two migratory foraminifera species were observed as Spiroloculina antillarum of Atlantic-Pacific origin and Peneroplis pertusus of Indo-Pacific origin. A relationship between the abundance of microfauna and high gross alpha and beta values was found in the Dardanelles samples, but not in the Bosphorus and Golden Horn samples. In this  study, the highest radioactivity value was observed in the deepest bottom sediment samples. Consequently, the gross alpha and beta values were seen to be close to each other in the Dardanelles Strait and Golden Horn samples, and they had a broad-spectrum in the Bosphorus samples

    Late Tertiary ostracodes of Salbaş- İmamoğlu (Adana) region

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Adana Baseni, Salbaş-İmamoğlu yöresinde. Geç Tersiyer yaşlı ostrakod faunasını incelemek ve sistematik olarak tanıtmaktır. Bu amaçla, Geç Tersiyer yaşlı birimler olan Kuzgun ve Handere formasyonlarından 5 kesit ölçülmüş ve 150 örnek derlenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda 32 cins ve 53 tür saptanmıştır. Bu ostrakodlara göre inceleme alanının Geç Tersiyer döneminde ılık, tuzlu ve sığ denizel bir ortamın etkisi altında kaldığı belirlenmiştir.The aim of this study is to describe the late Tertiary aged Ostracoda fauna around Salbaş-İmamoğlu, Adana basin, and to introduce systematically them. In this aim 5 stratigraphical section have been measured and 150 paleontological samples have been collected from late Tertiary aged Kuzgun and Handere formation. As a result, 32 genera and 53 species of ostracodes have been fixed in late Tertiary aged units. According to these ostracodes, the study area have been affected from, warm, salty and shallow marine environment in late Tertiary time

    New observations on the age and environmental features of the Bakırköy formation based on ostracoda fauna (Küçükçekmece-İstanbul)

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    Bu araştırmada amaç; Avcılar, Cennet mahallesi ile Bahçelievler'de açılan yarmalarda yüzlek veren Bakırköy formasyonu'nun ostrakodlarını incelemek, yaş değerlendirmesi ve ortamsal yorum yapmaktır. Küçükçekmece'de, Avcılar'daki yüzlekten ölçülen kesitte İstanbul yeşil kili denilen Güngören formasyonu üzerinde uyumlu olarak Bakırköy formasyonunun killi kireçtaşı, kiltaşı ve fosilli kireçtaşı seviyeleri gözlenmiştir. En üstte de bitkisel toprak dolgu bulunmaktadır. Doğuya doğru Cennet mahallesi'nde Bakırköy formasyonu yine killerin üstünde kireçtaşı ve killi kireçtaşı ile temsil edilir. Bahçelievlerde ölçülen kesitte istif; kavkılı kireçtaşı, killi kireçtaşı ile kiltaşlarının ardalanmasından oluşmakta ve üstte de kumlu kireçtaşı ile son bulmaktadır. Araştırmada, birimden derlenen 43 örnek üzerinde çalışılmıştır. Bu örneklerde yapılan paleontolojik çalışmalar sonucunda tuzluluk açısından iki grup ostrakod topluluğu tanımlanmıştır. Bunlar; Leptocythere nodigera Pokorny, Leptocythere castanae (Sars), Loxoconcha rhombovalis Pokorny, Loxoconcha granifera (Reuss), Xestoleberis reymenti Ruggieri, Xestoleberis ventricosa Mueller, Cyprideis heterostigma sublittoralis Pokorny, Cyprideis sublittoralis Pokorny, Cyprideis torosa (Jones), Cyprideis trituberculata (Krstic)'den oluşan brahik ortam topluluğu ile Heterocypris salina salina (Brady), llyocypris bradyi (Sars), Cyclocypris sp., Candona candida (O.F.Muller), Candona neglecta Sars, Candona (Candona) parallela pannonica Zalanyi, Candona decimal Freels, Darwinula cylindrica Straub, Darwinula stevensoni (Brady ve Robertson) tatlısu ortamı topluluğudur. Bu fosillere göre adı geçen formasyonun oluşum ortamının, kıyı çizgisi boyunca gelişmiş karadan beslenmeli bir lagün olduğu söylenebilir. Sonuçta, bu çalışmada Sarmasiyen olarak bilinen Bakırköy formasyonu'nun yaşı, değinilen fosil topluluğu ve inceleme alanının doğusundaki İstanbul yeşil kiline verilen Messiniyen=Ponsiyen yaşı ile de deneştirilerek Ponsiyen olarak değerlendirilmiştir.The aim of this study is to determine of ostracode fauna, to do their chronostratigraphical and environmental evolution of Bakırköy formation Which crops out BahÇelievler, Cennet Mahallesi and Avcılar (İs-tanbul-KüÇükmece) according to new observations. Argillaceous limestone, claystone and fossiliferous limestone levels of Bakırköy formation have been observed which concordantly overly Güngören formation that named as İstanbul green clay in measured section of Avcılar, KüÇükÇekmece. Bakırköy formation also is represented by limestones and argillaceous limestones which those overlying claystones at Cennet Mahallesi which is located in the eastern part of investigated area. Bakırköy formation consists of the alternation of fossiliferous, argilleous limestone, claystone and sandy limestone at the uppermost of BahÇelievler measured section. 43 samples have been collected and studied from this unit with this research As a result of paleontological studies, two different ostracode associations have been described according to the percentage of salinity. Leptocythere nodigera Pokorny, Leptocythere castanae (Sars), Loxoconcha rhombovalis Pokorny, Loxoconcha granifera (Reuss), Xestoleberis reymenti Ruggieri, Xestoleberis ventricosa Mueller, Cyprideis heterostigma sublittoralis Pokorny, Cyprideis sublittoralis Pokorny, Cyprideis torosa (Jones), Cyprideis trituberculata (Krstic) are brakisch ostracodes and Heterocypris salina salina (Brady), llyocypris bradyi (Sars), Cyclocypris sp.,Candona Candida (O.F.Muller), Candona neglecta Sars, Candona (Candona) parallela pannonica Zalanyi, Candona decimal Freels, Darwinula cylindrica Straub, Darwinula stevensoni (Brady ve Robertson) are from the freshwater association. According to this microfauna content, Bakırköy formation has been deposited in a lagoon which has mostly continental in put. Finally, Bakırköy formation which is dated Sarmatian in the previous studies, has been evaluated Pontian in age according to the ostracode fauna and by the correlation of Messinian-Pontian aged green clays of Istanbul from the eastern part of the study area


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    Bu çalışmada, iskenderun körfezi içinde deniz sedimanlarından alman 8 adet örneğin ostrakod faunası incelenmiştir, incelenen bu örneklerde ostrakodlardan 26 cins ve 29 tur saplanmıştır. Ayrıca bu ostrakod turtennın yaşadığı dennlık ve coğrafik yayılımı da benzer çalışmalarla deneştınlmış ve topluluğun ılıman kuşağa ait olduğu ortaya konulmuştur

    Ostracode fauna of quaternary sequence at Küçüksu Palace (Anadolu Hisarı - İstanbul

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    Bu araştırmada amaç; Küçülcsu Kasrı (Anadolu Hisarı-İstanbul) temel sondajlarından alınan 98 örneğin ostrakod içeriğini incelemek ve tanımlanan ostrakod cins ve türlerine göre Kuvaterner döneminde inceleme alanındaki paleoekolojik koşulları açıklamaktır. Boğazın Anadolu tarafında bulunan inceleme alanından alınan örneklerde tanımlanan 24 ostrakod cinsi ve 40 türü bölgede brahik- brahik/denizele geçiş-denizel olarak 3 farklı ortamın varlığını belirlemektedir.The aim of this study is to examine Ostracoda fauna of 98 samples collected from foundation drillings ofKüÇüksu Palace (Anadolu Hisarı-İstanbul) and to explain the paleoecological conditions based on these ostracode species and genera in the study area during the Quaternary. 24 genera and 40 species of ostracodes, obtained from the study area located on the Anatolian side of the Bosphorus, explain that 3 various environment conditions in the region; brackish, brackish- marine, marine

    Ulukışla tersiyer istifinin stratigrafik ve mikropaleontolojik[Foraminifer ve Ostrakod] incelenmesi

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    TEZ617Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1988.Kaynakça [9] var.viii, 128 s. : hrt., res. ; 30 cm.