11 research outputs found

    Analisis Insiden Computer Vision Syndrome dengan Karakteristik Individu dan Lama Penggunaan Komputer pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir FKP UNRI Dimasa COVID-19

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    Final year students interact more often in front of computers/laptops for a long time and are vulnerable to eye health, especially during Covid-19. The use of computers/laptops for a long time is one of the risk factors that can cause CVS symptoms. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a combination of eye and vision problems associated with using a computer or laptop. the study was to describe the incidence of Computer Vision Syndrome with individual characteristics and duration of computer use in final year students of the Faculty of Nursing, the University of Riau during the Covid-19 period. The research design used quantitative descriptive analysis. A sample of 209 final-year students at the faculty of Nursing of Riau University used a total sampling technique. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire. The age of most respondents was early adulthood (96.0%), the majority were female (90.0%), and the most used computer/laptop screen size was 14 inches (59.3%), with a visibility of 30 cm (48.8 %), and the majority of students do not use assistive devices. The description of final year students who rest their eyes after using a computer/laptop for more than 2 hours is (51.2%), the length of resting the eyes is more than 15 minutes (69.4%), and the most common complaint of CVS symptoms is eye fatigue. (80.9%), and persistent complaints (23.9%). The majority of final year students used computers/laptops within 2 to 4 hours/day and students with complaints of CVS symptoms with severe categories at most thus students are expected to be able to use computers/laptops properly and correctly to avoid CVS symptoms.   Abstrak Mahasiswa tingkat akhir lebih sering berinteraksi didepan komputer/laptop dengan waktu yang lama dan rentan terhadap kesehatan mata, apalagi di masa Covid-19 seperti ini. Penggunaan komputer/laptop yang terlalu lama merupakan salah satu faktor risiko yang dapat menimbulkan gejala CVS. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) merupakan gabungan masalah mata dan penglihatan yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan komputer atau laptop. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran insiden Computer Vision Syndrome dengan karakteristik individu dan lama penggunaan komputer pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Riau dimasa Covid-19. Desain penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel sebanyak 209 mahasiswa tingkat akhir di FKp UNRI yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Umur responden terbanyak adalah dewasa awal (96,0%), mayoritas jenis kelamin perempuan (90.0%), ukuran layar komputer/laptop terbanyak digunakan adalah 14 inchi (59,3%), dengan jarak penglihatan 30 cm (48,8%), dan mayoritas mahasiswa tidak memakai alat bantu. Gambaran mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang mengistirahatkan mata setelah menggunakan komputer/laptop selama lebih dari 2 jam yaitu (51,2%), lama mengistirahatkan mata lebih dari 15 menit yaitu (69,4%), keluhan gejala CVS yang paling banyak dirasakan yaitu mata lelah (80,9%), dan keluhan yang menetap sebanyak (23,9%). Mayoritas mahasiswa tingkat akhir menggunakan komputer/laptop dalam waktu 2-4 jam/sehari dan mahasiswa dengan keluhan gejala CVS dengan kategori berat adalah yang paling banyak dirasakan sehingga diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menggunakan komputer/laptop dengan baik dan benar agar terhindar dari gejala CVS

    SOR-Like New Iterative Method for Solving the Epidemic Model and the Prey and Predator Problem

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    Our aim in this paper is to propose an SOR-like new iterative method by introducing a relaxation parameter ω to improve the new iterative method proposed by Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari (NIM) [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 316 (2006) 753–763] in order to solve two problems. The first one is the problem of the spread of a nonfatal disease in a population which is assumed to have constant size over the period of the epidemic, and the other one is the problem of prey and predator. The proposed method is not limited to these two problems but can be applicable to a wide range of systems of nonlinear functional problem. The results, for different values of ω, show that we found some known methods and our method compared to methods using the calculation of special polynomials and derivatives like the Adomian decomposition method (ADM), the calculation of the Lagrange multiplier as in the variational iterative method (VIM), or the construction of a homotopy as in the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) has several advantages, such as very effective and very simple to implement. Unfortunately, these methods do not guarantee a valid approximation in large time interval. To overcome this, we applied our method for approximating the solution of the problems in a sequence of time intervals as a multistage approach. Some numerical results are presented with plots according to the parameter ω

    Siliciclastic-carbonated system of the south-western paleotethyan margin during late visean (paleoenvironmental enregistrements and evolution in the foreland basin (Tizra : central Morocco))

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    Cette thèse présente les premiers résultats d un couplage de la sédimentologie, tectonique, biostratigraphie et la géochimie dans le bassin du Maroc central. Ce bassin constitue un témoin de la marge sud-ouest paléotéthysienne de l Afrique du Nord au Mississippien. La Fm de Tizra représente un important exemple de sédimentation mixte du Viséen. Cinq faciès sont définis: conglomérat ; grès à ciments carbonatés ; argilite, calcaire bioclastique et des microbialithes subdivisées en trois types; 1) peu profondes; 2) moyennement profondes; 3) profondes. Des nouvelles espèces de foraminifères et d algues et les environnements de dépôt sont déterminés. La Fm de Tizra a été datée de l Asbien inférieur au Brigantien terminal. Cinq séquences de dépôt sont précisées et un modèle paléogéographique régional est proposé. Les minéraux détritiques indiquent une source granitique. La néoformation de la pyrite et la préservation de sphalérite indiquent un enfouissement dans des conditions réductrices et alcalines. Les fluides oxydants transforment la pyrite en oxyhydroxydes de Fe, précipitent la barytine et forment des veines diagénétiques. Ce travail apporte les premières données sur la composition chimique de l eau de mer viséenne à partir de l analyse des TR, des rapports Y/Ho et U/Th et des deta13C et d18O. La compression hercynienne conduit à l instabilité de la microplate-forme du Tizra par l effondrement de blocs et le basculement de la série. La composition de d18O des roches totales indique un enfouissement <1300 m des sédiments. L absence de pièges pétroliers lié à une porosité et perméabilité réduites tel qu il est observé des plates-formes géantes de la Russie et du Kazakhstan.This thesis presents the first results of a combination of sedimentological, tectonic, biostratigraphic and geochemical studies in the Central Moroccan basin. This basin preserves the southwestern Paleotethyan margin of North Africa in the Mississippian. Tizra Fm represents an important outcrop of mixed sedimentation of late Visean age. Five facies are defined and described: polygenic conglomerates; calcareous sandstones; argillites; bioclastic limestones and massive microbialites. New algae and foraminifer species and the depositional environments were determined. By microfossils, Tizra Fm was dated from Early Asbian to Latest Brigantian. Five deposit sequences and regional paleogeographic model was proposed. The detrital minerals indicate granitic source rock. The neoformation of the pyrite and the preservation of sphalerite indicate burial under reducing and alkaline conditions. The infiltration of oxidizing fluids resulted in oxidation of framboidal pyrite, precipitation of barite and forming diagenetic veins. This work presents the first data on the chemical composition of Visean seawater based on the analysis of the REE, the Y/Ho and U/Th ratios and the 13C and 18O. Compressive tectonics of Hercynian age led to the instability of the Tizra microplatform and the rotation of the series during the compressive phase. The fluids accompanied these events preserve the chemical signature of Visean seawater. Bulk rock 18O compositions indicate that the sediments were buried <1300 m. The absence of oil traps is related to reduced porosity and permeability since the Visean, which prevented the storage of hydrocarbons like in the giant platforms of Russia and Kazakhstan.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Neuromarketing: Exploring the Intersection of Neuroscience and Marketing for Consumer Insight: a literature review

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    This paper provides an overview of neuromarketing, its techniques and the current state of research. We begin with a general overview of neuromarketing, briefly mentioning its history. Then we listed the specific techniques that can measure different types of activity. The most common techniques are electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and eye tracking. ....The aim of the article is to draw attention to the topicality and importance of understanding neuromarketing. This research sheds light on the authors' previous work, carried out mainly from 2002 to 2022, to analyze Neuromarketing techniques and their impact on the consumer marketplac

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Contextual Teaching And Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Al-Qur’an Hadis Siswa Kelas X di MAN 3 Solok

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar Al-Qur’an Hadis siswa kelas X di MAN 3 Solok. Hal ini terlihat pada rata-rata persentase hasil belajar Al-Qur’an Hadis siswa kelas X di MAN 3 Solok pada penilaian ujian tengah semester ganjil TP.2022/2023 banyak nilai siswa yang tidak mencapai batas KKM yaitu 75. Upaya mengatasi permasalahan ini peneliti melakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh penerapan model CTL terhadap hasil belajar Al-Qur’an Hadis siswa kelas X di MAN 3 Solok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model CTL terhadap hasil belajar Al-Qur’an Hadis siswa kelas X di MAN 3 Solok. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu quasi eksperimen dengan desain control group design. Sampel pada penelitian ini ialah kelas X IPK dan x ips-2, pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cluster sampling setelah dilakukan uji normalitas dan homogenitas. Berdasarkan analisis data terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penerapan model CTL terhadap hasil belajar siswa, dengan signifikan Sig.=0,00

    Enhancing business intelligence by means of suggestive reviews

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    Appropriate identification and classification of online reviews to satisfy the needs of current and potential users pose a critical challenge for the business environment. This paper focuses on a specific kind of reviews: the suggestive type. Suggestions have a significant influence on both consumers’ choices and designers’ understanding and, hence, they are key for tasks such as brand positioning and social media marketing. The proposed approach consists of three main steps: (1) classify comparative and suggestive sentences; (2) categorize suggestive sentences into different types, either explicit or implicit locutions; (3) perform sentiment analysis on the classified reviews. A range of supervised machine learning approaches and feature sets are evaluated to tackle the problem of suggestive opinion mining. Experimental results for all three tasks are obtained on a dataset of mobile phone reviews and demonstrate that extending a bag-of-words representation with suggestive and comparative patterns is ideal for distinguishing suggestive sentences. In particular, it is observed that classifying suggestive sentences into implicit and explicit locutions works best when using a mixed sequential rule feature representation. Sentiment analysis achieves maximum performance when employing additional preprocessing in the form of negation handling and target masking, combined with sentiment lexicons.Published versio