90 research outputs found

    Under-Utilization of Community Health Centers in Purworejo Regency, Central Java

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    The basic strategy of the Ministry of Health to achieve Health For All In Indonesia 2010 is through health paradigm, decentralization, professionalism and health service management. Community health centers play an important role to achieve the goal. Unfortunately, underutilization of community health centers is still a problem in Purworejo. The purpose of this study was to know the utilization of community health centers using a sociological health approach. Qualitative research by observation, in-depth interview and focus group discussion were done among different types of group. The study was done in Purworejo District on February and March 2000. The main problems related to under-utilization of community health centers are mostly on administration (less quality services, un-efficient, long hours waiting), strong bureaucratic system (physician has a dominant power, overlapping programs, poor coordination and integration with other divisions) and cultural behavior of the community (labeling/stigma, self-care dominant, lack of community participation). To overcome under-utilization of community health centers the administration and bureaucracy should be changed into more efficient, not bureaucratic management. In addition social changes of the community culture is needed. As a consequence through these changes the staff of the health centers will be more efficient and effective. &nbsp

    Pengobatan Tradisional, Upaya Meminimalkan Biaya Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa di Jawa

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    Background: Traditional medicine is frequently perceived asnegative and even though many people still practice. It the useof traditional medicine is mainly due cause to tradition. Thevillager tends to use traditional medicine as primary healing.This article tried to identify frequent diseases among Javaneseand economic capability to afford health cost.Methods: Ethnography study using observation and in-depthinterviewamong 48 informants and 6 key informant of peasantcommunity in Sleman, DIY and fisherman in Rembang, CentralJava, during 2007-2008. Phenomenology approach used duringdata collection and analysis.Result: Masuk angin (wind illness) is a disease whichfrequently occur among the villager. Traditional medicine wasapplied because it is inexpensive, easy, effective and suitablewith the cognitive related to the harmony (equilibrium). Theprinciple of coining was binary opposition such as: hot x cold;loose x tight; angin masuk x angin keluar; better x awful andthe equilibrium is the basic rational of traditional medicine.Recommendation: Traditional medicine must be recognizedby the government and should be in equal position to modernmedicine in order to reduce negative opinion, so the rational ofit is recognized by others.Keywords: holistic, traditional, masuk angin, effective, chea

    Acculturation in Javanese Traditional Medicine Practice in YOGYAKARTA

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    The rampant practice of traditional medicine in the big cities in Java can not be separated from the influence of globalization. The practice of traditional medicine advertised through flyers, pamphlets, signage, television and internet. In medical practice, it can not be separated from the mixture of elements of the local culture, external/ foreign as well as modern medical later adopted in order to enhance public interest in their treatment. The purpose of this article is to analyze the practice of acculturation in traditional medicine both related to methods, tools, how to advertise and meaning behind the ways the adoption of other culture into the traditional practice.An intergrative ethnographic study was conducted in Bantul and Sleman, Yogyakarta, on traditional healers such as gurah, bekham, metaphysical/ spiritual, herbal, traditional massage therapy, as well as traditional healers specifically hemorrhoids. Other information was obtained from interviews with their patients.Medical pluralism by wrapping traditional therapy combined with health culture from the outside to attract consumers with a dogmatic way in order to improve the clients made by Javanese traditional healers. They advertise with testimony on local television screen with the aim of introducing methods, tools, disease cure rates, fees, in order made populair so the number of patients increases. Acculturation appears that more and more people believe in business practices and its treatment

    Dominasi Medis Modern Atas Medis Tradisional Suku Sumuri, Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat

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    Declaration 1990-2015 MDG's 4 and 5 points in Indonesia fail due to a decrease in maternal and infant mortality rate is not reached until three quarters. Sumuri District, in West Papua is one of the area that maternal and infant mortality rates high, althought free health care for its residents. This paper wants to explore how the interaction between modern medicine and local medicine so the dominant health care in the community will be identified. Ethnographic study by living together with the local community to make the observation of the patient's health centers, community leader interviews, adult population, health workers and mini Focus Group Discussion among 4 mothers who has under 5 years old children conducted in June 2014. Government, oil and gas companies are aggressively introducing modern medical to the residents of SumuriDistrict, as a result communities have high interest to visit the health center for treatment and natural healing tends to disappear. New health institutions such as health centers, integrated health, midwives, nurses, physicians are able to shift the role of traditional birth attendants, traditional healer or traditional medicine. As a result of social relations within the extended family was replaced by a stronger role of midwives, nurses and doctors. However, the older generation tends to be more suitable with traditional healing compare to modern medicine


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    This article is an attempt to explain why the bidan kampung exists among the Banjarese. despite the existence of midwives. The data for the research were obtained from interviews with selected mothers. bidan kampung, midwives and religious leaders from the Binuang district, South Kalimantan. The results indicate that nominal or symbolic economic factors for their services and such psychological aspects as patience and peacefulness were determinant in the choice of bidan kampung. Social relationship among bidan kampung and the clients in rural society contribute to the their existence

    Health Impact of Domestic Violence Cases During Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case Study in Malang Regency of East Java

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    The impact of Covid-19 has not only affected the health sector but also economic and social sectors. In the social sector, the increase of domestic violence cases is being concern. It has a wide impact towards women’s health. This paper wants to reveal the impact of women’s health including reproductive health suffered by domestic violence victims and how they find solutions to the problems they face. Data collection was using ethnographic research methods from April to June 2021 in Malang regency. Observations and interviews were conducted towards 5 domestic violence victims and 2 associate staffs of domestic violence victims. Data analysis was carried out by classifying the data with the classification of minor, severe and reproductive health impacts.  As a result, researcher found that domestic violence victims suffer health impact both physically and psychologically. Physically, they are experiencing bruises, swelling, up to stitches on the part of their body. While psychologically, they feel common to deep fear, cannot sleep well, feel insecure to experience trauma. As the impact of reproductive health, the victim suffered miscarriage. The victims are needed assistance to be brave enough to speak up and seek protection quickly and accurately


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    Background: Traditional medicine is frequently perceived asnegative and even though many people still practice. It the useof traditional medicine is mainly due cause to tradition. Thevillager tends to use traditional medicine as primary healing.This article tried to identify frequent diseases among Javaneseand economic capability to afford health cost.Methods: Ethnography study using observation and in-depthinterviewamong 48 informants and 6 key informant of peasantcommunity in Sleman, DIY and fisherman in Rembang, CentralJava, during 2007-2008. Phenomenology approach used duringdata collection and analysis.Result: Masuk angin (wind illness) is a disease whichfrequently occur among the villager. Traditional medicine wasapplied because it is inexpensive, easy, effective and suitablewith the cognitive related to the harmony (equilibrium). Theprinciple of coining was binary opposition such as: hot x cold;loose x tight; angin masuk x angin keluar; better x awful andthe equilibrium is the basic rational of traditional medicine.Recommendation: Traditional medicine must be recognizedby the government and should be in equal position to modernmedicine in order to reduce negative opinion, so the rational ofit is recognized by others.Keywords: holistic, traditional, masuk angin, effective, chea

    Jamu: Javanese Doping During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Jamu is a part of traditional medicine that draws many people's attention today. This can be seen in the increasing consumption of jamu in Indonesian society. This increase can be influenced by the decision of the Indonesian people to consume jamu as an effort to prevent Covid-19. This study revealed the reasons behind the choice of jamu as an effort to prevent Covid-19 in some Indonesian people, especially in rural Javanese people where jamu is very closely related to their lives. This research was conducted in Mojorejo Village, Kebonsari District, Madiun Regency by involving 20 informants obtained through purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted from April to June 2021. The ethnographic method was used to enable the researchers to dig deeper into the informants' experiences regarding herbal medicine. The researchers analyzed the research data by coding and included secondary data to enrich the findings.Rural Javanese people choose jamu as doping during the Covid-19 pandemic for three reasons, including the tradition of drinking jamu, its immune booster properties, and the 3M (mudah, murah, manjur) [Easy, Cheap, Effective] aspects of jamu. Jamu ingredients that include ginger, curcuma, aromatic ginger, turmeric, and tamarind are believed to be able to boost their immune system during the pandemic

    Nutritional Ignorance: Dietary Habit of Under-Five Children With Stunted Growth in Labotan Kandi Village, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Islands

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    Stunting in under-five children is mostly due to unbalanced nutritional intake. Stunting is a health problem that requires further treatment. Taking care of the diet is a shortcut to the improvement of child nutrition and growth. This study aimed to examine the dietary habits formed by parents of under-five children with stunted growth. The study was conducted in Labotan Kandi Village, South Bulagi District, Banggai Islands Regency, Central Sulawesi. The data were collected through a series of observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation. This research was carried out from July to August 2022 by conducting interviews with 18 mothers of children under five years that fall into the stunting category (based on weighing data of February 2022). The results show that the formation of dietary habit in under-five children with stunted growth is done in simple and careless manners. Children mainly consume tubers in their daily diet, including bete, kela, ndeke, kasibi, and ubi Banggai. Access to fruits and vegetables (such as chayote, papaya, and ferns leaves) and animal protein (such as fish, chicken, beef, and pork) is still very limited, and they cannot be accessed every day. As long as the child is quiet, does not cry, and eats till full, parents no longer think about the nutritional needs that must be met by their children who fall into the stunting category. Keywords: Under-5 Children, Labotan Kandi Village, Eating Behavior&nbsp

    Mitos dan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Desa Tentang Kanker Payudara

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    Background: Breast cancer is a scary disease among the society. Myths related to breast cancer that still exist in society will affect their preventive behavior.Objective: To identify the knowledge and myths  in society about breast cancer.Method: This ethnographic study used participatory observation and in-depth interviews with 12 informants consisting of 3 breast cancer patients and 9 non-breast cancer survivors in Jlegiwinangun Village, Kutowinangun, Kebumen, Central Java.Results and Discussion: Breast cancer was considered a frightening disease that can be caused by heredity, eating patterns, and unhealthy behavior. The existing of breast cancer myths, which dispread verbally is indicated that myths is important as preventive behavior.Conclusion: Knowledge and myths of breast cancer in Jlegiwinangun Village are a part of preventive behavior. The existing of  myths are indicated the limited insight and information related aetiology, cure and prevention to breast cancer.Kata kunci: myths, community knowledge, village, breast cance
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