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    The purpose of article writing to determine the significant relationship between affection and attention to the confidence of adolescents living in the Al-Kazem Aceh Besar Orphanage. This research uses correlation method with quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used ques- tionnaires. While the sampling technique using total sampling. The total sampling technique in the study was all female teenagers living at the Al-Kazem Aceh Besar Orphanage, which amounted to 34 people, especially young women aged 11-17 years. The results of study show (1) The correlation coefficient between affection and adolescent self-confidence showed a fairly strong correlation level, (2) the correlation coefficient between attention and confidence showed strong relation rate, and (3) coefficient The correlation between affection and attention with adolescent self-confidence shows a fairly strong.

    Hubungan Dukungan Dan Motivasi Keluarga Terhadap Pelaksanaan Pengobatan Kanker

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    ABSTRACT: THE RELATIONSHIP OF FAMILY SUPPORT AND MOTIVATION TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CANCER TREATMENT Background: Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy sometimes feel pessimistic that their disease cannot be overcome and cannot be cured, to reduce pessimism, family support and management is needed so that the continuity of chemotherapy that is carried out by the client can run smoothly so that they have the motivation to recover. Purpose: This study was to determine the relationship between family support and motivation for the implementation of cancer treatment.Methods: Searching journals during July 2020 using online databases such as Google Scholar, Pubmed, Ebsco, with PRISMA format, obtained 20 articles.Results: Based on the existing cases and the collection of journals on family support and motivation in cancer treatment, the data showed varied data, but overall 67% family support and 33% motivational support in the process of treating patients with cancer.Conclusion: From the results of several studies that there is an influence of family support and motivation in increasing motivation to recover. Keywords: family support, motivation, cancer treatment  INTISARI: HUBUNGAN DUKUNGAN DAN MOTIVASI KELUARGA TERHADAP  PELAKSANAAN PENGOBATAN KANKER Latar Belakang : Pasian kanker yang menjalani kemoterapi kadang-kadang merasa pesimis bahwa penyakitnya tidak dapat diatasi dan tidak dapat sembuh, untuk mengurangi pesimis itu diperlukan dukungan keluarga dan penatalaksanaannya agar kelangsungan kemoterapi yang dijalani oleh klien tersebut dapat berjalan lancar sehingga mempunyai motivasi untuk sembuh.Tujuan : Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan dan motivasi keluarga terhadap pelaksaan pengobatan kanker.Metode : Pencarian jurnal selama Juli 2020 menggunakan data base online seperti Google cendekia, Pubmed, Ebsco, dengan format PRISMA didapatkan 20 artikel.Hasil : Berdasarkan kasus yang ada dan pengumpulan jurnal terhadap dukungan dan motivasi keluaga dalam pengobatan kanker menunjukan data yang bervariasi, tetapi secara keseluruhan 67% dukungan keluarga dan 33% dukungan motivasi dalam proses pengobatan pasien dengan kanker.Kesimpulan: Dari hasil beberapa penelitian bahwa ada pengaruh dukungan dan motivasi keluarga dalam meningkatkan motivasi untuk sembuh. Kata Kunci :  Dukungan keluarga, Motivasi, Pengobatan kanke