11 research outputs found

    Treatment of symptomatic calcaneal lipoma with osseoscopy using a synthetic allograft

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    Objective: This study evaluated the results of symptomatic calcaneal lipoma patients treated with a recently introduced minimally invasive arthroscopic method. Materials and methods: Seven patients treated with osseoscopy in our clinic for calcaneal lipoma between 2013 and 2018 were evaluated. The median age of the patients was 37.7 years and five were male. The common compliant of the patients was pain that partially disrupted daily life. Surgery was utilized for patients who did not respond to conservative methods (sports restriction, partial weight bearing, and heel support) had persistent pain longer than 3 months and had a risk of impending fracture (>30% loss in trabecular bones). Results: The mean follow-up period after surgery was 21 (12–33) months. In all patients, the location of the ICL was in Ward’s triangle and the mean size was 28.8 (20-43) mm. According to Milgram’s classification, three ICLs were stage I, two were stage II, and two were stage III. The radiological result was evaluated using the classification system of Glutting and Chang. There was no persistent cyst and no recurrence. The radiological success rate was 100%. The mean ankle-hindfoot scale score (max. 100 pts) increased from a preoperative 74.7 ± 5.3 points (range: 69–83) to a postoperative 96.7 ± 2.62 points (range: 93-100). Conclusions: In the treatment of calcaneal lipoma, treatment with osseoscopy is easy and fast, has low complication rates, and is a cosmetically desirable alternative. The use of synthetic allografts to fill the cavity is a safe, inexpensive, and easy alternative

    Improved outcomes in distal tibial non-union: A retrospective study of 8 patients treated with distal tibial nail and screw fixation

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    Background: Non-union of distal tibia fractures is a challenge in orthopedic surgery and can be due to open fractures, osteopenia, infection, or failure of surgical devices. This retrospective study aimed to describe 8 patients with non-union of distal tibial fractures treated with distal tibial nail and screw fixation. Material/Methods: According to the Gustilo-Anderson classification, 3 patients had type 2 open fractures, 1 had a type 3 open fracture, 1 had a type 1 open fracture, and 3 had closed fractures. The Association of Osteosynthesis AO classified 4 patients as A2, 2 as B2, and 2 as C2. Seven patients received distal supporting bolt-locking-screw nails (DSBLS) and 1 received DSBLS nail and plate in their most recent operation. Clinical outcomes were evaluated with American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) and Olerud-Molander scores. Results: All 8 patients were male, with a mean age of 35.5±14.6 years. Six patients had atrophic non-union, 1 had hypertrophic non-union, and 1 had infected non-union. Union was achieved in all patients. The average union time was 25.1 (range, 12-60) months, and the follow-up duration was 3.6 (range, 2-6) years. The mean Olerud-Molander score was 92.5 (range 85-100), and the mean AOFAS score was 91.2 (range, 85-100). There was no evidence of rotational deformity or shortening. Conclusions: Distal tibial non-unions benefit from nails with DSBLS system due to their excellent biomechanical properties. These nails facilitate union and allow patients to bear weight early in the postoperative period, enabling a quicker return to normal activities

    Comparative analysis of percutaneous excision and radiofrequency ablation for osteoid osteoma

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    BACKGROUND This retrospective study aims to compare the efficacy of computed tomography-guided percutaneous excision and radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of osteoid osteoma. MATERIAL AND METHODS We evaluated 40 patients with osteoid osteoma who underwent either percutaneous excision or radiofrequency ablation between 2012 and 2015. The cohort consisted of 10 female and 30 male patients, with a mean age of 15.1 years (range: 4-27 years) and a mean follow-up time of 19.02 months (range: 11-39 months). Percutaneous excision was performed in 20 patients, while radiofrequency ablation was performed in the remaining 20 patients. RESULTS The success rates of percutaneous excision and radiofrequency ablation were comparable, with unsuccessful outcomes observed in 10% and 5% of patients, respectively. The reasons for failure in the percutaneous excision group were attributed to a marking error and incomplete excision of the wide-based nidus. Complications were limited to pathological fracture (n=1) and deep infection (n=1) in the percutaneous excision group, while no complications were encountered in the radiofrequency ablation group. CONCLUSIONS Both percutaneous excision and radiofrequency ablation demonstrate high success rates in treating osteoid osteoma. However, radiofrequency ablation offers the advantage of a quicker return to daily activities without the need for activity restrictions or splints. While being a more cost-effective option, percutaneous excision should be considered cautiously to minimize potential complications

    Application of vac in type III open fractures

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    WOS: 000445434700007Aim: Functional results of patients with Type III open long bone fractures treated with vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) and approximating sutures were evaluated. Material and Method: A total of 21 patients (4 female, 17 male with a mean age of 27 years, range: 3-64 years) with Gustilo-Andersen Type 3 open fracture were included in the study. The mean follow-up period was 25.67 months (range, 9-52 months). Thirteen patients had Type IIIB and eight patients had Type IIIC open fractures. Following a large debridement and irrigation in an operating room setting, wound dimensions were measured. Subsequently, VAC was applied. During the application, skin traction sutures were applied over the vacuum sponge. During the last dressing change in which a dean granulation tissue was obtained, the wound was closed following the measurement of its dimensions. Wound dimensions measured during the large debridement in the operating room were compared with the wound dimensions measured after the final VAC application. Results: Mean duration between trauma and operation was 7.57 hours (range, 2-23 hours). The wound was closed with delayed primary suturing in seven patients. In the remaining 14 patients, wound dimensions measured following the last VAC application were found to be decreased with a mean of 40.02% (range, 20-60%). Seven patients underwent a skin graft, two had a free flap application, four had a fasciocutaneous flap, and one had a fasciocutaneous flap + graft application. Two patients underwent revision operations for graft failure. Five patients (23.8%) developed a deep wound infection. The infections resulted in osteomyelitis in two patients (9.5%). Discussion; VAC application together with skin traction sutures in Type IIIB and C open fractures decreases wound size dimension of a graft or flap to be applied. Also it may reduce the requirement for secondary interventions

    Our results of mini open approach in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the results of patients underwent surgical release with mini open surgical method due to Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and the surgical technique. Methods: 50 wrists of the 42 patients that we could reach after they were applied mini open surgical method between 2009- 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. After surgery, patients were followed for an average 47.4 months. CTS was detected in 26 of the patients in right hand, in 10 of the patients in left hand and in seven of them bilaterally. In 27 Preoperative patients advanced in 21 intermediate and in 2 mild Electromyography (EMG) findings compliant with CTS were found. Results: We did not apply a second operation to any of our patients. None of the patients showed any post operative sensitivity on scar tissue and there was no neurovascular damage in any patients during the surgery. The patients returned to their daily activities average on the 10th day after the surgery [range 7-15 days]. In their follow up EMG was not done on a routine basis to the patients. Patients were followed clinically. Conclusion: The advantages of the surgery process we conducted with over pillar mini incision compared to other techniques that there is less pillar region pain and less scar tenderness, shorter return to work and the technique is efficient, cheap and easy to apply

    Açık Tibia Kırıklarının Minimal İnvaziv Teknikle Kilitli Plakla Tedavinin Orta Dönem Sonuçları

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    Amaç: Açık tibia kırıklarının tedavisinde minimal invazivperkütan plakla osteosentez (MIPPO) tekniğiyle yerleştirilen kilitli kompresyon plağı (LCP) ile tedavinin orta dönem sonuçlarını değerlendirmektir. Yöntemler: Mart 2008 - Aralık 2009 yılları arasında, açık tibiakırığı nedeniyle MIPO tekniğiyle cerrahi olarak tedavi edilen ortalama yaşı 32 (dağılım 16-64 yaş) ve ortalama takip süresi 18 ay (dağılım 12-30 ay) olan 41 hastanın (32 Erkek, 9 kadın) tedavi sonuçları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastalarınaçık kırık sınıflaması içinGustillo-Anderson sınıflandırması kullanıldı. Buna göre 13 (%31,7) kırık Tip I, 21 (%51,2) kırık Tip II , 6 (%14,6) kırık Tip IIIA, 1 (%2,4) kırık Tip III C olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların fonksiyonel sonuçları Karlstrom-Olerud fonksiyonel değerlendirme ölçütlerine göre belirlendi. Bulgular: Kırıkların kaynama süresi ortalama 29 hafta (dağılım 20-60 hafta) idi. 41 hastanın 38’inde tam kaynama, 3’ünde kaynama gecikmesi görüldü. 2 hastamızda plak yetmezliği gelişti, bu hastaların birine otogreftle beraber plak değişimi diğerine sadece plak değişimi yapıldı. Kalstrom-Olerudskorlamasına göre 7 (%17,1) hasta mükemmel, 27 (%65,9) hasta iyi, 4 (%9,8) hasta orta, 3 (%7,3) hastada tatmin edici sonuç elde edildi. On hastada yüzeyelenfeksiyon, bir hastada derin enfeksiyon bir hastada da osteomyelit gelişti. Yüzeyelenfeksiyon oral antibioterapiyle tedavi edilirken derin enfeksiyon ve osteomyelit seri debridman ve parenteralantibioterapiyle tedavi edildi. Sonuç: MIPPO tekniğiyle biyolojik tespit düşük enfeksiyon, yüksek kaynama oranı ile açık tibia kırıklarının acil ve kalıcı tedavisinde uygulanabilecek etkili bir yöntemdir

    Effect of insulin-like growth factor-1 and hyaluronic acid in experimentally produced osteochondral defects in rats

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    OZKUL, EMIN/0000-0003-2149-8154WOS: 000381289600012PubMed: 27512224Background: The common purpose of almost all methods used to treat the osteochondral injuries is to produce a normal cartilage matrix. However current methods are not sufficient to provide a normal cartilage matrix. For that reason, researchers have studied to increase the effectiveness of this methods using chondrogenic and chondroprotective molecules in recent experimental studies. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and hyaluronic acid (HA) are two important agents used in this field. This study compared the effects of IGF-1 and HA in an experimental osteochondral defect in rat femora. Materials and Methods: The rats were divided into three groups ( n = 15 per group) as follows: The IGF-1 group, HA group, and control group. An osteochondral defect of a diameter of 1.5 mm and a depth of 2 mm was created on the patellar joint side of femoral condyles. The IGF-1 group received an absorbable gelatin sponge soaked with 15 g/15 l of IGF-1, and the HA group received an absorbable gelatin sponge soaked with 80 g HA. The control group received only an absorbable gelatin sponge. Rats were sacrificed at the 6 (th) week, and the femur condyles were evaluated histologically. Results: According to the total Mankin scale, there was a statistically significant difference between IGF-1 and HA groups and between IGF-1 and control groups. There was also a significant statistical difference between HA and control groups. Conclusion: It was shown histopathologically that IGF-1 is an effective molecule for osteochondral lesions. Although it is weaker than IGF-1, HA also strengthened the repair tissue

    Distributed generation system planning based on renewable energy source

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    Distributed generation systems are needed in order to use existing energy resources efficiently and to meet energy needs. Although the interconnection of distributed generation systems with renewable sources offers many advantages, technical difficulties may arise from the inappropriate integration of distributed generation. Therefore, optimal planning of distributed generation is very important for the distributed grid to provide the expected power. Optimizing production systems is used to increase efficiency, provide flexibility in electrical systems, reduce costs and reduce power fluctuations. Meta-heuristic algorithms are more suitable for multi-purpose applications. In this study, the renewable energy source and energy storage system in the distributed generation system are also mentioned. Some of the optimization methods used for optimal planning of the distributed system are also included