118 research outputs found


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    Psoriasis is a common chronic, recurrent, autoimmune disease of the skin and joints. It can have a significant negative impact on the physical, emotional and psychosocial well-being of affected patients. The use of modern medicine has greatly improved psoriasis treatment by providing symptomatic relief. However, some individuals fail to respond to treatment or lose initial efficacy, and it may be difficult to find the optimal treatment for these patients. Also, modern medicines have their own side effects in long course. The Ayurvedic diagnosis is considered as Kitibhakushta, which is a Vata-kapha predominant Kushta. Here, an effort was made to treat a forty-nine years old male diagnosed with long standing moderate to severe erythrodermic psoriasis who had received systemic therapies in modern medicine without sufficient response previously, by classical Ayurvedic regimen. As the principle of treatment of all types of Kushta is Samshodhana along with Samshamana drugs, in this study, Virechana was given followed by which Samshamana drugs were given for 30 days. Assessment of skin lesions were done at the end of treatment

    Multi-wavelength spectral modelling of the candidate neutrino blazar PKS 0735+178

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    The BL Lac object PKS 0735+178 was in its historic γ\gamma-ray brightness state during December 2021. This period also coincides with the detection of a neutrino event IC211208A, which was localized close to the vicinity of PKS 0735+178. We carried out detailed γ\gamma-ray timing and spectral analysis of the source in three epochs (a) quiescent state (E1E_{1}), (b) moderate activity state (E2E_{2}) and (c) high activity state (E3E_{3}) coincident with the epoch of neutrino detection. During the epoch of neutrino detection (E3E_{3}), we found the largest variability amplitude of 95%. The γ\gamma-ray spectra corresponding to these three epochs are well fit by the power law model and the source is found to show spectral variations with a softer when brighter trend. In the epoch E3E_{3}, we found the shortest flux doubling/halving time of 5.75 hrs. Even though the spectral energy distribution in the moderate activity state and in the high activity state could be modeled by the one-zone leptonic emission model, the spectral energy distribution in the quiescent state required an additional component of radiation over and above the leptonic component. Here we show that a photo-meson process was needed to explain the excess γ\gamma-ray emission in the hundreds of GeV which could not be accounted for by the synchrotron self-Compton process.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Community-based fisheries management

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    Does the fishery management regime in the Indian context require a reinvigoration? This is one of the queries which often becomes conspicuous, while speaking the present fishery management system prevailing in a developing country like India. Though the answer for the question is ‘yes’, it can also be a debatable issue highlighting both affirmative and negative sides of fishery management in the strict literal sense. Rather than exploring the intricacies of the meaning of ‘re-invigoration’ with a surgical postmortem approach, this paper is a simple and subtle effort on addressing the sociological issues by harnessing the paradigm of co-management ultimately for augmenting the fishery management perspective in the Indian context. It is a truth that, in the scenario of Indian Fisheries Management regime, the ‘questions’ are very tough and timid, but answers are so simple and known to everyone, though the impediment is the practical implementation part. The open access regime prevailing in the harvesting of marine fishery resources in our country warrants stronger emphasis on invoking technological innovations as well as management paradigms that reconcile livelihood issues with concerns on resource conservation. It is a truth that, innovations do not emerge in a socio-political vacuum. Of course, it is the extent of partnership between the research and the client system that decides the fate of any technology in terms of its adoption or rejection. Quite rational utilization of common property resources for sustainable development without endangering the environment is possible through community participation. For more than 6 million fishers and fish farmers, fisheries are a source of livelihood in India

    Empowering fisherwomen after tsunami in Kerala: Institutional lessons and insights

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    The present study describes the status of multiday drift gillnet fishery for tuna from Chennai fishing harbour based on data for the years 2016 – 2017. The data is also compared with that during 1999- 2006. Both the craft and gear increased in size with consequent extension of fishing grounds and increase in the number of days/ fishing trip. The size of the boats increased to 20-23 m OAL from 11-12 m OAL and weight of the gear from 1 to more than 6 t. Annual average catch increased to 8523 t during 2016-2017 from 595 t during 1999-2006. Average catch per unit effort was 8310 kg as against 730 kg during 1999-2006. Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares and Skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis were the dominant species. The stock position of skipjack tuna and yellowfin tuna vis-àvis the three indicators indicated that the percentage of mature yellowfin tuna in the catch in 2017 was 68%, fish in optimum length 35% and mega-spawners 33% whereas in skipjack tuna the respective percentages were 99.5, 21.1 and 79.1. Problems and prospects of multiday tuna drift gillnet fishery are also discussed

    Age distribution of exoplanet host stars: Chemical and Kinematics age proxies from GAIA DR3

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    The GAIA space mission is impacting astronomy in many significant ways by providing a uniform, homogeneous and precise data set for over 1 billion stars and other celestial objects in the Milky Way and beyond. Exoplanet science has greatly benefited from the unprecedented accuracy of stellar parameters obtained from GAIA. In this study, we combine photometric, astrometric, and spectroscopic data from the most recent Gaia DR3 to examine the kinematic and chemical age proxies for a large sample of 2611 exoplanets hosting stars whose parameters have been determined uniformly. Using spectroscopic data from the Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) onboard GAIA, we show that stars hosting massive planets are metal-rich and α\alpha-poor in comparison to stars hosting small planets. The kinematic analysis of the sample reveals that the stellar systems with small planets and those with giant planets differ in key aspects of galactic space velocity and orbital parameters, which are indicative of age. We find that the galactic orbital parameters have a statistically significant difference of 0.06 kpc for ZmaxZ_{max} and 0.03 for eccentricity respectively. Furthermore, we estimated the stellar ages of the sample using the MIST-MESA isochrone models. The ages and its proxies for the planet-hosting stars indicate that the hosts of giant planetary systems are younger compared to the population of stars harboring small planets. These age trends are also consistent with the chemical evolution of the galaxy and the formation of giant planets from the core-accretion process.Comment: Accepted for Publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Facile synthesis of 4H-chromene derivatives via base-mediated annulation of ortho-hydroxychalcones and 2-bromoallyl sulfones

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    Abstract The cesium carbonate-mediated reaction of 2-bromoallyl sulfones and ortho-hydroxychalcones furnished 3-arylsulfonyl-4H-chromene derivatives in 58-67% yield (18 examples). 2-Bromoallyl sulfones functioned as synthetic surrogates for allenyl sulfones in the reaction. Findings Benzo [b]dihydropyran, commonly known as 4H-chromene (1), is a privileged heterocyclic scaffold that is found in a variety of biologically active natural and synthetic products The utility of some of these methods are limited by drawbacks such as lengthy substrate synthesis, high cost of catalysts and tedious procedures. Therefore, general synthetic methods for accessing substituted chromene derivatives from readily available materials are still in demand. During the course of our recent investigations on annulation reactions of unsaturated sulfones The facile cyclocondenzation of salicylaldehyde with 2a (Scheme 1, path c) prompted us to explore analogous annulation reactions for the synthesis of functionalized chromene derivatives. The biological activities exhibited by many 4H-chromene derivatives provided an added incentive for this investigation Scheme 2: Base-mediated cyclization reaction of o-hydroxychalcone 7a and 2-bromoallyl sulfone 2a. In the 1 H NMR spectrum of 8aa, three sets of doublet of doublets were visible at δ 4.52 (1H, J = 2.3 and 9.0 Hz), δ 3.58 (1H, J = 2.3 and 17.1 Hz) and δ 3.33 (1H, J = 9.0 and 17.1 Hz) arising from the -CH 2 -CH-fragment. The methyl group protons resonated as a singlet at δ 2.51. A peak at δ 197.4 in the 13 C NMR spectrum along with the absorption peak at 1680 cm −1 in the IR spectrum confirmed the presence of the keto group. All other signals were in agreement with the assigned structure. In order to explore the scope and generality of this facile 4H-chromene synthesis, a variety of o-hydroxychalcones were prepared as previously described (Scheme 3) The cesium carbonate-mediated reaction of 2-bromoallyl sulfones 2a,b with o-hydroxychalcones 7a-i proceeded uneventfully to afford the corresponding 2-methyl-3-arylsulfonyl-4H-chromene derivatives 8aa-8ib (Scheme 4). The annulation reaction appears to be general as evident from the results in Scheme 4. The chalcone component can accommodate chloro, bromo and methoxy groups as aromatic substituents. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon frameworks (naphthalene and anthracene rings) as well as a representative heterocyclic ring (furan) may be incorporated into the 4H-chromene skeleton product by using chalcones (7c, 7d, and 7e, respectively) functionalized with these moieties. Disappointingly, attempts to extend the annulation reaction to phenols with other Michael acceptors at the ortho-position (such as unsaturated esters, enals and nitroolefins) were not successful. Additionally, a very low yield (ca. 10%) of the product 8aa was obtained when the chalcone formation (7a) and its annulation reaction with 2a were combined into a one-pot operation (mediated by KOH in ethanol). A plausible mechanistic rationalization of the 4H-chromene formation is presented in Scheme 5. Cesium carbonate mediates the dehydrobromination of 2a to produce the allenyl sulfone 5 (see Scheme 1, path d). Additionally, deprotonation of 7a by Cs 2 CO 3 generates the phenoxide anion 9. A hetero-Michael addition of 5 and 9 results in the formation of a stabilized carbanion which may be represented as the resonance structures 10 or 11. The α-sulfonyl carbanion 11 then undergoes an intramolecular Michael addition to the β-carbon of the enone unit to afford the enolate 12. Isomerization of the exocyclic olefin moiety of 12 into the endocyclic position may be assisted by internal proton transfer. Tautomerization of the resultant enol 13 to its keto form affords the final product 8aa. It may be Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 16-21. 19 noted that the key carbon-carbon bond forming event (conversion of 11 to 12) here is completely regioselective as the Michael addition of the stabilized carbanion 11 occurs selectively at the α-sulfonyl position (not at the less hindered terminal of the allylic carbanion 11). Conclusion In conclusion, a base-mediated, facile synthesis of 3-sulfonyl-4H-chromenes from o-hydroxychalcones and 2-bromoallyl sulfones was developed. The starting materials are easily available and the reaction conditions are mild. 2-Bromoallyl sulfones Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 16-21. 20 Scheme 5: A plausible mechanistic rationalization for the formation of 4H-chromene derivative 8aa from 7a and 2a

    The Internet for Information and Communication

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    Now let‘s come across with the relevance of internet in ICT. We are in the midst of Information and Communication revolution. The world is rapidly shrinking to a 'global village', which some call a global family. In the merger of telephony, television and computers, a new world of Communications is evolving. What triggered this undreamt of merger is the emergence of Internet through which millions of computers and computer networks connected with each other exchanging information. The word Internet flashes many images upon the canvas of the mind. The applications aspect of Internet is the multitude of different services it offers, example' email, searching information over web, discussion groups etc. The Internet was started as a military network in USA and has undergone tremendous change over a period of time, offering variety of services to the users. The Internet is a huge resource of information that was accessed by millions of users every day, accounts to 100 terra bits of data passes through internet backbone for every minute. As per the ITU (International Telecommunications Union, www.itu.int website) Information, there were 1.13 billion subscribers to Internet in December 2006

    Synthesis, spectroscopic characterisation, corrosion inhibition studies and dyeing properties of lanthanide(III) complexes of 1-[(3-carboxyethyl-4,5-dimethylthiophen-2-yl)azo]-2-naphthol

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    489-498Ligational behaviour of the heterocyclic ligand obtained by coupling of diazotized 2-amino-3-carboxyethyl-4,5-dimethylthiophene with β-naphthol towards some selected lanthanide(III) ions has been studied. Various spectral and physico-chemical techniques have been used to confirm the coordination sites of the ligand (HTAN) and its lanthanide(III) complexes. It has been observed that these ligands coordinate to the metal ions in a neutral tridentate fashion. Thermal stability of metal chelates and structural stability of the chelating agent has been studied by thermal analysis. As lanthanides and azo dyes are reported as good corrosion inhibitors we have examined the corrosion inhibition activities of HTAN and its metal complexes. Also dyeing properties of the azo dye and some of its selected complexes towards cotton fabrics has been evaluated, as the traditional application field of the synthetic azo dyes still remains in the textile industry