84 research outputs found

    Reducing GBA2 activity ameliorates neuropathology in niemann-pick type C mice

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    The enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GBA) hydrolyses glucosylceramide (GlcCer) in lysosomes. Markedly reduced GBA activity is associated with severe manifestations of Gaucher disease including neurological involvement. Mutations in the GBA gene have recently also been identified as major genetic risk factor for Parkinsonism. Disturbed metabolism of GlcCer may therefore play a role in neuropathology. Besides lysosomal GBA, cells also contain a non-lysosomal glucosylceramidase (GBA2). Given that the two β-glucosidases share substrates, we speculated that over-activity of GBA2 during severe GBA impairment might influence neuropathology. This hypothesis was studied in Niemann-Pick type C (Npc1-/-) mice showing secondary deficiency in GBA in various tissues. Here we report that GBA2 activity is indeed increased in the brain of Npc1-/- mice. We found that GBA2 is particularly abundant in Purkinje cells (PCs), one of the most affected neuronal populations in NPC disease. Inhibiting GBA2 in Npc1-/- mice with a brain-permeable low nanomolar inhibitor significantly improved motor coordination and extended lifespan in the absence of correction in cholesterol and ganglioside abnormalities. This trend was recapitulated, although not to full extent, by introducing a genetic loss of GBA2 in Npc1-/- mice. Our findings point to GBA2 activity as therapeutic target in NPC

    Effectiveness of life skills training on increasing self-esteem of high school students

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    AbstractObjective This study designed to investigate effectiveness of training life skills on adolescents’ students. Method This study is a pseudo-experimental study which accomplished on 160 students in Karaj city. Subjects of the study selected randomly from list of students in all of the schools of Karaj; then they divided randomly in two groups. Trained counsellors taught the life skills to students of the study group, and 80 reminder subjects assigned as control group. After educating the training program, subjects administered Cooper Smith self-esteem questionnaire (58-items version). Results Findings of the study indicated that life skills training lead to significant increase of self-esteem in study group in contrast to control group subjects. Conclusion Psycho education and mental health programs such as life skills training could cause to increase the necessary skills in students and decline school and educational problems

    Heterochromatin protein 1 is recruited to various types of DNA damage

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    Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) family members are chromatin-associated proteins involved in transcription, replication, and chromatin organization. We show that HP1 isoforms HP1-α, HP1-β, and HP1-γ are recruited to ultraviolet (UV)-induced DNA damage and double-strand breaks (DSBs) in human cells. This response to DNA damage requires the chromo shadow domain of HP1 and is independent of H3K9 trimethylation and proteins that detect UV damage and DSBs. Loss of HP1 results in high sensitivity to UV light and ionizing radiation in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating that HP1 proteins are essential components of DNA damage response (DDR) systems. Analysis of single and double HP1 mutants in nematodes suggests that HP1 homologues have both unique and overlapping functions in the DDR. Our results show that HP1 proteins are important for DNA repair and may function to reorganize chromatin in response to damage

    Comparison of RBE values of high- LET α-particles for the induction of DNA-DSBs, chromosome aberrations and cell reproductive death

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various types of radiation effects in mammalian cells have been studied with the aim to predict the radiosensitivity of tumours and normal tissues, e.g. DNA double strand breaks (DSB), chromosome aberrations and cell reproductive inactivation. However, variation in correlations with clinical results has reduced general application. An additional type of information is required for the increasing application of high-LET radiation in cancer therapy: the Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) for effects in tumours and normal tissues. Relevant information on RBE values might be derived from studies on cells in culture.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To evaluate relationships between DNA-DSB, chromosome aberrations and the clinically most relevant effect of cell reproductive death, for ionizing radiations of different LET, dose-effect relationships were determined for the induction of these effects in cultured SW-1573 cells irradiated with gamma-rays from a Cs-137 source or with α-particles from an Am-241 source. RBE values were derived for these effects. Ionizing radiation induced foci (IRIF) of DNA repair related proteins, indicative of DSB, were assessed by counting gamma-H2AX foci. Chromosome aberration frequencies were determined by scoring fragments and translocations using premature chromosome condensation. Cell survival was measured by colony formation assay. Analysis of dose-effect relations was based on the linear-quadratic model.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that, although both investigated radiation types induce similar numbers of IRIF per absorbed dose, only a small fraction of the DSB induced by the low-LET gamma-rays result in chromosome rearrangements and cell reproductive death, while this fraction is considerably enhanced for the high-LET alpha-radiation. Calculated RBE values derived for the linear components of dose-effect relations for gamma-H2AX foci, cell reproductive death, chromosome fragments and colour junctions are 1.0 ± 0.3, 14.7 ± 5.1, 15.3 ± 5.9 and 13.3 ± 6.0 respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that RBE values for IRIF (DNA-DSB) induction provide little valid information on other biologically-relevant end points in cells exposed to high-LET radiations. Furthermore, the RBE values for the induction of the two types of chromosome aberrations are similar to those established for cell reproductive death. This suggests that assays of these aberrations might yield relevant information on the biological effectiveness in high-LET radiotherapy.</p

    An ultrasoft X-ray multi-microbeam irradiation system for studies of DNA damage responses by fixed- and live-cell fluorescence microscopy

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    Localized induction of DNA damage is a valuable tool for studying cellular DNA damage responses. In recent decades, methods have been developed to generate DNA damage using radiation of various types, including photons and charged particles. Here we describe a simple ultrasoft X-ray multi-microbeam system for high dose-rate, localized induction of DNA strand breaks in cells at spatially and geometrically adjustable sites. Our system can be combined with fixed- and live-cell microscopy to study responses of cells to DNA damage

    Reducing Glycosphingolipid Content in Adipose Tissue of Obese Mice Restores Insulin Sensitivity, Adipogenesis and Reduces Inflammation

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    Adipose tissue is a critical mediator in obesity-induced insulin resistance. Previously we have demonstrated that pharmacological lowering of glycosphingolipids and subsequently GM3 by using the iminosugar AMP-DNM, strikingly improves glycemic control. Here we studied the effects of AMP-DNM on adipose tissue function and inflammation in detail to provide an explanation for the observed improved glucose homeostasis. Leptin-deficient obese (LepOb) mice were fed AMP-DNM and its effects on insulin signalling, adipogenesis and inflammation were monitored in fat tissue. We show that reduction of glycosphingolipid biosynthesis in adipose tissue of LepOb mice restores insulin signalling in isolated ex vivo insulin-stimulated adipocytes. We observed improved adipogenesis as the number of larger adipocytes was reduced and expression of genes like peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ, insulin responsive glucose transporter (GLUT)-4 and adipsin increased. In addition, we found that adiponectin gene expression and protein were increased by AMP-DNM. As a consequence of this improved function of fat tissue we observed less inflammation, which was characterized by reduced numbers of adipose tissue macrophages (crown-like structures) and reduced levels of the macrophage chemo attractants monocyte-chemoattractant protein-1 (Mcp-1/Ccl2) and osteopontin (OPN). In conclusion, pharmacological lowering of glycosphingolipids by inhibition of glucosylceramide biosynthesis improves adipocyte function and as a consequence reduces inflammation in adipose tissue of obese animals

    Interleukin-4 and -13 promote basolateral secretion of H(+) and cathepsin L by glomerular epithelial cells

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    Minimal change nephrosis (MCN) is characterized by massive proteinuria and ultrastructural alterations of glomerular visceral epithelial cells (GVEC). MCN has been associated with elevated production of interleukin (IL)-13 by circulating T lymphocytes and with T helper 2 lymphocyte-dependent conditions. We recently showed that GVEC express IL-4 and IL-13 receptors and that IL-4 and IL-13 increase transcellular ion transport over GVEC monolayers. We therefore hypothesized that IL-13 may directly injure GVEC. Here we demonstrate that IL-4 and IL-13 induce bafilomycin A1-sensitive basolateral proton secretion by cultured GVEC, indicating involvement of vacuolar H(+)-ATPase. The effects of IL-4 and IL-13 were accompanied by redistribution of the small GTPases Rab5b and Rab7, as shown by confocal immunofluorescence studies. Furthermore, Western blot analysis and assays for cysteine proteinase activity revealed basolateral secretion of the lysosomal proteinase procathepsin L by cultured GVEC, stimulated by IL-4 and IL-13. We speculate that IL-4 and IL-13 influence intracellular trafficking of proteins and promote proteolysis at the basolateral surface of GVEC, which may play a pathogenic role in altered glomerular permeabilit

    Involvement of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in Human and Experimental Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis

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    Background/Aims: Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF; CCN2) has been implicated as a marker and mediator of fibrosis in human and experimental renal disease. Methods: We performed a comparative analysis of CTGF expression in hypertensive patients with and without nephrosclerosis, and in uninephrectomized and sham-operated spontaneously hypertensive rats (UNX-SHR and 2K-SHR). Results: Urinary and plasma CTGF were elevated in patients with hypertensive nephrosclerosis, and increased renal CTGF expression was mainly localized in podocytes. Accordingly, elevation of urinary, plasma, and tissue CTGF in UNX-SHR coincided and correlated with proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis, and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Thirty-two weeks after uninephrectomy, mean glomerular CTGF mRNA expression was increased 1.3-fold over baseline, mainly due to 1.7-fold higher expression in glomeruli undergoing sclerosis. In parallel, tubulointerstitial CTGF and alpha-smooth muscle actin were upregulated in UNX-SHR. CTGF was increased in the media of arcuate and interlobar arteries, while arterioles remained negative. Conclusions: Glomerulosclerosis, tubulointerstitial fibrosis, and arterial media hypertrophy lesions of hypertensive nephrosclerosis are all characterized by increased CTGF tissue expression, which is associated with a concomitant increase in CTGF in blood and urine. These findings identify CTGF as a promising biomarker for progression of hypertensive nephrosclerosis, and as a likely key factor in the pathogenesis of this diseas