792 research outputs found

    Knowledge, attitude, and practices of cattle farmers regarding zoonotic diseases in Erzurum, Turkey

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    This study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practices of cattle farmers regarding zoonotic diseases in Erzurum, Turkey, where cattle-raising is the most common occupation. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,045 cattle farmers in Erzurum. In terms of the diseases that can be transmitted from animal to human, 69.6% of the cattle farmers had information on anthrax, 62.8% on brucellosis, 18.4% on tuberculosis, 44.9% on rabies, 32.5% on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, 8.9% on hydatid cyst, 8.0% on toxoplasmosis and 7.9% on giardiasis. The knowledge level of cattle farmers who were university graduates was 94.8%. Cattle farmers having over 100 cattle had a knowledge level of 96.7% on zoonotic diseases and their positive attitudes and practices reached 95.1% and 91.8%, respectively. The results showed that the increase in education status, size of the enterprise, and monthly income of cattle farmers was related to an increase in knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding zoonotic diseases. However, it was found that the positive knowledge and attitudes of the cattle farmers could not be transformed into positive practices evenly

    Reflection to poverty of monetary policies applied in Turkey after 1980

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    Bu çalışmada yapılmak istenen Türkiye'de 1980 sonrası uygulanan para politikalarının yoksulluk süreci üzerindeki etkisinin olup olmadığı incelemektir. 1980 sonrasından itibaren dönemsel olarak krizler yaşayan ve ekonomik olarak sürekli uyguladığı politikaları değiştiren Türkiye'de yoksulluk hangi boyutlara ulaşmıştır' Gelişmekte olan ülkelerin içerisinde yer alan Türkiye son dönemlerde Avrupa Birliği'ne uyum programları uygulamış ve ekonomik yapısını bu programa paralel uygulamaya çalışmıştır. Toplumdan topluma farklılık gösteren para politikaları hane halklarının geçim ve kalkınma seviyeleri üzerinde etkiler yaratmıştır. Toplumsal nüfusun bir kimi daha zenginleşirken bir kısmı da yoksullaşmıştır. Araştırmada 1980-2008 yılları arası uygulanmış olan para politikası uygulamalarının yoksullaşan kesim ve aynı zamanda pastadan büyük dilimi alan zengin kesimin hayat standartlarında yaratmış olduğu değişiklik açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu nedenle de para politikası göstergelerinden ve yoksulluk değişkenlerinden faydalanılarak konu incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde yoksulluk literatürü ele alınmıştır. Öncelikli olarak dar ve geniş anlamda kullanılan yoksulluk tanımlarına değinilmiştir. Dar ve geniş anlamda değinilen yoksulluk kavramı daha sonra sınıflara ayrıştırılan yoksulluk tanımları olarak da ele alınmıştır. Bölüme ilişkin bir sonraki aşama da yoksulluğa ilişkin yaklaşımlardan bahsedilmiş olup, yaklaşımlarla yoksulluk çeşitleri arasındaki anlamsal yakınlığa dikkat çekilmek istenmiştir. Daha sonra yoksulluk hesaplama teknikleri açıklanarak dünyada uygulanan yoksulluk hesaplama teknikleri ve bu tekniklerin birbirlerinden farklılıkları aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde ise Türkiye'de uygulanan para politikası araçları ve amaçları üzerinde durulmuştur. 1980 yılından itibaren başlayarak yıllar itibariyle Türkiye'nin yaşamış olduğu ekonomik krizler ve bu krizlerin makroekonomik değişkenler ve parasal göstergeler üzerindeki yarattığı değişiklikler sırasıyla anlatılmıştır. Konuyu desteklemek amaçlı bahsedilen yıllar arasında değişim gösteren makroekonomik değişkenlere ilişkin tablolarla konu desteklenmiştir. Son bölümde ise çalışmanın dönemini oluşturan 1980-2008 yılları arasındaki makro ekonomik göstergeler ve yoksulluğa ilişkin veriler durum analizi çerçevesinde aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonuç ve değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.The aim of the study is to explore whether the monetary policies applied in Turkiye after 1980 have any effects on poverty. What is the dimension of the poverty in Turkiye, where, since 1980, economic policies have been continuously modified and economic crisis have occurred periodically' Regarded as one of the developing countries, Turkiye applied various EU adjustment programs and attempted to develop its economic structure parallel to these programs. Varying from society to society, monetary policies registered influences on the subsistence and economic development levels of family members. As a result, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In the study, the effects of monetary policies between 1980 and 2008 on the living standards of both the high SES, who get the biggest economic share and low SES, who get poorer, is explained. Thus, the topic is evaluated via monetary policy charts and poverty variables. Chapter one contains the literature review about poverty. First, the narrow and broad definitions of poverty are explained. Then, the semantic values of sub-categories of poverty in relation to social dynamics and family structures are defined. The statement that the general meaning of poverty is to struggle to live in such a condition which is below the subsistence level implies deeper deductions when considering with sub meanings. In the next part of the chapter one, the different approaches to the poverty are explained and the relationship between these approaches and poverty types is emphasized. Finally in this chapter, poverty calculation methods are defined, the poverty calculation methods in the world and the differences in each method are explained. In the second chapter, the purposes and instruments of monetary policies are defined and the roles of these purposes and instruments in the policies are explained in detail. After this, beginning form 1980, the economic crises that Turkiye faced up to and the changes and the effects of these crises on macroeconomic values and monetary indicators are listed in annual basis. This is supported with tables and charts representing the annual changes in macroeconomic values

    The Hilbert Transform as an Average of Dyadic Shift Operators

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    In this thesis we discuss Petermichls characterization of the Hilbert transform as an average of dyadic shift operators following the presentation by Thomas Hytonen [Hyt]. A linear and bounded operator T in L2(R) that commutes with translations, dilations and anticommutes with reflections must be a constant multiple of Hilbert transform; T = cH. Using this principle Stefanie Petermichl showed that we can write H as a suitable average of dyadic operators [Pet]. Each Dyadic Shift Operator does not have the symmetries that characterize the Hilbert transform, but an average over all random dyadic grids do

    On Diamond-Alpha Dynamic Equations and Inequalities

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    In view of the recently developed theory of calculus for dynamic equations on time scales (which unifies discrete and continuous systems), in this project we give some of the basics of the extension of the theory to the combined delta (forward) and nabla (backward) derivatives. In this set up the newly developed theory of diamond-alpha derivatives are analyzed through some equation and inequality properties. In particular Opial type Diamond-alpha dynamic Inequalities are discussed in this context and recently developed results and their improved versions are given in this work

    Bir Farmakon Olarak Yeni Medya Teknolojileri

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    This study, which involves two research areas that do not yet occupy enough space in the field of interest in the history of philosophy, namely the concepts of technology and Anthropocene, performs an analysis of how the world is evolving with technology, media technologies, and specifically the internet. The primary tools used in this research are the concepts and arguments of the phenomenological tradition and then the post-phenomenological philosophy and Stiegler philosophies. Since the medical, economic, political, cultural, and meaning-related crises of our age are now the crisis of the entire planet, especially in the Anthropocene Age, the causes and consequences of this crisis are studied. Our relationship with the technical object, which is at the very center of the crisis is examined thoroughly. As a result, therapeutic prescriptions for this inevitable pharmacological effect of technology have been revealed and explored on an ethical-political plane eventually.Felsefe tarihinin ilgi alanı içinde henüz yeterince yer kaplamayan iki araştırma alanını, teknoloji ve Antroposen kavramlarını ele alan bu çalışma, dünyanın teknolojiyle birlikte nasıl evrimleşmekte olduğunu medya teknolojileri ve spesifik olarak da internet özelinde analiz etmektedir. Çağımızın tıbbi, ekonomik, politik, kültürel ve anlamla ilgili krizlerinin, Antroposen Çağı özelinde artık tüm gezegenin krizi olması sebebiyle, başta fenomenolojik gelenek, akabinde post-fenomenolojik felsefe ve Stiegler felsefelerinin araçlarıyla gerçekleştirilen bu çalışma, Antroposen’in krizinin sebep ve sonuçlarını araştırmaktadır. Krizin merkezinde konumlanan teknik nesneyle ilişkimiz etraflıca incelenmiştir. Sonuç itibariyle, bir farmakon olarak teknolojinin mevzubahis kaçınılmaz çift yönlü etkisinin, etik-politik bir düzlemde keşfedilebilecek pozitif iyileştirici reçeteleri ortaya koyulmuştur


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    Green supplier selection, along with the environmental dimension in the supply chain, has attracted great interest both in the academic and institutional framework however, the supplier selection as well as the evaluation the performance of the current supplier affects the performance of the company and is important. In the real life, uncertainties in decision-making process are an integral part of this process. are things that exist in the nature of decision-making. Fuzzy set theory with the linguistic preferences was used to transform subjective decision-maker perceptions into a tangible net value. In this paper, it is proposed an interval type-2 fuzzy TOPSIS approach for green performance evaluation in GSCM. Then, It is applied in the performance evaluation of 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) providers to validate the presented model

    Exclusion rates from international large-scale assessments: an analysis of 20 years of IEA data

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    Cross-national comparisons of educational achievement rely upon each participating country collecting nationally representative data. While obtaining high response rates is a key part of reaching this goal, other potentially important factors may also be at play. This paper focuses on one such issue—exclusion rates—which has received relatively little attention in the academic literature. Using data from 20 years of international large-scale assessment data, we find there to be modest variation in exclusion rates across countries and that there has been a relatively small increase in exclusion rates in some over time. We also demonstrate how exclusion rates tend to be higher in studies of primary students than in studies of secondary students. Finally, while there seems to be little relationship between exclusion rates and response rates, there is a weak negative association between the level of exclusions and test performance. We conclude by discussing how information about exclusions—and other similar issues—might be more clearly communicated to non-specialist audiences

    Play 1: investigating fabric and body relationship on stage

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    The purpose of this thesis is to suggest a reading of Play 1, which is an outcome of many works created throughout 3 years period of time. The text grounds itself on two major subjects that are fabric and body relationship and Performative Acting and Staging Method. The first part of the study states the development and transformation process of personal practice beginning with the studio practice mainly exercised on fabric related experiments and the performances followed. The second part includes the crucial elements of methodology used for Play 1, which is Performative Staging and Acting Method. The third section of the text explains the relationships of the artists with fabric and their attitude towards fabric and body relationship through their works and statements. Lastly, Play 1 is described and defined in detail as a play taking the fabric body relationship as a base and by using a specific method stated above, disassociating the pre-determined meanings attached to fabric around human body