779 research outputs found

    Elaboration of the Recipe of the Fermented Milk Dessert for Child Food

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    Using the tabular processor MS Excel 2007 there was elaborated the recipe of the fermented milk dessert for child food. The recipe of this dessert consists of (mass. %, g): fermented milk curd – 54, jam – 23, honey – 8, sesame – 4, cream – 6, collagen hydrolyzate (gluten) – 5. This dessert is a source of vitamin C and covers near 40 % of a child daily need in it. At the expanse of introducing gluten in the dessert composition, protein content in the ready product increased that covers from 11,28 % to 22,56 % of a daily need. This dessert is also rich in calcium, so one portion of it covers 25 % of a child need.Based on theoretical qualimetry methods there was realized the complex estimation of the dessert quality. The hierarchic structure of ready product properties was presented, including organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters and also ones of the food and biological value at storage.The estimation of microbiological and organoleptic parameters at storage give a possibility to state, that the new fermented milk dessert will be competitive at the consumer market. The storage life of this product is 5 days at the temperature (4±2) °С

    Fluid flow and mixing in a novel intermittently rotating bioreactor for CAR-T cell therapy manufacturing

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    This work explores the mixing and fluid dynamics in a novel bioreactor currently used for the automated manufacturing of CAR-T cell therapy, which offers a single-dose cure for several forms of advanced blood cancer. The cylindrical bioreactor has a low aspect ratio and a free surface. Agitation is achieved by intermittent rotation of the entire vessel around its central axis. No engineering characterisation has been conducted to date for this system in a bioprocessing context. The study examines the fluid dynamics problems of spin-up from rest and spin-down to rest. Novel Particle Image Velocimetry and Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence data is presented alongside reflective flakes results, shedding light on the different transient flow regions inside the intermittently rotating bioreactor, and determining the timescales of macro- and micromixing. The results presented can be used to design a custom rotation pattern of the bioreactor for improved mixing performance during the cell expansion step

    Possible connection between the nasal cycle and consciousness

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    It is shown that there is a connection between the dynamics of the nasal cycle and the consciousness states of the brain. Accordingly to hypothesis, the switch of dominated airflow between left and right nostrils in time becomes only in consciousness states of the brain (in awake state, in REM dream and in dream of stages 1-2 of the non-REM sleep). This finding gives possibility to use nasal cycle as ‘marker’ for consciousness

    Classification of online toxic comments using the logistic regression and neural networks models

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    The paper addresses the questions of abusive content identification in the Internet. It is presented the solving of the task of toxic online comments classification, which was issued on the site of machine learning Kaggle (www.Kaggle.com) in March of 2018. Based on the analysis of initial data, four models for solving the task are proposed: logistic regression model and three neural networks models - convolutional neural network (Conv), long shortterm memory (LSTM), and Conv + LSTM. All models are realized as a program in Python 3, which has simple structure and can be adapted to solve other tasks. The results of the classification problem solving with help of proposed models are presented. It is concluded that all models provide successful solving of the task, but the combined model Conv + LSTM is the most effective, so as it provides the best accuracy. © 2018 Author(s)


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    Clinical cases of pulmonary tuberculosis as a result of TNF antagonist therapy

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    През последните 12 години антагонистите на TNF са били успешно използвани за лечение на много пациенти страдащи от хронични възпалителни заболявания. Това лечение увеличава риска от туберкулоза до 25 пъти. Дължи се на факта, че TNF и TNF-рецепторите играят важна роля в медиирането на имунния отговор при остри и хронични възпаления. Ето защо всички пациенти, на които предстои подобно лечение трябва да бъдат подложени на стриктна оценка за изключване на активна и латентна туберкулозна инфекция. През 2010 г. беше публикуван консенсус на TBNET, озаглавен „Рискът от туберкулоза, свързан с лечение с TNF антагонисти`.В изложението са представени два случая на белодробна туберкулоза, които са наблюдавани в хода на провеждано лечение с TNF антагонисти при болни с доказани възпалителни заболявания на червата.During the past 12 years TNF antagonists have been successfully used for the treatment of many patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases. This treatment increases the risk of tuberculosis up to 25 times. This is due to the fact that TNF and TNF-receptors play an important role in mediating the immune response in acute and chronic inflammation. Therefore all patients undergoing such treatment should be subject to rigorous assessment to exclude active and latent tuberculosis infection. In 2010 a TBNET consensus was published entitled "The risk of tuberculosis related to TNF therapies." In this article we present two cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, which were observed in the course of an ongoing treatment with TNF antagonists in patients with proven inflammatory bowel disease