5 research outputs found

    Camomile autofermentation in polyethylene glycol/dextran two-phase system

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    The objective of this study was the investigation of the extractive bioconversion of apigenin-7-O-Ī²-glucoside in camomile ligulate flowers into apigenin by autofermentation in polyethylene glycol 6000/dextran 200000 two-phase system. In 22.5% polyethylene glycol/14% dextran aqueous two-phase system the obtained yield of apigenin in the top phase was 96.5%. In the presence of plant material that partiotioned to the interphase, the yield of apigenin in the top phase was 3.5 times higher in comparison to the model system

    Characterization and adaptation of some 'Pinot Noir' clones to the environmental conditions of Serbian grape growing regions

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    The adequate choice of suitable cultivar/clone together with the ecological characteristics of the region and combination of agro technical measures represents the most important factors in the viticulture production. Aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of two Pinot Noir clones (R4 and 667) in two Serbian grape growing regions with different meteorological conditions. The following properties were investigated: beginning, end and length of the growing season, grape yield, mechanical composition of bunch and berry, grape and wine quality. Differences between studied 'Pinot Noir' clones and environmental conditions in grape growing regions resulted in the production of grapes and wine with different characteristics

    Pseudoallescheria boydii (Scedosporium apiospermum), cause of mycotic granulomatous osteomyelitis: Case diagnosis

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    Fungal bone infections constitute about 0.1-0.2% of all osteomyelitis cases. The disease, mycetoma pedis, most often affects the feet and is also known as madura foot. Mycetoma, extremely rare in this geographic area, Is endemic in Tropical and subtropical regions. We present a case of mycetoma pedis (madura foot). The patient was a 50-year-old woman. The clinical signs included pain, indurations, and local redness. The anamnesis was very long, about 10 years. The operative material was routinely stained with haematoxylineosine [HE], Granulomatous inflammation of the bone was confirmed pathologically. All pathological characteristics pointed to a fungal infection in the form of mycetoma pedis. Special staining for fungi was performed: PAS, Grocott's h examine-silver, and Giemsa, confirming the diagnosis of mycetoma. A definitive microbiological analysis was carried out through tissue inoculation on the Sabouraud dextrose agar laboratory media for fungal cultivation. Pseudoallescheria boydii, the sexual stage of Monosporium apiospermum, was isolated. After microbiological verification of fungal infection, surgical therapy was carried out. Seven months after the first operation, the patient had the same clinical signs. The diagnostic procedure was repeated and mycetoma was confirmed once again. Surgery was again the therapy of choice, because Pseudoallescheria boydii is resistant to treatment with antimycotic drugs

    On the use of regional climate models: Implications of climate change for viticulture in Serbia

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    Climate projections obtained from the coupled regional climate model EBU-POM (Eta Belgrade University - Princeton Ocean Model) driven by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES), showed that the vineyard regions of Serbia tend to become warmer and dryer toward the end of 21st century. To evaluate how Serbian viticulture could be affected by a projected climate regime, several climatic variables and agro-climatic indices describing the suitability of a particular area for grapevine production were calculated, after a statistical bias correction was applied to the daily temperature and precipitation data from EBU-POM outputs. Comparison between climatic variables and agro-climatic indices for the reference period 1961-1990 and predicted values for the 2001-2030 period (under the SRES A1B scenario) and the 2071-2100 period (under the SRES A2 scenario) was made for 18 climatological stations placed mostly within, but also outside traditional viticultural regions. According to the obtained change trends it is likely that no significant disturbances in Serbian viticulture will occur over the next few decades, but considerable changes are expected by the end of the 21st century. Warmer and prolonged growing season with greater heat accumulation and longer frost-free period with decline in frost frequency would likely affect the yield and ripening potential of grapes and induce shifts in varietal suitability and wine styles. Projected changes may bring on the need for additional vineyard irrigation, but also open up the possibility that marginal and elevated areas, previously too cool for cultivation of grapevines, become climatically suited for viticulture