24 research outputs found

    Comparación de la comprensión lectora en alumnos de cuarto año de secundaria de centros educativos estatales y no estatales de Lima Metropolitana

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    Revista de Investigación en Psicología, Vol. 13, No. 1Objetivos: a. Estudiar el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en alumnos de cuarto año de secundaria. b. Analizar el nivel de desarrollo de la comprensión de los alumnos de centros educativos estatales y no estatales en cuarto de secundaria. c. Comparar el nivel de desarrollo de la comprensión lectora por género en cuarto año de secundaria. d. Establecer las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento utilizado. e. Construir los baremos para los alumnos del cuarto año de secundaria, considerando las variables género y tipo de gestión del centro educativo. f. Estudiar el modelo del constructo de la comprensión lectora utilizando el análisis factorial confirmatorio. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo comparativo, llevado a cabo en alumnos de cuarto año de secundaria considerando centros educativos estatales y no estatales, y considerando el género. Material y Métodos: Muestreo por conglomerados en dos etapas, con probabilidades proporcionales al tamaño; la muestra estuvo constituida por 613 participantes de las siete UGEL de Lima Metropolitana. Se elaboró una Prueba de Comprensión Lectora para el cuarto de secundaria. Se llevó a cabo el estudio psicométrico del instrumento para evaluar la validez y la confiabilidad. Asimismo, se llevó a cabo el estudio descriptivo e inferencial de las variables estudiadas. Resultado: el 64,77% de los alumnos de cuarto año de secundaria pertenecían a colegios estatales mientras que el 35,23% provenían de colegios privados. El 46,33% de los estudiantes de cuarto de secundaria fueron varones mientras que el 53,67% fueron mujeres. Conclusiones: se ha encontrado que el instrumento creado es válido y confiable. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el nivel de comprensión lectora entre los alumnos de colegios estatales y no estatales. Se han elaborado baremos diferenciados para cada tipo de colegio

    SFRP1 modulates astrocyte-to-microglia crosstalk in acute and chronic neuroinflammation

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    Neuroinflammation is a common feature of many neurodegenerative diseases. It fosters a dysfunctional neuron–microglia–astrocyte crosstalk that, in turn, maintains microglial cells in a perniciously reactive state that often enhances neuronal damage. The molecular components that mediate this critical communication are not fully explored. Here, we show that secreted frizzled-related protein 1 (SFRP1), a multifunctional regulator of cell-to-cell communication, is part of the cellular crosstalk underlying neuroinflammation. In mouse models of acute and chronic neuroinflammation, SFRP1, largely astrocyte-derived, promotes and sustains microglial activation, and thus a chronic inflammatory state. SFRP1 promotes the upregulation of components of the hypoxia-induced factor-dependent inflammatory pathway and, to a lower extent, of those downstream of the nuclear factor-kappa B. We thus propose that SFRP1 acts as an astrocyte-to-microglia amplifier of neuroinflammation, representing a potential valuable therapeutic target for counteracting the harmful effect of chronic inflammation in several neurodegenerative diseases.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish AEI (BFU2013-43213-P; BFU2016-75412-R with FEDER support and PID2019-104186RB-I00), Fundacion Tatiana Perez de Guzman el Bueno and CIBERER to PB. JRC (BES-2011-047189), GP (BES-2017- 080318) and MIM (BES-2014-068797) were supported by FPI fellowships from the AEI. We also acknowledge a CBM Institutional Grant from the Fundacion Ramon Areces.Peer reviewe

    Microglia regulate learning and memory through NF-κB

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    Resumen del póster presentado al 19th Meeting Spanish Society of Neuroscience, celebrado en Lleida del 3 al 5 de noviembre de 2021.Microglia, the resident immune cells of the CNS, have been implicated in brain plasticity and function. However, the mechanisms remain largely unknown. Here, we show that Cre-dependent removal of the RelA subunit of the NF-κB transcription factor from adult microglia results in impaired learning and long-term potentiation. Depletion of RelA elicits changes in chromatin accessibility and transcriptome landscapes of microglia associated with specific gene regulatory programs driving the activation of specific microglia phenotypes. Our findings suggest that NF-κB gene products drive specific microglia phenotypes modulating neuronal circuits for learning and memory.Peer reviewe

    White Paper 5: Brain, Mind & Behaviour

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    © CSICThe study of the brain will tell us what makes us humans and how our social behavior generates. Increasing our understanding of how the brain functions and interacts with the ecosystem to interpret the world will not only help to find effective means to treat and/or cure neurological and psychiatric disorders but will also change our vision on questions pertaining to philosophy and humanities and transform other fields such as economy and law. Neurosciences research at the CSIC is already valuable and should be intensified mainly focused on the eight major challenges described in this volume

    Body-brain-microbiome interaction

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    Brain function is influenced by internal inputs from many parts of the body, including chemicals in the blood and bacteria in the gut. The gut microbiota is a fundamental component of the body that can be transferred across generations and contribute to the unique features of the human phenotype influencing both health and disease. Deciphering the controlling mechanisms of microbiome-bodybrain interactions may help in identifying new molecular targets to prevent and/or treat a range of psychiatric and neurologic disorders as well as their physical comorbidities. Here we provide an update on the functioning of the gut microbiome-body-brain axis and outline open scientific challenges and future research directions.Peer reviewe

    Gauge fields and curvature in graphene

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    The low energy excitations of graphene can be described by a massless Dirac equation in two spacial dimensions. Curved graphene is proposed to be described by coupling the Dirac equation to the corresponding curved space. This covariant formalism gives rise to an effective hamiltonian with various extra terms. Some of them can be put in direct correspondence with more standard tight binding or elasticity models while others are more difficult to grasp in standard condensed matter approaches. We discuss this issue, propose models for singular and regular curvature and describe the physical consequences of the various proposals.Comment: Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical Physics: Dubna-Nano2008 to be published online in Journal of Physics: Conference serie

    Libro Blanco Volumen 5: Cerebro, mente y comportamiento

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    Llegar a entender cómo funciona el cerebro y cómo este interacciona con el ecosistema para interpretar el mundo que nos rodea sin duda facilitará el desarrollo de estrategias más eficaces para tratar o curar los trastornos neurológicos y psiquiátricos. Además, la comprensión de los principios fundamentales que controlan el funcionamiento del sistema nervioso transformará nuestra visión sobre muchas cuestiones que han sido tradicionalmente enmarcadas en el campo de la filosofía, repercutiendo en áreas como la economía o el derecho. Las neurociencias nos ayudarán, en definitiva, a entender qué nos hace humanos. Este es un campo en el que los investigadores del CSIC destacan internacionalmente y así debe seguir siendo en los próximos años. Para lograrlo, deberíamos potenciar y reforzar nuestras investigaciones en los ocho desafíos que describimos en este volumen.Peer reviewe

    El Estrés Laboral y su influencia en el trabajo

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    The article analyzes the various theoretical approaches to stress at work, describing how the episode of stress develops. Generating sources of occupational stress and its effects on health and performance of workers is. also; it is about the sensitivity of some jobs to stress. posed various strategies to address the problem, the first exclusive which are complementary. The conclusion emphasizes the effectiveness of a solution that integrates both the organization and the workforce, as principal actors.El artículo analiza los diversos enfoques teóricos sobre el estres en el trabajo, describiendo el modo en que se desarrolla el episodio de la tensión. Se muestran las fuentes generadoras de estrés laboral y sus efectos en la salud y en el desempeño de los trabajadores. Asimismo; se trata respecto a la sensibilidad de algunos puestos de trabajo frente al estrés. se plantean diversas estrategias para enfrentar el problema, las cuales antes que excluyentes son complementarias. La conclusión, enfatiza la eficacia de una solución que integre tanto a la organización como a la fuerza laboral, como actores principales del tema

    CBP is required for environmental enrichment-induced neurogenesis and cognitive enhancement

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    The epigenetic changes of the chromatin represent an attractive molecular substrate for adaptation to the environment. We examined here the role of CREB-binding protein (CBP), a histone acetyltransferase involved in mental retardation, in the genesis and maintenance of long-lasting systemic and behavioural adaptations to environmental enrichment (EE). Morphological and behavioural analyses demonstrated that EE ameliorates deficits associated to CBP deficiency. However, CBP-deficient mice also showed a strong defect in environment-induced neurogenesis and impaired EE-mediated enhancement of spatial navigation and pattern separation ability. These defects correlated with an attenuation of the transcriptional programme induced in response to EE and with deficits in histone acetylation at the promoters of EE-regulated, neurogenesis-related genes. Additional experiments in CBP restricted and inducible knockout mice indicated that environment-induced adult neurogenesis is extrinsically regulated by CBP function in mature granule cells. Overall, our experiments demonstrate that the environment alters gene expression by impinging on activities involved in modifying the epigenome and identify CBP-dependent transcriptional neuroadaptation as an important mediator of EE-induced benefits, a finding with important implications for mental retardation therapeutics. © 2011 European Molecular Biology Organization | All Rights Reserved.Research at Barco’s laboratory is supported by the grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation BFU2008-00611, CSD2007-00023 and SAF2008-03194-E (part of the coordinated ERA-Net NEURON project Epitherapy), and grants from Fundación Ramón Areces and Fundació La Marató de TV3 (063510). SC is supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation BFU2009-09938 and CSD2007-00023, and the Fundación Mutua Madrileña (3140/2008). MG is supported by Telethon-Italy (Grant no. GGP09196). JLA has a Juan de la Cierva contract and LMV has a Ramón y Cajal contract both given by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer Reviewe