82 research outputs found

    Rapidity, azimuthal, and multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum and transverse momentum correlations in π+p\pi^{+}p and K+pK^{+}p collisions in s\sqrt{s}=22 GeV

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    Rapidity, azimuthal and multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum and transverse momentum correlations of charged particles is studied in pi/sup positive and K/sup positive collisions at 250 GeV/c incident beam momentum. For the first time, it is found that the rapidity dependence of the two-particle transverse momentum correlation is different from that of the mean transverse momentum, but both have similar multiplicity dependence. In particular, the transverse momentum correlations are boost invariant. This is similar to the recently found boost invariance of the charge balance function. A strong azimuthal dependence of the transverse momentum correlations originates from the constraint of energy-momentum conservation. The results are compared with those from the PYTHIA Monte Carlo generator. The similarities to and differences with the results from current heavy ion experiments are discussed

    ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling shapes the DNA replication landscape.

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    The eukaryotic DNA replication machinery must traverse every nucleosome in the genome during S phase. As nucleosomes are generally inhibitory to DNA-dependent processes, chromatin structure must undergo extensive reorganization to facilitate DNA synthesis. However, the identity of chromatin-remodeling factors involved in replication and how they affect DNA synthesis is largely unknown. Here we show that two highly conserved ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Isw2 and Ino80, function in parallel to promote replication fork progression. As a result, Isw2 and Ino80 have especially important roles for replication of late-replicating regions during periods of replication stress. Both Isw2 and Ino80 complexes are enriched at sites of replication, suggesting that these complexes act directly to promote fork progression. These findings identify ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complexes that promote DNA replication and define a specific stage of replication that requires remodeling for normal function

    Transgenerational Stress Memory Is Not a General Response in Arabidopsis

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    Adverse conditions can trigger DNA damage as well as DNA repair responses in plants. A variety of stress factors are known to stimulate homologous recombination, the most accurate repair pathway, by increasing the concentration of necessary enzymatic components and the frequency of events. This effect has been reported to last into subsequent generations not exposed to the stress. To establish a basis for a genetic analysis of this transgenerational stress memory, a broad range of treatments was tested for quantitative effects on homologous recombination in the progeny. Several Arabidopsis lines, transgenic for well-established recombination traps, were exposed to 10 different physical and chemical stress treatments, and scored for the number of somatic homologous recombination (SHR) events in the treated generation as well as in the two subsequent generations that were not treated. These numbers were related to the expression level of genes involved in homologous recombination and repair. SHR was enhanced after the majority of treatments, confirming previous data and adding new effective stress types, especially interference with chromatin. Compounds that directly modify DNA stimulated SHR to values exceeding previously described induction rates, concomitant with an induction of genes involved in SHR. In spite of the significant stimulation in the stressed generations, the two subsequent non-treated generations only showed a low and stochastic increase in SHR that did not correlate with the degree of stimulation in the parental plants. Transcripts coding for SHR enzymes generally returned to pre-treatment levels in the progeny. Thus, transgenerational effects on SHR frequency are not a general response to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis and may require special conditions

    Scaling of charged particle multiplicity in Pb-Pb collisions at SPS energies

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    The charged particle multiplicity distribution dNch/dηdN_{ch}/d\eta has been measured by the NA50 experiment in Pb--Pb collisions at the CERN SPS. Measurements were done at incident energies of 40 and 158 GeV per nucleon over a broad impact parameter range. The multiplicity distributions are studied as a function of centrality using the number of participating nucleons (NpartN_{part}), or the number of binary nucleon--nucleon collisions (NcollN_{coll}). Their values at midrapidity exhibit a power law scaling behaviour given by Npart1.00N_{part}^{1.00} and Ncoll0.75N_{coll}^{0.75} at 158 GeV. Compatible results are found for the scaling behaviour at 40 GeV. The width of the dNch/dηdN_{ch}/d\eta distributions is larger at 158 than at 40 GeV/nucleon and decreases slightly with centrality at both energies. Our results are compared to similar studies performed by other experiments both at the CERN SPS and at RHIC.

    Transverse momentum distributions of J/ψ\psi, ψ\psi^{\prime}, Drell-Yan and continuum dimuons produced in Pb-Pb interactions at the SPS

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    Muon pairs produced in Pb-Pb interactions at 158~GeV/cc per nucleon are used to study the transverse momentum distributions of the J/ψ\psi, ψ\psi^{\prime} and dimuons in the mass continuum. In particular, the dependence of these distributions on the centrality of the Pb-Pb collision is investigated in detail

    Low mass dimuon production in proton and ion induced interactions at SPS

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    The low mass dimuon spectra collected in pp-U collisions by the NA38 experiment significantly exceeds the total cross section expected from previous analysis, done by other experiments. The 'excess' events have a harder pTp_{T} distribution than the muon pairs from η\eta and ω\omega Dalitz decays, expected to dominate the mass window 0.4—0.65~GeV/c2c^2. We conjecture that the excess events might be due to qqˉq\bar{q} annihilations, negligible at low pTp_{T} but made visible by the mTm_{T} cut applied in the NA38 data. Taking this assumption to parametrise the pp-U spectra, we proceed with the analysis of the S-Cu, S-U and Pb-Pb data, collected by the NA38 and NA50 experiments, where we find that the measured mass spectra does not seem to exceed the expected low mass `cocktail' by more than 20%

    Results on Charmonium States in Pb-Pb Interactions

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    We present cross-sections for J/ψ\psi, ψ\psi^{\prime} and Drell-Yan production in lead-lead interactions at 158 GeV/nucleon. The Pb-Pb data, when compared with previous results obtained with lighter target or projectiles, show a similar behaviour for Drell-Yan, but exhibit an anomalous J/ψ\psi suppression, which increases with centrality