530 research outputs found

    A Letter About Phenobarbital Poisoning

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    The ever-increasing sensitivity of humans and living in a world full of stress and anxiety have led to the increased consumption of painkillers and sleeping pills. Barbiturates, which are among the most important sedatives, are regularly used by ordinary people. Addiction, suicide, and accidental deaths from inappropriate use of these drugs have been a subject of constant concern in medicine

    Novi algoritam preusmjeravanja bez spajanja zasnovan na korištenju različitih slojeva unutar MANET komunikacije

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    Routing is a key issue in wireless ad-hoc networks. The goal of an efficient routing strategy is to improve packet delivery ratio (PDR) and end-to-end delay in MANETs. Limited ability of layered architecture leads to the cross-layer design usage for routing operation in wireless environment. In this paper, a cross-layer connectionless routing is proposed based on Dynamic Virtual Router (DVR). In this algorithm, virtual route discovery process is controlled by restricting the request packets\u27 broadcast to the relatively slow speed, and low loaded nodes located in suitably crowded areas. Each destination decides to choose or discard the found route based on several cross-layer metrics. Using NS-2 simulator, the proposed algorithm is compared with standard DVR and it shows higher packet delivery ratio and lower end-to-end delay compared to DVR.Preusmjeravanje je ključni problem u bežičnim ad-hoc mrežama. Cilj je efikasne strategije preusmjeravanja unaprijediti omjer isporučenih paketa (PDR) i smanjiti ukupno kašnjenje u MANET komunikaciji. Ograničena mogućnost višeslojne arhitekture dovodi do korištenja različitih slojeva za operacije preusmjeravanja u bežičnom okruženju. U radu se predlaže preusmjeravanje bez spajanja zasnovano na dinamičkom virtualnom ruteru (DVR). U predloženom algoritmu, postupak otkrivanja virtualnih puteva upravljan je ograničenjem odašiljanja traženih paketa na relativno sporu brzinu i slabo opterećene čvorove locirane u odgovarajuće prometnim područjima. Svako odredište odlučuje o odabiru ili zanemarivanju pronađenog puta komunikacije, a zasnovano je na temelju nekoliko metrika za različite slojeve. Korištenjem NS-2 simulatora, predloženi algoritam uspoređen je sa standardnim DVR-om te pokazuje veći omjer isporučenih paketa i manje ukupno kašnjenje

    VIM Solution for Mixed Convection over Horizontal Moving Porous Flat Plate

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    The non-viscous, laminar mixed convection boundary-layer flow over a horizontal moving porous flat plate, with chemical reaction, is considered. The governing equations are expressed in non-dimensional form and the series solutions of coupled system of equations are constructed for velocity, temperature and concentration functions using variational iteration method. The investigated parameters are: buoyancy parameter, chemical reaction parameter, order of chemical reaction, Prandtl number and Schmidt number

    Assessment of hospitals medical waste management in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province in Iran

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    The hospital wastes could threaten the surface waters, ground waters, soil, air environment and humans’ health. This study was intended to investigate the management of medical waste generated in hospitals of Charharmahal and Bakhtiari province, located in south west of Iran. The samples came from all 9 province’s hospitals with 1156 beds. The data forms and questionnaires were completed. The questionnaire contained questions about the generation of waste and practices related to separation, collection, storage, transport, treatment and final disposal, and training and awareness. The highest generation rate on a bed basis of 3.22±0.4 kg/bed/day was found in Shohada hospital, and the lowest rate was 1.37±0.2 kg/bed/day for Sina hospital. There was significant variation (P<0.05). The average general waste production rate was 2.12±0.37 kg/bed/day at all the surveyed hospitals. The highest percentage (63%) of total medical wastes were general, 36.05% were infectious wastes. About 44.44% of the hospitals have used autoclave to disinfect their infectious medical waste prior to disposal, while incineration is used in 33.33% of the hospitals. All hospitals (100%) indicated their needs and willingness to participate in future specialized training programs in medical waste management. It has been suggested that enhancing the education, awareness and promoting programs about medical waste management for cleaning workers, doctors, nurses, and technicians

    Neurological Manifestations of an Old Disease: A Case Report

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    How to Cite This Article: Islami Z, Ataee Nakhaei MH. Neurological Manifestations of An Old Disease: A Case Report. Iran J Child Neurol. 2013 Summer; 7(3): 55-57. ObjectiveNeurological manifestations of neonatal disorders have various causes, among them neonatal tetanus, albeit rare, is a potentially fatal and preventable disease, which is seen in underdeveloped and developing countries. Although thedisease has been eradicated from I.R. Iran, pregnant women immigrating to Iran from neighboring countries, especially from eastern border, may carry a risk of neonatal tetanus to the child due to inadequate tetanus immunization and inappropriate post-delivery care. It is then important to maintain a high index of suspicion for early diagnosis and prompt treatment, when infants present with poor feeding and abnormal behavior.Case presentation Here, we report the clinical course of a newborn with neonatal tetanus, who was admitted with complaints of poor feeding and muscle rigidity, more than a decade after eradication of the disorder. References1. WHO. Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals. Availablefrom: http://www.who.int/immunization/topics/tetanus/en/; 2008 [Access 25.10.2011].2. Lum SH, Chew MF. Neonatal Tetanus: A Study of Five Cases in Sandakan, Sabah. Med J Malaysia 2009;64(1):80-2.3. Ilic M, Pejcic L, Tiodorovic B, Hasani B, Stankovic S, Milojevic D, et al. Neonatal tetanus – report of a case. Turk J pediatr 2010;52:404-8.4. Chang SC, Wang CL. Neonatal tetanus after home delivery:report of one case. Pediatr Neonatol 2010;51(3):182-5.5. Cook TM, Protheroe RT, Handel JM. Tetanus: a review ofthe literature. Br J Anaesth 2001;87(3):477-87.6. Richard F. Edlich, MD, PhD, Lisa G. Hill, Chandra A.Mahler, et al. Management and Prevention of Tetanus.Long Term Eff Med Implants 2003;13(3)139–54.7. Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Pediatricimmunization. Available from: http://behdasht.gov.ir/index.aspx?siteid=1&pageid=24979&newsvie=11776&pro=nobak;2011 [Access 28.10.2011].8. S. Beheshti MD, A. Khajehdehi MD, G-R. Rezaian MD,P. Khajehdehi MD. CURRENT STATUS OF TETANUS IN IRAN. Arch Iranian Med 2002;5(4):216-18.9. World Health Organization. WHO-Recommended standards for surveillance of selected vaccinepreventable diseases. Available from: http://www.who.int/vaccines-documents/DocsPDF06/843.pdfdate; 2003[Access 25.10.2011].10. World Health Organization. Immunization surveillance,assessment and monitoring. Available from: http://www.who.int/immunization _ monitoring/ diseases/ MNTE_initiative/en/index.html; 2011 [Access 25.10.2011].