34 research outputs found

    Testing the Moderating Effect of Gender on Job Satisfaction and Employees’ Behaviours Relationship: Evidence from Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) Buea, Cameroon

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    With the quest of personalization of actions from their employees, organisations are constantly looking for means that allow them to consider all employees’ needs in designing satisfaction tools that will enable their employees to portray adequate behaviours at work. The present study explored whether gender moderates the relationship between job satisfaction and employees’ behaviours within a telecommunication company in Cameroon (MTN, Buea). A quantitative cross-sectional method was used with a sample size of 212 respondents. The hierarchical moderated regression and the multigroups regression approach were used as data analysis tools. Findings showed that gender moderates the effect of job satisfaction on employees’ commitment and employees’ citizenship behaviour. It is a quasi-moderation and the size effect is characterized as low. Contrariwise, gender does not moderate the effect of job satisfaction on employees’ intention to quit. These findings can help inform intervention efforts by identifying gender-fit job satisfaction tools and policies to optimize the adoption by each group of adequate behaviours in the company

    Is there such a thing...? : A study of antiracism education in Finland

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    In this thesis I set out to investigate what antiracism education in Finland is at a conceptual, methodological and practical level. At the conceptual level, this study examines how and why antiracism is theorised and explores the challenges to and possible gains from a potential shift in existing antiracist strategies in Finland. At the practical and methodological levels (using both literature and research data) this study investigates how antiracism education Finland is done and how it could be done differently. This thesis includes a collection of five articles. The first article, If an apple is a foreign apple you have to wash it very carefully : Youth discourses on racism (2016), is set at the intersection of formal and non-formal education and critically examines the use of wrong questions in antiracism discourses. The second article, Antiracism Apps as Actants of Education for Diversities (2015), examines how two mobile phone applications could be used as antiracism educational tools, bearing in mind the potentials and limitations of such technologies. The third article, Educating Children to Survive within a Neo-Racist Framework: Parents' Struggle, (submitted), set in informal/non-formal education, investigates the different strategies employed by mothers of immigrant background children to educate their child or children on how to respond to racial violence. Article four, Zebra World - The Promotion of Imperial Stereotypes in a Children's Book (2015), challenges the binary and stereotypical agenda of educational materials regarding how they tell the story of us and them. The last article, Holocaust Education: An Alternative Approach to Antiracism Education? A Study of a Holocaust Textbook Used in 8th Grade in an International School in Finland (2015), examines how, through the notion of intersectionality, educators can use the concepts of racism and neo-racism to teach about the Holocaust and vice versa. Grounded in an understanding of racism based on postcoloniality and neo-racism, this study investigates racism in Finland using four interrelated lenses: Finnish exceptionalism, coloniality of power, whiteness theory and denial of racism. It unearths the hidden structural hierarchies (re)produced, sustained and recycled by power structures. In addition, this study argues that since antiracism as a word endorses a recognition of the existence of racism, it is important to build and offer antiracism programmes in and out of schools. It calls for antiracism education as a discipline to be given more space in formal education and proposes strategies through which this can be achieved. Furthermore, it proposes that antiracism education must be ready to be self-critical, bearing in mind that there is no one true solution to racism.Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan antirasistista kasvatusta Suomessa käsitteellisellä, menetelmällisellä ja käytäntöjen tasolla. Antirasistisen kasvatuksen käsitteellinen tarkastelu keskittyy siihen, miten antirasismin käsite ymmärretään, miksi se ymmärretään näin sekä millaisia haasteita ja uusia avauksia sisältyy olemassa olevien antirasististen strategioiden mahdolliseen muuttumiseen Suomessa. Antirasistisen kasvatuksen menetelmien ja käytäntöjen osalta tarkastelen sekä tutkimuskirjallisuutta että aineistoa hyödyntäen sitä, miten antirasistista kasvatusta Suomessa tehdään ja kuinka sitä voitaisiin tehdä toisin. Väitöskirja koostuu viidesta artikkelista. Ensimmäinen artikkeli If an apple is a foreign apple you have to wash it very carefully : Youth discourses on racism (painossa), joka käsittelee formalin ja non-formaalin kasvatuksen yhtymäkohtaa, kritisoi antirasistisia diskursseja väärien kysymysten kysymisestä. Toinen artikkeli Antiracism Apps as Actants of Education for Diversities (2015), tarkastelee, kuinka kahta mobiilisovellusta voidaan käyttää antirasistisen kasvatuksen välineinä pitäen samalla mielessä sekä teknologian tuomat mahdollisuudet että sen ajat. Kolmas artikkeli Educating Children to Survive within a Neo-Racist Framework: Parents' Struggle, (lähetetty arvioitavaksi), asettuu informaalin ja non-formaalin kasvatuksen alueelle tarkastellen, millaisia strategioita maahanmuuttajataustaisten lasten äidit käyttävät kasvattaessaan lastaan tai lapsiaan kohtaamaan ja vastaamaanrodullistamiseen perustuvaan väkivaltaan. Neljäs artikkeli Zebra World - The Promotion of Imperial Stereotypes in a Children's Book (2015) haastaa kasvatusmateriaalien binaarisen ja stereotyyppisen asetelman kysyessään kuinka ne kertovat tarinaa meistä ja heistä . Viimeinen, viides artikkeli Holocaust Education: An Alternative Approach to Antiracism Education? A Study of a Holocaust Textbook Used in 8th Grade in an International School in Finland (2015) tarkastelee, kuinka kasvattajat voivat hyödyntää intersektionaalisuuden käsitettä käyttäessään rasismin ja uusrasismin käsitteitä holokaustin ja rasismin välisiä yhteyksiä opettaessaan. Tämä tutkimus nostaa Suomessa ilmenevän rasismin tarkastelun kohteeksi hyödyntäen neljää toisiinsa kiinnittyvää näkökulmaa, jotka perustuvat postkolonialistisiin ja uusrasismia käsitteleviin teoretisointeihin. Näkökulmat ovat: suomalaisen erinomaisuuden ja erityisyyden kertomus (Finnish exceptionalism), koloniaaliset valtarakenteet (coloniality of power), valkoisuuden teoria (whiteness theory) sekä rasismin kiistäminen (denial of racism). Nämä näkökulmat tuovat esiin näkymättömät rakenteelliset hierarkiat, joita valtarakenteet tuottavat, pitävät yllä sekä muodostavat ja käyttävät yhä uudelleen. Lisäksi tämä tutkimus painottaa, että koska antirasismin käsite perustuu rasismin olemassaolon tunnistamiselle, antirasististen kasvatusmenetelmien rakentaminen ja tarjoaminen sekä koulussa että sen ulkopuolella on tärkeää. Tutkimus peräänkuuluttaa antirasistisen kasvatuksen näkemistä omana tutkimusalanaan, jolle tulisi olla enemmän tilaa formaalissa kasvatuksessa sekä esittää keinoja tämän toteuttamiseksi. Tutkimus myös ehdottaa, että antirasistisen kasvatuksen sisällä tarvitaan valmiutta itsekriittisyyteen, sillä rasismin ongelmaan ei ole yhtä ainoaa ratkaisua

    Kohti rasisminvastaista pedagogiikkaa

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    Main Dynamics of Turkish-African Relations in the 21st Century

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    This paper is focused on an overview of Turkey’s increased engagement towards Africa, especially in terms of its potentials, future perspectives and limits of the relations. It portrays and examines the main essence of Turkey’s foreign policy in Africa, and equally analyses the main reason or aspects behind the relations with Africa within the 21st century. It tries to answer the questions of why Turkey has so much interest in Africa now. In other words, it explores more the economic interaction (diplomacy) that fosters the relations between Turkey and Africa in the 21st century. It equally shows the economic aspects as key instrument in building relations between Turkey and Africa. This continent known as Africa in the 90s was never a concern to Turkey as it is in this 21st century, since Turkey paid more attention to its relations with the West, and its close neighbors like Middle East, Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia. It discusses some of the main political, economic, religious, cultural and strategic motivations behind Turkey’s interest in Africa, as well as some of the challenges face along the line in the 21st century. This paper consists of three main sections. The first section presents the relations between Turkey and Africa during Ottoman Empire, Turkish foreign policy toward Africa in Cold War period. It also gives an overview of Turkey’s relations with Africa, Turkey’s policy in Africa and the main elements shaping relations between Turkey and Africa. Then, the various approaches, mainly economic diplomacy approach in maintaining relations between Turkey and Africa in the 21st century are presented.Turkey’s increasing use of soft power strategies drive a great desire to tie both the economy of Turkey and Africa more closely. From the aforementioned, Turkey’s soft power content ranges from professional and cultural exchange, agriculture, and humanitarian assistance

    Nonlinear analysis of a fractional reaction diffusion model for tumour invasion

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    Mathematical models in general an

    The Stopped - Ethnic profiling in Finland

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    The report has also been published in Finnish: Keskinen, SP, Aminkeng Atabong, A, Himanen, M, Kivijärvi, A, Osazee, U, Rousku, V & Pöyhölä, N 2018, Pysäytetyt - Etninen profilointi Suomessa. SSKH Notat, no. 2/2018, University of Helsinki, Swedish School of Social Science, Helsinki. http://www.profiling.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Pysaytetyt_SUOM.pdfPeer reviewe

    The Stopped : Ethnic Profiling in Finland

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    The report has also been published in Finnish: Keskinen, SP, Aminkeng Atabong, A, Himanen, M, Kivijärvi, A, Osazee, U, Rousku, V & Pöyhölä, N 2018, Pysäytetyt - Etninen profilointi Suomessa. SSKH Notat, no. 2/2018, University of Helsinki, Swedish School of Social Science, Helsinki. http://www.profiling.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Pysaytetyt_SUOM.pdfPeer reviewe

    The Stopped : Ethnic Profiling in Finland

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    The report has also been published in Finnish: Keskinen, SP, Aminkeng Atabong, A, Himanen, M, Kivijärvi, A, Osazee, U, Rousku, V & Pöyhölä, N 2018, Pysäytetyt - Etninen profilointi Suomessa. SSKH Notat, no. 2/2018, University of Helsinki, Swedish School of Social Science, Helsinki. http://www.profiling.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Pysaytetyt_SUOM.pdfPeer reviewe

    Incidence, risk factors, clinical presentation and treatment of ectopic pregnancy in the Limbe and Buea Regional Hospitals in Cameroon

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    INTRODUCTION : ectopic pregnancy (EP) is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the first trimester of pregnancy in our environment. This study aimed at evaluating the incidence, risk factors, clinical presentation and treatment of ectopic pregnancy in the Limbe and Buea Regional Hospitals in Cameroon. METHODS : this was a retrospective nested case control study carried out from December 2006 to December 2016. A ratio for control vs cases of 3:1 was obtained. Any pregnancy implanted outside the normal uterine cavity was considered as an ectopic pregnancy. Student's t-test was used to compare continuous variables and Pearson's Chi-square test for categorical variables. The association between EP and the demographical and clinical variables was estimated using logistic regression. Statistical significance was set at p-values<0.05. RESULTS : a total of 247 cases of EP were registered out of 17221 deliveries giving an incidence of 1.43% in ten years. History of pelvic inflammatory disease (OR = 3.10, CI (1.76-5.44), p < 0.001), previous EP (OR = 10.22, CI (2.61-14.82), p < 0.001), History of induced abortion (OR = 2.68, CI (3.32-9.73), p< 0.001), history of adnexa surgery (OR = 4.37, CI (2.17-10.32), p < 0.001) and history of appendectomy (OR = 2.16, CI (0.99-6.64) p< 0.001), were also found to be associated with increased risk of EP. More than five percent (5.52%) of the patients were in shock at presentation. Diagnosis was confirmed mainly by use of ultrasound (78.53%) and treatment was principally by laparotomy (97.55%) with salpingectomy (95.60%). Most (90.18%) of ectopic pregnancies were ruptured at presentation. Only 2.45% of cases were manage medically with the use of methotrexate. CONCLUSION : the incidence of ectopic pregnancy (EP) in our environment is within the global range (hospital-based incidence of 1.43%) and is rising. Late presentation, lack of modern diagnostic and management tools have made laparotomy with salpingectomy the principal method of management of ectopic pregnancy in our environment.http://www.clinical-medicine.panafrican-med-journal.comam2021School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH