15 research outputs found

    Finite element modeling of tidal flow and bed -load transport in the Great Bay Estuarine system, New Hampshire

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    Current, sea level and bed-load transport are investigated in the Great Bay Estuary, New Hampshire---a shallow, well-mixed system with low freshwater input. Main channel tidal currents are over 2 m/sec, and its dynamic balance is dominated by the pressure gradient and bottom friction. Current and sea level forced by the M2, M4, M6 tides at the estuary mouth are simulated by two numerical models---a three-dimensional, harmonic model that solves the linearized shallow water equations (FUNDY5); and a vertically averaged, time stepping, non-linear model (ADAM). ADAM makes use of a kinematic assumption (that is, the local and advective accelerations are neglected) and accounts for flooding and dewatering over tidal flats by employing a groundwater component. FUNDY5 is used as a preliminary diagnostic tool to identify the general properties of the estuarine flow and to identify grid problems. ADAM is used as a prognostic model to simulate the tidal hydrodynamics of the estuarine system. The accuracy of the hydrodynamic predictions is evaluated by comparison with ten tidal elevation and four cross-section averaged current measurements. The results show that the kinematic assumption holds for the lower and middle sections of the estuary but fails in the upper sections, due in part to the increased importance of accelerations in these sections. Residuals (time averages) of currents are also investigated and yielded flood directed pathways over the shallow flats and ebb directed pathways in the deep channels. Currents simulated by ADAM are then used to model bed-load transport in the vicinity of a rapidly growing shoal located in the main channel of the lower system. Consisting of coarse sediments, the shoal must be dredged every 5--9 years. Two approaches are taken---an Eulerian parametric method in which elemental bed-load flux vectors are calculated at each time step; and a Lagrangian particle tracking approach in which a finite number of sediment particles are released at different times in the M2 cycle and tracked. Both methods yield pathways and accumulations in agreement with the observed shoal formation and the long-term rate of sediment accumulation in the shoal area

    Exchange characteristics of an anthropogenically modified lagoon: an Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling case study with an emphasis on the number of particles

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    The transport pathways and exchange characteristics of the Kamil Abdüş Lagoon in Istanbul, Turkey, are simulated using a finite element model with a Lagrangian particle tracking module. The lagoon is in the process of being reconfigured. The simulations are performed using a draft configuration. The effect of winds and the number of particles on the e-folding time is simulated. Results show that the lagoon is strongly dominated by winds with a correlation coefficient of 0.897 between the wind and residual current magnitudes. The lagoon e-folds in 9.1 days under realistic winds and in 14.3 days when there is no wind with confidence levels of 5%. The Lagrangian study uses six simulations with particle numbers ranging between 65073 and 2730486. A methodology based on confidence levels is proposed. It is observed that approximately 784 000 particles are necessary to obtain 5% level of confidence. With a problematic history and new planning options, the lagoon has a potential to be used as an example setting, all-field study ground for anthropogenically engineered coastal ecosystems

    Risk-based analytical modelling of managerial processes in shipping business

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    Gemi işletmeciliği faaliyetleri uluslararası platformda, yüksek rekabet koşulları altında ve her geçen gün yükselen öz-denetim olgusu gibi kısıtlar altında yürütülmektedir. Bu tür kısıtlar, gemi işletmeciliğinde profesyonel anlayışa geçişe ve yenilikçi yürütme faaliyetlerine sürekli gelişim hedefi ile yönelimi tetikler. Son yıllarda, sertifikalandırma kuruluşları ve denizcilik danışmanlık grupları gemi işletmeciliği idarecilerine Entegre Yönetim Sistemini (EYS) ileri bir çözüm aracı olarak önermektedir. Gemi işletmeciliğinde EYS uygulamalarının kapsamı uluslararası tanınmış standartların gemi güvenliği ve gemilerden kaynaklanan kirliliğin önlenmesi ile ilgili zorunlu denizcilik kurallarıyla birleştirilmesi esası üzerinedir. Bu noktada, standart gereksinimlerinin uyumluluğu ve ilgili kuralların gemi işletmeciliği yönetim organizasyonuna entegrasyonu iki temel sorun olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu araştırma ile Bulanık Bilgi Aksiyomu (BBA), Hata Ağacı Analizi (HAA), Analitik Ağ Süreci (AAS) ve diğer başlıca Çok Ölçütlü Karar Verme (ÇÖKV) yöntemlerini de içeren bir Risk Bütünleşik Karar Destek Sistemi (RBKDS) geliştirildi. RBKDS, Veri Tabanlı Yönetim Sistemi (VTYS), Model Esaslı Yönetim Sistemi (MEYS), BBA esaslı Model Seçim Arayüzü (BBA-MSA), Entegre Süreç Yönetim Modülü (ESYM), İdari Karar Verme Modülü (IKVM) ve Risk Kontrol Ve Yönetim Modülü (RKYM) gibi unsurların bütünleştirilmesi ile oluşmuştur. Tamamlanan prototip uygulama ile RBKDS’ın EYS’nin süreç temelli entegrasyonu ve gemi işletmeciliğinde yönetimsel süreçlerin risk temelli analitik çözümü konusunda gemi işletmeciliği idarecilerini destekleyen nitel çıktılar ortaya koyduğu görülmüştür. Süreç idaresi prosedürlerinin yeniden tasarımına karar desteğinin yanı sıra, RBKDS, ayrıca farklı standartlar arası uyumsuzluk risklerini de göz önünde bulundurarak yönetimsel süreçler üzerine etkin karar vermeyi sağlamaktadır.   Anahtar Kelimeler: Gemi işletmeciliği, karar destek sistemi, entegre yönetim sistemi.Relevance to legislation in shipping business cycle, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) principally governs the safety and environmental protection via Flag State Implementation (FSI) and regional Port State Control (PSC) authorities in accordance with the designated Memorandum Of Understandings (MOUs). Although the IMO has adopted various conventions, mainly concerning marine safety, security, pollution prevention, and other relevant issues, enforcement of the international commitments and standards in trading activities of ships necessitate the involvement of maritime stakeholders. The IMO declared that there are now enough regulations in place and the problem is one of implementation and enforcement. In accordance with the recent trends in international maritime legislation, the implementation process of regulatory regime has become a competitive factor for the market players to achieve the sustainable development target in maritime transportation industry. Industrial response to this trend recalls the self-regulation. It is appeared as relatively a new regime for shipping business initiatives in maritime transportation industry. Extensively, the self-regulation dominates the industry and it mainly enforces the maritime stakeholders involvement in enhancement of the safety/environmental aspects for shipping business. Beside safety and environmental contributions, the self-regulation spontaneously ensures legislative performance of the relevant organizations such as classification societies, insurers, cargo owners, shippers, shipbrokers, ship managers, terminal operators and, ship financiers in trading activities satisfactorily. Implementation of an Integrated Management System (IMS) is one of the most effective and concrete instruments of managing the self-regulation phenomenon in order to respond to increasing demands from maritime society. In principle, the concept of IMS practices in shipping business is based on combining internationally recognized voluntary standards with the mandatory maritime 8regulations that are mainly concern with ship safety and the prevention of pollution from ships. In the early design phase of an IMS, cooperative efforts of maritime consultancies and relevant shipping executives targets to enable maximum improvement in managerial processes while reducing the costs and excessive bureaucracy in implementation of redesigned procedures. As potential clients, the third party groups such as cargo owners and contracted charterers have closely monitored the performance effects of IMS integration into professional shipping companies. Therefore, the managerial efforts are extremely valuable for the purpose of benefit from IMS implementations, which increase the reputation of ship management companies and provide an enormous trading advantage in maritime transportation industry. This research develops a Risk Integrated Decision Support System (RIDSS) based on a multi-methodological background includes Fuzzy Axiomatic Design (FAD) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), as well as Analytic Network Process (ANP) and other principal MCDM methods. The initial focus of the RIDSS is to reveal quantitative outcomes in order to encourage relevant shipping executives towards process-based integration of an IMS also to enhance risk-based analytical modelling of managerial processes in shipping business. The RIDSS consists of various modules such as Database Management System (DBMS), Model Base Management System (MBMS), FAD-based Model Selection Interface (FAD-MSI), Integrated Process Management Module (IPMM), Executive Decision-Making Module (EDMM), and Risk Control And Management Module (RCMM) with a high level of integrity. To demonstrate the proposed RIDSS, the mostly encountered managerial processes in commercial, technical, and operational levels of shipping business are then addressed and modelled. Specifically, the prototype application of the RIDSS incorporates the following process:(i) shipboard personnel recruitment, (ii) familiarization and training, (iii) performance appraisals of marine suppliers, (iv) marine equipment/spare purchasing, (v) fleet maintenance planning, (vi) accident analysis and prevention, (vii) Ship docking operations management, (viii) performance measurement for emergency drills. Besides decision aid to redesigning of process execution procedures through IMS requirements, the RIDSS also enables an effective decision-making on managerial processes even considering the potential risks of regulatory incompliance.  Keywords: Shipping business, decision support system, integrated management system.

    Particles in the Coastal Ocean: Theory and Applications 1st Edition

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    The coastal ocean comprises the semi-enclosed seas on the continental shelf, including estuaries and extending to the shelf break. This region is the focus of many serious concerns, including coastal inundation by tides, storm surges, or sea level change; fisheries and aquaculture management; water quality; harmful algal blooms; planning of facilities (e.g., power stations); port development and maintenance; and oil spills. This book addresses modeling and simulation of the transport, evolution, and fate of particles (physical and biological) in the coastal ocean. It is the first to summarize the state of the art in this field and direct it toward diverse applications, for example in measuring and monitoring sediment motion, oil spills, and larval ecology. This is an invaluable textbook and reference work for advanced students and researchers in oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, marine and civil engineering, computational science, and environmental science.</span

    Acute traumatic posterior fracture dislocation of the elbow in pediatric patients: impact of surgery time and associated fractures on outcome

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    This study assessed the effect of the time interval from initial injury to surgery and the presence of associated fracture on functional outcomes after acute posterior elbow fracture dislocation. Twenty-six pediatric patients were evaluated with respect to operation time point (within 24 h vs. later) and associated fracture retrospectively. The Mayo Elbow Performance Index (MEPI) score was used to assess functional results. The MEPI score was 91 (80-100) in patients with one associated fracture and 83 (75-95) (P=0.02) in patients with more than one associated fracture. The MEPI score in patients treated within 24 h was 90.3 (75-95) and in those treated later than 24 h, it was 88.6 (75-100) (P=0.6). Treatment time (within 24 h vs. later) does not affect outcomes, but increasing numbers of associated injuries affect outcomes negatively. Level of study: Level IV case series. Copyright (C) 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved

    A System for Visualizing Time Varying Oceanographic 3D Data

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    Abstract- Most data visualization systems only show static data or produce &amp;quot;canned &amp;quot; movies of time-varying data. Others incorporate visualization in real-time monitoring but these are generally customized to the particular application. The ability to interactively navigate through geospatial data is common but interactive navigation along the time dimension is not. And yet, visualization of data from interacting dynamic systems is increasingly necessary to interpret biological process, physical oceanographic processes, the motion of instrument platforms (such as ships, ROVs and AUVs), and the interactions between all of these. To address this need, we have enhanced our GeoZui3D system so that it seamlessly handles multiple time varying data sets: anything can be handled that can be represented through time varying surfaces, curved colored lines, curved colored tubes, arrow arrays, or color-, shape-, and size-coded points. The system can be used in both real-time and replay modes and data sets that have different sampling rates can still be visualized together. GeoZui3D can visualize events over a wide range of time scales from sensor readings at the millisecond scale to glacial movements evolving over tens of thousands of years. The system is illustrated with examples from collaborative research projects including modeled ocean and estuarine currents, tides, ship movements, changes in surface topography, AUV and ROV movements and the movements of marine mammals. I