90 research outputs found
Identifikasi Teknik-teknik Pengubahan Tingkah Laku dalam Penerapan Pemikiran Ibnu Qoyyim Al-jauziyyah untuk Pengentasan Korban Seks Bebas dan Homoseks (Kajian Analisis Hermeneutika Bersusun)
The purposes of this research were to obtain (1) Descriptive-interpretative information related to the intervention targets of behavior modification, (2) Descriptive-interpretative information related with the analysis and diagnosis, and (3) Descriptive-interpretative understanding on each form of treatment that can be used as a technique of behavior modification for freesex and homosexual. Data were collected through a text document of Ibnu Qoyyim al-Jauziyyah thought, observation and interview with research subjects in the field. The study used a qualitative approach with multilevel hermeneutic analysis. Results of the study were: (1) Intervention target of modification behavior focusing on thought/belief modification; (2) analysis and diagnosis around the unhealthy thoughts/beliefs and habit/action; (3) it was founded treatment form to alleviate freesex victim and homosexual in the form of mind intervention techniques, lust disorder alleviation techniques, homosexual alleviation techniques, and worship as an alleviation techniques.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh (1) keterangan deskriptif-interpretif terkait sasaran intervensi pengubahan tingkah laku, (2) keterangan deskriptif-interpretif terkait analisis dan diagnosis, dan (3) pemahaman deskriptif-interpretif pada tiap bentuk perlakuan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai teknik pengubahan tingkah laku seks bebas dan homoseks. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumen teks pemikiran Ibnu Qoyyim al-Jauziyyah, observasi dan interviu subjek terteliti lapangan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis hermeneutika bersusun. Hasil penelitian adalah (1) sasaran intervensi pengubahan tingkah laku berfokus di pengubahan pikiran/keyakinan; (2) analisis dan diagnosis berkisar pada pikiran/keyakinan dan kebiasaan/perbuatan yang tidak sehat; (3) ditemukan bentuk perlakuan dalam pengentasan korban seks bebas dan homoseks berupa teknik intervensi pikiran, teknik pengentasan gangguan syahwat, teknik pengentasan homoseks, dan ibadah sebagai teknik pengentasan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kedisiplinan dalam mengerjakan tugas dan motivasi belajar mahasiswa dengan adanya penerapan Media E-Learning dalam pembelajaran analisis data pada mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika semester VII tahun ajaran 2018/2019 sekaligus untuk mengetahu adanya peningkatan kedisiplinan dalam mengerjakan tugas dan motivasi belajar mahasiswa dengan adanya penerapan media e-learning. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang melibatkan satu kelas dengan desain penelitian one-group pretest-posttest. Dalam penelitian ini pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. Adapun teknik pengambilan data adalah mengunakan pretes-postest. Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistik deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa kedisiplinan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan tugas analisis selama diberika perlakuan berada dalam ketegori ketegori tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata motvasi belajar mahasiswa minimal berada pada kategori tinggi pada mahasiswa program studi pendidikan matematika setelah penerapan media e-learning.
Kata Kunci : kedisiplinan dalam mengerjakan tugas, motivasi belajar mahasiswa, media e-learnin
Tradisi Pogogutat Suku Mongondow di Sulawesi Utara Perspektif Maslahah Mursalah
This study aims to discuss the Mongondow tribal pogogutat tradition in North Sulawesi with a maslahah mursalah approach. This research is field research and data collected through observation, interviews and documents. The collected data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive through fiqh approach, namely the problem masseah. The results showed: First, there was a shift in the practice of pogogutat, starting from the business of making tent services, catering services, increasing people's income, without the terms and conditions of the goods. Pogogutat value shift due to lack of social life, tribal and cultural assimilation, village government regulations, lack of community awareness in understanding local culture, lack of cultural communication, lack of cultural learning and pogogutat tradition, environmental changes, and the influence of modern culture; Second, although the Pogogutat tradition has negative values, the Pogogutat tradition tends to have positive values ​​as a primary need (darûriyât)
Vegetation Density, Root Architecture Model, and Hydrodynamic Simulation Rhizophora Apiculata Bl. in Bone Bay, South Sulawesi
Mangrove is the only ecosistem that grows and develops in the coastal area. This study was conducted to analyze the mangrove forest vegetation to create a simulation of the root sistem of Rhizophora apiculata Bl. related to its ability in the process of hydrodynamic fluid of seawater in the Lompo village, District Awangpone, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi. Criteria that used as a model reference had minimum age approximately five years and minimum height of about 2 m. The variables that measure were height, diameter, and length of the roots. The parameters of the simulation are the average speed of sea level, the dynamic pressure of seawater, as well as drag coefficient of Gulf of Bone. Based on this research, vegetation area with highest density located at second kilometer, medium density located at first kilometer, and the lowest density located at third kilometer. The average velocity of seawater, the lowest is in the natural cropping pattern of highest density, meanwhile the highest is in the parallel cropping pattern of lowest density. Dynamic pressure, the lowest is in the natural cropping pattern of highest density, meanwhile the highest is in the parallel cropping pattern of lowest density. The drag coefficient, the highest is in the natural cropping pattern of highest density, meanwhile the lowest is in the parallel cropping pattern of lowest density
Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kecelakaan Kerja pada Pekerja Bengkel Mobil Kota Kendari Tahun 2016
Kecelakaan kerja merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada pekerja dan juga pada pengusaha.Kecelakaan kerja ini biasanya terjadi karena faktor dari pekerja itu sendiri dan lingkungan kerja yang dalam hal ini adalahdari pihak pengusaha. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan durasi kerja, kelelahan kerja, sikap kerja,pengetahuan k3 dan penggunaan APD dengan kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja bengkel mobil Kota Kendari Tahun 2016.Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang bertujuan untukmendapatkan gambaran mengenai faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja bengkel mobilkota kendari. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 18 Januari – 3 Februari 2016 sampai selesai dengan lokasi penelitian padabengkel mobil Tipe A di Kota Kendari. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh total populasi berjumlah 49 orang.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara durasi kerja dengan kecelakaan kerja dimana P>α, terdapat hubungan antara kelelahan kerja dengan kecelakaan kerja dimana nilai P< α dengan nilai hubungan keduavariabel bernilai sedang (phi=0,471), terdapat hubungan antara sikap kerja dengan kecelakaan kerja dimana nilai Pvalue <α dengan nilai hubungan kedua variabel bernilai kuat (phi=0,582), terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan K3 dengankecelakaan kerja dimana nilai Pvalue < α dengan nilai hubungan kedua variabel bernilai kuat (phi=0,655) dan terdapathubungan antara penggunaan APD dengan kecelakaan kerja dimana nilai Pvalue < α dengan nilai hubungan kedua variabelbernilai sedang (phi=0,418). Sebaiknya para pekerja bengkel mobil lebih diperhatikan dalam aspek durasi kerja, sikap kerja,pengetahuan k3 dan penggunaan APD agar terhindar dari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.Kata kunc i: Kecelakaan Kerja, Durasi Kerja, Kelelahan Kerja, Sikap Kerja, Pengetahuan K3, Penggunaan APD, Bengkel Mobil.Valu
The Rights of The Shareholders Minority in a Company: A Critical Analysis
In an economic area, the national economy is operated to create prosperity of the society equally. To reach the purpose, it is needed supporting facilities such as “legal order” to encourage, to drive, and to control all development activities in the economic area. Basically, the first law of PT was the Law No. 1of 1995 Concerning Limited Liability Companies. It has been changed to the Law No. 40 of 2007 Concerning Limited Liability Companies. The protection of the rights of the shareholders minority can be found in article 61 (1) (2), article 62 (1) (2), article 138 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and article 146 (1), (2), (6) of the Law No. 40 of 2007 on PT, as well as in various regulation. The purpose of it indeed is to protect the shareholders minority from the action of the shareholders majority or the company. The result of the research showed that some variables (indicators) of the rights of the shareholders minority showed that the indicators can been seen in the forms of the rights of the shareholders minority are the rights of the company’s operating, the rights of accessing information of the company, the rights of a fair price, and the personal rights. Keywords: the Rights of the Shareholders Minority and the Compan
This study discusses the application of ex officio rights of judges to divorce cases at the Bulukumba Religious Court Class II. The judge at the Bulukumba Religious Court Class II once exercised his ex officio rights which ordered the applicant (husband) to hand over the iddah and mut'ah income to the respondent (wife) even though the respondent or the wife did not file a counterclaim. Therefore, it is necessary to explore how the ex officio rights of judges are applied at the Bulukumba Religious Court and the legal consequences of implementing these ex officio rights. This type of research is an empirical legal research that is a study with field data as the main data source, such as the results of interviews and observations. The results of this study indicate that in the Bulukumba Religious Court, judges exercise their ex officio rights, for example in Decision Number 799/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Blk and Decision Number 574/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Blk and one of the considerations is to provide justice for a wife who will be divorced by her husband. However, the application of this ex officio right is rarely used because most divorce cases at the Bulukumba Religious Court are decided verstek, making it difficult for the judge to prove that the applicant is entitled to receive the right or not. The legal consequence of applying the ex officio rights of judges is to realize the principle of justice by putting everything in its share. In other words everyone fulfills their responsibilities and receives what is due to them.
Keywords: Divorce, Judge Ex Officio Rights, Religious CourtsPenelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan hak ex officio hakim terhadap perkara cerai talak di Pengadilan Agama Bulukumba Kelas II. Hakim di Pengadilan Agama Bulukumba Kelas II pernah menerapkan hak ex officio yang dimilikinya yang memerintahkan pemohon (suami) untuk menyerahkan nafkah iddah dan nafkah mut’ah kepada termohon (istri) walaupun termohon atau pihak isteri tersebut tidak mengajukan gugatan rekonvensinya. Oleh karena itu, perlu ditelusuri bagaimana penerapan hak ex officio hakim di Pengadilan Agama Bulukumba dan akibat hukum dari penerapan hak ex officio tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris yaitu suatu penelitian dengan adanya data-data lapangan sebagai sumber data utama, seperti hasil wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di pengadilan Agama Bulukumba hakim menerapkan hak ex officio-nya contohnya pada putusan Nomor 799/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Blk dan putusan Nomor 574/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Blk dan salah satu pertimbangannya yaitu untuk memberikan keadilan bagi seorang istri yang akan diceraikan oleh suaminya. Namun penerapan hak ex officio ini jarang digunakan dikarenakan kebanyakan perkara cerai talak di Pengadilan Agama Bulukumba yang diputus secara verstek, sehingga membuat hakim sulit untuk membuktikan bahwa pemohon berhak menerima hak tersebut atau tidak. Akibat hukum dari penerapan hak ex officio hakim adalah untuk mewujudkan asas keadilan dengan meletakkan semua pada porsinya. Dengan kata lain semua orang memenuhi tanggung jawab mereka dan menerima apa yang menjadi hak mereka.
Kata Kunci: Cerai Talak, Hak Ex Officio Hakim, Pengadilan Agama
Synthesis, characterization, biological and electrical conductivity studies of some Schiff base metal complexes
Metal complexes of VO(IV), Zr(IV), Th(IV) and UO2(VI) with Schiff base ligands derived from 4-nitrobenzoylhydrazide with 2-hydroxy-5-methylacetophenone (H2L1) or 2-hydroxy-5-chloroacetophenone (H2L2) have been prepared. All the complexes have been characterized on the basis of elemental analyses, magnetic susceptibility measurement, electronic and IR spectra and thermogravimetric analysis. The IR spectral data suggested that the ligands behave as dibasic tridentate moiety towards the central metal ion coordinating through phenolic oxygen, enolic oxygen and azomethine nitrogen atoms. The elemental analyses show a 1:1 metal:ligand stoichiometry for all the complexes except Th(IV) which has 1:2 stoichiometry. The thermal analysis evidenced that thermal transformations of complexes are processes according to TG curves including dehydration, thermolysis and oxidative degradation of Schiff base. The final product of decomposition is the most stable metallic oxide. The kinetic analysis of the thermogravimetric data was performed by using the Coats-Redfern method. Solid state electrical conductivity of the complexes has been measured in their compressed pellet form over a 310-413 K temperature range. All the complexes show semiconducting behavior as their conductivity increases with increasing temperature and a function of ionic size. All the complexes along with ligands were also screened for their antibacterial and antifungal activities. KEY WORDS: Aroylhydrazones, Metal complexes, Biological activity, TGA, Electrical conductivity Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2014, 28(2), 255-264.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v28i2.
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