75 research outputs found

    Anatomical location of inferior alveolar canal in different age groups in local population

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    Objective: To assess the radiographic location of the inferior alveolar canal and its association with age and gender. Methodology: This observational study was conducted at the dental department of Isra University Hospital Hyderabad, in the time duration of six months (Sep-2015 to Feb-2016). All the adult patients aged ≥18 years with permanent teeth underwent diagnostic quality imaging with suitable contrast and density, presence of first molar, 1st & 2nd premolar and canine in images, superimposition of structures and either of gender were included. Patients underwent panoramic digital imaging. The manufacturer’s guide-based images were produced using panoramic machine (digital) to assess multi-pattern of inferior dental canal using software “OWANDY OPG I-MAX TOUCH OSP and Quick vision to get histogram equalization and gray values. The entire data was entered in self-made proforma and was analyzed by using SPSS 20th version. Results: Overall 70 patients were studied; their mean age was 28.23+12.43 years, females were found in the majority (57.14%). Most of the patients (54.28%) were seen with inferior alveolar variations of Type I, followed by 21.42% Type II, 14.28% type III and 10% with Type IV. According to the site of mandibular canal locations; 21 of 70 had right side, 15 had left side and 34 had bilateral. There was statistically no significant variance in the appearance of inferior alveolar nerve according to age and gender. Conclusion: Localized superior and inferior borders were 54.28% in our population to avoid injury during the maxillofacial surgery or during dental implant procedures. There was an insignificant difference in location according to age and gende

    Bioactive Paper Sensor Based on the Acetylcholinesterase for the Rapid Detection of Organophosphate and Carbamate Pesticides

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    In many countries, people are becoming more concerned about pesticide residues which are present in or on food and feed products. For this reason, several methods have been developed to monitor the pesticide residue levels in food samples. In this study, a bioactive paper-based sensor was developed for detection of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors including organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. Based on the Ellman colorimetric assay, the assay strip is composed of a paper support (1×10 cm), onto which a biopolymer chitosan gel immobilized in crosslinking by glutaraldehyde with AChE and 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic) acid (DTNB) and uses acetylthiocholine iodide (ATChI) as an outside reagent. The assay protocol involves introducing the sample to sensing zone via dipping of a pesticide-containing solution. Following an incubation period, the paper is placed into ATChI solution to initiate enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of the substrate, causing a yellow color change. The absence or decrease of the yellow color indicates the levels of the AChE inhibitors. The biosensor is able to detect organophosphate and carbamate pesticides with good detection limits (methomyl=6.16×10-4 mM and profenofos=0.27 mM) and rapid response times (~5 min). The results show that the paper-based biosensor is rapid, sensitive, inexpensive, portable, disposable, and easy-to-use

    Confirm Content Validity and Sender Authenticity for Text Messages by Using QR Code

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    في ظل ثورة المعلومات التي يشهدها عالمنا الحديث,اصبحت المراسلات الالكترونية ضرورية ومن المهم حفظ هذه المعلومات المرسلة. لذلك عرضنا هذه التقنية لضمان سلامة محتوى الرسائل وأصالة المرسل عبر شبكات الاتصالات عن طريق تحويل رمز الرسالة إلى أرقام، كل واحد من رموز الرسالة (الحروف والأرقام والرموز) سوف تحول إلى ثلاثة أرقام، الرقم الأول يمثل أسكي كود الرمز، والرقم الثاني يمثل تردد هذا الرمز في الرسالة (عدد المرات التي يظهر فيها هذا الرمز في الرسالة)، والرقم الثالث يمثل العدد الإجمالي لمواقع تكرارات هذا الرمز (يحسب موقع الرمز من الرمز الأول في الرسالة إلى هذا الرمز نفسه وتحسب الفراغات أيضا). وسيتم تحويل التوقيع الرقمي للمرسل إلى أرقام مثل رموز الرسالة كما أوضحناها سابقا، هذه الأرقام للتوقيع الرقمي سوف تجمع معا لإنتاج ثلاثة أرقام فقط، وهذا الرقام الثلاثة تجمع مع أرقام رموز الرسالة ، بعدها تم تحويل هذه الأرقام إلى كيو ار كود، يوضع كيو ار كود مع الرسالة ترسال إلى المستلم. المستلم يقوم بأجراء خطوات المرسل (تكوين كيو ار كود من الرسالة المستلمة) ويتم مقارنة الكيو ار كود ما إذا كان مطابق أم لا. وسيضمن المستلم أن المحتوى آمن، ويؤكد صحة المرسل.In light of the information revolution taking place in the modern world, therefore it becomes necessary and important to save this electronic messages. So we offered this technique to ensure the safety of the content of the messages and authenticity of the sender through  networks communication by converting the message's symbols to numbers , each one of this symbols (letters, numbers, symbols) will converted into three digits, the first digit represents the ASCII code of the symbol , the second digit represents the frequency of this symbol in the message (the number of times this symbol is appear in the message), and the third digit represents the total number of the locations of the symbol (calculates the symbol location from the first symbol in the message to this symbol itself and blanks also calculated too) .The digital signature of the sender will converted to numbers like the symbols of message we explained it before, and this numbers of the digital signature will gathering together to produce three numbers only, this number will gathering with each numbers of the message's symbols, the final  numbers will converted to QR Code , the QR Code will placed with the message and sent to the recipient. The recipient returns the steps of the sender (produce QR Code from the received message) and compared it the received QR Codes, if it is match or not. The recipient will ensure that the content is secure, and confirms the authenticity of the sender

    Sponge media drying using a swirling fluidized bed dryer

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    Surface preparation today has seen the introduction of sponge media as an alternative product against the traditionally used abrasive materials. Being soft and elastic, the sponge media reduces air borne emission significantly during surface preparation with capability to be re-used. However the environmental conditions limit the sponge media usage whereby wet surroundings prohibit the re-use of the sponge without being dried properly. This study proposes the swirling fluidized bed dryer as a novel drying technique for sponge media. Batch experiments were conducted to study the bed’s hydrodynamics followed by drying studies for three bed loadings of 0.5 kg, 0.75 kg and 1.0 kg at three drying temperatures of 80°C, 90°C and 100°C. It was found that, minimum fluidization velocities for the wet sponge particles were found to be 1.342, 1.361 and 1.382 m/s with minimum swirling velocities of 1.400, 1.469 and 1.526 m/s. Drying times were recorded between 6 to 16 minutes depending on bed loading and drying temperature. Smaller bed weights exhibits faster drying with constant-rate drying period while higher drying temperature and larger bed load resulted in falling-rate drying period. Thin layer modelling for the falling-rate region indicates that Verma et. al model provides the best fit for the present experimental data with coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.98773, root mean square error, RMSE = 0.05048, residuals = 0.3442 and reduced chi-square, χ2 = 0.00254. The effective diffusivity, Deff, for 0.5 kg bed load was found to be 3.454 x 10-9 m2/s and 1.751 x 10-9 m2/s for 0.75 kg bed load. In conclusion, SFBD was found to be a viable and efficient method in drying of sponge media for various industrial applications particularly surface preparation

    Toxicity Assessment of Buprofezin, Lufenuron, and Triflumuron to the Earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa

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    Earthworms are particularly important soil macroinvertebrates and are often used in assessing the general impact of pesticide pollution in soil. The present study was conducted in order to investigate the toxicity of three insect growth regulators (IGRs) buprofezin, lufenuron, and triflumuron, at different application rates and exposure times toward mature earthworms Aporrectodea caliginosa. The effects of these pesticides on the growth rate in relation to the activities of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) as biochemical indicators were evaluated to elucidate the mechanisms of action. Toxicity studies indicated that lufenuron was the most harmful pesticide to mature earthworms, followed in descending order by buprofezin and triflumuron. A reduction in growth rate in all pesticide-treated worms was dose-dependent over the 28-day exposure period, which was accompanied by a decrease in AChE and GST activities. Relationships between growth rate, AChE, and GST provided strong evidence for the involvement of pesticidal contamination in the biochemical changes in earthworms, which can be used as a bioindicator of soil contamination by pesticides


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    A vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland (VSSFCW) and a free surface flow constructed wetland (FSFCW) were set for the objective of comparison the performance of two systems in order to make a decision of the better one for future installation of wastewater treatment system and power generation. Both of the constructed wetlands were planted with Cyperus Alternifolius. During the observation period (19 days or 456 hours), environmental conditions such as pH, temperature, total chemical oxygen demand (COD), phosphate (PO4), nitrate (NO3), total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), Pb, Cu, and Cd removal efficiencies of the systems were determined. According to the results, final removal efficiencies for the VSSF and FWSF, respectively, were: COD (94.3% and 94.3%), PO4 (84.3% and 75.3%), NO3 (100% and 100%), TSS (96.8% and 85.6%), Pb (65.8% and 81.4%), Cu (more than 94.7% and 89.4%), Cd (85.7% and 88%). The treatment performances of the VSSF were better than that of the FWSF with regard to the removal of suspended solids and nutrients. In FWSF systems, electricity generation performed better than VSSF of 31.4 mV especially with batch system during one wastewater feed is loaded among all of the nineteen days with maximum voltage of 33.7 mV and decreased gradually as oxygen depletion in cathode chamber and less metabolism processes have occurred

    Validate the Content and Authenticity of the Sender for Text Messages Using QR Code

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    في ظل ثورة المعلومات التي يشهدها عالمنا الحديث, اصبحت المراسلات الالكترونية ضرورية ومن المهم حفظ هذه المعلومات المرسلة. لذلك عرضنا هذه التقنية لضمان سلامة محتوى الرسائل وأصالة المرسل عبر شبكات الاتصالات عن طريق تحويل رمز الرسالة إلى أرقام، كل واحد من رموز الرسالة (الحروف والأرقام والرموز) سوف تحول إلى ثلاثة أرقام، الرقم الأول يمثل أسكي كود الرمز، والرقم الثاني يمثل تردد هذا الرمز في الرسالة (عدد المرات التي يظهر فيها هذا الرمز في الرسالة)، والرقم الثالث يمثل العدد الإجمالي لمواقع تكرارات هذا الرمز (يحسب موقع الرمز من الرمز الأول في الرسالة إلى هذا الرمز نفسه وتحسب الفراغات أيضا). وسيتم تحويل التوقيع الرقمي للمرسل إلى أرقام مثل رموز الرسالة كما أوضحناها سابقا، هذه الأرقام للتوقيع الرقمي سوف تجمع معا لإنتاج ثلاثة أرقام فقط، وهذا الرقام الثلاثة تجمع مع أرقام رموز الرسالة ، بعدها تم تحويل هذه الأرقام إلى كيو ار كود، يوضع كيو ار كود مع الرسالة ترسال إلى المستلم. المستلم يقوم بأجراء خطوات المرسل (تكوين كيو ار كود من الرسالة المستلمة) ويتم مقارنة الكيو ار كود ما إذا كان مطابق أم لا. وسيضمن المستلم أن المحتوى آمن، ويؤكد صحة المرسل.In light of the information revolution taking place in the modern world, therefore it becomes necessary and important to save this electronic messages. So we offered this technique to ensure the safety of the content of the messages and authenticity of the sender through  networks communication by converting the message's symbols to numbers , each one of this symbols (letters, numbers, symbols) will converted into three digits, the first digit represents the ASCII code of the symbol, the second digit represents the frequency of this symbol in the message (the number of times this symbol is appear in the message), and the third digit represents the total number of the locations of the symbol (calculates the symbol location from the first symbol in the message to this symbol itself and blanks also calculated too) .The digital signature of the sender will converted to numbers like the symbols of message we explained it before, and this numbers of the digital signature will gathering together to produce three numbers only, this number will gathering with each numbers of the message's symbols, the final  numbers will converted to QR Code, the QR Code will placed with the message and sent to the recipient. The recipient returns the steps of the sender (produce QR Code from the received message) and compared it the received QR Codes, if it is match or not. The recipient will ensure that the content is secure, and confirms the authenticity of the sender

    Pars Plana Vitrectomy with Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling in Traumatic Macular Hole: 14% Perfluoropropane (C 3

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    Purpose. To evaluate the outcome of 23 G PPV and ILM peeling with 14% C3F8 compared with silicone oil tamponade in cases of TMHs without spontaneous closure. Methods. A retrospective comparative study included 33 eyes with TMHs; 7 eyes healed spontaneously, and the remaining 26 eyes have been treated with PPV and ILM peeling. Silicone oil was used as a tamponade for children or adults who refused to adopt face-down position (10 cases). In all other cases (16 cases), 14% C3F8 was used. These cases were followed up for 6 months postoperatively. Results. 26 cases (22 males and 4 females) were reviewed, including 10 cases treated with silicone oil and 16 cases treated with 14% C3F8. Patients’ age ranged from 9 to 54 years. The success rate was 90% in the silicone-filled (9/10) and 94% in the gas-filled (15/16) eyes. At 6 months, the mean BCVA was 0.3 ± 0.25 in the silicone group and 0.2 ± 0.13 in the gas group (p<0.05). Conclusions. Cases of TMHs should be observed for spontaneous closure. PPV with ILM peeling should be conducted for nonclosing cases. Gas and silicone oil tamponades are equally successful in anatomical and visual outcomes. This trial is registered with CTRI/2017/06/008765

    Impact of organic amendments addition to sandy clay loam soil and sandy loam soil on leaching process of chlorantraniliprole insecticide and bispyribac-sodium herbicide

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    The leaching of two pesticides, cholantraniliprole (CAP) and bispyribac-sodium (BPS) in sandy clay loam soil (soil A) and sandy loam soil (soil B) were examined, by soil columns under laboratory conditions. In addition, the effect of adding 5% biochar and wheat straw to the soils on the leaching of CAP and BPS was studied. It is clear from the results that BPS is more leachable than CAP in all soil columns, and more leached to soil B. It was found that the addition of biochar and wheat straw has a significant effect on the movements of these pesticides and can be used to reduce the environmental impact. For CAP, 71 to 97% and 84 to 97% were recovered from the soil A columns and soil B columns, respectively, while for BPS, 94 to 99% were recovered from columns of soil A and soil B

    Effect of soil organic amendments on sorption behavior of two insecticides and two herbicides

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    The effect of biochar, compost, peat and wheat straw at 1 and 5% on adsorption isotherm of chlorantraniliprole, dinotefuran, bispyribac-sodium, and metribuzin was studied in clay loam soil and sandy loam soil. Biochar, compost, peat and wheat straw (at a rate of 1 % in soil) improved the adsorption capacity of chlorantraniliprole and metribuzin in sandy loam soil. The sorption coefficients are higher for chlorantraniliprole and metribuzin whereas lower for dinotefuran and bispyribac-sodium in amended soil compared to unamended sandy loam soil. There is not a clear direct correlation between Freundlich parameters as well as Kd or Koc and type of organic amendment. The sorption of all tested pesticides on biochar was increased, whereas on compost was decreased. The order of pesticides sorption in soils and different organic amendments is generally inversely proportional to their aqueous solubilites. Adsorption of chlorantraniliprole increases on the sandy loam soil amendment at the rate of 1% in the following order: peat > compost > biochar > original soil. Also, the magnitude of adsorption on soil A amendment at the rate of 5% can be arranged for dinotefuran in the order; peat > biochar > compost > original soil and for bispyribac-sodium and metribuzin peat = wheat straw > biochar > original soil