281 research outputs found

    What Trends in Chinese Social Media

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    There has been a tremendous rise in the growth of online social networks all over the world in recent times. While some networks like Twitter and Facebook have been well documented, the popular Chinese microblogging social network Sina Weibo has not been studied. In this work, we examine the key topics that trend on Sina Weibo and contrast them with our observations on Twitter. We find that there is a vast difference in the content shared in China, when compared to a global social network such as Twitter. In China, the trends are created almost entirely due to retweets of media content such as jokes, images and videos, whereas on Twitter, the trends tend to have more to do with current global events and news stories

    The Pulse of News in Social Media: Forecasting Popularity

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    News articles are extremely time sensitive by nature. There is also intense competition among news items to propagate as widely as possible. Hence, the task of predicting the popularity of news items on the social web is both interesting and challenging. Prior research has dealt with predicting eventual online popularity based on early popularity. It is most desirable, however, to predict the popularity of items prior to their release, fostering the possibility of appropriate decision making to modify an article and the manner of its publication. In this paper, we construct a multi-dimensional feature space derived from properties of an article and evaluate the efficacy of these features to serve as predictors of online popularity. We examine both regression and classification algorithms and demonstrate that despite randomness in human behavior, it is possible to predict ranges of popularity on twitter with an overall 84% accuracy. Our study also serves to illustrate the differences between traditionally prominent sources and those immensely popular on the social web

    Trends in Social Media : Persistence and Decay

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    Social media generates a prodigious wealth of real-time content at an incessant rate. From all the content that people create and share, only a few topics manage to attract enough attention to rise to the top and become temporal trends which are displayed to users. The question of what factors cause the formation and persistence of trends is an important one that has not been answered yet. In this paper, we conduct an intensive study of trending topics on Twitter and provide a theoretical basis for the formation, persistence and decay of trends. We also demonstrate empirically how factors such as user activity and number of followers do not contribute strongly to trend creation and its propagation. In fact, we find that the resonance of the content with the users of the social network plays a major role in causing trends

    Religious Politicians and Creative Photographers: Automatic User Categorization in Twitter

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    Finding the ''right people'' is a central aspect of social media systems. Twitter has millions of users who have varied interests, professions and personalities. For those in fields such as advertising and marketing, it is important to identify certain characteristics of users to target. However, Twitter users do not generally provide sufficient information about themselves on their profile which makes this task difficult. In response, this work sets out to automatically infer professions (e.g., musicians, health sector workers, technicians) and personality related attributes (e.g., creative, innovative, funny) for Twitter users based on features extracted from their content, their interaction networks, attributes of their friends and their activity patterns. We develop a comprehensive set of latent features that are then employed to perform efficient classification of users along these two dimensions (profession and personality). Our experiments on a large sample of Twitter users demonstrate both a high overall accuracy in detecting profession and personality related attributes as well as highlighting the benefits and pitfalls of various types of features for particular categories of users

    Agro-economic analysis of grain crop production in Oidermaa farm Seed Centre during 2015-2017

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    Bakalaurusetöö Põllumajandussaaduste tootmine ja turustamine õppekavalTausta töö kirjeldus: Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on uurida künnipõhiselt mullaharimiselt tehnoloogilisi võimalusi üleminekuks minimeeritud harimisele. Täiendavaks eesmärgiks on uurida põllukultuuride omahindu künnipõhise ja minimeeritud mullaharimise puhul ning sellega kaasnevat tasuvust. Töös kasutatakse Oidermaa talu 2015-2017 aasta majandusaasta aruandeid ja põlluraamatuid. Kogu ettevõte on künnipõhine ning püüdsin töös leida odavamaid lahendusi seemnevilja kasvatamisel. Töö tulemused: Minimeeritud tehnoloogiat kasutades tulid omahind eur/t talinisu, talirapsi- ja suvinisu puhul madalamad, kui künni tehnoloogat kasutades. Diislikütuse ning ajaline kulu tuli samuti minimeeritud tehnoloogiat kasutades märgatavalt madalamad, kui seda oli künnitehnoloogia puhul. Uuritaval perioodil tuli omahind minimeeritud harimise korral talinisul 190 eur/ha, künnipõhisel 198,3 eur/ha. Talirapsil minimeeritud tehnoloogia puhul 188 eur/ha ning künnipõhisel 233,1 eur/ha. Suvinisul minimeeritud tehnoloogia puhul 198,6 eur/ha, künnipõhisel 210 eur/ha. Diislikütuse kulu künnitehnoloogiat rakendades talinisul 120,1 l/ha, talirapsil 93,2 l/ha ning suvinisul 112,7 l/ha. Minimeeritud tehnoloogiat kasutades saadi tulemuseks talinisul 56,4 l/ha, talirapsil 46 l/ha ning suvinisul 60 l/ha. Masintööde ajaline kulu oli minimeeritud tehnoloogiat kasutades koristuseni talinisu puhul 1,5 tundi, talirapsil 1,3 tundi ning suvinisul 1,7 tundi. Künnipõhise tehnoloogia ajakulu hektarile oli talinisu puhul 2,6 tundi, talirapsil ja suvinisul 2,7.Research design: The aim of the given thesis was to analyze the technological possibilities for transitioning from conventional tillage to minimum tillage. The secondary purpose of this thesis was to compare the production costs and cost efficiency of various crops. Data from annual reports for the financial years 2015 to 2017 and from the field books was used. Since the entire enterprise is built on conventional mouldboard ploughing, I aimed to explore more cost efficient solutions for seed production. Results: Cost of production was lower under minimum tillage for winter wheat, winter oilseed rape and spring wheat, compared to conventional tillage. Also, diesel fuel consumption and time consumption rates were significantly lower under minimum tillage. During the research period, the production costs under minimum tillage and conventional tillage were 190 eur/ha and 198.3 eur/ha for winter wheat, 188 eur/ha and 233,1 eur/ha for winter oilseed rape, and 198,6 eur/ha and 210 eur/ha for spring wheat, respectively. Diesel fuel consumption rates under conventional tillage were 120,1 l/ha for winter wheat, 93,2 l/ha for winter oilseed rape and 112,7 l/ha for spring wheat. Diesel fuel consumption rates under mimimum tillage were 56.4 l/ha for winter wheat, 46 l/ha for winter oilseed rape and 60 l/ha for spring wheat. Time consumption under minimum tillage was 1.5 h/ha for winter wheat, 1.3 h/ha for winter oilseed rape and 1.7 h/ha for spring wheat. Time consumption rates for conventional tillage were 2.6 h/ha, 2.7 h/ha and 2.7 h/ha, respectively

    On The River

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    Bakalaureusetöö Maastikuarhitektuuri erialalTöö eesmärgiks on välja pakkuda lahendus Emajõe kaldal asuvatele aladele. Arvestades olemasolevat olukorda ning sidudes alad ühte kontseptsiooni alusel ning pak¬kudes välja lahenduse, mis ei lõhuks olemasolevat paiga¬vaimu ning annaks valitud aladele kvaliteetsema ajave¬etmisfunktsiooni, kus Emajõgi oleks alasid siduv faktor. Analüüsist tulevalt valisin välja kolm ala, kus näen potentsiaali või probleeme. Ala nr. 1 on Anne kanali ja Sõpruse silla vaheline ala, kus on palju ruumi, kuid vähe tegevust. Alal näen potentsiaali ühenduskohana Annelinna ja Kesklinna vahel, kuhu oma pakutava lahendusega tuua kokku erinevate linnaosade inimesi. Ala nr. 2 on Turu silla ja Võidu silla vaheline promenaad, kus hetkeolukord ei ole teatri kui kultuuritempli ümbruse vääriline. Alal on palju ärihooneid ning selle paikkonna kasutajaskond võiks olla oluliselt suurem. Kuna vastaskaldal on korralik jalakäijate rada koos platvormidega, siis tuleks ka parempoolsele kaldale parem lahendus leida. Analüüsist on näha, et jalakäijate tee lõppeb teatri ees. Arvan, et seda tuleks muuta. Ala nr. 3. Ülejõe pargi potentsiaal on asukoha mõttes väga suur, kuna analüüsist nähtub, et tänavad jooksevad parki kokku. Et pargi potentsiaal toimima panna, tuleks see hubasemaks muuta ning pakkuda lahendust, mis looks linlastele uue ajaveetmisvõimaluse jõe lähedal. Välja pakutud lahendused toob linna kolm uut ühiskondlikult kasutatavat ala, mis annab uued ajaveetmisvõimalused ja toob kokku erilinnaosade elanikud.The aim of this thesis was to find solutions for three areas on the riverside of Emajõgi in Tartu. All three areas would be connected by a uni¬fying design conception. Based on the analysis, the areas with some problems and also a lot of potential were chosen. For those I have offered my solutions ensuing of which three public¬ly usable areas would be created. All of them would be related by their concept nevertheless offering various ways of spending ones’ recre¬ational time