113 research outputs found

    Effect of Adding a Regenerator to Kornhauser's MIT "Two-Space" (Gas-Spring+Heat Exchanger) Test Rig

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    This study employed entropy-based second law post-processing analysis to characterize the various thermodynamic losses inside a 3-space solution domain (gas spring+heat exchanger+regenerator) operating under conditions of oscillating pressure and oscillating flow. The 3- space solution domain is adapted from the 2-space solution domain (gas spring+heat exchanger) in Kornhauser's MIT test rig by modifying the heat exchanger space to include a porous regenerator system. A thermal nonequilibrium model which assumes that the regenerator porous matrix and gas average temperatures can differ by several degrees at a given axial location and time during the cycle is employed. An important and primary objective of this study is the development and application of a thermodynamic loss post-processor to characterize the major thermodynamic losses inside the 3-space model. It is anticipated that the experience gained from thermodynamic loss analysis of the simple 3-space model can be extrapolated to more complex systems like the Stirling engine. It is hoped that successful development of loss post-processors will facilitate the improvement of the optimization capability of Stirling engine analysis codes through better understanding of the heat transfer and power losses. It is also anticipated that the incorporation of a successful thermal nonequilibrium model of the regenerator in Stirling engine CFD analysis codes, will improve our ability to accurately model Stirling regenerators relative to current multidimensional thermal-equilibrium porous media models

    Honeybee sting of the sclera: occular features, treatment, outcome and presumed pathogenesis

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    Ocular bee sting injury has caused several reactions in the eye but has rarely been reported among local African farmers, and Nigerians in particular. This case seeks to report the first ocular and external eye  reactions following a honey bee sting of the eye through the sclera, highlighting the treatment and outcome. Oral interview, clinical examination and external photographs were used to obtain and document findings. Medical treatment was instituted as soon as subject presented. There was complete inflammatory resolution within a week, normal vision and no evidence of stinger migration after four weeks of follow up. The wound site healed with ciliary staphyloma. The role of physical properties, immunological and genetics interplay and the presumed pathogenesis is further discussed. Health education on early presentation and avoidance of harmful traditional eye medications should be promoted among the farming populations in our communities, in order to prevent blinding complications Key words: Sclera bee sting, features, treatment, outcome, presumed pathogenesi

    Assessing the Relationship between Caregivers Burden and Availability of Support for Family Caregivers’ of HIV/AIDS Patients in Calabar, South East Nigeria

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    Purpose: This study examined the level of burden and the extent of support on family caregivers of people living with AIDS (PLWHA) in Calabar, South East Nigeria. Methods: A mixed method with cross sectional approach was used. Purposive sampling technique guided the recruitment process and data collection methods included, semi-structured questionnaires and focusing group discussion. 260 respondents participated in the study. The quantitative data were mined with the aid of SPSS and the qualitative data were analysed with the aid of NVivo8 using thematic analysis. Results: Results indicated high level of burden with limited support to caregivers. A Chi-square value of 25.1 was obtained at P \u3c 0.05, suggesting a significant relationship between availability of support and caregivers burden. This relationship was supported by the themes of physical, social, emotional and financial burden for the caregivers. Similarly, information on coping skills, emotional support, financialassistance and help with caregiving themes emerged for social support. Conclusion: In Nigeria, the burden of caring for HIV/AIDS patients has a remarkable impact on family caregivers. This calls for the development of policies that can systematically address the needs of family caregivers in order to ameliorate the negative consequences of caregiving for PLWHA

    Assessing Women Caregiving Role to People Living With HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, West Africa

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    HIV/AIDS scourge remains high in most countries of sub-Saharan Africa such as Nigeria, which is home to about 3.3 million HIV positive individuals and represents the second largest burden of HIV/AIDS care, treatment and demand worldwide after South Africa. Anti-retroviral treatment options though a welcome development, has increased the number of people living with this chronic illness, and most of them depend on family members for physical and emotional support. Traditional gender norms in Nigeria ensure that legitimately, women and girls are the first options for caregiving roles. This mandatory role has in turn imposed psychosocial disruption in the lives of female family members in Calabar, Nigeria. This descriptive study utilized convenient sampling technique, Zarit Burden Interview scale and semistructured questionnaires for data collection (260 respondents), and data analyses were achieved using SPSS16.0. The study showed that a significant (p \u3c .05) proportion of women (91%) were involved in providing care, including children from 10 years and above. Caregivers had minimal social support which increased the burden they experienced. The need for policy that recognizes and supports female caregivers (“silent cornerstone”) to reduce burden and ensure high quality care of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Nigeria is advocated

    Heterosis of Body Weights and Egg Weights of F1 Snails (Archachatina marginata var. saturalis) in Obubra, Nigeria

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    A study was conducted to provide baseline information on the trends of heterosis in snail traits, so that reproductive and production performance of snails will be enhanced as is the case with other farm animal species. Three hundred (300) grower snails, one hundred and fifty each of the black-skinned (BS) and white-skinned (WS) ectotypes of Archachatina marginata snail were generated from an earlier study in the same location. The snails had weight ranging from 43.31 to 45.43 g for both ectotypes at the time of selection and were allotted into three mating groups. The mating groups are; black skinned x black skinned (BS X BS), white skinned x white skinned (WS X WS) and black skinned x white skinned (BS X WS). The mating groups were used to generate snails whose body and egg weights were compared with that of their parents. Results from the study showed that all the mating groups (BS X BS, WS X WS and BS X WS) expressed positive body weight at hatch and at the juvenile stages of growth (1 wk to 4 wk). The heterotic values for body weight were 38.89 %, 37.01 % and 53.59 % for BS X BS, WS X WS and BS X WS mating groups respectively at hatch. The heterotic value for the crossbred (BS X WS) mating group was significantly (P<0.05) different from the values of the purebred mating groups (BS X BS and WS X WS). Similarly, all the mating groups recorded positive heterotic values for egg weight at lay. The crossbred (BS X WS) mating group expressed the highest value of 60.77 % and was significantly (P<0.05) different from the values expressed by the purebred mating groups, 59.39 % for BS X BS and 54.26 % for WS X WS. The results of this study suggest that hetrosis (hybrid vigour) can be exploited to improve snails’ reproductive and growth traits if appropriate selection programme is applied. We therefore recommend the continued crossing of the black- and white- skinned snails for the production of better offspring and preservation of their genetic potentials. Keywords: Heterosis, body, egg, weight, snai

    Entropy Generation/Availability Energy Loss Analysis Inside MIT Gas Spring and "Two Space" Test Rigs

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    The results of the entropy generation and availability energy loss analysis under conditions of oscillating pressure and oscillating helium gas flow in two Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) test rigs piston-cylinder and piston-cylinder-heat exchanger are presented. Two solution domains, the gas spring (single-space) in the piston-cylinder test rig and the gas spring + heat exchanger (two-space) in the piston-cylinder-heat exchanger test rig are of interest. Sage and CFD-ACE+ commercial numerical codes are used to obtain 1-D and 2-D computer models, respectively, of each of the two solution domains and to simulate the oscillating gas flow and heat transfer effects in these domains. Second law analysis is used to characterize the entropy generation and availability energy losses inside the two solution domains. Internal and external entropy generation and availability energy loss results predicted by Sage and CFD-ACE+ are compared. Thermodynamic loss analysis of simple systems such as the MIT test rigs are often useful to understand some important features of complex pattern forming processes in more complex systems like the Stirling engine. This study is aimed at improving numerical codes for the prediction of thermodynamic losses via the development of a loss post-processor. The incorporation of loss post-processors in Stirling engine numerical codes will facilitate Stirling engine performance optimization. Loss analysis using entropy-generation rates due to heat and fluid flow is a relatively new technique for assessing component performance. It offers a deep insight into the flow phenomena, allows a more exact calculation of losses than is possible with traditional means involving the application of loss correlations and provides an effective tool for improving component and overall system performance

    Perceived Relative Factors Influencing Nurses’ Practice of Health Promotion for Women in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

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    Socio-cultural factors negate the health of women. Therefore, health promotion as a focus of nursing practice aimed at capitalizing on the inherent capacities of women to establish health priorities, goals and strategies to improve their health. A descriptive survey with the purpose of ascertaining the influence of culture, social and health policies on nurses’ practice of health promotion was undertaken. Three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A sample of one hundred and thirty six nurses participated in the study. A validated questionnaire with a test-retest reliability coefficient (r) of 0.79 was used for data collection. Correlation analysis was carried out to test hypotheses. The results revealed that 132 (97.1%) participants were female with a mean (SD) age of 40 ± 7.29. Many participants 58 (42.6%) perceived that social policies have high influence on their practice of health promotion. The results also showed significant negative correlation between culture and practice of health promotion (r = -0.532; p = 0.01) while the practice of health promotion was significantly and positively correlated with social policies (r = 0.515; p = 0.01). It was recommended that negative cultural practices be addressed through social policies and health education of women on negative cultural practices in order to enhance the practice of health promotion for them

    Awareness and practive of health promotion for women in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

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    Aim: A descriptive survey was undertaken to ascertain nurses’ awareness and level of practice of health promotion among women in Calabar. Background: Women’s health is affected by array of factors; nurses could have a major impact in increasing women’s capacity to exercise increased control over their lives and determinants of health. Method: One hundred and thirty six nurses drawn from the ante-natal clinics of primary, secondary and tertiary health facilities in Calabar participated in the study. A questionnaire with a content validity index of 0.91 was used for data collection. The test-retest reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was (r) 0.79. Ethical issues were addressed. Data were analyzed with statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 15. Findings: Majority 110 (80.9%) of the participants were highly experienced, 96 (70.6%) were managers while only 52 (38.2%) had 1st degree and above. Health education was the most mentioned strategy of health promotion by participants 136 (100.0%) while specific protection was the least mentioned 3(2.2%). Only about half of the respondents 68 (50.0%) practiced health promotion appropriately. Nurses’ rank and years of working experience were significantly associated with appropriate practice. Conclusion: Nurses averagely practice health promotion. It was therefore recommended that Nurse Managers should provide learning opportunities to fill observe gaps in knowledge and motivate junior nurses to engage in women’s health promotion at every opportunity

    Evaluation of Toxicological Effects of Spondias Mombin in Adult Male Wistar Rats

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    Spondias mombin is relied on for various herbal remedies for numerous conditions. This study is to evaluate the acute toxic effect of mombin in adult male Wistar rats. Acute toxicity test was carried out with modified Lorke’s method. Twenty-five male rats weighing between 120-180g were used for the sub-chronic study. The rats were divided into five groups A- E (n=5). Group A served as control. Group B and C received respectively 250mgkg-1 and 500mgkg-1 body weight doses of aqueous leaf extract,  groups D and E received  250mgkg-1 and 500mgkg-1 body weight doses of ethanolic extract. Treatments lasted for twenty eight days. Acute toxicity test carried out showed that leaf extracts of Spondias mombin did not produce mortality in rats.  Significant (p<0.05) reduction in brain and kidney weights was observed in group E treated with 500mgkg-1 of ethanolic extract. Similarly, significant (p<0.05) reduction was observed in spleen weights in groups C and E that were treated with 500mgkg-1 of both extracts. The levels of LDL (p<0.001) and ALP (p<0.05) were significantly reduced.  Alterations in the histology of the liver and kidney of extracts treated groups were observed. Conclusion: This result suggests that although the use of the leaf extracts of Spondias mombin is relatively safe, hepatic and renal toxicity may occur with prolonged use. Keywords: Adverse effects, Mortality, Methods, Complication, Utilizatio

    Skin Cancers Among Albinos at a University Teaching Hospital in Northwestern Tanzania: A Retrospective Review of 64 Cases.

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    Skin cancers are a major risk associated with albinism and are thought to be a major cause of death in African albinos. The challenges associated with the care of these patients are numerous and need to be addressed. The aim of this study was to outline the pattern and treatment outcome of skin cancers among albinos treated at our centre and to highlight challenges associated with the care of these patients and proffer solutions for improved outcome. This was a retrospective study of all albinos with a histopathological diagnosis of skin cancer seen at Bugando Medical Centre from March 2001 to February 2010. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 64 patients were studied. The male to female ratio was 1.5:1. The median age of patients was 30 years. The median duration of illness at presentation was 24 months. The commonest reason for late presentation was financial problem. Head and the neck was the most frequent site afflicted in 46(71.8%) patients. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common histopathological type in 75% of cases. Surgical operation was the commonest modality of treatment in 60 (93.8%) patients. Radiotherapy was given in 24(37.5%) patients. Twenty-seven (42.2%) of the patients did not complete their treatment due to lack of funds. Local recurrence following surgical treatment was recorded in 6 (30.0%) patients. Only thirty-seven (61.7%) patients were available for follow-up at 6-12 months and the remaining patients were lost to follow-up. Skin cancers are the most common cancers among albinos in our environment. Albinism and exposure to ultraviolet light appears to be the most important risk factor in the development of these cancers. Late presentation and failure to complete treatment due to financial difficulties and lack of radiotherapy services at our centre are major challenges in the care of these patients. Early institution of preventive measures, early presentation and treatment, and follow-up should be encouraged in this population for better outcome