49 research outputs found

    Model Pengelolaan Agroforestri Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) terhadap Kontribusi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga (suatu Kasus di Kecamatan Anyar Kabupaten Serang Provinsi Banten)

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    The research aims to analyze the management of cocoa agroforestry, labor allocation and household income of farmers in cocoa agroforestry management activities as well as the contribution of agroforestry to household income of cocoa farmers in the Anyar District Serang Regency Banten Province. The method used in this research is a survey using two stage cluster sampling method. Samples taken are as many as 60 farmer of 400 populations scattered from cocoa agroforestry farmers in the Anyar District Serang Regency Banten Province. The results showed that the management of cocoa agroforestry in the Anyar District during year 1 to year 7 consists of 5 stages, namely : land clearing, planting, maintenance, harvesting and post-harvest. Average allocation of labor in the cocoa agroforestry management activities in the Anyar District is at 440,18 HOK/Ha/Year with the following composition : 1,21 HOK/Ha/Year in the planting stage, 132,5 HOK/Ha/Year in the maintenance stage, 145,22 HOK/Ha/Year in the harvesting stage and 161,25 HOK/Ha/year in the post-harvest stage. Average household income of cocoa agroforestry farmers in the Anyar District is Rp. 84.451.377/Year which includes income from cocoa agroforestry is Rp. 26.880.210/Year by contributing to the household income of farmers by 31,83%/Year and income from non-cocoa agroforestry is Rp. 57.571.167/Year by contributing to the household income of farmers by 68,17%/Year

    Analisis Fenomenologi Tantang Pengalaman Perawat Dalam Memberikan Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Pasien Dengan Avian Influenza

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    Nurse is the only health team member in the hospital who always contact intensively with the patient. Fear of getting infection from patient can create negative perception and attitude which will influence the way nurse perform nursing care to the patient. This is important to assess what nurse perception in caring for infectious patiens, such as Avian Influenza (AI) patients. A Phenomenology study was carried out to identify the experience of nurses in taking care patient with Avian Influenza. The purpose of the study was to identify the experience of nurses in taking care patients with Avian Influenza. The participants were seven nurses who work at a hospital in Jakarta. Data was collected by the in-depth interview. The major themes revealed in this study were: inadequate knowledge about Avian Influeza, highly prefessional nurses, feeling when caring for patient, way in preventing AI transmission. In conclusion, there is a need to conduct additional training about Avian Influenza in the context of nursing care approach

    Perbandingan Perancangan Sumur Resapan Air Hujan Menggunakan Metode Sunjoto Dan Sni 03-2453-2002 Pada Bangunan Komersial Di Jalan Kaliurang Km 12 Sleman Jogjakarta

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    Imbalance between suction and recharging of groundwater in Kampus Terpadu UII Yogyakarta triggers declined of free water level. The phenomenon can interfere ecosystem balance. Recharging wells are needed to maintain groundwater balance in the surrounding area of Kampus Terpadu UII.Infiltration data as primary data was obtained by using infiltrometer ring. Rainfall data as long as 10 years from narrow rainfall station was used to calculate 5-year return period of rainfall intensity. Both data was used to design recharging wall by using equation presented by Sunjoto method and SNI 03-2453-2002 method.The research results showed that the constant infiltration rate was 0,000017-0,000127 m/second. Circle recharging wells were selected for comparison of both methods effectiveness to collect rainfall run off. Diameter of recharging wall was 1 m, and well depth was 2,5 m. Analyses results showed that number of recharging well designed by using SNI 03-2453-2002 method was more than recharging well designed by using Sunjoto method. Utilization of recharging well can be used to maintain groundwater level. The recharging well can collect rainfall run off more than 98%

    Studi Kasus Tentang Siswa yang Merokok di Sekolah pada Kelas VII SMP

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain clarity on how to cope with students who smoke in SMP Negeri 9 Kubu Raya Sungai Raya. The method used is descriptive method with a form of research is a case study forms of research that focuses on an intensive and detailed case, the subject of the investigation consists of one unit which is seen as a unified unit cases. The results of this study are a. the desire to try something new: Subjects cases often get together and play with his friends discover many new things and one of them is smoking. The subject of the case was originally just wanted to try smoking but it will eventually become a habit. According to the case subjects cigarettes is one sleepy repellent. The subject of the case felt that if he did not smoke, he lost concentration in learning. b. the desire to be accepted by their friends: Subjects cases spend more time with his friends, and smoke when assembled, smoking is a habit that carried by his friends so that in case patients also smoked as a statement that he was part of that group

    Ketidakadilan Gender Dalam Novel Namaku Matahari Karya Remy Sylado: Kajian Feminisme

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    The purpose of this study were (1) describe the forms of injustice gender in the novel Namaku Mata Hari by Remy Sylado, (2) describe the factors that cause gender inequality in the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado. The data in this study is a sentence, paragraph or section that contains a novel about gender inequality in the work of the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado, sources of data in this study is novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado works published by Scholastic Press PT. Techniques of data collection is done by stages; read carefully the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado, identifying each part of the novel that support injustice gender form, classifying data, conduct library research, inventory data using the format of the data inventory. The findings of the study first is the forms of injustice gender in the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado are: (1) the marginalization of women, (2) the subordination of women, (3) stereotypes of women, (4) violence against women, (5) double burden against women, and (6) discrimination against women. Second, the factors that cause gender inequality in the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado are (1) factor of public confidence in the myth, (2) factors of rationality, (3) factors patriarchy and (4) factor of the capitalist system

    Dampak Kekurangan Gizi Terhadap Kecerdasan Anak SD Pasca Pemulihan Gizi Buruk

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    Kurang gizi pada usia dini dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan fisik, perkembangan mental dan kecerdasan anak. Untuk mempelajari dampak gizi buruk masa lalu terhadap keragaan fisik dan kecerdasann anak telah dilakukan penelitiaan pada 31 anak usia 6-9 tahun sebagai sampel dan 31 anak sebagai pembanding. Sampel adalah anak yang pada usia terendah 8 bulan dan tertinggi 2 tahun 9 bulan diketahui menderita gizi buruk dan telah mengikuti pemulihan gizi buruk di Klinik Gizi Bogor selama 6 bulan. Pembanding adalah anak yang berpasangan dalam umur dan jenis kelamin dengan sampel dan tinggal dalam lingkungan yang sama serta memiliki status gizi baik berdasarkan pengukuran antropometri tahun 1991/1992. Pembanding diketahui belum pernah mengalami kekurangan gizi hingga berusia 3-5 tahun berdasarkan KMS yang dimilikinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata IQ pada kelompok sampel adalah (80.1-11.8) dan pada kelompok pembanding adalah 93.8-9.9) yang berbeda dengan p<0.001. Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa rata-rata IQ anak yang pernah mengalami gizi buruk pada usia dini lebih rendah 13.7 poin dibandingkan anak yang tidak pernah mengalami gangguan gizi