146 research outputs found
Hubungan Keterampilan Pendidik Selama Pembelajaran Daring dengan Hasil Belajar IPA Peserta Didik Sekolah Dasar
Masalah penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik kelas IV SD Muhammadiyah Metro Pusat yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya keterampilan pendidik mengelola kelas pada pembelajaran daring. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan positif dan signifikan antara keterampilan pendidik mengelola kelas pada pembelajaran daring dengan hasil belajar. Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode ex post facto korelasi. Populasi berjumlah 185 orang peserta didik dan sampel berjumlah 66 orang peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, kuesioner, dan studi dokumentasi. Instrumen pengumpul data berupa angket dengan skala Likert, yang sebelumnya diuji validitas dan reliabilitas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan korelasi sebesar 0,678 berada pada taraf “Kuat” yang yang menunjukkan keterhubungan antara variabel X dan Y pada penelitian ini. Adapun kontribusi variabel X terhadap Y yakni sebesar 45,97%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara keterampilan pendidik mengelola kelas pada pembelajaran daring dengan hasil belajar IPA peserta didik sekolah dasar
Pengaruh Strategi Peningkatan Volume Usaha Terhadap Rentabilitas Pada Koperasi Karyawan Timah Mitra Mandiri Pangkalpinang
ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh peningkatan volume bisnis terhadap rentabilitas ekonomi. Untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh, penulis melakukan beberapa tes menggunakan NCSS 12. Dengan mengambil pengembangan volume bisnis di 7 (tujuh) unit bisnis KKMM sebagai variabel X dan pengembangan rentabilitas ekonomi sebagai variabel Y. Dari hasil penelitian dari tahun 2013 hingga tahun 2017 yang diperoleh dari persamaan regresi adalah RE = 3,39740642 + 0,329812US + 3,445741UTbt + 0,235741USp + 0,407383UPk + 1,213757UT + 0,425246UH + 1 , 515523UPu di mana RE = Rentabilitas Ekonomi, AS = Unit Pemasok, UTbt = Unit tambang dan bijih timah, USp = Unit simpan dan pinjam, UPk = Unit Saluran kredit, UT = Unit Shop, UH = Unit Hospitality, UPu = Unit Layanan dari publik, dikenal dengan nilai R-Squared sebesar 0,988213 artinya variabel bebas mempengaruhi rentabilitas ekonomi sebesar 98,82% dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang berasal dari luar model. Dari hasil analisis, itu juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai F-Ratio sebesar 6,6246 dengan nilai probabilitas tingkat sebesar 0,00000 yang berarti bahwa keseluruhan variabel bebas pada kenyataannya dapat mempengaruhi variabel terikat secara signifikan pada tingkat 5%. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. Kata kunci: Volume bisnis, rentabilitas ekonomi. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of increasing business volume on economic profitability. To analyze the data obtained, the authors conducted several tests using NCSS 12. By taking the development of business volumes in 7 (seven) KKMM business units as variable X and developing economic profitability as variables Y. From the results of research from 2013 to 2017 obtained from The regression equation is RE = 3,39740642 + 0,329812US + 3,445741UTbt + 0,235741USp + 0,407383UPk + 1,213757UT + 0.425246UH + 1, 515523UPu where RE = Economic Rentability, US = Supplier Unit, UTbt = Mining and tin ore units, USp = savings and loan units, UPk = credit channel unit, UT = Unit Shop, UH = Hospitality Unit, UPu = Service Unit from the public, known as the R-Squared value of 0.988213 meaning that the independent variable influences economic profitability of 98.82% and the rest is influenced by other factors originating from outside the model. From the analysis results, it also shows that the F-Ratio value of 6.6246 with a probability level value of 0.00000 which means that the overall independent variable can in fact influence the dependent variable significantly at the 5% level. From these results, it can be concluded that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. Keywords: Business volume, economic profitabilit
Analisis Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Biaya Proyek Pada CV. Indo Truss Perdana Prabumulih
ABSTRACT The objectives to be achieved in this study are to determine the involvement of the company's parts in the preparation of the budget, and to find out the deviations in project costs that occur and the factors that cause them. As it is known that for decision making required planning and control of all existing resources, management requires information on a regular basis and coordination with all parts. For that we need an information system that is able to provide facilities for making these decisions. All existing management functions must cooperate and support each other for the implementation of all company activities so that they can be carried out properly. Based on the discussion that has been carried out, it is suggested to the company that in the process of preparing the budget, the deputy director who is in charge and responsible for its preparation is to involve the sections within the company such as the engineering department, the purchasing department and the finance department. This is so that the budget can be prepared carefully and flexibly and act as a good planning tool. Also, in order to avoid large deviations in wage costs, the company should improve the control function by holding tighter supervision of workers in the field, so that they work according to the specified time. For this reason, it is hoped that the project will be completed on time. Keywords: Planning and Control. ABSTRAK Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterlibatan bagian-bagian perusahaan dalam penyusunan anggaran, dan untuk mengetahui penyeimpangan-penyimpangan biaya proyek yang terjadi dan faktor-faktor penyebabnya. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa untuk pengambilan keputusan diperlukan perencanaan dan pengendalian semua sumber daya yang ada, manajemen memerlukan informasi secara teratur dan koordinasi dengan semua bagian. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu sistem informasi yang mampu memberikan fasilitas untuk pengambilan keputusan tersebut. Seluruh fungsi manajemen yang ada harus saling bekerjasama dan saling mendukung untuk pelaksanaan semua kegiatan perusahaan agar dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Berdasarkan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan maka disarankan kepada perusahaan agar dalam proses penyusunan anggaran sebaiknya wakil direktur yang bertugas dan bertanggungjawab dalam penyusunannya untuk melibatkan bagian-bagian yang ada dalam perusahaan seperti bagian teknik, bagian pembelian dan bagian keuangan. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar anggaran dapat disusun secara cermat dan fleksibel dan berperan sebagai alat perencanaan yang baik. Juga agar tidak terjadi penyimpangan biaya upah yang cukup besar, sebaiknya pihak perusahaan meningkatkan fungsi pengendalian dengan mengadakan pengawasan yang lebih ketat terhadap para pekerja di lapangan, agar mereka bekerja sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan. Untuk itu diharapkan proyek tersebut dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya. Kata kunci: Perencanaan dan Pengendalian
At present there are quite a lot of students who have relatively low thematic learning outcomes, especially in the Indonesian language subject and also PPKn in Class II MI AL-Quran Roudlatul Quran 2 Trimurjo. The purpose of this research was to describe/analyze the effect of the use/use of hand puppet media on the thematic learning outcomes of class II MI Al-Quran Roudlatul Quran 2 Trimurjo and differences in the use of media images in the control class and hand puppet media in the experimental class. While the quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent group design is the method used by researchers when carrying out this research. Furthermore, the population in this study is all students who are in class II with a total of 34 students. The determination of the sample for this study used a technique, namely, totally sampling which is the determination of the sample using the total population, namely, 34 students. Observation and documentation (non-test) as well as pre-test and post-test (test) are the data collection techniques used. The data analysis used is the t-test and also simple linear regression. The results of the study show that the hand puppet media has a positive and significant influence compared to the learning media in the form of images in the control class
At present there are quite a lot of students who have relatively low thematic learning outcomes, especially in the Indonesian language subject and also PPKn in Class II MI AL-Quran Roudlatul Quran 2 Trimurjo. The purpose of this research was to describe/analyze the effect of the use/use of hand puppet media on the thematic learning outcomes of class II MI Al-Quran Roudlatul Quran 2 Trimurjo and differences in the use of media images in the control class and hand puppet media in the experimental class. While the quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent group design is the method used by researchers when carrying out this research. Furthermore, the population in this study is all students who are in class II with a total of 34 students. The determination of the sample for this study used a technique, namely, totally sampling which is the determination of the sample using the total population, namely, 34 students. Observation and documentation (non-test) as well as pre-test and post-test (test) are the data collection techniques used. The data analysis used is the t-test and also simple linear regression. The results of the study show that the hand puppet media has a positive and significant influence compared to the learning media in the form of images in the control class
The aims of this research were to increase the activities and study result of students by implementing of PAIKEM strategy. The method of research was Classroom Action Research. The instrument of data collection used observation sheet and test. The technique of data analyze used qualitative and quantitative technique. The result of the research showed that the implementation of PAIKEM strategy increase the activities and study result of students.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa melalui penerapan strategi PAIKEM. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Alat pengumpul data menggunakan lembar panduan observasi dan tes. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan analisis kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi PAIKEM dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa.Kata kunci : aktivitas, hasil belajar, strategi PAIKE
The problem in this research is the low beginner reading ability of students in grade I elementary school 4 East 4 Metro. This study aims to determine the effect of using flashcard media on students’ initial reading ability in grade I students’ at elementary school 4 East Metro. This research method is a quasi-experimental with the research design, namely one Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The population study was first-grade students in elementary school 4 East Metro with a total of 57 students. The sample in the study used 57 students. Determination of the research sample using a purposive sampling technique.. Data collection techniques in this study are tests, and non-tests are in the form of observation and documentation. Testing the hypothesis using a simple linear regression test obtained Fcount>Ftable indicating that there was an effect of flashcard media on the initial reading ability of students in grade elementary school 4 East Metro
The problem in this research is the low beginner reading ability of students in grade I elementary school 4 East 4 Metro. This study aims to determine the effect of using flashcard media on students’ initial reading ability in grade I students’ at elementary school 4 East Metro. This research method is a quasi-experimental with the research design, namely one Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The population study was first-grade students in elementary school 4 East Metro with a total of 57 students. The sample in the study used 57 students. Determination of the research sample using a purposive sampling technique.. Data collection techniques in this study are tests, and non-tests are in the form of observation and documentation. Testing the hypothesis using a simple linear regression test obtained Fcount>Ftable indicating that there was an effect of flashcard media on the initial reading ability of students in grade elementary school 4 East Metro
Analisis Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Usaha Ikan Hias Lokal Khas Bangka Belitung Di Wilayah Kota Pangkalpinang (Tahun2020-2021)
ABSTRAK Tujuan dari kegiatan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha usaha ikan hias lokal khas Bangka Belitung di wilayah kota Pangkalpinang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, yaitu menggambarkan dan menggambarkan kondisi yang ada di lokasi penelitian pada saat observasi dilanjutkan dengan menganalisis permasalahan yang dihadapi dengan menggunakan analisis kelayakan usaha termasuk net present value (NPV). , Average rate of return (ARR), payback period (PP) dan profitabilitas index (PI) serta untuk melihat perkembangan strategi bisnis ikan hias lokal ini dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT dan melihat permintaan dan penawaran pasar, serta bauran pemasaran . Usaha ikan hias lokal yang dikaji berdasarkan hasil metode perhitungan NPV sebesar Rp34.165.964, hasil metode perhitungan ARR sebesar 92%, dan hasil metode perhitungan PP mampu mengembalikan modal selama 8 bulan, maka metode perhitungan PI sebesar 2,36. Bisnis ini sangat layak untuk dijalankan. Kata kunci : studi kelayakan usaha, ikan hias lokal. ABSTRACT The objectivesofthisresearchactivityare (1)todetermine thebusinessfeasibilityofalocalornamentalfishbusinesstypical of BangkaBelitunginthePangkalpinangcity area.Themethodused in thisstudyis a qualitative descriptivemethodwith a casestudy method, whichdescribesand describestheconditionsthatexisted at the researchlocation atthe time of observation followed by analyzing problemsencountered using business feasibility analysisincluding netpresentvalue(NPV),Averagerate of return (ARR),paybackperiod(PP)andprofitabilityindex(PI)andtosee the developmentofthislocal ornamentalfishbusinessstrategy by using SWOTanalysisandlookingatmarketdemandandsupply, as well asthe marketing mix.The local ornamentalfish businessstudied was based ontheresults of theNPV calculationmethod ofRp.34,165,964,theresultsoftheARRcalculationmethodof92%,and the results ofthe PPcalculation methodbeingable toreturncapital for8months, thenthePI calculationmethod of 2.36. Thisbusiness is very feasible torun. Keywords :business feasibility study,localornamentalfish
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