20 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebutuhan: Materi Ajar Listening bagi Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik dalam Praktikum Bahasa Inggris di Masa Pandemi

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    This study aims at conducting need analysis of listening materials on students of engineering department in English practice at language laboratory during pandemic. The need analysis applied descriptive qualitative method by using questionnaire and interview as the research instruments. The questionnaire and interview were done with the students of engineering department taking English practice in language laboratory. While the direct interview was done with the instructors of English practice, especially those who teach Listening.       &nbsp

    Pemanfaatan Weblog sebagai Media Pembelajaran untuk Menumbuhkan Minat Baca Mahasiswa dalam Mata Kuliah Extensive Reading

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    Rendahnya minat mahasiswa pada kegiatan membaca yang ditugaskan dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah extensive reading melatarbelakangi penelitian ini dilakukan. Dalam mata kuliah extensive reading, mahasiswa biasanya ditugasi untuk membaca bacaan yang mereka pilih sendiri dengan mengunduhnya di internet. Namun, melimpahnya jumlah bacaan di internet justru membuat beberapa mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan untuk menentukan bacaan mana yang sesuai minat dan kemampuan baca mereka. Maka, tujuan penelitian ini yang pertama adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana weblog kelas dan kegiatan apa saja yang dilakukan untuk dapat membantu mahasiswa danjuga dosen dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ada di kelas extensive reading ini.Weblog kelas berfungsi untuk membatasi jumlah materi yang melimpah di internet dengan mengumpulkan sejumlah link dan materi bacaan yang sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan baca mahasiswa. Selain itu, weblog kelas juga berfungsi sebagai forum diskusi antar mahasiswa dan dosen untuk membahas masalah komponen bahasa yang ditemukan dalam teks bacaan. Sedangkan kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk menumbuhkan minat membaca mahasiswa tidak hanya dilakukan di luar kelas namun juga di dalam kelas seperti independent reading, diskusi kelompok, dan presentasi kelas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan instrument angket, interview, dan observasi dalam pengumpulan data

    Pengembangan Penilaian Formatif Online Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Quizizz Untuk Siswa Kelas VIII Smp Thoriqotun Najah Singosari

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    In order to realize a better and advanced education, it is essential to have an assessment that supports the teaching and learning process. During pandemic covid-19 that require applied e-learning, the implementation of learning assessment cannot be separated from the influence of technological progress. With the implementation of formative assessment using the quizizz application, the teacher will be easier to carry out the assessment and students also do not feel bored when answering the questions. The need for an assessment tool based on the quizizz application is based on the fact that the need for an interesting and easy-to-use assessment tool in English learning for 8th-grade students in SMP Thoriqotun Najah Singosari. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the process of designing of online English formative assessment for 8th-grade students, (2) knowing the development of online English formative assessment using quizizz for 8th-grade students in SMP Thoriqotun Najah Singosari. This research design is research and development (research and development) using the Borg and Gall model. The processed data will be in the form of quantitative descriptive. Quantitative data were obtained from a questionnaire given to content validators, media validators, English teacher, and 8th-grade students in SMP Thoriqotun Najah Singosari, with a total of 25 children. While qualitative data is obtained from the suggestion which is given by validators, English teacher, and students. The results of this study indicate the following: (1) the development of assessment tools through six stages, namely the stage of need analysis, planning, developing, revising of product, field testing, and revising final product. (2) based on the result of content and media expert validation, the validity level of the content experts is 92.8% with a strongly valid category, 88.9% of the media experts with a strongly valid category. While the practicality level obtained from the users is 92.8% with a very practical category and the questionnaire for students who get the practicality results is 93.3% with a very practical category


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    Anxiety is one of the factors influencing students’ speaking performance in the classroom. A video making task is an alternative strategy that can decrease anxiety besides it  provides a positive influence on students’ self-assessment of speaking task. Hence, the objective of this study was to describe how video making task could decrease students’ anxiety in speaking class. This study used  a descriptive qualitative method in which the data source  was  the students’ performance in video  to require the task of procedure text presentation in speaking class. The data were collected by using observation and  interview. And the result of the observation of the video showed that most of the students seemed  less anxious and more relaxed in explaining  the assigned materials. In the interview, the students also said that they felt more confident in presenting the task. In conlusion, the video making task could decrease students’ anxiety in students’ speaking performance

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Speaking Performance Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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    Speaking skill is one of the most important skill to teach for English department students. Most activities in speaking class are oral presentations, however, there are many students who admitted to have obstacles on speaking performance. The main aim of this study was to find out the factors influencing students’ speaking performance in speaking class, furthermore, it was also to know what difficulties faced by the students of English department at IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. This study applied the descriptive qualitative method which describes the findings and the result of the study qualitatively. The data were collected by using observation, questionnaire, and documentation. This analysis found that both linguistics and non linguistics aspects influenced students’ speaking performance. The linguistics aspect includes vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar while the non-linguistic aspect covers confidence, anxiety, and topical knowledge. &nbsp


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    Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang dikhususkan dalam konteksbidang tertentu dikenal dengan ESP (BahasaInggrisuntuktujuankhusus). Tujuannya adalah untuk mengembangkan potensi linguistic mahasiswa yang membutuhkan pengetahuan bahasa di bidangnya.Sejalan dengan tujuannya, pembelajaran ESP dilakukan dengan mengajarkan keterampilan berbahasa, salah satunya adalah keterampilan berbicara. Penelitian inidilakukan di sebuah Akademi Kebidanan di Malang, yang melaksanakan program ESP bagi mahasiswanya. Dalam proses pembelajarannya, salah satu instruktur menerapkans trategi roleplay karena melihat bahwa strategi ini dapat memotivas imahasiswa untuk aktif berbicara bahasaInggris. Maka, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana kegiatan roleplay dilakukan di kelas ESP dan apa persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kegiatan roleplay. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodedeskriptifkualitatif yang menggunakan angket, interview, dan observasi sebagai instrument untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap kegiatan dalam roleplay karena mereka berkesempatan untuk berlatih berbicara bahasa Inggrisdengan mengalam isituasi yang seolah-olah nyata di dunia kerja sehingga meningkatkan percaya diri mereka.Kegiatan dalam roleplay juga dapat meningkatkan interaksi di antara mahasiswa.&nbsp

    Persepsi dan Praktik Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris terhadap Pemanfaatan Media Sosial untuk Meningkatkan Speaking Skill

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    This survey-based research investigates the perceptions and practices of English Language Study Program students regarding the utilization of social media to enhance their speaking skills. The aim is to explore how the students perceive and engage with social media platforms as tools for improving their speaking abilities. The study employs a survey method, utilizing a questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument. The participants consist of English Language  Study Program students who are in the 5th semester of an institution in Malang. The collected data is analysed through descriptive statistical analysis. The findings reveal that a significant proportion of the students hold positive perceptions towards the use of social media for enhancing their speaking skills. They perceive social media as a convenient and accessible platform for language learning, providing them with opportunities to practice speaking, access authentic language resources, and engage in meaningful interactions with other English speakers. Common practices among the participants include joining language learning communities, following language learning accounts, and participating in speaking challenges or discussions on social media platforms. However, the survey also highlights some challenges and limitations associated with the use of social media for speaking skill improvement. These include concerns regarding the authenticity of language input, potential distractions, and the need for self-regulation in selecting reliable language learning resources on social media. These findings contribute to the understanding of students' perspectives on the utilization of social media for speaking skill enhancement. The results suggest that social media platforms can serve as valuable supplementary tools for practicing speaking and creating a language-rich environment outside the classroom. To optimize the benefits of social media for speaking skill development, it is recommended that language educators integrate social media-based activities into their teaching approaches and provide guidance on effective and responsible use of social media for language learning purposes

    Pemerolehan Bahasa Kedua dan Pengajaran Bahasa dalam Pembelajaran BIPA

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    This study attempts to expose the common structural errors of second language acquisition in bahasa Indonesia for foreign speakers (BIPA) learning at the beginner level and also to expose the implications of the errors for learning. This research utilizes descriptive qualitative method by describing in depth the findings in data analysis. This qualitative research focuses on the analysis of sentence structure, clauses, phrases, and also morphological structures. By doing so, it is expected that typical errors can be identified. Furthermore, this research is expected to help teachers to become more aware of these errors since by identifying the most problematic errors, teachers are able to relate fundamental concepts of sentences as well as those related to their own understanding of linguistics concepts, language and BIPA teaching, and also learners' understanding as the part of learning.</p


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    The research aims to find out the basic structure module based on hybrid learning&nbsp; needed&nbsp; by the students of Ikip Budi Utomo Malang &nbsp;in learning structure, especially basic structure. The current study was a need analysis which was done in the area of developing making basic structure module based on hybrid learning. The quantitative method were conducted in this research to describe the students’ needs. In collecting the data, the researcher applied questionnaire for the students as the instrument of the research. The data was taken through a questionnaire with given to 45 students who took basic structure course in the 2018-2019 academic year and analyzed quantitatively. The results of this study reveal that the students need a clear goals of basic structure modul based on hybrid learning, the &nbsp;materials in line with the course outline, the assignment &nbsp;and current technology for the teaching and learning process. &nbsp