43 research outputs found

    Measurements and determinants of children's exposure to background gamma radiation in Switzerland.

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    Epidemiological studies of children's cancer risks associated with background gamma radiation exposure have used geographic exposure models to estimate exposure at their locations of residence. We measured personal exposure to background gamma radiation, and we investigated the extent to which it was associated with children's whereabouts. We collected data on whereabouts and exposure to background gamma radiation over a 5-day period among children aged 4-15 years in Switzerland. We used D-Shuttle dosimeters to measure children's exposure, and we asked parents to write their children's activities in diaries. We used Poisson mixed-effects and linear regression models to investigate the association of hourly and overall doses, respectively, with children's reported whereabouts. During the observed time, 149 participating children spent 66% indoors at home; 19% indoors away from home; and 15% outdoors. The mean personal exposure was 85.7 nSv/h (range 52.3 nSv/h-145 nSv/h). Exposure was 1.077 (95% CI 1.067, 1.087) times higher indoors than outdoors and varied by building material and (predicted) outdoor dose rates. Our study provides detailed information about children's patterns of exposure to background gamma radiation in Switzerland. Dwelling building materials and outdoor dose rates are important determinants of children's exposure. Future epidemiological studies may benefit from including information about building materials

    Residential exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation and incidence of childhood hematological malignancies in France

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    Few studies have investigated the relationship between solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) and childhood hematological malignancies (CHM). This study addresses the associations between residential UV exposure at diagnosis and the incidence of types and subtypes of CHM, by age and gender, in France, over a long period, on the fine scale of the 36,326 Communes that constitute mainland France. The 9,082 cases of acute leukemia and 3,563 cases of lymphoma diagnosed before the age of 15 years from 1990 to 2009 were provided by the French National Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies. The incidence of CHM was calculated by Commune, year, age and gender and expressed as the standardized incidence ratio (SIR). UV data from 1988 to 2007 were extracted from the EUROSUN database. The annual daily average UV exposure of the children ranged from 85.5 to 137.8 J/cm2. For each additional 25 J/cm2, there was a significant increase in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (PBC-ALL) in children aged less than 5 years (SIR 1.18; 95 % CI 1.10–1.27). Further analysis of PBC-ALL in the young children suggested a better fit of models with a threshold, with the risk increasing above 100 J/cm2, for which the SIR was 1.24 (95 % CI 1.14–1.36) for a 25 J/cm2 increase. The results remained stable in analyses stratifying by deprivation index or degree of urbanization of the Communes. The study suggests that higher residential UV exposure may be positively associated with a higher incidence of PBC-ALL in early childhood

    Implementation of a Taxonomy-Based Framework for the Selection of Appropriate Drugs and Outcomes for Real-World Data Signal Detection Studies.

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    INTRODUCTION: For signal detection studies investigating either drug safety or method evaluation, the choice of drug-outcome pairs needs to be tailored to the planned study design and vice versa. While this is well understood in hypothesis-testing epidemiology, it should be as important in signal detection, but this has not widely been considered. There is a need for a taxonomy framework to provide guidance and a systematic reproducible approach to the selection of appropriate drugs and outcomes for signal detection studies either investigating drug safety or assessing method performance using real-world data. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to design a general framework for the selection of appropriate drugs and outcomes for signal detection studies given a study design of interest. As a motivating example, we illustrate how the framework is applied to build a reference set for a study aiming to assess the performance of the self-controlled case series with active comparators. METHODS: We reviewed criteria presented in two published studies which aimed to provide practical advice for choosing the appropriate signal evaluation methodology, and assessed their relevance for signal detection. Further characteristics specific to signal detection were added. The final framework is based on: the application of study design requirements, the database(s) of interest, and the clinical importance of the drug(s) and outcome(s) under consideration. This structure was applied by selecting drug-outcome pairs as a reference set (i.e. list of drug-outcome pairs classified as positive or negative controls) for which the method is expected to work well for a signal detection study aiming to assess the performance of self-controlled case series. Eight criteria were used, related to the application of self-controlled case series assumptions, choice of active comparators, coverage in the database of interest and clinical importance of the outcomes. RESULTS: After application of the framework, two classes of antibiotics (seven drugs) were selected for the study, and 28 outcomes from all organ classes were chosen from the drug labels, out of the 273 investigated. In total, this corresponds to 104 positive controls (drug-outcome pairs) and 58 negative controls. CONCLUSIONS: We proposed and applied a framework for the selection of drugs and outcomes for both drug safety signal detection and method assessment used in signal detection to optimise their performance given a study design. This framework will eliminate part of the bias relating to drugs and outcomes not being suited to the method or database. The main difficulty lies in the choice of the criteria and their application to ensure systematic selection, especially as some information remains unknown in signal detection, and clinical judgement was needed on occasions. The same framework could be adapted for other methods

    A Comparison of TSV Etch Metrology Techniques

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    International audienceWe use three metrology techniques, vertical scanning interferometry (VSI), confocal chromatic microscopy (CCM), and time domain optical coherence tomography (TD-OCT), for depth measurement of through-silicon vias (TSVs) of various cross sections and depths. The merits of these techniques are discussed and compared. Introduction While sales of semiconductor equipment broke a new record this year, many metrology needs should be addressed to support the development and production of electronic chips based on "More than Moore" scaling. Among these scaling approaches, 3D integration based on TSVs offers superior integration density and reduces interconnect length/latency. Measurements are needed to evaluate the depth uniformity of etched TSVs. Indeed, upon metal filling, geometrical variations of TSVs can affect Cu nails coplanarity and can warp the wafer, resulting in a low stacking yield. Measuring the depth of TSVs is an increasingly challenging task as the diameter of many TSVs has now shrunk to only a few microns

    Role of Environmental Exposures to Residential Ultraviolet Radiation and Pesticides Related to Agriculture in the Incidence of Childhood Hematological Malignancies

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    Résumé : Cette thèse porte sur le rôle de deux expositions environnementales encore peu étudiées et pouvant influer sur l’incidence des hémopathies malignes (HME) de l’enfant : les rayons ultraviolets (UV) et les pesticides liés aux activités agricoles.Les leucémies (LA) et lymphomes de l’enfant sont les deux types principaux de HME et représentent respectivement environ 470 et 200 nouveaux cas par an en France. Leur prise en charge thérapeutique et leur survie ont fait d’immenses progrès, cependant la connaissance de leurs facteurs de risque est encore très partielle.Les études sur les effets des UV dans les cancers de l’enfant sont peu développées. Plusieurs méta-analyses récentes concluent à une augmentation du risque de LA chez l’enfant lors d’une exposition professionnelle ou domestique de la mère aux pesticides pendant la grossesse. L’exposition aux pesticides d’origine agricole a été moins étudiée, et les résultats sont hétérogènes.La première partie, écologique, de ce travail s’intéresse à l’exposition résidentielle aux UV. Une étude a été réalisée à partir des observations du Registre National des Hémopathies malignes de l’Enfant (RNHE) faites sur une longue période, entre 1990-2009 et sur l’ensemble de la France métropolitaine (9 082 cas de LA et 3 563 cas de lymphomes). Les données de l’exposition aux UV résidentiels étaient issues de la base EUROSUN. Une moyenne quotidienne d’exposition aux UV résidentiels sur l’ensemble de la période 1988-2007 à l’échelle communale a été considérée. Une augmentation significative de l’incidence des leucémies aiguës lymphoblastiques à précurseurs B (LAL-Pré B) chez les moins de 5 ans a été observée avec l’exposition aux UV résidentiels au moment du diagnostic. L’association n’était pas modifiée après une stratification par périodes ; par tranches d’unités urbaines ; par grandes régions, et par un indice de défaveur français. Une deuxième étude, individuelle, sur les UV ne trouvait pas de modification de l’association en prenant en compte le rôle de facteurs individuels soupçonnés d’être associés aux LAL et en regardant l’exposition à la naissance. Les données individuelles de ces facteurs provenaient de deux études cas-témoins en population générale, l’enquête ESCALE (2003-2004) et l’enquête ESTELLE (2010-2011).La dernière partie de la thèse se penche sur l’exposition résidentielle aux pesticides liés aux activités agricoles. Cette étude s’appuie sur les données du RNHE, recueillant 10 994 cas de LA et 4 301 cas de lymphomes sur la période 1990-2013. L’intensité de l’activité agricole dans le canton de résidence au moment du diagnostic a été choisie comme proxy de l’exposition aux pesticides. Cette intensité a été à partir des données cantonales du Recensement général Agricole de 2000. Dans cette première approche aucune association n’a été mise en évidence entre les HME et la part de Surface Agricole Utile (SAU) totale. Les analyses par grands types de cultures montrent, dans cette première approche, une association positive et significative entre l’intensité de cultures en oléagineux et l’incidence des LAL Pré-B et des lymphomes de Burkitt. Des analyses de sensibilité montraient des résultats hétérogènes par période d’étude.Abstract: This thesis deals with the role of two environmental exposures not much studied and that could have an impact on the incidence of childhood hematological malignancies (CHM): ultraviolet radiation (UV) and agricultural pesticides.The two major diagnostic groups are acute leukemia (AL) and lymphomas and represent respectively around 470 and 200 new cases per year in France. Despite the progress made in improving therapeutic caring and survival, the etiology of these cancers remains largely unknown.There are very few studies on the association between UV and these cancers. Meta-analyses found a coherent association between childhood AL and parental professional or domestic pesticides exposure during pregnancy. However the association with residential exposure to agricultural pesticides has been less studied and results are heterogeneous.The first, ecological, part of the thesis addressed the associations between residential UV exposure at diagnosis and the incidence of types and subtypes of CHM in France. The 9,082 cases of acute leukemia (AL) and 3,563 cases of lymphoma diagnosed before the age of 15 years from 1990 to 2009 were provided by the French National Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies. UV data from 1988 to 2007 were extracted from the EUROSUN database. The annual daily average UV exposure of the children estimated at the municipalities of residence was considered. There was a significant increase in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (PBC-ALL) in children aged less than 5 years with residential exposure to UV. The results remained stable in analyses stratifying by deprivation index or degree of urbanization of the municipalities.A second, individual, study found no change in the association between UV and PBC-ALL after taking into account the influence of suspected individual risk factors for ALL, and evaluated this association at birth. Individual data were collected by interviews in the ESCALE (2003-2004) and ESTELLE (2010-2011) nationwide case-control studies.The last part of this work focused on the residential exposure to agricultural pesticides. The 10,994 cases of AL and the 4,301 cases of lymphomas diagnosed among children less than 15 years old were obtained from the French National Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies over the period 1990-2013. Intensity of agricultural activities by Canton was used as a proxy of residential agricultural pesticides exposure. This proxy was estimated from the 2000 French agricultural census data. At this first step of the analysis, no associations were found between total agricultural area and incidence of CHM. Analyses by types of crops showed, at this first step, a significant association between oilseeds and PBC-ALL and Burkitt lymphoma. Sensitivity analyses evidenced heterogeneous results by time period

    Comparaison des dynamiques territoriales et des dynamiques d'offre d'hébergement pour personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie en Alsace et dans le Bade-Wurtemberg

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    This explorative research deals with a camparison of care and social systems for an elderly population with disabilities between two border European regions : the Alsace region in France and the border region of the Land baden-Württemberg. After a general presentation of the care and social systems organization for an elderly population with disabilities in France and Germany, sthe studies focuses on yhe housing supplies for elderlies with disabilities. The study links dynamics of housing supplies to demographic, economic and social evolutions in both regions.This comparative study wants to improve the understanding of housing supplies spatial processes and installation mechanisms, in order to help local agents to find solutions to improve accessibility of elderly people with disabilities to housing supplies.Cette étude exploratoire présente une comparaison des dispositifs de prise en charge pour les personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie dans deux territoires frontaliers européens : la région Alsace en France et la région frontalière du Bade-Wurtemberg en Allemagne. Après une présentation générale de l'organisation de la prise en charge des personnes âgées dépendantes en France et en Allemagne, l'étude se centre sur l'organisation de l'offre d"hébergements pour personnes âgées dépendantes en mettant en lien les dynamiques de cette offre avec les dynamiques démographiques, économiques, sociales des deux régions.Cette étude comparative a pour objectif de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de répartition spatiale et d'implantation de l'offre d'hébergement afin d'aider les acteurs locaux à trouver des leviers pour améliorer l'accessibilité des personnes âgées dépendantes à cette offre

    Rôle des expositions environnementales aux rayons ultraviolets naturels et aux pesticides liés aux activités agricoles dans l’incidence des hémopathies malignes de l’enfant

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    Abstract: This thesis deals with the role of two environmental exposures not much studied and that could have an impact on the incidence of childhood hematological malignancies (CHM): ultraviolet radiation (UV) and agricultural pesticides.The two major diagnostic groups are acute leukemia (AL) and lymphomas and represent respectively around 470 and 200 new cases per year in France. Despite the progress made in improving therapeutic caring and survival, the etiology of these cancers remains largely unknown.There are very few studies on the association between UV and these cancers. Meta-analyses found a coherent association between childhood AL and parental professional or domestic pesticides exposure during pregnancy. However the association with residential exposure to agricultural pesticides has been less studied and results are heterogeneous.The first, ecological, part of the thesis addressed the associations between residential UV exposure at diagnosis and the incidence of types and subtypes of CHM in France. The 9,082 cases of acute leukemia (AL) and 3,563 cases of lymphoma diagnosed before the age of 15 years from 1990 to 2009 were provided by the French National Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies. UV data from 1988 to 2007 were extracted from the EUROSUN database. The annual daily average UV exposure of the children estimated at the municipalities of residence was considered. There was a significant increase in precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (PBC-ALL) in children aged less than 5 years with residential exposure to UV. The results remained stable in analyses stratifying by deprivation index or degree of urbanization of the municipalities.A second, individual, study found no change in the association between UV and PBC-ALL after taking into account the influence of suspected individual risk factors for ALL, and evaluated this association at birth. Individual data were collected by interviews in the ESCALE (2003-2004) and ESTELLE (2010-2011) nationwide case-control studies.The last part of this work focused on the residential exposure to agricultural pesticides. The 10,994 cases of AL and the 4,301 cases of lymphomas diagnosed among children less than 15 years old were obtained from the French National Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies over the period 1990-2013. Intensity of agricultural activities by Canton was used as a proxy of residential agricultural pesticides exposure. This proxy was estimated from the 2000 French agricultural census data. At this first step of the analysis, no associations were found between total agricultural area and incidence of CHM. Analyses by types of crops showed, at this first step, a significant association between oilseeds and PBC-ALL and Burkitt lymphoma. Sensitivity analyses evidenced heterogeneous results by time period.Résumé : Cette thèse porte sur le rôle de deux expositions environnementales encore peu étudiées et pouvant influer sur l’incidence des hémopathies malignes (HME) de l’enfant : les rayons ultraviolets (UV) et les pesticides liés aux activités agricoles.Les leucémies (LA) et lymphomes de l’enfant sont les deux types principaux de HME et représentent respectivement environ 470 et 200 nouveaux cas par an en France. Leur prise en charge thérapeutique et leur survie ont fait d’immenses progrès, cependant la connaissance de leurs facteurs de risque est encore très partielle.Les études sur les effets des UV dans les cancers de l’enfant sont peu développées. Plusieurs méta-analyses récentes concluent à une augmentation du risque de LA chez l’enfant lors d’une exposition professionnelle ou domestique de la mère aux pesticides pendant la grossesse. L’exposition aux pesticides d’origine agricole a été moins étudiée, et les résultats sont hétérogènes.La première partie, écologique, de ce travail s’intéresse à l’exposition résidentielle aux UV. Une étude a été réalisée à partir des observations du Registre National des Hémopathies malignes de l’Enfant (RNHE) faites sur une longue période, entre 1990-2009 et sur l’ensemble de la France métropolitaine (9 082 cas de LA et 3 563 cas de lymphomes). Les données de l’exposition aux UV résidentiels étaient issues de la base EUROSUN. Une moyenne quotidienne d’exposition aux UV résidentiels sur l’ensemble de la période 1988-2007 à l’échelle communale a été considérée. Une augmentation significative de l’incidence des leucémies aiguës lymphoblastiques à précurseurs B (LAL-Pré B) chez les moins de 5 ans a été observée avec l’exposition aux UV résidentiels au moment du diagnostic. L’association n’était pas modifiée après une stratification par périodes ; par tranches d’unités urbaines ; par grandes régions, et par un indice de défaveur français. Une deuxième étude, individuelle, sur les UV ne trouvait pas de modification de l’association en prenant en compte le rôle de facteurs individuels soupçonnés d’être associés aux LAL et en regardant l’exposition à la naissance. Les données individuelles de ces facteurs provenaient de deux études cas-témoins en population générale, l’enquête ESCALE (2003-2004) et l’enquête ESTELLE (2010-2011).La dernière partie de la thèse se penche sur l’exposition résidentielle aux pesticides liés aux activités agricoles. Cette étude s’appuie sur les données du RNHE, recueillant 10 994 cas de LA et 4 301 cas de lymphomes sur la période 1990-2013. L’intensité de l’activité agricole dans le canton de résidence au moment du diagnostic a été choisie comme proxy de l’exposition aux pesticides. Cette intensité a été à partir des données cantonales du Recensement général Agricole de 2000. Dans cette première approche aucune association n’a été mise en évidence entre les HME et la part de Surface Agricole Utile (SAU) totale. Les analyses par grands types de cultures montrent, dans cette première approche, une association positive et significative entre l’intensité de cultures en oléagineux et l’incidence des LAL Pré-B et des lymphomes de Burkitt. Des analyses de sensibilité montraient des résultats hétérogènes par période d’étude

    Agricultural crop density in the municipalities of France and incidence of childhood leukemia: An ecological study.

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    BACKGROUND Pesticide exposure is suspected to play a role in the etiology of childhood leukemia (AL). Various sources of exposure have been explored, but few studies have investigated the risk of childhood AL in relation to residential exposure to agricultural pesticides. Since around 50% of France is agricultural land, with marked pesticide use, France is a suitable location to investigate for an association. We aimed to analyze the association between the agricultural crop density in the municipalities of France and the incidence of childhood AL between 1990 and 2014. METHODS 11,487 cases of AL diagnosed in children aged 0-14 years were registered by the French National Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies over 1990-2014. National agricultural census data for 1990, 2000 and 2010 were used to estimate the densities of the most common crops in France. The incidence of AL was estimated in the 35,512 municipalities, by age and gender, and 3 observation periods, and expressed as the standardized incidence ratio (SIR). RESULTS We observed a moderate log-linear association between viticulture density and the incidence of AL, with a 3% increase in SIR for a 10% increase in viticulture density (SIRR = 1.03; 95%CI [1.00-1.06]). The association remained for lymphoblastic AL but not for myeloid AL. The association was stable after stratification by geographic area, age and period, and after adjustment on UV radiation and a French deprivation index. No consistent association was observed for other crop types. DISCUSSION This nationwide study shows a moderate increase in incidence of childhood AL in municipalities where viticulture is common. Future individual studies are needed to know whether this observation is confirmed and related to particular use of pesticides

    Methods for drug safety signal detection using routinely collected observational electronic health care data: a systematic review.

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    PURPOSE: Signal detection is a crucial step in the discovery of post-marketing adverse drug reactions. There is a growing interest in using routinely collected data to complement established spontaneous report analyses. This work aims to systematically review the methods for drug safety signal detection using routinely collected healthcare data and their performance, both in general and for specific types of drugs and outcomes. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines, and registered a protocol in PROSPERO. MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and the Cochrane Library were searched until 13th July 2021. RESULTS: The review included 101 articles, among which there were 39 methodological works, 25 performance assessment papers and 24 observational studies. Methods included adaptations from those used with spontaneous reports, traditional epidemiological designs, methods specific to signal detection with real-world data. More recently, implementations of machine learning have been studied in the literature. 25 studies evaluated method performances, 16 of them using the area under the curve (AUC) for a range of positive and negative controls as their main measure. Despite the likelihood that performance measurement could vary by drug-event pair, only 10 studies reported performance stratified by drugs and outcomes, in a heterogeneous manner. The replicability of the performance assessment results was limited due to lack of transparency in reporting and the lack of a gold standard reference set. CONCLUSIONS: A variety of methods have been described in the literature for signal detection with routinely collected data. No method showed superior performance in all papers and across all drugs and outcomes, performance assessment and reporting were heterogeneous. However, there is limited evidence that self-controlled designs, high dimensional propensity scores and machine learning can achieve higher performances than other methods