59 research outputs found

    Makrofag Pengekspresi Il-1? Serta Respons Inflamasi Sistemik Pada Fiksasi Interna Dini Fraktur Femur Tertutup Lebih Rendah Dibandingkan Dengan Yang Tertunda

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    Fiksasi interna merupakan salah satu modalitas terapi dalam penangananfraktur. Fiksasi interna dini dan tertunda masih menjadi suatu perdebatan karenaadanya perbedaan komplikasi yang ditimbulkan, terutama yang berhubungandengan respons inflamasi sistemik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuiperbedaan makrofag pengekspresi IL-1? (dengan pengecatan imuno histokimia)antara saat tindakan fiksasi interna dini dan tertunda serta untuk mengetahuiperbedaan respons inflamasi sistemik ( IL-6 sebagai marker) pascafiksasi internadini dan tertunda pada fraktur femur tertutup.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimental " post test onlycontrol group design". Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bagian Bedah RSUP SanglahDenpasar dengan besar sampel dihitung dengan rumus Pocock. Kemudiandilakukan uji normalitas K-S, t test, t-paired test dan uji korelasi.Dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan bermaknaantara makrofag pengekspresi IL-1? pada saat perlakuan (hari I) dan makrofag saatkontrol (hari III-V) (2.37±2.98 % vs 4.99±4.89 %, p<0.05) dan (2) terdapatperbedaan yang bermakna kadar IL-6 serum sesudah fiksasi interna antarakelompok fiksasi interna dini dan tertunda (51,17± 23,19 pg/ml vs 95,39± 80pg/ml, p<0.05).Dari penelitian ini dapat dibuat suatu kesimpulan, yaitu (1) reaksi inflamasisekitar lokasi fraktur lebih rendah pada fiksasi interna dini daripada pada fiksasiinterna tertunda dan (2) kadar IL-6 pasca fiksasi interna dini lebih rendah daripada yang tertunda, dan kadar IL-6 serum sebelum fiksasi interna dapat dipakaisebagai prediktor kadar IL-6 pascafiksasi interna

    Proses Pertumbuhan Delta Baru Sungai Cimanuk Hingga Tahun 2002, Di Pantai Timur Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat

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    Kawasan garis pantai timur kabupaten Indramayu ditutupi oleh endapan aluvium yang cukup luas. Proses sedimentasi pada garis pantai saat ini masih berlangsung, disebabkan oleh sungai Cimanuk yang bermuara di daerah ini. Sungai tersebut membawa material sedimen dalam jumlah besar. Sedimen ini tersebar di L. Jawa dan diendapkan kembali di garis pantai, yang mengakibatkan pantai timur Indramayu mengalami akrasi dan membentuk delta. Tahun 1947 aliran sungai Cimanuk mengalami Perubahan, salah satu bagian aliran sungai mengalir ke arah utara-timur, jalan terdekat menuju garis pantai membentuk delta baru dengan tipe telapak kaki burung (birdfoot-type delta). Kandungan lumpur sungai Cimanuk dapat mencapai rata-rata 53,6 juta ton/tahun, akibatnya kawasan muara sungai Cimanuk mengalami pendangkalan (akresi) yang sangat cepat dan luas. Proses pendangkalan ini dapat dipantau dari Perubahan garis pantai sejak tahun 1947 hingga 2002 melalui penginderaan jauh citra satelit. Kata kunci : sedimentasi, garis pantai, akresi, delta dan lumpur. The east coast of the Indramayu District is covered by a widely spread alluvial deposit. The sedimentation process is still continuing caused by the drainage of the Cimanuk River flowing to the east coast. This river carries away a huge number of the sediment materials. This material, being widely distributed in Jawa sea water and are redeposited on the coastal zone, causing the east coast of Indramayu accreting and forming delta. In 1947 the drainage of the Cimanuk River has changed, one of the tributary is running away to the north-east direction, which is the shortest way to the coastline, and forming a new birdfoot type delta. The mud material of the Cimanuk River can reach approximately 53.6 million ton/year, consequently, the mouth of the Cimanuk River has rapidly and widely shallowed. The accretion processes can be monitored by the changed of the coastline from 1947 to 2002 by using satellite imagery. Key words : sedimentation, coastline, acresion, delta and mud

    Proses Finishing Kain Payung Nylon 66 Mempergunakan Resin Fluorokarbon (Water Repellent Agent) dan Ester Asam Poliakrilat (Coating Agent)

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    PROSES FINISHING KAIN PAYUNG NYLON 66 MEMPERGUNAKAN RESIN FLUOROKARBON (WATER REPELLENT AGENT) DAN ESTER ASAM POLIAKRILAT (COATING AGENT). Untuk mendapatkan kualitas kain payung terbaik dan memenuhi syarat daya tolak air sesuai SNI 08-1517-89 dan American standard No L 22.30.13-1960, telah dilakukan percobaan proses finishing water repellent dengan variasi konsentrasi fluorokarbon 20 g/L hingga 35 g/L interval 5 g/L dan suhu curing (pemanas awetan) 150 oC hingga 210 oC interval 15 oC. Proses coating dilakukan dengan zat coating ester asam poliakrilat dengan metoda pencapan blok mempergunakan kasa pencapan, kemudian pengeringan pendahuluan pada suhu 100 oC selama 1 menit, dilanjutkan dengan pemanas awetan pada suhu 160 oC selama 1 menit. Percobaan dilakukan mempergunakan dua metode yaitu metode pertama kain diproses coating terlebih dahulu, kemudian diproses finishing water repellent dan metode kedua kain diproses finishing water repellent terlebih dahulu, setelah itu diproses coating. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap: daya tolak air, uji siram, uji tekanan hidrostatik, tahan hujan Bundesmann, sudut kembali dari lipatan, kekuatan tarik kain, kekakuan kain dan uji kenampakan kain setelah pencucian berulang. Dari hasil pengujian ternyata bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi resin fluorokarbon dan suhu curing menaikkan kekakuan kain, sudut kembali dari lipatan dan tahan hujan Bundesmann, tetapi menurunkan kekuatan tarik, serta tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya tahan air uji siram dan uji tekanan hidrostatik. Kondisi terbaik proses finishing water repellent diperoleh pada konsentrasi fluorokarbon 25 g/L dan suhu curing 165 oC. Dari kedua metode tersebut ternyata memenuhi standar dan hasil tolak air percobaan metode pertama lebih baik dari pada metode kedua

    Repair and Strengthening with CFRP on Concrete SlabStructure of Structural Crack due to Shortage Reinforcement Footstool

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    Pengaruh Kebangsaan Anggota Dewan pada Kinerja Pasar (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    In corporate governance literatures, board diversity is often assumed to increase board efficacy and monitoring, thus increase market performance. In this study board is defined as the combination of board of commissioners and directors since Indonesia uses two-tier board system. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of board diversity as measured by board members nationality on firms market performance as measured by price to book value ratio. This research also used company size and industry type as control variables. Samples consisted of 52 companies in 2006, 69 companies in 2007, and 45 companies in 2008, totalling 166 observation. All sample companies were listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange from the year 2006 until 2008. The hypothesis test using multiple regression analysis showed that board members nationality does not have any significant impact on firms market performance. On the other hand, size and industry type do have significant effects on firms market performance

    Effect of Inclusion Calcium-palm Fatty Acid (Ca-pfa) on Growth Performance and Profile of Body Fatty Acid of Broiler

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    A study of effect of inclusion of calcium-palm fatty acid (Ca-PFA) in the diets on growthperformance and profile of body fatty acid has been conducted for 4 weeks in broiler. A total of 160birds were used in present experiment which was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with 4treatments and 5 replications (8 birds each). Dietary inclusions of Ca-PFA of 0, 5, 10 and 15% werereflected as R0, R1, R2 and R3, respectively. Results of the experiment showed that growth performancebased on the feed consumption significantly decreased (p0.05)effect for final body weight, carcass percentage and carcass composition. The inclusion of Ca-PFA in thediet was not affected the saturated fatty acid (p>0.05), but showed significant effect on unsaturated fattyacid and omega-3 fatty acid (p<0.05). Body fat distribution was not affected by inclusion level of Ca-PFA at a level of 15%. In conclusion, the inclusion of Ca-PFA in the diet until 15% decreased feedconsumption and produced similar growth performance, however it increased unsaturated fatty acid,omega-3 fatty acids and decreased body fat of broiler

    Effect of Vitamin - Mineral Supplementation in Commercial Feed on the Digestibility Coefficient and Rumen Fermentation of Bali Cattle

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    The aim of this study was to find out the influence of vitamin-mineral supplementation ondigestibility and rumen fermentation in Bali cattle. The randomized block design with 4 treatments and 4replications were used in the research. In this study was used 16 Bali cattle with body weight around295.31+23.07 kg. Rations used in the treatments were Treatment A (control): rice straw ad libitum pluscommercial feed; Treatment B: Treatment A ration plus 0.2% vitamin-mineral in commercial feed;Treatment C: Treatment A ration plus 0.3% vitamin-mineral in commercial feed, and Treatment D:Treatment A ration plus 0.4% vitamin-mineral in commercial feed. Parameters measured were nutrientdigestibility, rumen metabolites and urinary allantoin. The results showed that supplementation ofvitamin-mineral at 0.2 - 0.4% in commercial feed did not increase the digestibility of dry matter, organicmatter, crude protein and crude fiber, except for dry matter and organic matter digestibilities at 0.2%supplementation (p<0.05). However, the vitamin-mineral supplementation increased concentrations ofpartial VFA and ammonia as well as for methane gas production, except for VFA and ammonia at 0.4%level. Vitamin-mineral supplementation at 0.2-0.4% level did not affected pH value of rumen fluid andurinary allantoin

    Relationship between the injury severity score and GAP score with IL-6 cytokine in fracture patients with multiple trauma

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    Background: ISS, GAP scores and the cytokines IL-6 reflects the severity of an injury. Recently levels of the cytokine IL-6 are the best biomarker that reflects the severity of the trauma. There has been no research on the relationship between ISS and GAP scores with IL-6 cytokine level in fracture patients with multiple traumas. This study is a cross-sectional observational study.Methods: All fracture patients treated at Sanglah Emergency Unit started in January 2016 that met the inclusion criteria became sample. At sample, we calculate ISS and GAP scores and took blood samples for examination of IL-6 cytokine level. Bivariate analysis performed by Chi-square to determine the relationship between ISS and GAP score with IL-6 cytokine level.Results: Samples were 60 patients from January to April 2016. In this study, the correlation between the ISS and IL-6 cytokines was 0.05 (p=0.705), whereas the correlation between GAP scores and IL-6 cytokines was -0.399 (p=0.002).Conclusions: In this study there was positive correlation that weak and not significant between the ISS and IL-6 cytokines and there was a negative correlation that had moderate strength and significant between GAP scores and IL-6 cytokines
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