11 research outputs found

    Analisis Keuntungan USAhatani dan Peluang Pengembangan Diversifikasi Pangan Pokok Sumber Karbohidrat di Kabupaten Kepahiang

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    Cassava, maize, and sweet potato are staple foods source diversification alternatives which are quite popular in society. But in terms of the efficiency of farming, it is still needed to study which farm remains profitable and has diversification opportunity to be developed as staple food and sources of carbohydrates that can be aligned with the rice. Based on this research, it is known that a variety of food sources of carbohydrates that have a good potential for development, in order are cassava, sweet potato, and corn. In addition, all of the alternative staple foods also have the ability to profit creation higher than lowland rice. Some strategies for developing in diversification staple food source of carbohydrates can be arranged in this study, such as: (1) increasing the number and the quality of production followed by improvement of processing subsystems, network access market, supporting institutions and empowerment, (2) revitalizing structured farming training and extension in order to accelerate the transformation of technology and government support in the form of agricultural development policies, (3) strengthening the bargaining position of farmers through increasing access to information and a guaranteed market, and (4) developing infrastructure to improve productivity and competitiveness of farmers, as well as optimization economic institutions/cooperatives

    Perdagangan Ubikayu Indonesia Di Pasar Dunia (Indonesia Cassava Trade in World Market)

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    There are lack of information andmisunderstanding, amongeconomic agents in agriculture farming system related to cassava potencies as food, feed, and industrial resources in agribusiness system. There are, among others, due to assymetric information system for economic potential of cassava marketing system (export and domestic market) in Indonesia, as well as, the information of production and potencies of cassava market in Indonesia, export and domestic market. Economic strategic to develop strive the cassava productivity is feasible to fulfill export and domestic requirement. Information in production allocation and marketing system for export and domesti consumption of cassava will be useful to design strategies for the product development in order to support food security

    Analisis Komparasi USAhatani Padi Sawah Pengguna Benih Bersertifikat dan Benih Non Sertifikat di Kelurahan Kemumu Kecamatan Arma Jaya

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    This research purposse are to calculate and compare the productivity of land, income, and efficiency between paddy farming using certified seed and paddy farming which uses non-certified seed. The research was conductedin the village of Kemumu with a total sample of 15 farmers certified seed specified users using census method and 22 non-certified seed user farmers were determined using purposive sampling method. Methods of data analysis using quantitative analysis and qualitative (descriptive). The analysis showed that the average productivity of the land (5,112 Ton/Ha), average income (Rp 16.501.384,77/Ha), and the average efficiency (3,91) forpaddy farming using certified seed. While the average productivity of the land (3,918 Ton/Ha), the average income (Rp 10.951.035,29/Ha), and the average efficiency (3.24) for paddy farming which uses non-certified seed. Based onthe results ofthe analysis, itcan be concluded that certified seed is better than non-certified seed both in terms of land productivity, income, and efficiency

    Perilaku Harga Dan Keterpaduan Pasar Cabai Merah Keriting (Capsicum Annuum) Di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    This research aims to measure of price behavior, market integration and market leader of the red Chili in Bengkulu Province. Monthly series of 2006 to 2011 were used as sample data in this analyzing research. The data were from secondary of the monthly average price of red Chili. They were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Agriculture in Bengkulu Province. The variables which were research included red Chili price in the market producer Curup and market consumer Panorama, Minggu, Purwodadi and Ampera. The price behavior applied descriptive statistical analysis, to see the fluctuation of price applied the coefficient of variation formula. The analysis of market integration and marked leader applied the method of co-integration and Granger causality test (Engle and Granger model (1987)). The results of the price behavior showed price of red Chili commodity is relative fluctuation. The value of the coefficient of variation (CV) in the consumers area (CV = 42,35%) is smaller than in the producer area (CV = 64,41%). The price of red Chili in producer area more fluctuation than the prices in the consumers area. The result of market integration showed a strong level of market integration between market producer Curup and consumer Panorama, Minggu, Purwodadi and Ampera. Besides it, the strong level of integration also between the inter-market consumer Panorama, Minggu, Ampera and Purwodadi. Market leader for commodity red Chili in Bengkulu Province is market consumer Panorama

    Perilaku dan Loyalitas Konsumen Madu di Kota Bengkulu

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    Indonesia with a current population of nearly 240 million people, is the 4th largest population in the world need quite a lot of honey. The research objective was to analyze customer characteristics honey based group of consumers, identify the attributes of honey products that affect on purchase decisions, analyze consumer behavior and customer loyalty to honey, analyze the marketing mix right is based on the analysis of consumer behavior and consumer perception of the local honey product, and formulate strategies marketing of honey in the city of Bengkulu. Determining the location of the research conducted on honey outlets in the city of Bengkulu, the selection was conducted intentionally (purposive).The location of this study were at 8 stores/outlets of honey and herbs as well as a fairly large supermarket, honey outlets which was set as the study site. Data collection was done during the months of June-August 2015. The number of respondents in this study was 96. The data collected in this research were primary and secondary data that being collected to obtain the study aims to analysis of consumer behavior is processed using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and analysis of loyalty consumer using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The method results Importance Performance Analysisis based on Cartesian diagram shows that there is one attribute that is considered important and is the main priority in determining customer satisfaction. The attribute was the special price for every purchase at a time/day/month special like, Ramadhan, Eid and other interest consumen calculation. Based Satisfaction Index, the level of consumer satisfaction reached 71.30% honey. The calculation results show that in general consumers of honey was categorized satisfied (0.61 <CSI ? 0.80)

    Analisis Daya Saing USAha Pembesaran Ikan Nila Petani Pemodal Kecil di Kabupaten Musi Rawas

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    This research was done to investigate whether tilapia growers has business competitiveness both in competitive and comparative. This study aimed to analyze the competitive advantage, comparative advantage, the impact of government policies on output and input. Effect of output and input changing based on a sensitivity analysis on the competitiveness of tilapia fish rearing business, the level of tilapia grower business competitiveness between small farmers in Musi Rawas regency. The respondent was determined by purposive method deliberately carried out in accordance with the criteria set by the researcher. The respondents was conducted by using proportionate stratified random sampling. This study used the primary data and secondary data. The result of Pam Method shows that a small farmers of tilapia enlargement at musi rawas regency has competitive advantage with PCR < 1 by 0,55. It also has comparativeadvantage with DRCR < 0,37. The goverment policies toward tradadable input produkction were in the form of subsidies. Based of sensitivity analysis the enlargemen of tilapia will be lost if tilapia production decrease 10%, the price of tilapia it self decrease 5,5% and if the feed price increase 7%

    Analisis Penanganan Penerimaan Tandan Buah Segar pada PT. Bio Nusantara Teknologi di Kecamatan Pondok Kelapa Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah

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    This paper aimed to determine the handling system receiving TBS in PT.Bio Nusantara Teknologi to three supplier of partners supplier, plasma supplier and general supplier and how opportunities for improvement that can be done. This study used decriptive analysis and F test to examined wether there is discrimination in handling treatment and price of TBS among suppliers. The results showed that there are several steps that must be passed TBS suppliers to sell it to the POM: 1) taking a queue number, 2) The calling queue number, 3) Weighing, and 4) Sorting and loading and unloading. There was no difference in the treatment of the company against a third supplier, but the difference is the quality of fruit that would affect the price. The price difference was tested using the Tukey's test or BNJ. From the results of the research sequence starting price of the highest rates of plasma suppliers, partners supplier and then general supplier

    Preferensi Konsumen Ikan Laut Segar Bengkulu Atas Brand Equity sebagai Jaminan Kualitas Produk

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    Fisheries products in Bengkulu Province are still not to be classified well, so it may be considered not necessary to develop the discourse of product quality assurance. Regardless, the demands of globalization require each manufacturer to think ahead about the quality of the product "deserves" to be marketed, both in terms of the beneficial, characteristic, and image. Consumers have ample opportunity to get a product that is "inappropriate" according to his preference, one of which is through the use of brand equity as a guarantee of product quality as measured by the consumer response to price and product. The purposes of this study are: (1) to explain the relationship between the beneficial variables, characteristic, and the image of the brand equity variables, and (2) to analyze consumer response to the presence of the brand. From the results of this study also noted that the level of consumer preferences towards brand used by trader fresh fish is high in the city of Bengkulu. Assessment is based on expediency consumer brand presence (beneficial), the specific features that exist on the brand/merchant customer fresh sea fish (characteristic), and the picture attached to the brand (image). Based on the results of the Pearson test is known that the beneficial variables and the use of brand image on fresh fish merchant in the city of Bengkulu has a positive relationship to brand equity inherent in the product. Furthermore, it's also obtained information that the consumer response to the presence of a brand that is used by trader fresh fish in the city of Bengkulu as a guarantee of quality is very good

    Perilaku Harga dan Integrasi Pasar Horizontal Beras di Propinsi Bengkulu

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    Rice is one of the strategic foods in Indonesia. According to Alimoeso (2011), approximately 95% of the Indonesian people depend on rice, poor families allocate nearly 21.8% of its expenditure on rice. In addition, of rice consumption estimates is the highest Indonesian in Southeast Asia, namely, 139 kg / capita / year, of which about 120 kg consumed directly. That is why price policy is important instrument for improving the wealth of rice farmers as well as rice traders. The purpose of the study was to analyze the price behavior, (2) analyze market integration (3) to analyze market causality, and (4) determine the rice leader market in Bengkulu Province. This study used a method of analysis of price behavior, market integration, unit root test, co-integration test and analysis methods of Engle and Granger causality. The results rice price behavior in Bengkulu do not fluctuate indicating by lower value of show that coefficient variable. There is strong integration market in price formation between Bengkulu, Rejang Lebong, North Bengkulu and South Bengkulu markets. The causality test proved that the prices of the price of North Bengkulu affect the price rice Bengkulu City, Rejang Lebong and South Bengkulu, and none of the three areas that affect the price of rice in North Bengkulu, and the leader market is North Bengkulu

    Adopsi Inovasi Program Pembangunan Areal Model Hutan Rakyat di Desa Bakal dalam Kecamatan Talo Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan

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    The succes of community forest areal model development program in the location of Baka/ Da/am village, T810 subdistrict, South of Bengkulu district very depend on wffh efective or inefective adoption-inovation process to this program. In addition to obsetVed from positif perseption as indicated with direct by participant farmers in this program, low or high personal motivation partiCipant farmers to this program, and rank of this participation