45 research outputs found


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    Pada fase perkembangan manusia, masa remaja adalah masa yang sangat rawan. Pada masa ini, terutama usia SMP, remaja memiliki emosi yang labil. Agama dalam kehidupan manusia berperan sebagai pembimbing dalam hidup dan dapat mengendalikan moral. Hal ini terjadi pada SMP Saljul Qulub Kota Kediri, di mana di sekolah tersebut, terdapat rutinitas pembacaan Sholawat Wahidiyah yang dapat berpengaruh dan mempengaruhi akhlak siswa. Salah satu akhlak terpuji adalah Akhlak FAST akronim dari fathonah, amanah, shiddiq, dan tabligh; empat sifat wajib bagi rasul. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Mujahadah Sholawat Wahidiyah dalam pembentukan akhlak FAST siswa di SMP Saljul Qulub Kota Kediri, dan mengetahui gambaran akhlak FAST siswa di SMP Saljul Qulub Pondok Pesantren Kedunglo Miladiyyah Kota Kediri yang mengikuti Mujahadah Sholawat Wahidiyah, serta untuk mengetahui tanggapan siswa mengenai Mujahadah Sholawat Wahidiyah. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa keseluruhan pelaksanaan Mujahadah Sholawat Wahidiyah meliputi rangkaian proses, syarat-syarat sebelum pelaksanaan, adab yang harus dilakukan dan bacaan yang dibaca, mendukung proses pembentukan Akhlak FAST siswa. Aspek dalam Mujahadah yang paling berperan dalam pembentukan Akhlak FAST adalah adab ketika membaca serta isi dan kandungan dari Sholawat Wahidiyah itu sendiri yang mempengaruhi dalam pembentukan Akhlak FAST. Dengan adanya rutinitas Mujahadah Sholawat Wahidiyah, beberapa sampel penelitian yang rajin dalam mengikutinya memperlihatkan kecenderungan untuk memenuhi kriteria atau indikator dari Akhlak FAST. Sampel yang mengaku tidak rajin atau tidak serius memperlihatkan bahwa mereka kurang memenuhi dalam indikator Akhlak FAST. Mayoritas sampel menyatakan bahwa Mujahadah memberi efek yang positif, jika dilakukan dengan benar. Mujahadah menurut mereka memberi ketenangan batin secara langsung, dan melatih mereka untuk berakhlak mulia secara tidak langsung melalui bacaan dan adab yang mereka lakukan saat pelaksanaan Mujahadah. Kata kunci: Mujahadah Sholawat Wahidiyah, Akhlak FAS

    Adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Library Parlance: Issues and Benefits

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    That AI has permeated all aspects of human endevour is a statement of fact. Indeed, the applications of AI technology will be the finest technology to give a boost to core sectors and help Nigeria for a fastest digitization. This study on the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in library parlance: issues and benefits focuses on the concept of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence in library operations such as applications of expert systems in reference service, cataloguing, classification, indexing, and acquisition; applications of natural language processing in library activities, application of pattern recognition in library activities, applications of robotics in the library activities. The paper also looks at issues with artificial intelligence in libraries such as financial uncertainty, emerging skill gaps, resistance to change in workflow processes and adoption of new technologies including the fear of AI\u27s possible risks among others. Furthermore, the benefits derivable by the adoption of AI in library operations which include but not limited to improve operational efficiency, engage larger audiences through better user experience and new services, help librarians achieve their new goals, establish a strong foothold for libraries in the new scholarly information landscape among others are discussed. Finally, a conclusion with a call for libraries to re-position themselves to take relative advantage of artificial intelligence was advanced

    Deep electronic states in ion-implanted Si

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    In this paper we present an overview of the deep states present after ion-implantation by various species into n-type silicon, measured by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) and high resolution Laplace DLTS (LDLTS). Both point and small extended defects are found, prior to any anneal, which can therefore be the precursors to more detrimental defects such as end of range loops. We show that the ion mass is linked to the concentrations of defects that are observed, and the presence of small interstitial clusters directly after ion implantation is established by comparing their behaviour with that of electrically active stacking faults. Finally, future applications of the LDLTS technique to ion-implanted regions in Si-based devices are outlined.</p

    Exact Match is the New Jim Crow: An Analysis of Georgia’s Voting Policies and their Effect on Minority Voters

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    On November 7, 2018, people all over the nation waited with bated breath to find out the results of the state of Georgia’s 2018 midterm election. Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams competed against Republican Brian Kemp, who was also Georgia’s Secretary-of-State at the time for Governor of the state. The election was notable for several reasons; for example, Abrams had the potential to become the nation’s first black, female governor. However, what really captured the nation’s attention in regard to the election was the widespread Democratic support for Abrams as well as the widespread coverage suggesting that the Republican Party was actively suppressing the black vote. As Secretary-of-State, Kemp was charged with overseeing the election. This caused widespread outrage as critics complained in the conflict-of-interest that it was for the man who was tasked with overseeing the legitimacy of an election also participating in it. However, since there is no law forbidding the practice, Kemp refused to leave his post as Secretary-of-State until after he won the election These conflict-of-interest claims, coupled with the implementation of several strict voting laws during his tenure as Secretary-of-State, made his critics extremely weary that Kemp was intentionally trying to suppress minority votes in the state. Kemp adamantly claimed, however, that any policies he enacted while Secretary-of-State were meant to protect the integrity of elections. Additionally, he argued that the Secretary-of-State’s roll was simply to oversee elections and, thus, him maintaining the position was not a conflict-of-interest. This thesis aims to answer the question: what is happening in Georgia? It looks at three of Kemp’s policies, examines their content and impact, and assesses whether or not the state meant to suppress minority votes when employing them. The policies are those of polling location closing, exact-match, and voter roll purging. To evaluate the policies, I replicate the methodology used by the CDC to examine the content and impact of health policies. I use qualitative methods in this thesis. I use data collected from interviews conducted with Georgian citizens, legislators, and political actors. I evaluate newspaper articles, books, research studies, and blog posts to arrive at a conclusion regarding the effect of Georgia’s policies on the minority voter. Ultimately, I find that Georgia’s policies are meant to disproportionately affect its minority citizens and make it more difficult for them to vote. This implies the state does not want its minority citizens to vote. This thesis explores how an election was stolen from the people in plain sight


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    The study examined the impact of institutional credit on agricultural output in Benue State using Bank of Agriculture (BOA) as a case study. The sampling frame comprised all the beneficiaries of BOA loan in the study area. The method of proportionate random sampling was used in selecting 362 beneficiaries. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistic methods such as frequencies, percentages and econometric tools of logit regression, two-stage least squares and test of mean differences. The results of the study showed that there is significant relationship between institutional agricultural credit and agricultural output in Benue State. However, the level of accessibility of farmers to Bank of Agriculture credit is low in terms of the amount of loans and frequency of obtaining loans. The study therefore, recommends that government should encourage the establishment of more formal credit institutions in the rural areas, generally; and revive the moribund branches of BOA in the State. The government and BOA should also create more awareness about the existence of formal agricultural credits for agricultural production among the farmers, and enlightenment campaign on how to access these credit facilities especially in the rural areas. More so, stringent measures should be adopted, in conjunction with the loan monitoring activities, to check and reduce the incidence of agricultural credit misappropriation by the beneficiaries. The study further recommends the prompt approval and disbursement of funds; and the reduction of interest rate to allow for more agricultural development; while farmers should ensure judicious use the funds to guarantee repayment and recycling of the loan


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    In this article the formation of creativity abilities of future teachers of vocational education, the manifestation of professional and pedagogical creativity through the development of their creative abilities, creative competencies, as well as the importance of becoming an active participant in the educational process have been discussed

    Courage and Community: An Introduction to This Year’s Trainee-Authored Letters to the Editor

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    The study examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social security in Nigeria. Survey research design was used and data were collected from 1023 respondents comprising of 425 SME owners and 598 employees through a simple random sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and Paired t-test were utilized for the data analysis. The study found that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the social security of the employees in Nigeria negatively. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SMEs significantly laid off many workers and reduced the monthly expenditure on the welfare of workers, and worsened the state of social security among employees. Therefore, the study suggested that the Nigerian government should fully implement the support schemes formulated to cushion the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and to offer grants for those who have lost employment in the course of this pandemic and improve the household consumption loans to smoothen the consumption pattern during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also recommends that the Nigerian government should set up a Social Security Trust Fund from which the benefits can be explored during a pandemic or sudden economic hardships and pass a Social Security Act to back up the establishment of the social security fund that would generate funds for any economic hardships or pandemics