85 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Kelompok Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan dalam Penanganan Sampah di Sub DAS Cikapundung Jawa Barat

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    Pengelolaan sampah membutuhkan dukungan dari masyarakat. Isu tentang sampah juga di temukan di Sub DAS Cikapundung. Isu lingkungan di Cikapundung Sub DAS telah mengundang perempuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam bentuk gerakan kelompok. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi karakteristik kelompok dan (2) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi upaya ibu rumah tangga dalam menjaga gerakan kelompok peduli lingkungan di Sub DAS Cikapundung. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Maret hingga April 2015 yang melibatkan 106 responden dari kelompok perempuan peduli lingkungan. Kelompok-kelompok yang terletak di tiga wilayah: Sunten Jaya Desa (hulu DAS), Lebak Siliwangi Desa (tengah DAS) dan Dayeuh Kolot Desa (hilir DAS). Wawancara menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan diskusi kelompok yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Korelasi Rank-Spearman digunakan untuk menguji tingkat korelasi antara variabel-variabel berikut: a) profil dan dinamika kelompok, b) dukungan keluarga, c) persepsi dan partisipasi kelompok wanita peduli lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemauan, dan kemampuan kelompok wanita untuk mengolah limbah adalah faktor yang meningkatkan partisipasi. Mayoritas wanita tidak memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk berpartisipasi dalam kelompok peduli lingkungan. Faktor yang signifikan dengan tingkat persepsi dan partisipasi wanita dalam kelompok peduli lingkungan adalah profil dan dinamika kelompok, dukungan keluarga, dukungan tokoh masyarakat dan program penyuluhan

    Strategy to Develop Traditional Fishery Business in Implementing the Principle of Sustainable Business

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    The importance of sustainable development in fishery has been clearly seen in Indonesia through the existence of Law No.31 Year 2004 on Fishery. It is stated that fishery development is aimed to create job opportunities, fish farmer and fisherman welfare, and to maintain the sustainability of fishery resource and environment. Therefore, all aspects of fishery development activities, including traditional fish processing business should be based on the view of sustainable development. According to the description, the objectives of this study are: (1) to analyze traditional fish processing business; (2) to determine factors influencing one another in sustainable fishery business; and (3) to formulate strategy to improve the competence of traditional processing workers. This research was conducted through the method of survey in three regencies in Lampung Province; namely Tanggamus Regency, Pringsewu Regency, and East Lampung Regency, with a number of samples amounting to 235 respondents; later on the number of samples in each group was determined using the technique of proportional random sampling. Assessment towards the fish processing workers in sustainable traditional processing business generated quite good result since the processing workers were confident that the business developed well and sustainably. The competence of processing workers is influenced by non-formal education and entrepreneurial characteristics. The competence and implementation of extension has a direct influence, while individual characteristics of processing workers indirectly influence the sustainable traditional fishery business. Strategy to improve the competence of sustainable traditional fishery business is done by: (a) strengthening the competence of traditional fish processing workers particularly in technical and managerial aspects through the development of entrepreneurial characteristics; and (b) strengthening the extension intensity through extension method and media to create changes in behavior in running a sustainable traditional fishery business (economy, social, and environment).Keywords: Sustainable, fishery, traditional processing workers, strateg


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    The objectives of the study are as follows: (1) to analyze the entrepre-neurship competence level of dairy farmers, (2) to find out factors that influence the entrepreneurship competence, and (3) to formulize a model of extension service for dairy farmers to improve their entrepreneurship competence level. The research study was conducted at Bandung Regency West Java. The respondents were 151 dairy farmers selected randomly; and the data collected using questionnaires and observation. The number of sample was determined based on Slovin’s formula. Statistical analyses used were correlation, regression and path analysis. The major findings of the study are that the entrepreneurship competence levels of the dairy farmers at the medium category. Factors that influence the entrepreneurship competence of the farmers are their education background and the number of family members, lacking of facilities, informations, and the policy of the government. Extension’s strategies for the entrepreneurship competence improvement are through sthrenghtening of non formal education, and more involvement of family members in daily activities, improvement of daily facilities, informations and sthrenghtening government support

    Tingkat Adopsi Inovasi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (PTT) Padi Sawah di Kecamatan Leuwiliang, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Integrated crop management (ICM) can increase productivity, economic benefit rice farming through the efficient use of inputs, and conserve land resources for sustainable production systems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the degree of adoption, perception of ICM, and factors that influence the adoption of innovation ICM of paddy in Leuwiliang District. The research location was in Barengkok village and Leuwimekar village, Leuwiliang Sub-district. Research was implemented from May until July 2014. Respondents in this study were 80 farmers. The respondent covered 40 farmers from the Barengkok village and 40 farmers from Leuwimekar village. The data was collected by using a questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Multiple regression analysis test was used to analyze the data. The research results showed (1) The adoption level of integrated crop management (ICM) of paddy in the Leuwiliang Sub district was in high category, and (2) The factors of age, experience, land area, the availability of technology information, knowledge and perceptions of farmers were significantly affected the adoption level of ICM paddy.Keywords: adoptiom, innovation, paddy field in Leuwiliang, integrated crop managemen

    The Determinant Factors of Creative Economy Craftsmen Sustainability in South Sulawesi Province

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    Creative economy craftsmen have big contribution to regional income and able to sustain in crisis. It can be seen on the average of Gross Domestic Product has employed 5.4 million in average for 2002-2009 with participation level of 5.8%. Therefore, a strategic sustainability is needed especially for the determinant factors of sustainability related to creative economy craftsmen. This research aims to observe the determinant factors of sustainability of creative economy craftsmen in Wajo and Bulukumba Regencies in South Sulawesi Province. Sample for the research was 215 creative economy craftsmen. Data collection is conducted on January to April 2012 consists of primary and secondary data. Research method was using prospective analysis to determine important factors to the sustainability of creative economy craftsmen that predict future alternatives. Result from Rap-UEK simulation for the composite of five dimensions showed a less sustainable status of 48.97%. Research results showed that there are six dominant or main factors in determining business sustainability of creative economy craftsmen, one place sale, coordination with the government and private sectors, capital source, increase in the product of creative economy business, business field and product development Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.18-24 [How to cite this article: Ibrahim, H., Amanah, S., Asngari, P.S., and Purnaningsih, N. (2013). The Determinant Factors of Creative Economy Craftsmen Sustainability in South Sulawesi Province. International Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(2),18-24. Doi: 10.12777/ijse.5.2.18-24

    Consumer Preferences on Traditional Fisheries Processing Product to Support Sustainable Fisheries Business in Lampung Province

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    Pilihan strategi pemasaran sangat ditentukan oleh persepsi konsumen. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis preferensi konsumen terhadap pembelian produk hasil olahan tradisional perikanan dengan jenis hasil olahan penggaraman ikan, pengasapan ikan, fermentasi ikan dan pemindangan ikan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen di Pasar Kota Agung Kabupaten Tanggamus, Pasar Sukadana Kabupaten Lampung Timur, dan Pasar Gintung Kota Bandar Lampung. Penentuan responden menggunakan metode accindental sampling dengan 99 orang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli sampai September 2017. Data di analisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran bahwa konsumen lebih banyak membeli produk hasil olahan tradisional perikanan pada week end (Sabtu-Minggu) dibandingkan week days (Senin-Jumat). Preferensi konsumen dalam memilih mutu hasil olahan tradisional penggaraman ikan, pemindangan ikan, pengasapan ikan, dan fermentasi ikan adalah sama. Secara berturut-turut dari yang paling dipertimbangkan sampai dengan yang kurang dipertimbangkan adalah: rasa, harga, warna produk, jenis kemasan, warna kemasan. Tingginya penilaian konsumen memberikan dampak pada usaha olahan tradisonal perikanan akan berkembang dan berkelanjutan. Konsumen menilai produk olahan rasanya enak, memiliki aromanya harum yang khas, penampakkan produk olahan terlihat segar, warna ikan hasil olahan mengkilat, dan tekstur produk olahan padat

    Persepsi Anak Jalanan terhadap Bimbingan Sosial melalui Rumah Singgah di Kotamadya Bandung

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    The street children has become an important phenomenon in urban areas. Most of the children spent their time on the street or in other public areas. Government throught Social Welfare Departement developed an transit house program which providing social guidance fo ther street children, but the budget can not cover all of the children. Many of the children are still on the street that cause them to be out of control and easily trapped in juvenile delinquency. The study tried to understand perception of the children on the social guidance of the transit house program, since there are not enough information about the issue. The study used quantitative and qualitative data and analized in non parametric statistic. Bandung was selected as location of the study since the city is one of cities in Indonesia that has street children problems. Population of the study are street children of 6-18 years old. Stratifield random sampling technique was used to get 60 respondents. The data was collected through interview schedule, field observation and desk study. The research fond that the perception of the respondents toward social guidance program is negative in terms of physical, mentality, social and skill. But, the respondent that involved in the program less or equal to 6 months is better than whose that involved 7-12 months and more than 13 months, especially in terms of mental and skill guidance. Based on the finding, a reorientation of the program is needed throught in form of guidance and councelling package that short in time (less than 6 months), relevance with interest and talent of the children, emphasize on developing the children skill, but still concern with physical, mental and social development


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    Penelitian yang dilaksanakan di Pusdiklat Pegawai Departemen Sosial ini meliputi (1) seberapa jauh aspek kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap prestasi kerja pegawai, (2) seberapa jauh motivasi kerja pegawai berpengaruh terhadap prestasi kerjanya. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 70 orang, dengan acak sederhana diambil sebanyak 60 orang pegawai untuk dijadikan responden penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Motivasi bekerja pegawai pusdiklat belum optimal dalam mendorong pegawai lain untuk bekerja lebih baik, (2) Prestasi kerja di Pudiklat belum maksimal, karena konsistensi dan perilaku bekerja yang belum sesuai, (3) Prinsip dalam kepemimpinan yang terdiri dari keberhasilan dalam sebuah proses, pengetahuan, kemampuan dalam bertindak, kemampuan dalam memandu dan mendorong seluruh pegawai pusdiklat untuk meningkatkan motivasi pegawai, (4) Karakteristik pegawai yang homogen, mempengaruhi motivasi pegawai, (5) Budaya kerja yaitu nilai, kepercayaan serta merit system membawa efek dalam meningkatkan motivasi kerja, (6) Motivasi pegawai Pusdiklat kurang kuat, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap prestasi kerja. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, disarankan (1) Mengembangkan motivasi intrisnik dan ekstrinsik kepemimpinana dan budaya kerja yang efektif, (2) Budaya kerja, khususnya pada peningkatan sikap, kepercayaan, dan merit sistem
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