76 research outputs found

    Die neuere Physik und die evangelische Theologie

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    Der nachfolgende Beitrag wurde uns über Herr knäpper vom Verfasser zur Verfügung gestellt. Wir sagen Herrn D. Asmussen unsern besten Dank

    Explodierende Staatsschulden, drohende Staatsbankrotte: Was kommt auf uns zu?

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    Seit Ausbruch der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise ist weltweit ein enormer Anstieg staatlicher Defizite und Schuldenstände zu beobachten. Was bedeutet die Entwicklung für die Europäische Währungsunion? Charles B. Blankart und Erik R. Fasten, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, finden es wünschenswert, »vom Nichtauslösungsartikel auszugehen und diesen mit einem Verfahren wie dem des Eurostabilitätspaktes zu verbinden. Die Mitgliedstaaten sagen Hilfe zur Restrukturierung zu. Aber wenn dies alles nichts fruchtet, so steht am Ende … nicht die Auslösung, sondern der Staatsbankrott«. Jörn Axel Kämmerer und Hans-Bernd Schäfer, Bucerius Law School, Hochschule für Rechtswissenschaft, Hamburg, sehen die Europäische Union vor einem äußerst schmalen Grat. Die EU dürfe das Bail-out-Verbot nicht zum Schaden des Euro in einer Weise aufweichen, dass »die Ausnahme zur Regel« werde. Aber sie könne auch nicht untätig bleiben. Jörg Asmussen, Bundesministerium der Finanzen, unterstreicht, dass sich der Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt als fiskalpolitisches Koordinierungsinstrument bewährt habe. Auf der anderen Seite werden jetzt die Regeln wieder restriktiver angewandt. Dies bedeute, dass alle Mitgliedstaaten ihre Haushalts- und/oder Strukturprobleme aus eigener Kraft in den Griff bekommen müssen. Für Christian Tietje, Universität Halle-Wittenberg, bleibt es zunächst immer bei der Selbstverantwortung der Staaten der Eurogruppe für ihre Wirtschaftspolitik, finanzielle Solidaritätsmaßnahmen müssen die Ultima Ratio im Euroraum bleiben. Michael Kühl und Renate Ohr, Universität Göttingen, sind der Meinung, dass hochverschuldete Länder, wie z.B. Griechenland, selbst einen Weg finden müssen, ihre Staatsfinanzen zu konsolidieren.Öffentliche Schulden, Wirtschaftskrise, Haushaltskonsolidierung, Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion, Staatsbankrott, Finanzpolitik, Deutschland, Griechenland, Italien, Belgien, EU-Staaten

    The Analysis of Association Between Traits When Differences Between Trait States Matter

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    Because of their elementary significance in almost all fields of science, measures of association between two variables or traits are abundant and multiform. One aspect of association that is of considerable interest, especially in population genetics and ecology, seems to be widely ignored. This aspect concerns association between complex traits that show variable and arbitrarily defined state differences. Among such traits are genetic characters controlled by many and potentially polyploid loci, species characteristics, and environmental variables, all of which may be mutually and asymmetrically associated. A concept of directed association of one trait with another is developed here that relies solely on difference measures between the states of a trait. Associations are considered at three levels: between individual states of two variables, between an individual state of one variable and the totality of the other variable, and between two variables. Relations to known concepts of association are identified. In particular, measures at the latter two levels turn out to be interpretable as measures of differentiation. Examples are given for areas of application (search for functional relationships, distribution of variation over populations, genomic associations, spatiogenetic structure)

    A unified treatment of single component replacement models

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    In this paper we discuss a general framework for single component replacement models. This framework is based on the regenerative structure of these models and by using results from renewal theory a unified presentation of the discounted and average finite and infinite horizon cost models is given. Finally, some well-known replacement models are discussed, and making use of the previous results an easy derivation of their cost functions is presented

    Modulation of spontaneous locomotor and respiratory drives to hindlimb motoneurons temporally related to sympathetic drives as revealed by Mayer waves

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    In this study we investigated how the networks mediating respiratory and locomotor drives to lumbar motoneurons interact and how this interaction is modulated in relation to periodic variations in blood pressure (Mayer waves). Seven decerebrate cats, under neuromuscular blockade, were used to study central respiratory drive potentials (CRDPs, usually enhanced by added CO(2)) and spontaneously occurring locomotor drive potentials (LDPs) in hindlimb motoneurons, together with hindlimb and phrenic nerve discharges. In four of the cats both drives and their voltage-dependent amplification were absent or modest, but in the other three, one or other of these drives was common and the voltage-dependent amplification was frequently strong. Moreover, in these three cats the blood pressure showed marked periodic variation (Mayer waves), with a slow rate (periods 9–104 s, mean 39 ± 17 SD). Profound modulation, synchronized with the Mayer waves was seen in the occurrence and/or in the amplification of the CRDPs or LDPs. In one animal, where CRDPs were present in most cells and the amplification was strong, the CRDP consistently triggered sustained plateaux at one phase of the Mayer wave cycle. In the other two animals, LDPs were common, and the occurrence of the locomotor drive was gated by the Mayer wave cycle, sometimes in alternation with the respiratory drive. Other interactions between the two drives involved respiration providing leading events, including co-activation of flexors and extensors during post-inspiration or a locomotor drive gated or sometimes entrained by respiration. We conclude that the respiratory drive in hindlimb motoneurons is transmitted via elements of the locomotor central pattern generator. The rapid modulation related to Mayer waves suggests the existence of a more direct and specific descending modulatory control than has previously been demonstrated