6 research outputs found

    The facial index in patients with maxillary postimplantation syndrome

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    Известен вариант отдаленного осложнения у больных после дентальной имплантации на верхней челюсти — верхнечелюстной постимплантационный синдром (ВПС). Цель работы — определить антропометрические критерии лицевого скелета и верхней челюсти, предрасполагающие к развитию ВПС. Изучены компьютерные томограммы 43 больных с острым и хроническим гайморитом и полным зубным рядом на верхней и нижней челюстях, 60 больных с дентальными имплантами без отдаленных осложнений и 132 больных с ВПС. Определены лицевой индекс и толщина костного барьера между корнями зубов верхней челюсти и дном гайморовой пазухи.The intraosseous dental implantation (DI) is accompanied by complications: intraoperative; postoperative; remote (from 6 months to 5 years). Practically DI remote complications are poorly studied. The majority of DI remote complications occur in the region of the upper jaw due to its more complex anatomy and physiology, peculiarities of its topography, bone quality, proximity to the nasal cavity, the orbit. It is known the variant of remote complication in patients after DI in the upper jaw — the maxillary postimplantation syndrome (MPS)

    The role of microbiological agents in etiology of postimplant disease of the upper jaw

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    Представлены результаты изучения микробиологического состояния и антибактериальной чувствительности флоры слизистой оболочки верхнечелюстной пазухи у больных, перенесших внутрикостную дентальную имплантацию, страдающих хроническими постимплантационными гайморитами (31 случай) в сравнении с одонтогенными гайморитами (30 случаев). У больных с хроническими постимплантационными гайморитами превалировала условно-патогенная флора в минимальном количестве, а иногда и стерильность посевов при наличии патологического экссудата в верхнечелюстном синусе, что свидетельствует о дебюте дистрофических процессов в тканях верхней челюсти с присоединением вторичной флоры в стадии разгара заболевания.Analysis of the microbial spectrum of bacterial strains in patients with odontogenic sinusitis and postimplantation one showed significant differences in each group. In patients with chronic postimplantation sinusitis prevalent opportunistic flora in the minimum amount, and sometimes sterile crops of abnormal fluid in the maxillary sinus, indicates the presence of dystrophic debut in tissues of the upper jaw with the addition of the secondary flora in the height of the disease stage. The absence of pathogens, including the hospital, shows a high-tech performance of surgical implantation stage without iatrogenic errors and calls for further study of the mechanisms of influence on the degree of stress local transplantation immunity

    Maxillary postimplantation syndrome: ocular aspects

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    Maxillary postimplantation syndrome (MPS) has been previously described as a complication occurring more than 1 year after maxillary implant placement in patients with partial loss of teeth due to accident, extraction and/or local periodontal disease. The syndrome is characterized by dental, rhinological, ocular and/or neurodental symptoms. Purpose: To determine frequencies of ocular disorders in patients who developed manifestations of maxillary postimplantation syndrome. Materials and Methods: Seventy four patients with MPS (age, 27 to 64 years) and 43 healthy volunteers (age, 25 to 63 years) were involved in the diagnostic study. Patients underwent a routine clinical examination including rhinoscopy, stomatoscopy, and paranasal sinus computed tomography. In addition, a routine eye examination was performed. Results: Ocular disorders were found in 81% of patients with MPS, and included functional injury of the nasolacrimal canal (51%), dacryocystitis (20.2%), and intermediate uveitis (6.7%) with complications manifesting as macular edema or epiretinal membrane (4.05%), optic nerve drusen (6.7%), and optic neuritis (5.4%). Some MPS patients exhibited several ocular disorders (including, in particular, a functional injury of the nasolacrimal canal or dacryocystitis). Conclusion: Ocular disorders were found in 81% of patients with MPS. Patients with MPS should undergo an eye examination even in the absence of ocular complaints

    Analysis of Optimization Criteria for the Process of Switch Displacement in a DC Railroad Turnout

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    This paper reports a study into the dynamics of displacing a railroad turnout's switches with a direct start of electric motor and a controlled DC electric drive in the MATLAB environment. The emphasis of simulation was the investigation of processes taking place in the kinematic links of a railroad turnout in the dynamics of its switch displacement. The estimation was based on the optimization criteria for a switch displacement process: the pulse of the impact of a switch against the frame rail, elasticity force in the working rod and a switch turning time. The result of the simulation of a non-controlled electric drive in a railroad turnout of switches has revealed that the values of these parameters are unsatisfactory.Mathematical models of the regulated electric drive for a railroad switch turnout were considered as two-mass electromechanical systems with subordinate regulation of basic coordinates and based on the principle of modal control. The results from mathematical modelling of the switch turning process convince that the numerical values of the optimization criteria for a regulated turning process are improved. Increasing the time of a regulated turning by up to 6 % of direct start results in a decreased impact in the kinematic links. Under the assumption of eliminating a technological gap in the reducer, a decrease in the impact of switches at the turning onset amounts to 6–8 %. At the same time, comparison of impacts at the onset of switch turning, when taking into consideration a technological gap in the reducer, as well as without it, shows a decrease in the elastic force amplitude by 250 %. The impact (a switch momentum pulse) could be reduced by 20–24 % upon turning completion.Our analysis of optimization criteria for the switch displacement process has demonstrated efficiency of the regulated electric drive compared to the direct start of an electric motor. That makes it possible not only to extend the operational functionality of a railroad switch turnout, but also to reduce costs for the current technical inspection, repairs in general, as well as to prolong the inter-repair perio

    Assessment of Population Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 Virus in the Rostov Region

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    By August 2020, more than 850000 cases of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) caused by SARSCoV-2 were confirmed in the Russian Federation, with the Rostov Region as one of the ten most affected regions in Russia. The spread of the disease is largely determined by the state of population immunity in a certain area. Our research focuses on specific humoral immune response and estimates the level of herd immunity to SARS-CoV-2 virus among the population of the Rostov Region.Materials and methods. The study involved 3,048 people; the volunteers participating in the study were divided into seven age groups. The content of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 was determined applying ELISA using a kit for the analysis of human serum or blood plasma for the presence of specific IgG to the nucleocapsid of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, manufactured by the State Scientific Center of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Obolensk) in accordance with the instructions for use.Results and discussion. The assessment of seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 in the Rostov Region showed that the proportion of people positive for IgG to the new coronavirus was 16.5 %, the range of seropositive individuals in the general population was between 13.9 % and 19.1 % (p<0.05). There were no significant gender differences in the degree of seroprevalence with a positive result registered in 16.6 % of women and 16.5 % of men. A high level of humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 was established in individuals aged 1–17 against the background of low incidence rates, which may indicate the dominance of asymptomatic forms of the disease in this age group. The highest level of seropositivity was found in preschool children (33.6 %), students (29.3 %), employees (17.3 %), and education professionals (15.3 %)


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    Introduction. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the main causes of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in infancy. In certain categories of children the risk of development of potentially lethal severe forms of the disease requiring hospitalization, treatment within resuscitation departments and use of artificial pulmonary ventilation is significantly higher than in any other category. Palivizumab is used to prevent RSV infection in such children; its high efficacy and tolerance were proved by numerous clinical trials. The aim of this study is to assess use of palivizumab for preventing the RSV-associated LRTI in children from the groups of high risk of severe course of this pathology from a clinical economic point of view in the course of a regular stage of RSV infection immune prevention program realized in Moscow in the season of 2012/2013. Materials and methods. The study involved detailed analysis of results of LRTI immune prevention with palivizumab in a sample of 189 case report forms containing information on the children who had received 3-5 injections of the drug. The estimated number of hospitalizations and deaths in this group of children in the absence of immune prevention was calculated in the model on the basis of results of the previously conducted studies of the RSV-associated LRTI course. The authors also calculated expenses on this group of children in the presence and absence of palivizumab immune prevention, expenses per 1 disability-adjusted life year and averted economic damage due to infantile mortality increase. Results. Use of palivizumab in the group under study has possibly prevented 39 hospitalizations, including 13 hospitalizations with medical care rendering at resuscitation and intensive care units, and 1 death. Immune prevention expenses in the group under study equaled to 33,518,514.60 rubles, whereas the estimated expenses in the absence of immune prevention equaled to 1,698,103.90 rubles. Cost effectiveness increment equaled to 461,165.37 rubles per 1 disability-adjusted life year, which is only slightly more than gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in the RF in 2012 (437,476.22 rubles) and significantly lower than the triple GDP per capita (1.3 mn rubles) – the cost-effectiveness threshold recommended by the World Health Organization for application of health preservation technologies. The averted economic damage per preserved life of 1 child equaled to 29,760,927.36 rubles. Conclusion. Use of palivizumab for preventing the RSV-associated LRTI ought to be considered clinically and economically sound.Введение. Респираторно-синцитиальный вирус (РСВ) является одной из ведущих причин заболеваемости инфекциями нижних дыхательных путей (ИНДП) в раннем детском возрасте. У отдельных групп детей риск развития тяжелых форм заболевания, требующих госпитализации, лечения в условиях реанимационных отделений, подключения искусственной вентиляции легких, а также способных привести к летальному исходу, значительно выше, чем во всей остальнойпопуляции. Для профилактики РСВ-инфекции у таких детей применяется паливизумаб, доказавший свою высокую эффективность и хорошую переносимость в многочисленных клинических испытаниях. Цель — проведение клинико-экономической оценки использования паливизумаба для профилактики РСВ-ассоциированных ИНДП у детей, относящихся к группам с высоким риском тяжелого течения данной патологии, в рамках очередного этапа программы иммунопрофилактики РСВ-инфекции, реализованной в г. Москве в сезон 2012/2013 гг. Материалы и методы. В рамках исследования был проведен детальный анализ результатов иммунопрофилактики ИНДП паливизумабом в выборке из 189 регистрационных карт, содержащих информацию о детях, получивших от 3 до 5 инъекций препарата. На основании результатов ранее проведенных исследований течения РСВ-ассоциированных ИНДП в модели было рассчитано ожидаемое число госпитализаций и смертей в данной группе детей при отсутствии иммунопрофилактики. Определены затраты на данную группу детей при проведении иммунопрофилактики паливизумабом и без нее, рассчитаны затраты на 1 год сохраненной жизни и предотвращенный экономический ущерб благодаря снижению младенческой смертности. Результаты. Использование паливизумаба в наблюдаемой группе, вероятно, позволило предотвратить 39 случаев госпитализаций, в том числе 13 с оказанием медицинской помощи в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии, и 1 случай смерти. Затраты на проведение иммунопрофилактики в изучаемой группе составили 33 518 514,60 руб., а ожидаемые расходы при отсутствии иммунопрофилактики — 1 698 103,90 руб. Показатель приращения эффективности затрат составил 461 165,37 руб. на сохраненный год жизни, что лишь незначительно выше величины валового внутреннего продукта (ВВП) на душу населения в 2012 г. по РФ (437 476,22 руб.) и существенно ниже 3-кратного ВВП на душу населения (1,3 млн руб.) — величины, рекомендованной Всемирной организацией здравоохранения в качестве порога экономической целесообразности применения технологий сохранения здоровья. Предотвращенный экономический ущерб за счет сохранения жизни 1 ребенка — 29 760 927,36 руб. Заключение. Использование паливизумаба для профилактики РСВ-ассоциированных ИНДП следует считать клинически и экономически обоснованным