33 research outputs found

    Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles and their photocatalytic evaluation on methyl yellow degradability using low power UV-A lamp [Síntesis verde de nanopartículas de ZnO y su evaluación fotocatalítica en la degrabilidad de amarillo de metilo usando lámpara UV-A de baja potencia]

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    El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la propiedad fotocatalítica relacionado a la degrabilidad del amarillo de metilo usando nanopartículas de ZnO (NP ZnO) sintetizadas por el método de ruta verde, usando como insumo el extracto acuoso de Coriandrum sativum. El efecto de degradación fue bajo influencia de luz UV-A usando lámpara de baja potencia. La evaluación espectrofotométrica del material nanoestructurado muestra el pico de absorbancia típico para el ZnO; asimismo, la caracterización por microscopía electrónica de barrido muestra una geometría esférica altamente definida con tamaño promedio de 97.77 nm. El análisis elemental por EDS muestra el pico correspondiente al Zn. La actividad fotocatalítica sugiere una muy buena eficiencia en la fotodegrabilidad de amarillo de metilo cuando se usa 7mL del catalizador NP ZnO, alcanzando una eficiencia del 86.64%.The objective of the study is to evaluate the photocatalytic property related to the degradability of methyl yellow using ZnO nanoparticles (NP ZnO) synthesized by the green route method, using the aqueous extract of Coriandrum sativum as input. The degradation effect was under the influence of UV-A light using low power lamp. Spectrophotometric evaluation of the nanostructured material shows the typical absorbance peak for ZnO; Likewise, the characterization by scanning electron microscopy shows a highly defined spherical geometry with an average size of 97.77 nm. Elemental analysis by EDS shows the peak corresponding to Zn. The photocatalytic activity suggests a very good efficiency in the photodegradability of methyl yellow when 7mL of the NP ZnO catalyst is used, reaching an efficiency of 86.64%

    Equipo deshidratador solar de frutas, con sistema recuperador de aroma

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    Número de publicación: ES2710542 A1 (25.04.2019) También publicado como: ES2710542 B2 (16.01.2020) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201731235 (20.10.2017)Equipo deshidratador solar de frutas con sistema recuperador de aroma usando energía solar, que consiste en dos fuentes de aporte calorífico (muro trombe y colector cilíndrico parabólico), a su vez la adaptación de un thermobank para lograr el equilibrio calorífico reduciendo las altas temperaturas obtenidas en colector cilíndrico parabólico y/o como complemento de reserva de energía calorífica en horas donde la radiación solar es débil o nula (mediante pilas de calor, piedras). Dentro de la cámara de deshidratación se dispone de un ducto que consta de tres válvulas las cuales actúan sincronizadamente para dejar pasar la humedad del producto, condensarlo, drenarlo y finalmente devolverlo a la cámara, todo ello forzado por un ventilador centrífugo, evitando de esta forma la pérdida del aroma del producto (fruta) y demás propiedades organolépticas. El monitoreo de temperatura y humedad es mediante sensores de temperatura y humedad provistos de corriente por paneles solares.Universidad de Almerí

    Green synthesis of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with eucalyptus globulus extract and their application in the removal of heavy metals from agricultural soil

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    The green synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles is presented as an excellent sustainable alternative for achieving nanostructures, with potential applications. This research provides important information regarding the influence of the type of solvent used in extracting organic reducing agents from E.globulus on the FeO NPs green synthesis protocol. A broad approach to characterization is presented, where UV-vis spectrophotometry suggests the presence of this type of nanoparticulate material. Likewise, the reduction mechanism was evaluated by FT-IR and the magnetic properties were evaluated by PPSM. In addition, characterizations were linked via elemental analysis (EDX), crystallographic characterization (XRD), electron microscopy (SEM/STEM), and Z potential to evaluate colloidal stability. The results show the influence of the type of solvent used for the extraction of organic reducing agents from E.globulus, and the effect on the synthesis of FeO NPs. In addition, the nanostructure material obtained showed excellent efficiency in the remediation of agricultural soil, eliminating metals such as Cr-VI, Cd, and, to a lesser extent, Pb

    Sustainable tourism and renewable energy’s potential: a local 'development proposal for the La Florida community, Huaral, Peru

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    Tourism contributes 10% to global gross domestic product (GDP), yet it generates 5% of all anthropogenic CO2, while 50 to 60% of carbon emissions are indirectly related to the sector. High levels of poverty afflict rural areas in developing countries, and sustainable tourism based on renewable energy is an ideal approach to generate local development. Our objectives are thus to gauge sustainable tourism’s influence on local development in the community of La Florida, Huaral, Peru and to evaluate the potential of renewable energy (solar and wind power) to propose an eco-efficient business alternative. A non-experimental, quantitative approach was used, in which 265 local residents completed a survey to ascertain their perspectives on the proposal. Moreover, the potential for solar and wind energy was measured to identify sustainable alternatives that residents might incorporate into local ventures. The results demonstrate a relationship between sustainable tourism and local development, as tourism activity enables community members to improve their quality of life and offers them the opportunity to generate new enterprises. Likewise, the assessment of renewable energy potential confirms its feasibility in this area

    Synthesis and characterization of nanofluids from the biosynthesis of nanoparticles and their evaluation in solar thermal systems

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    ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to evaluate diverse and known types of heat transfer fluids (water, oil and glycerin) commonly used in solar thermal systems, in this work denoted as base fluids, with respect to them, but with the addition of biosynthesized metal nanoparticles. It was considered a prototype of solar heating systems by thermosiphon in the application-experimental phase assisted by halogen light (with wavelengths ranging from deep infrared to violet). The process of biosynthesis or green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (NP Ag) was from the precursor of silver nitrate (AgNO3) and using as a reducer the alcoholic extract from agroindustrial residues of the wine production, obtaining colloids with high monodispersity and with sizes between 30 and 40 nm. (spherical geometry). The results suggest a greater increase in heat absorption capacity when biosynthesized silver nanoparticles are added to the oil, which managed to have a heat capacity of 3519.41 J/kg°C

    Textiles functionalized with zno nanoparticles obtained by chemical and green synthesis protocols: evaluation of the type of textile and resistance to uv radiation

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    The study evaluates five types of commercial textiles with different cotton and polyester contents widely used in the garment industry. These textile samples have been subjected to treatment by the exhaustion method using zinc oxide nanoparticles (NP ZnO) (textile functionalization) with the aim of improving their efficiency in blocking UV radiation. The ZnO nanoparticles have been obtained by two methods: The green or also called biosynthesis (using the extract of Coriandrum sativum as an organic reducing agent), and the chemical method (using NaOH as an inorganic reducing agent). The results related to the green method show having achieved a defined geometric configuration with an average size of 97.77 nm (SD: 9.53). On the contrary, the nanostructures obtained by the chemical method show pentagonal configurations with average sizes of 113 nm (SD: 6.72). The textiles functionalized with

    Sustainable Tourism and Renewable Energy: Binomial for Local Development in Cocachimba, Amazonas, Peru

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    This article addresses the relationship between sustainable tourism and the use of renewable energy sources. To this end, we evaluate the spatial–temporal tourist flow evolution as well as the wind/solar energy potential in Cocachimba, which is located in the Amazonas region of Peru. This is a place that has seen a considerable increase in tourist activity in the past decade. This is a result of its rich flora and fauna, but especially because of the presence of the Gocta waterfall, considered the third highest in the world. Currently, business initiatives associated with a variety of touristic services have been started. However, there is still a lack of infrastructure, which negatively impacts the tourists’ ability to stay overnight. In order to improve the resident-directed services quality and sustainable tourism, we propose the incorporation of sustainable lodging houses that are based, as previously described, on the usage of clean energy sources, which are harmless to the natural environment. To respond effectively to all this, a methodology based on the use of highly reliable sources and databases, statistical analysis, and highly supported physical calculations was used. The study shows that during the peak season there is insufficient lodging. Furthermore, by incorporating sustainable lodging houses, a reduction in fixed costs for the lodging establishments can be reached. We also found that the solar/wind potential possesses the minimal conditions necessary in order to implement heating systems and sustainable electrification based on conventional systems

    Sustainable tourism and renewable energy’s potential: a local development proposal for the La Florida community, Huaral, Peru

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    Tourism contributes 10% to global gross domestic product (GDP), yet it generates 5% of all anthropogenic CO2 , while 50 to 60% of carbon emissions are indirectly related to the sector. High levels of poverty afflict rural areas in developing countries, and sustainable tourism based on renewable energy is an ideal approach to generate local development. Our objectives are thus to gauge sustainable tourism’s influence on local development in the community of La Florida, Huaral, Peru and to evaluate the potential of renewable energy (solar and wind power) to propose an eco-efficient business alternative. A non-experimental, quantitative approach was used, in which 265 local residents completed a survey to ascertain their perspectives on the proposal. Moreover, the potential for solar and wind energy was measured to identify sustainable alternatives that residents might incorporate into local ventures. The results demonstrate a relationship between sustainable tourism and local development, as tourism activity enables community members to improve their quality of life and offers them the opportunity to generate new enterprises. Likewise, the assessment of renewable energy potential confirms its feasibility in this area

    Influence of the wavelength of monochromatic light on the plasmon resonance of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles and its application in the inhibition of E. coli bacteria [Influencia de la longitud de onda de luz monocromática en la resonancia del plasmón de nanopartículas de plata biosíntetizadas y su aplicación en la inhibición de bacterias E. coli]

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    La resonancia de plasmón superficial (RPS) es una característica presente en las nanopartículas metálicas las cuales están asociadas a la oscilación colectiva de electrones libres. En este trabajo de investigación se considera a las nanopartículas de plata (NP Ag) las cuales han sido obtenidas por el método de síntesis verde (biosíntesis) usando como reductor el extracto de residuos de uva proveniente de la industria vinícola; estas nanopartículas en la investigación juegan el papel de agente inhibidor de bacterias E. Coli. La eficiencia de inhibición de las NP Ag puede aumentar en base a la frecuencia de la energía incidente motivado por la longitud de onda de cada color monocromático, elevando el nivel de oscilación del plasmón de superficie, es así como se investiga la influencia en función a siete longitudes de onda correspondientes al espectro visible. Los resultados muestran una correcta síntesis de nanopartículas de plata obtenidas por ruta verde, pues la caracterización por espectrofotometría UV-vis muestra el pico de RPS en 422.61 nm típico para este tipo de nanomaterial; asimismo, la evaluación por microscopía electrónica de barrido señala una geometría esférica definida con tamaño promedio de 32.66 nm; el efecto de la NP Ag con influencia de luz sugiere una alta eficiencia en la inhibición de E. Coli, específicamente cuando está bajo influencia de la longitud de onda monocromática azul (11.2 mm halo inhibición – 69.6% por encima de la muestra sin influencia de luz).Este efecto de inhibición se suma a las ya conocidas propiedades intrínsecas de la plata para inhibir agentes bacterianos.Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a characteristic present in metallic nanoparticles which are associated with the collective oscillation of free electrons. In this research work, silver nanoparticles (NP Ag) are considered, which have been obtained by the green synthesis method (biosynthesis) using the extract of grape residues from the wine industry as a reducer; These nanoparticles in research play the role of inhibiting agent of E. Coli bacteria. The inhibition efficiency of NP Ag can increase based on the frequency of the incident energy motivated by the wavelength of each monochromatic color, raising the level of oscillation of the surface plasmon, this is how the influence is investigated as a function of seven wavelengths corresponding to the visible spectrum. The results show a correct synthesis of silver nanoparticles obtained by the green route, since the characterization by UV-vis spectrophotometry shows the RPS peak at 422.61 nm typical for this type of nanomaterial; Likewise, the evaluation by scanning electron microscopy indicates a defined spherical geometry with an average size of 32.66 nm; the effect of NP Ag with light influence suggests a high efficiency in the inhibition of E. Coli, specifically when it is under the influence of the Monochromatic blue wavelength (11.2 mm halo inhibition - 69.6% above the sample without influence of light). This inhibiting effect adds to the already known intrinsic properties of silver to inhibit bacterial agents

    Biosynthesis of FeO nanoparticles through the reducing action of mangifera indica peel extract and its application in the removal of heavy metals [Biosíntesis de nanopartículas de FeO mediante la acción reductora del extracto de cáscara de mangifera indica y su aplicación en la remoción de metales pesados]

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    La investigación aporta una nueva y sostenible metodología de síntesis de nanopartículas de óxido de hierro (NP FeO) usando la potencial acción reductora de residuos de Mangifera indica, específicamente la cáscara, mediante un extracto en solvente alcohólico 96%. Los resultados indican preliminarmente la formación de nanoestructuras debido al pico de resonancia del plasmón superficial (RPS) ubicado en 390.4 nm típico de este tipo de nanomaterial, asimismo se evaluó la estabilidad coloidal por 39 días, demostrando no generarse una variación colectiva en el tamaño de la NP FeO. El mecanismo de formación se evaluó mediante FTIR lo que ha permitido verificar parcialmente que metabolitos presentes en los grupos aromático y alifático estarían implicados en la reducción del precursor. Las nanopartículas obtenidas se han aplicado a muestras de suelo agrícola contaminadas con metales pesados (Cr, Cd y Pb) con el objetivo de evaluar el potencial efecto de remoción de contaminantes metálicos, esta evaluación se realizó por absorción atómica, resultando altamente eficiente en la remoción de cromo (100%), cadmio (81.48%) y levemente para el plomo (5.90%).The research provides a new and sustainable methodology for the synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles (NP FeO) using the potential reducing action of Mangifera indica residues, specifically the peel, by means of an extract in 96% alcoholic solvent. The results preliminarily indicate the formation of nanostructures due to the surface plasmon resonance peak (RPS) located at 390.4 nm typical of this type of nanomaterial, also the colloidal stability was evaluated for 39 days, showing that a collective variation was not generated in the size of NP FeO. The formation mechanism was evaluated by FTIR, which has partially verified that metabolites present in the aromatic and aliphatic groups would be involved in the reduction of the precursor. The nanoparticles obtained have been applied to samples of agricultural soil contaminated with heavy metals (Cr, Cd and Pb) in order to evaluate the potential removal effect of metallic pollutants, this evaluation was carried out by atomic absorption, resulting highly efficient in removal chromium (100%), cadmium (81.48%) and slightly for lead (5.90%)