11 research outputs found

    The Effect of Lycopene Addition on the Semen Quality of Saanen Goats Stored at 5°C for 24 hours

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    In order to increase the livestock population, a good reproductive process was needed. Lycopene which belongs to carotenoid group has a dark yellow pigment. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding lycopene on the semen quality of Saanen goats. The research design used 4 treatments, P0 (egg yolk tris diluent) as control), P1 (egg yolk tris diluent + 2% lycopene), P2 (egg yolk tris diluent + 4% lycopene), and P3 (yolk tris diluent). egg + 6% lycopene). The quality of semen was observed after 24 hours of storage at 5℃. Macroscopic data were analyzed descreptively and the microscopic one was analyzed using a completely randomized design (CRD). The results showed that the addition of lycopene in egg yolk tris diluent had a significant (P<0.05) effect on the semen quality of Saanen goats. The results showed that the motility of spermatozoa in each treatment group (P0, P1, P2, and P3) was 60.1 ± 5.7%, 65.2 ± 4.3%, 62.4 ± 5.2%, and 60.6 ± 4.7%, respectively, viability were 65.3 ± 4.8, 73.5 ± 4.2, 70.4 ± 3.8, and 66.1 ± 5.1, respectively, abnormality were 17 ± 1.8%, 16 ± 1.8%, 18 ± 1.9%, and 16 ± 1.7%, respectively, and membrane integrity were 63 ± 3.3%, 70 ± 3.6 %, 67 ± 3.2%, and 62 ± 2.9%, respectively. Based on the results, it could be concluded that the lycopene addition improved the semen quality of Saanen goats compared to controls


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi terbaik dalam pengenceran sperma domba Garut terhadap motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa yang disimpan pada temperatur 5°C. Terdapat empat perlakuan pengenceran: 1) P0= air kelapa + 0% kuning telur itik; 2) P1 = air kelapa + 10% kuning telur itik; 3) P2 = air kelapa + 20% kuning telur itik; 4) P3 = air kelapa + 30% kuning telur itik. Setiap perlakuan disimpan pada suhu 5°C dan diamati pada lima tingkatan waktu penyimpanan yaitu: hari ke-0, ke-1, ke-2, ke-3, dan ke-4. Data dianalisis statistik dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial 4x5 dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan’s new Multiple Range Test untuk data dengan perbedaan yang nyata. Interaksi antara perlakuan dan lama penyimpanan memiliki pengaruh yang sangat signifikan (P<0,01) terhadap motilitas spermatozoa (perlakuan P3 dengan penyimpanan sampai hari ke-2: 46,67±15,28%), namun tidak terdapat efek yang nyata terhadap viabilitas spermatozoa. Rerata viabilitas tertinggi selama penyimpanan terdapatpada perlakuan P3 (84,42±4,63%). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pengenceran dengan air kelapa ditambah 30% kuning telur itik memberikan persentase motilitas dan viabilitas spermatozoa lebih baik pada penyimpanan suhu 5°C dengan waktu penyimpanan dapat dilakukan sampai hari kedua.(Kata kunci: Air kelapa, Sperma domba Garut, Kuning telur itik, Motilitas, Viabilitas


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    This research was conducted to identify the estrogen hormone profile and estrus response in the thin tailed ewes synchronized with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) implant. This research was carried out by employing 8 thin tailed ewes, CIDR, and estrogen kit. The ewes were distributed into: 3 ewes as control group and 5 ewes as treated group (with 12 days-CIDR implantation). Ewes were raised in the Sidomukti farm group, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The data obtained were estrogen hormone profile during estrus examined by using ELISA method and estrus response marked with the reddening and oedema of vulva, mucus vaginal discharge, behavioral changes, vaginal pH, and superficial cells population. The data were analyzed by applying independent sample T-test. The result did not show any significant difference (P0.05) in the normal range between the control and CIDR group in estrogen hormone profile, estrus response, and pH level, but showed significant differences with positive correlation (P0.05) in population of superficial cells. In conclusion, CIDR was an effective tool for estrus synchronization at the farmer group, and gave positive estrus response towards thin tailed ewes with estrogen hormone profile, pH level, and superficial cell percentage on the normal range

    The Effect of Age on the Quality of Semen Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo)

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    The purpose of this study was to observe the macroscopic and microscopic quality of Bronze turkey fresh semen on various ages. The observed toms were at the ages of 9 to 10 months (P1), 13 to 14 months (P2), and 17 to 18 months (P3), with each taken from 3 different toms. The collection was done by abdominal massage, and collected for 3 times a week in triplicate. This data was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) in a completely randomized design, followed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DMRT) if there was any difference. The results showed that the average volume of turkey fresh semen were P1 (0.16 ± 0.04 ml), P2 (0.13 ± 0.02 ml), and P3 (0.10 ± 0.02 ml). The average pH of fresh semen were P1 (7.19 ± 0.05), P2 (7.12 ± 0.10), and P3 (7.06 ± 0.06). The average motility percentage of fresh semen were P1 (78.11 ± 1.38%), P2 (82.55 ± 1.17%), and P3 (74.55 ± 4.16%). The average viability percentage of fresh semen were P1 (78.63 ± 1.55%), P2 (83.26 ± 1.54%), and P3 (79.20 ± 1.06%). The average abnormal percentage of spermatozoa were P1 (3.01 ± 0.04%), P2 (3.04 ± 0.88%), and P3 (3.21 ± 0.44%). In conclusion, the best fresh semen quality is found on toms aged from 13 to14 months (P2). Furthermore, at the age 17 to18 months and more, the semen quality was decreased.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis sperma untuk Inseminasi Buatan (IB) pada ayam kampung terhadap fertilitas telurnya. Dosis IB ini berguna untuk mengetahui perbandingan jantan dan betina yang paling efisien dalam suatu pemeliharaan. Sperma ditampung dan dicampur dari 5 ekor ayam Pelung jantan yang berumur sekitar 52 minggu. Sperma yang telah diketahui konsentrasinya kemudian dibagi menjadi 3 bagian dan masing-masing diencerkan dengan NaCl fisiologis sehingga diperoleh dosis akhir yaitu 25x106/0,1 ml (dosis 1); 75x106/0,1 ml (dosis 2); dan 150x106/0,1 ml (dosis 3). Sembilan ekor ayam kampung betina diinseminasi untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis terhadap fertilitas telur. Ayam betina yang digunakan adalah ayam kampung yang berumur sekitar 30 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan dosis sperma tidak berpengaruh pada fertilitas telur ayam kampung. Fertilitas telur untuk masing-masing perlakuan dosis 1, 2, dan 3 adalah 44,13±20,84; 66,67±23,57; dan 58,75±14,36%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dosis sperma tidak berpengaruh pada fertilitas telur ayam kampung. (Kata kunci: Ayam kampung, Dosis sperma, Inseminasi buatan


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis sperma untuk Inseminasi Buatan (IB) pada ayam kampung terhadap fertilitas telurnya. Dosis IB ini berguna untuk mengetahui perbandingan jantan dan betina yang paling efisien dalam suatu pemeliharaan. Sperma ditampung dan dicampur dari 5 ekor ayam Pelung jantan yang berumur sekitar 52 minggu. Sperma yang telah diketahui konsentrasinya kemudian dibagi menjadi 3 bagian dan masing-masing diencerkan dengan NaCl fisiologis sehingga diperoleh dosis akhir yaitu 25x106/0,1 ml (dosis 1); 75x106/0,1 ml (dosis 2); dan 150x106/0,1 ml (dosis 3). Sembilan ekor ayam kampung betina diinseminasi untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis terhadap fertilitas telur. Ayam betina yang digunakan adalah ayam kampung yang berumur sekitar 30 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan dosis sperma tidak berpengaruh pada fertilitas telur ayam kampung. Fertilitas telur untuk masing-masing perlakuan dosis 1, 2, dan 3 adalah 44,13±20,84; 66,67±23,57; dan 58,75±14,36%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah dosis sperma tidak berpengaruh pada fertilitas telur ayam kampung.(Kata kunci: Ayam kampung, Dosis sperma, Inseminasi buatan

    The effect of adding vitamin c and e in native chicken semen extender storaged at temperature 4 °c on semen quality and egg fertility

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    The objective of this research was to verify the addition of vitamin E (a-tocopherol) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid) as antioxidants and the storage at 4°C on semen quality and fertility. Semen was collected and pooled once time every 3 days from 10 cockerels aged 56 weeks. It was diluted into Buffer phosphate and devided into seven (7) treatments, i.e ; control; vitamin E (atocopherol 0.1 mM, 0.3 mM, 0.5 mM), and vitamin C (ascorbic acid 2,500 pg/mL; 5,000 pg/mL; 7,500 pg/mL), and then was stored at 4°C for 72 hours. Semen quality was evaluated after 0 hour, 6 hour, 24 hour, 48 hour, and 72 hours storage. Data were analyzed by analyses of variance split subject, and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). A total of 24 hens of Lohman Brown commercial layers were inseminated with 400 x 106 sperm for chicken fertility trials. The result showed that diluents treatment gave significantly effect (P<0.05) on pH and sperm abnormality, but not different on motility and viability. Stored sperm gave significantly effect (P<0.05) on motility, pH, viability, and sperm abnormality. Vitamin E improved the fertilizing ability until 93.10 ± 5,98 % of semen stored for 6 hours at 4°C at the dose of 0,3 mM of semen diluent. It can be concluded that addition of vitamin E to extended chicken semen keeps motility, viability, and sperm normal morphology after 72 hours storage at 4°C. In contrast, vitamin C decrease motility, pH, and sperm viability. Key words: native chicken, buffer phosphate, vitamin C, vitamin E, semen quality, fertilit


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    The objective of this research was to determine the effect of semen domestic chicken dilution rate using physiological NaCl added with penicillin and streptomycin on semen quality at temperature 5ºC. Semen were collected and pooled from 4 cock. The treatments of sperm dilution rate conducted were 1:1 (P 1:1), 1:2 (P 1:2), 1:3 (P1:3). Each dilution were added by penicillin and streptomycin at doses 0,05 and 0,05 g/100 ml of diluent (A 1

    Effectiveness Of Two Breeding Methods With Estrus Synchronization In Ettawa Grade Goats Using Controlled Internal Drug Release

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    Dairy goats is a new commodity for most people in Indonesia and has a good development prospects. Dairy goats were developed in Indonesia is Peranakan Ettawa (Ettawa Grade Goat) and generally still more dominant as a source of meat compared to the milk source. This goats are very adaptive topography in Indonesia. This goat is widespread in rural areas and is usually maintained for the purpose of saving as well as livestock. Within two years, Ettawa Grade Goat can give birth three times with each time average of two kid. Traditional farming business are generally only used as a sideline so that maintenance management was not too much attention. This has led to economic losses and aggravate subsequent descendants. The failure of the process of reproduction is often a problem on the farm people that led to the collapse lamb birth three times in two years, so the kidding interval will be long. This problem is very detrimental to farmer. Reproductive ability is influenced by many factors, including the reproductive management that are not mapped, the high incidence of silent heat (estrus quiet), the quality of the frozen sperm is used and interference with the function of the reproductive organs. Good reproductive management accompanied by the application of reproductive technology is a shortcut to accelerate the achievement of objectives. For farmers who have applied the principles of agribusiness, especially for dairy goat farmers will feel comfortable if they can produce throughout the year. Businesses that are used to cope with the failure of the process of reproduction such as increasing intake of feed nutrients and synchronize estrus. Estrus synchronization is a method for manipulating and uniformity of the estrous cycle. Goat can be expected estrus at the same time, so that will facilitate the management and maintenance of breeding. Implementation of estrus synchronization can be done by giving luteolitik agents (prostaglandin and estrogen) or progesterone either single or in combination with other hormones. The progesterone which has been used among other intravaginal progesterone intravaginal device (PIRD) and Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR). Controlled Internal Drug Release can be widely used to control the estrous cycle in cattle, buffaloes, goats and sheep. This treatment has been used for years as a method for controlling the estrus cycle in domestic ruminants. One attempt to improve reproductive efficiency is by improving the quality of breeding. Improved quality of marriage includes recording, time of mating and mating method. Methods of mating there are two ways, the natural mating and artificial insemination (AI). The AI program is very profitable for farmers because without maintaining superior male can result superior lamb. Utilization of reproductive technologies that synchronize estrus in goats has not been done in Indonesia. Utilization of estrus synchronization was limited to research, so the use CIDR should be considered to support the development of goats in Indonesia