1,002 research outputs found

    Kecepatan Putaran Dan Frekuensi Generator Pada Kondisi Beban Tidak Seimbang

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    Load imbalance caused instantaneous power generator contains components sinusiodal. There is a difference of energy between the stator and rotor always. The energy difference must be balanced by the rotor by means of decrease or increase speed. This gives rise to oscillations in the power angle, frequency and rotation speed of the generator. To determine the oscillation amplitude of the power angle, the instantaneous power generator should be expressed as a function of power angle. This is done by the method of symmetrical components. Angle at steady state power is the amount of power angle caused by the active power and the generator power angle caused by sinusiodal components. The frequency and speed of rotation angle based power generator is known. Oscillation frequency and rotation speed of the generator is affected by the power generated by the negative sequence components, generator inertia constant and damping factor

    The Meaning of Persons with Disabilities in Communities in Da’wah Rules in the City of Parepare

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    Sometimes, People with disabilities are underestimated by some people. Even though the government has made a law that contains the rights of persons with disabilities, as contained in Law Number 8 of 2016 about Persons with Disabilities. Islam is a religion of rahmatan lil’alamin, which has its meaning for persons with disabilities. It is implied from the sources of Islamic teachings in the form of the Qur’an and Hadith. Therefore, the existence of government regulations and religious teachings contained in the two sources of Islamic teachings regarding persons with disabilities can influence the attitude of the people in Parepare City to interact with disabilities. This research is field research with a qualitative approach. Data were obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation. Research informan consisted of students, the general public, persons with disabilities, employees of the Social Service Office of Parepare City, and employees of the Ministry of Religion of Parepare City. The study found that most people of Parepare city defined persons with disabilities as not physically limited. In addition, the community can practice ‘da’wah’ towards people with disabilities with quotes (lectures) and their responses and attitudes towards people with disabilities. As a result, the community can behave and walk according to Islamic religious guidance toward persons with disabilities. In addition, the community can also develop related policies for persons with disabilities

    Sikap Mahasiswa Jurusan Kk Ft Unp terhadap Penggunaan Penyedap Rasa dan Pewarna Sintetis dalam Pengolahan Makanan

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    This research aimed to describe student attitude of flavoring and synthetic dyes in food processing. Including cognitive, affective, and conative indicators. The The population in this research is the attitude of family welfare major of technic department of UNP 2008 untill 2010 who have been had food material science in the first class which are 163 persons. The sampling technic is propotionate random sampling with 48 samples. For synthetic flavor 49% respondents have the good attitude, 60,4% for cognitive indicator, 60,4% for affective and 65.1% for conative of the use of synthetic flavor in food processing. For synthetic dyes 60.4% respondents have the good attitude, 60.4% for cognitiveindivator, 67.4% for affective and 65.1% for conitive of the use of synthetic dyes. The result of score T analysis shows that the students have the negtive attitude of flavoring and synthetic dyes use. Negative means that the students not use the flavor and synthetic dyes in food processing

    Hubungan Pemberian Pupuk Kandang Sapi Dengan Peningkatan Kandungan Protein Dan Serat Kasar Legum Clitoria Ternatea Sebagai Hijauan Pakan Ternak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat pupuk kandang sapi terhadap kualitas legum Clitoria ternatea khususnya kandungan protein dan serat kasar. Penelitian ini dilakukan lahan Agrostologi Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Haluoleo Kendari. Penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yang diawali dengan pengolahan lahan, pemupukan(perlakuan), penanaman, pemeliharaan, dan pemanenan yang dilakukan sebanyak dua kali pada tanaman umur 13 MST (Panen I) dan 19 MST (Panen II) dengan batas pemotongan tanaman 20 cm dari permukaan tanah. Variabel yang diamati pada penelitian ini yaitu persentase kandungan protein kasar dan serat kasar melalui analisis jaringan tanaman yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Fakultas Pertanian UHO. Persentase kandungan protein kasar ditentukan menggunakan metode ”Kjedahl” sedangkan persentase kandungan serat kasar ditentukan menggunakan metode ”Gravimetri”. Data hasil pengamatan selanjutnya ditabulasi dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis korelasi Pearson. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa pupuk kandang sapi dengan dosis tertinggi yaitu 25 ton ha-1 mampu meningkatkan kandungan protein kasar hingga mencapai 24,25% dibanding kontrol, tetapi menurunkan kandungan serat kasar hingga mencapai 34,07% dibanding kontrol pada panen I. Sedang Pada panen II, dengan peningkatan pupuk kandang sapi hingga 25 ton ha-1 mampu meningkatkan kandungan protein kasar sebesar 24,23% dibanding kontrol, namun menurunkan kandungan serat kasar sebesar 44,07% dibanding kontrol

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Kecukupan Gizi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Konsentrasi Tata Boga

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    This study aimed to describe the nutritional knowledge, nutritional adequacy and analyzing their relationship with the knowledge of nutritional adequacy. This study is correlational with a population of 182 people and a sample of 28 people who is taken amid proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques for knowledge of nutrition using a questionnaire enclosed in the form of multiple choice, while for nutritional adequacy using open questionnaire form of food recall. The results showed that the nutrition knowledge of students included into the category is as high as (25%) and (17.8%) students have the knowledge of the high category. In the variable nutritional adequacy indicates that the highest energy intake of students (3999.4kcal) and the lowest intake of (421.2kcal). Correlation test results showed that the correlation is positive and significant correlation between knowledge with nutritional adequacy with thitung 6,961 students at the significance level of 0.000. Contributions knowledge of nutrition on the nutritional adequacy of students amounted to 24.1

    Hubungan Disiplin dalam Pembelajaran Praktik dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Mengolah Makanan Indonesia 1 di Smk Negeri 3 Kota Solok

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    The objective this research is to determine the relationship of the diciplinein the practical with the result of studen learning in subjects IndonesianFoodProcessing 1 at SMK N 3 Solok which covers aspects of diciline inpreparation of pratical, implemation pratical and result of the pratical. Thisresearch is correlation. The population in this study were all students of class XIculinary art SMK Negeri 3 Solok. The data analysis technique used is thecorrelation with product moment correlation formula. Based on the result of thedata analysis of the obtained result of research, learning diciline in praticaliscategories as good aspect and the result of the student learning are complete. Therelationship between the variable in the learning dicipline practies (X) with thelearning result tht Indonesian food processing 1 (Y) has a significant relationshipwith thitung > ttabel (3,721 > 2,048