629 research outputs found

    A study of prevalence, severity, stages, conception rate and associated problems in patients with endometriosis

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    Background: Endometriosis should be suspected in women with sub-infertility, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia or chronic pelvic pain. However, these symptoms can also be associated with other diseases. Endometriosis may be asymptomatic even in some women with more advanced disease. The objective of this study was to prevalence, severity, stages, conception rate and associated problems in patients with endometriosisMethods: Present study was retrospective and prospective study from January 2007 to September 2012 which included 200 infertile patients who underwent laparoscopy and were diagnosed with endometriosis in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.Results: Majority of the patients belonged to the age group of 18-25 years i.e. 45.5%. The most common symptom with which the women presented to the hospital was abnormal uterine bleeding seen in 26% of the cases. Out of total cases, 64% had primary infertility and remaining i.e. 36% had secondary infertility. Ovarian endometrioma was seen in 22% of the cases. Majority of the patients had dysmenorrheal in 62% of the cases. Majority were found out to be present in the stage one or minimal endometriosis i.e. they constituted 78 women which amounted at 39% of the total cases. As the severity of the endometriosis increased, the symptomatic relief rate after laparoscopy decreased. As the severity of the endometriosis increased, the conception rate following laparoscopic laser fulguration decreased.  As the severity of the endometriosis increased, the requirement for ART increased.Conclusions: Laparoscopy is considered to be better than laparotomy since there is less morbidity and less adhesions and tissue trauma

    Economic, Political and Institutional Determinants of Budget Deficits Volatility in Selected Asian Countries.

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    In the present study the economic, political and institutional sources of budgets deficits are analysed for two regions South Asia and ASEAN countries for the period 1984 to 2010. The results reveal that high income, rising inflation and large budget to GDP ratio are associated with budget instability, where as a strong inertia in budget deficit volatility exists. The exposure of more external shocks make the budget deficit more volatile, however, countries with high population growth have less volatile budget deficits. The results indicate that high level of political stability and democracy and improvement in social and economic condition reduces the budget deficit volatility. High corruption and low institutional quality lead to more fluctuations in the budget deficit. The results suggest that political and institutional factors have a direct impact on fiscal instability beyond the economic reasons to effect fluctuations. The results of the current study leads to important implication that by improving the quality of institutions, creating situations for economic stability and moving towards democratic regimes would ensure more stable fiscal deficits and resultantly positive effect on the long term economic growth. JEL classification: H61, D70, E60 Keywords: Budget Deficits Volatility, Per Capita GDP, Openness, Inflation, Political Stability, Institutional Quality, Democracy and Corruptio

    A proposed Vision for the Leadership of Education Institutions on Gifted Caring in Light of Participative Leadership

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    The study aims to identify the status of gifted caring in education institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). It also attempts to identify the degree of practice by the two heads of participative leadership from the perspective of supervisors in the management of gifted caring. Thus, the study eventually aims to provide a proposed vision for education institutions of gifted caring in light of participative leadership. The study adopted the descriptive survey approach together with the descriptive-analytical method. The study sample involved (102) supervisors. The population comprised all male and female supervisors working for the ministry of education in KSA whose number amounted to (206) supervisors in addition to all ministry circulars related to gifted caring and all relevant studies that tackled education institution leadership in light of the precipitative type. The researchers designed a questionnaire of four dimensions which included (31) items. The study's foremost results revealed that the administration leadership status ranked “medium.” As for the practice of the two heads of the gifted, caring leadership, it also ranked “medium” for all domains, which are: management duties, authorization, human relations, and finally, media and communication domains. The researchers also proposed a vision for the leadership of educational institutions for gifted caring in light of participative leadership by designing an integrated model for the issue. The researchers also put down specific steps to be followed in applying the vision. The study concludes with numerous recommendations and suggestion

    Engineering Music to Slow Breathing and Invite Relaxed Physiology

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    We engineered an interactive music system that influences a user's breathing rate to induce a relaxation response. This system generates ambient music containing periodic shifts in loudness that are determined by the user's own breathing patterns. We evaluated the efficacy of this music intervention for participants who were engaged in an attention-demanding task, and thus explicitly not focusing on their breathing or on listening to the music. We measured breathing patterns in addition to multiple peripheral and cortical indicators of physiological arousal while users experienced three different interaction designs: (1) a "Fixed Tempo" amplitude modulation rate at six beats per minute; (2) a "Personalized Tempo" modulation rate fixed at 75\% of each individual's breathing rate baseline, and (3) a "Personalized Envelope" design in which the amplitude modulation matches each individual's breathing pattern in real-time. Our results revealed that each interactive music design slowed down breathing rates, with the "Personalized Tempo" design having the largest effect, one that was more significant than the non-personalized design. The physiological arousal indicators (electrodermal activity, heart rate, and slow cortical potentials measured in EEG) showed concomitant reductions, suggesting that slowing users' breathing rates shifted them towards a more calmed state. These results suggest that interactive music incorporating biometric data may have greater effects on physiology than traditional recorded music.Comment: Accepted at 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII

    Pengembangan Kapasitas Guru Melalui Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Di Minu Waru Sidoarjo

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    Bahasa Indonesia:Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian jenis ParticipatoryActionResearch (PAR) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas guru di komunitas madrasah, yakni MINU Waru Sidoarjo dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 19 orang. Tahap-tahap penelitian meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi dalam empat siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapastias guru MINU Waru Sidoarjo dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Teknologi Informasi meningkat melalui penerapan pelatihan pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis Ms. Power Point yang meliputi: 1) Pembuatan teks, tabel, grafik, flowchart, input gambar dan clipart; 2) Pembuatan animasi pada slide, gambar, smart art; 3) Desain media pembelajaran yang meliputi pembuatan template,content/isi, hyperlink, dan slide master, serta 4) Pembuatan presentasi efektif dengan Ms. Power Point.English:This article is a report of Participatory Action Research (PAR), which aims to improve teacher capacity at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nahdlatul Ulama (MINU), Waru, Sidoarjo in developing technology-based learning media. Subject of the study consists of 19 people. The stages of research include planning, action, observation, and reflection in four cycles. The results showed that teachers\u27 capacity in developing media-based learning through the application of information technology increased through interactive learning media development of Ms. Power Point which includes the following activities: 1) creating text, tables, charts, flowcharts, input images and clipart; 2) Making an animation on a slide, picture, smart art; 3) Designing instructional media covering the manufacture of templates, content / content, hyperlinks, and slide master, as well as 4) Making an effective presentation by Ms. Power point

    Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Nodus Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Akibat Modifikasi Konsentrasi Sukrosa Dan Penambahan 2-isopenteniladenina Secara in Vitro

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    Potato is horticulture crops that able to consume its corm and used as food materials until a raw material toindustry in Indonesia . However, potato production capacity is not proportional to the increase in demand forpotatoes this time, one of this problem due to lack of availability of quality seed. In vitro tecniques is oneway that can be taken by using nodes as seed. Sucrose and cytokinin have an important part on it wheresucrose acts as a carbon source and energy while cytokinin is important in cell division to support a nodesgrowth. The research aimed to get a suitable concentration of sucrose and 2-isopenteniladenine (2-ip) forgrowth of number of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) nodes by using in vitro methode. The research wascarried out in the Tissue Culture Laboratory, agriculture\u27s Faculty of North Sumatera University from Juneto September 2013. This research used Randomized Block design with two factors. First factor was sucroseconcentration consist of four level: 35 g/l; 50 g/l; 65 g/l; 80 g/l. The second factor was 2-ip concentrationconsist of five level are 0 mg/l; 2 mg/l; 4 mg/l; 6 mg/l; 8 mg/l. The results showed that sucrose gavesignifiantly effect to number of nodes after darkness period parameter. 2-ip concentration give significantlyeffect only on number of nodes after lighting period. Interaction of sucrose and 2-ip have no effectsignificantly to all paramete


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    Soil suction is one of the most important parameters describing the moisture condition of unsaturated soils. The measurement of soil suction is crucial for applying the theories of the engineering behavior of unsaturated soils. The filter paper method is one of the soil suction measurement techniques In this paper, five soil samples were collected from five sites within Baghdad city – al-Rasafa region. These soils have different properties and they were prepared at different degrees of saturation. For each sample, the total and matric suction were measured by the filter paper method at different degrees of saturation. Then correlations were made between the soil properties and the total and matric suction. It was concluded that the suction increases with decrease of the degree of saturation. The relationships between the total and matric suction and the filter paper water content are approximately linear and indicate decrease of suction with increase of the filter paper water content. The total and matric suction increase with the decrease of the soil shear strength

    Early childhood growth trajectory and later cognitive ability:Evidence from a large prospective birth cohort of healthy term-born children

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    BACKGROUND: Most studies of associations between child growth and cognitive ability were based on size at one or two ages and a single measure of cognition. We aimed to characterize different aspects of early growth and their associations with cognitive outcomes in childhood through adolescence. METHODS: In a sample of 12 368 Belarusian children born at term, we examined associations of length/height and weight trajectories over the first 6.5 years of life with cognitive ability at 6.5 and 16 years and its change over time. We estimated growth trajectories using two random-effects models—the SuperImposition by Translation and Rotation to model overall patterns of growth and the Jenss-Bayley to distinguish growth in infancy from post infancy. Cognitive ability was measured using the Wechsler Abbreviated Scales of Intelligence at 6.5 years and the computerized NeuroTrax test at 16 years. RESULTS: Higher length/height between birth and 6.5 years was associated with higher cognitive scores at 6.5 and 16 years {2.7 points [95% confidence interval (CI): 2.1, 3.2] and 2.5 points [95% CI: 1.9, 3.0], respectively, per standard deviation [SD] increase}. A 1-SD delay in the childhood height-growth spurt was negatively associated with cognitive scores [–2.4 (95% CI: –3.0, –1.8) at age 6.5; –2.2 (95% CI: –2.7, –1.6) at 16 years]. Birth size and post-infancy growth velocity were positively associated with cognitive scores at both ages. Height trajectories were not associated with the change in cognitive score. Similar results were observed for weight trajectories. CONCLUSIONS: Among term infants, the overall size, timing of the childhood growth spurt, size at birth and post-infancy growth velocity were all associated with cognitive ability at early-school age and adolescence
