19 research outputs found

    Administrative judicial decisions on the process of principals’ appointment and Emerging values

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    Eğitim yöneticilerinin yasal ve mesleki sorumluluğunun yanında toplumun beklentilerine karşılık verecek ahlaki sorumluluğu da bulunmaktadır. Bu kapsamda okul müdürlerinin atanmasında adalet, eşitlik, liyakat, kariyer gibi değerlere bağlı kalınması önemli ilkeler arasındadır. Yürütme gücünü elinde bulunduran Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı ile yargı gücünü kullanan idare mahkemelerinin bu noktada duyarlı ve ilkeli davranmaları toplumsal meşruiyet açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, bakanlık tarafından yapılan okul müdürü atamalarına karşı idare mahkemelerinin iptal kararlarında öne çıkan değerlerin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmada, nitel araştırma desenlerinden ölçüt örnekleme tekniği kullanılarak sadece bu kapsama giren yargı kararları incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda ulaşılan toplam 191 mahkeme kararı tematik olarak incelenmiş ve sınıflandırılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, hem yürütme hem de yargı organlarının yasalara uygun hareket ettiklerini savunmalarına karşın eğitim kurumları üzerinden bir çeşit güç savaşı yaşandığı izlenimi ortaya çıkmaktadır.Background. School administration is value driven topic that depends on the emotions, cultures and human values as well as technique and structure. Principals are not only charged with legal and professional duties, but they also respond to social expectations in a manner of morality. Over the long years, educational administration throughout the world have experienced the influence of logical positivism that is rational based techniques more than philosophical consideration, ignored values and emotions in organizations for the sake of rational problem solving, effectiveness, strategic planning, but schools are value driven organizations that is aimed to train young so as to perform social responsibility in society. Schools that has no other choice than to be responsive to society and its members should be compatible with the changes around them. Principal is the agent who plays the leading role to manage changes around, motivates teachers in the school and balances the expectation of the society towards to school proactively. Leadership style and perception are the factors to guide principals while administering the schools and competing with enviroment. Leadership, in this repect, is the key that helps to analyse both how principal perceives the members and to what extend school as a whole functions within the society (Bursalıoğlu, 1992; çelik, 2007; Greenfield & Ribbins, 2004; Hesapçıoğlu, 1998; Starratt, 2004; Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2005). The laws and instructions that arrange the administration of education in Turkey is no longer comprehensive and flexible enough to act powerfully as a result of the highly centralized system. According to legal documents, principals who supervise the teachers and evaluate the teaching-learning process with limited authority delegated from superiors are responsible for running the school in line with the laws, instructions and directives of the superiors. There is an urgent need for educational administrators to have instruction, criteria and standard convenient with the modern educational administration practice in the world. Since educational administration hasn’t been institutionalized and defined as a unique branch in Turkey, schools are directed by temporary instructions. Any administrational position in educational ministry, including schools, are still fulfilled by deputies, it means any moment his administration could be ended off depending on the political or bureaucratic favoritism. On the process of principals’ appointment, it is essential to be stick to principals of values such as justice, equality, merit and career. It is critical in terms of societal legitimacy for both Ministry of Education who holds the power of execution and for administrative courts that hold the power of jurisdiction to act responsive and stick to principles. Since obeying to laws in appearance does not always mean to be legitimate, institutions should also appreciate and interpret the laws so as to appeal societal and cultural expectations (çam, 1984; Günday, 2003; Gür, 2009; Karaman-Kepenekçi, 2011; Tortop, İspir ve Aykaç, 2005; Ulutaş, 2009). According to studies about school administration (Bursalıoğlu, 1992; Ekşi, 2009; Gümüşeli, 2011) there are more tendencies towards to rule based management than human relations in school administration. Principals should better give more importance and emphasize on the humanistic side of administration such as consideration, trust, empathy and sincerity while communicating with teachers rather than structure and formal side of management. Principals have thought to be in line with the ethical principles but act in reversely, that is because they have limited information about ethics in school administration (Aslanargun, 2011; Beaty, 2004; Celep, 2007; Greenfield, 2004; Torlak, 2007). They are in need of ability about communication, democracy and human relation in order to build the climate of tolerance. It is alleged that principals should be trained about tolerance, fairness, equity, freedom, human rights, responsibility and authority; by the way they would be more sensitive about ethical principles. Administrative behaviors of principals in Turkey are more convenient with classical management more than the approaches in the late 2000’s. They are more likely stick to rules than to guide teachers; neither the problems in schools could be dealt with the problem solving circle nor cooperation process has been applied; bureaucracies and formalities are more appreciated than meanings and values. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to determine the values that emerged as a result of the decisions of administrative courts against to principals’ appointments of Ministry of National Education. Method. Qualitative method and criteria sampling have been applied since only criteria was defined as administrative court’s decisions objected to principals’ appointment, thus 191 decisions of administrative courts that researcher obtained analyzed thematically. Data collection and analysis go hand in hand; each newly reached document have been analyzed depending on what was discovered during the previous stage and data was interpreted with the inductive content analysis (Corbin & Straus, 2008; Snape & Spencer, 2003; Willis, 2007; Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2005). Results and Discussion. Centralized policies and laws have caused power conflict amongst the administrative and executive authorities. The policies and application that became law in the midst of last century were generally reflection of cold war philosophy that is authoritative and militaristic could no longer appeal the needs and expectations of people nowadays. Ministry of Education, as an executive authority alleged to have been authorized to appoint principals and other authorities that was stated in the laws of 657, Public Servants Law; on the other hand administrative courts, as an judicial authority, claimed that any executive power could act without restriction and constitution authorized jurisdiction to supervise the act of execution on certain basis. There have been radical change and paradigmatic transformation towards to human, administration, state, rights, science, and value driven motives have been popularized all over the world. It is also urgent for execution and jurisdiction to update their philosophy and reform legislation so as to reflect renewed humanistic consideration. Decentralization versus centralization and power struggle are the key concept around the debates. Consequently, in spite of the fact that both executive and judicial organs appeared to do their jobs the way how it stated in the laws, it seemed as power fight being performed on the basis of educational institutions

    Principals' Values in School Administration

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    Values Education Symposium -- OCT 26-28, 2011 -- Eskisehir, TURKEYWOS: 000305930000009School administration is value driven area depending on the emotions, cultures, and human values as well as technique and structure. Over the tong years, educational administration throughout the world have experienced the influence of logical positivism that is based on rational techniques more than philosophical consideration, ignored values and emotions in organisations for the sake of rational problem solving, effectiveness, and strategic planning. However schools are value driven organisations that aim to train the young so as to perform social responsibility in society. Principals are not only charged with legal and professional duties but they also respond to social expectations in a manner of morality. The purpose of this study was to investigate the values that principals should have in administration. The data were obtained via focus group interviews of 19 principals under three sub-groups with qualitative research design in the town of Akcakoca, Duzce and analyzed with the inductive content analysis. The views of principals were generally shaped by Ministry of Education's exam based legislation; furthermore, the concepts of justice, confidence, diligence, career, merit were also voiced despite lack of full and common description.Eskisehir Osmangazi Uni

    The Ethical Responsibility of Schools: an Example of Community Service in Turkey

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    WOS: 000314254600010Educational organizations, more generally, have been organized on the basis of teaching, sustaining and protecting social values. Young generations could be trained by emphasizing the social values and social responsibilities against the destructive effects of globalization broadcast in the media, such as murder, terrorism, rape, vandalism, etc. The purpose of this study is to train students to be sensitive to social issues and make them aware of the importance of social responsibility. Under the coordination of the local National Educational Directorate (NED), the steps of the Project were developed with principals. Nearly 2000 students, 110 teachers and 120 classes, participated in the Project in ten different schools in Bilecik, Turkey

    Teachers' Expectations and School Administration: Keys of Better Communication in Schools

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    WOS: 000422381100002Problem Statement: The quality of education carried out in schools depends largely on the performance of teachers and school principals in cooperation. It is possible to say that a qualified education of students depends on the performance and compliance degree of these two groups. In this process, teachers' having the primary responsibility for teaching in compliance with school administration and supported by administration is very critical. For a more qualified education/teaching school, principals should support their teachers as an institutional leader responding to their expectations and needs. Purpose of the Study: The aim of this study is to determine teachers' expectations from school principals so that they can do their jobs better. Teachers included in the study were asked what they have expected and hoped from principals while they were teaching. Method: A qualitative research methodology was employed, using phenomenology to collect and analyze the interpretations and meanings of teachers' expectations as drawn from their responses to open ended semi structured questions. The research group consists of volunteer teachers who were employed in the district and province of Duzce city in Turkey. Teachers were invited to fill out the open ended form consisting of a single question via e-mail. A total of 677 volunteer teachers participated in this study: some of whom gave more than a single response, whereas some preferred short responses. Findings and Results: In the finding section of the study, which aimed to investigate and analyse the teachers' expectations and opinions, a major category and eight subcategories were identified. When analyzing the expectations of teachers from principals, it was evident that nearly onefourth of the expectations were centered on the subcategories of comprehension and support (25 percent). Subsequently, satisfaction with the current administration (21 percent), leadership (13 percent), justice and equality (12 percent), communication (11 percent), physical equipment (9 percent), school development (9 percent) and no expectation (2 percent) followed. Consequently, value based informal behaviors such as appreciation, cooperation, consulting, respecting, fairness, confidence, and motivation were emphasized most often by the teachers. Conclusions and Recommendations: The concepts and themes generally focused on human relationships, meaning that behaviors of principals should be shaped by considerations of leadership and communication. Communication, empathy, and initiative are the concepts teachers paid the most attention to throughout the study, and these are the psychological characteristics that principals need to adapt most whatever their preferred leadership style has been. Having a considerate style of administration and providing support for teachers were the core recommendations of the research

    The Opinions of Principals About the Process of Education Programs

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    Günümüz eğitim sistemlerinde müdürlerin okul yönetiminde sergilediği liderlik rolleri önemli kabul edilmektedir. Eğitimde yeniden yapılanma çalışmalarında özellikle okul yöneticisinin öğretim liderliği rolü ve etkili okullar üzerinde durulmaktadır. Son yıllarda değişik biçimlerde ele alınan bu konu günümüzde fazla araştırma yapılan bir alan haline gelmiştir. Etkili okul araştırmaları ile okul yöneticilerinden etkili bir öğretim liderliği beklenmektedir. Bu araştırmada, nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması deseni kullanılmış, 16 okul müdürü ile yüz yüze görüşme yapılarak araştırma konusuna ilişkin derinlemesine veri toplanması yoluna gidilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre müdürlerin öğretim programlarının uygulanmasına ilişkin görüşleri; öğretim programlarının özellikleri ve okul çalışanlarının bilgi düzeyi olmak üzere iki ana tema altında toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda okul müdürlerinin öğretim liderliğinin bir alanı olan öğretim programlarında yeterli düzeyde bilgiye sahip olmadığı görülmüştürExperiencing rapid changes in today's educational system, the role of the principals is important to show leadership in the school administration. Especially the role of the principals in instructional leadership and effective schools was focused in the studies of the reconstruction of the educational system. In recent years this issue handled in various ways today has become more of an area of research. By effective schools research, effective instructional leadership is expected by the school administrators. In this research, case study design that is one of a qualitative case study design patterns was used, 16 school principals were interviewed face to face to get in-depth data collection. According to the findings, the opinions of principals has been identified and grouped under two main themes: features of instructional programs, principals' levels of information, teachers based on the level of information and knowledge according to principal

    Level of Parental Contribution For High Achieving Students Academic Success

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    Ailelerin çocuklarının akademik başarısı üzerinde etki- si son yıllarda daha fazla çalışmaya konu olmaktadır. Özellikle başarılı öğrenciler üzerinde aile katkısı araş- tırılmakta ve öğretim sürecinde daha fazla gündeme gelmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı akademik başarı- ları yüksek olan öğrencilerin ailelerinin, çocuklarının başarılarına katkıda bulunma çabaları ve bu çabala- rının düzeyini belirlemektir. Nitel araştırma yöntemle- rinden olgubilim deseni ile yürütülen çalışmada Düzce ilinde, akademik başarı ortalaması 5 olan, üç farklı okuldan 5 öğrenci belirlenmiştir. Amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden benzeşik (homojen) örnekleme yönte- mi ile Düzce ilinin değişik semt ve köylerinde 6. 7. ve 8. sını ftaki akademik başarısı yüksek beş öğrenci velisiyle 2010-2011 Eğitim öğretim yılında yarı yapılandırılmış formlar ile görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonu- cunda, öğrencilerin başarılarında içsel güdülenmenin ve yeteneklerinin aile ilgisinden daha anlamlı olduğu anlaşılmıştır.There are some factors in and out of schools that affect students school success. Family is the basic influental factor on children s school success. Families could have provide crucial support to their children s school suc- cess both by building meaningful communication with children and cooperation with school. The purpose of this study is to investigate to what extend families of successful children have influence on their children s school success; whether the families spend extra sup- port to contribute children s success or not. It emplo- yed a qualitative research method of phenomenology to collect and analyse the interpretations and meanings of parents due to the interpretive, meaning-making na- ture of this study based on the philosophical assump- tion that research is socially constructed activity and the goal of research is an understanding of a particular situation or context. Five parents, (three males, two fe- males) included the study with purposive homogenous sampling procedure whose children were successful of top level in their classes at the grade of 6, 7, 8 in various elementary schools. It was revealed that there are some more signi ficant factors such as motivation and indivi- dual abilities that influence and shape students school success more than family support

    Instructional Leadership Behaviors of Principals' in Terms ofTeaching Process and Students' Achievement

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    Okullarda gerçekleştirilen eğitim öğretim sürecinin yönetilmesi ve öğrenci başarısının değerlendirilmesi öğretim liderliği boyutları arasında yer almaktadır. Eğitimde yeniden yapılanma çalışmalarında özellikle okul yöneticisinin öğretim liderliği rolü ve etkili okullar üzerinde durulmaktadır. Öğrenci başarısının sağlanması okulların temel amaçları arasında yer aldığı için bu sürecin yönetilmesi müdürün liderlik davranışları kapsamında yer almaktadır. Etkili okul araştırmaları ile okul yöneticilerinden etkili bir öğretim liderliği beklenmektedir. Bu araştırmada, nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması deseni kullanılmış, 16 okul müdürü ile yüz yüze görüşme yapılarak araştırma konusuna ilişkin derinlemesine veri toplanması yoluna gidilmiştir. Okul müdürlerine göre öğretim sürecinin yönetimi ve öğrenci başarısının takip edilmesi boyutlarında öğretmenler gerekli performansı sergilemekte ve müdürler de kendilerini yeterli görmektedirExperiencing rapid changes in today's educational system, the role of the school principals is important to show leadership in the school administration. Especially the role of the school principals in instructional leadership and effective schools was focused in the studies of the reconstruction of the educational system. In recent years this issue handled in various ways today has become more of an area of research. By effective schools research, effective instructional leadership are expected by the school administrators. In this research, situational case design that is one of a qualitative case study design patterns was used, 16 school principals were interviewed face to face to get in-depth data collection. According to the findings, the opinions of principals has been identified and grouped under two main themes: The management of the teaching process and monitoring of the students' succes

    Problems that principals face in school administration

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    21.yüzyılda dünyada her alanda büyük bir değişim yaşanmakta ve değişim var olmanın temel bir koşulu haline gelmektedir. Bu durum, tüm diğer sistemler gibi eğitim sistemini de etkilemekte, yeni yönetim anlayışlarının eğitim örgütlerinde benimsenmesini gerektirmekte ve örgüt yaşamında yöneticilerin rolünü önemli hale getirmektedir. Bu araştırmada, okul yöneticilerinin öğretmenlerle iletişiminde karşılaştıkları problemlerin tespit edilmesi ve başvurdukları sorun çözme davranışlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim deseni ile yürütülen çalışmada Düzce ili Akçakoca ilçesinde, 7 okul müdürü, maksimum çeşitlilik örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda okul müdürlerinin mesleki ve ahlaki sorumluluklardan öte yasal sorumluluklara öncelik verdikleri, eldeki olanaklarla yönetim görevini yerine getirmeye çalıştıkları, görev ve sorumluluk temelinde yapıyı önemsedikleri ortaya çıkmaktadır. Okul ikliminin, öğrenmeye ve öğretmeye uygun hale getirilmesi sürecinde yeterince önemsenmediği veya diğer yapısal ve donanımsal sorunların gerisinde kaldığı ifade edilmektedir.Transformation is the key concept in this century that should be taken into consideration in organization anyway. Educational organizations are also under the influence of such transformation as in the case for others, the role of administrators have taken more significance that leads them to apply emerging approaches in organizational life. The purpose of this study is to define the communicative problems that principals experience in school settings and possible problem solving behaviors towards teachers. 7 principals administering schools in the town of Akçakoca, in Düzce, included the study with qualitative case design and purposive, maximum sampling procedure. It was appeared that principals have displayed in some cases similar and different administrative behaviors while tackling with communicative and problem solving conditions. It was revealed that principals prioritized legitimate power more than professional and moral responsibility, they tend to do their jobs within limited scope and structure based administrative style instead of consideration as a result of this study. School climate that is essential for effective learning and teaching process have been asserted to be ignored or taken less significance behind the structural and material matters

    Behaviours of Supervisors in the Process of Supervision

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, illerde görev yapan eğitim denetmenlerinin görevlerini yerine getirirken ön plana çıkan davranışlarını tespit etmektir. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim desenine göre yürütülen araştırma kapsamında 47 eğitim denetmeni ile çalışılmıştır. Veriler değişik illerde görev yapan eğitim denetmenlerinden gönüllü olanların doldurduğu görüşme formları aracılığı ile toplanmış, betimsel ve içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Bu Araştırma sonucunda eğitim denetmenliği mesleğinde iletişim ve liderlikle ilgili kavramlar ön plana çıkmaktadır. Denetmenlerin büyük bir çoğunluğunun bu kavramlara vurgu yapması sahip olunması gereken ve eksikliği çekilen davranışlara ilişkin önemli bilgiler sunmaktadır. Özellikle son yıllarda denetimden rehberliğe doğru anlayış değişikliğinin yaşandığı bir ortamda bu kavramların vurgulanması anlamlıdır.The purpose of this study is to define behaviours of supervisors while performing their tasks in provinces. It was included 47 educational supervisors, and qualitative research design of phenomenology was employed in the research. The data was collected from the volunteer supervisors who were in charged of different provinces in Turkey via interview form and made descriptive and content analysis. It was concluded that concepts related with communication and leadership came into forefront. Due to the fact that supervisors have primarily emphasized on such concepts, these are the behaviours that supervisors should adapt first while doing their tasks. It is meaningful to have stressed communication and leadership when there is tendency towards guidance based supervision from control based supervision recentl

    The Opinions of Principals About the Process of Education Programs

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    Günümüz eğitim sistemlerinde müdürlerin okul yönetiminde sergilediği liderlik rolleri önemli kabul edilmektedir. Eğitimde yeniden yapılanma çalışmalarında özellikle okul yöneticisinin öğretim liderliği rolü ve etkili okullar üzerinde durulmaktadır. Son yıllarda değişik biçimlerde ele alınan bu konu günümüzde fazla araştırma yapılan bir alan haline gelmiştir. Etkili okul araştırmaları ile okul yöneticilerinden etkili bir öğretim liderliği beklenmektedir. Bu araştırmada, nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması deseni kullanılmış, 16 okul müdürü ile yüz yüze görüşme yapılarak araştırma konusuna ilişkin derinlemesine veri toplanması yoluna gidilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre müdürlerin öğretim programlarının uygulanmasına ilişkin görüşleri; öğretim programlarının özellikleri ve okul çalışanlarının bilgi düzeyi olmak üzere iki ana tema altında toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda okul müdürlerinin öğretim liderliğinin bir alanı olan öğretim programlarında yeterli düzeyde bilgiye sahip olmadığı görülmüştürExperiencing rapid changes in today's educational system, the role of the principals is important to show leadership in the school administration. Especially the role of the principals in instructional leadership and effective schools was focused in the studies of the reconstruction of the educational system. In recent years this issue handled in various ways today has become more of an area of research. By effective schools research, effective instructional leadership is expected by the school administrators. In this research, case study design that is one of a qualitative case study design patterns was used, 16 school principals were interviewed face to face to get in-depth data collection. According to the findings, the opinions of principals has been identified and grouped under two main themes: features of instructional programs, principals' levels of information, teachers based on the level of information and knowledge according to principal