883 research outputs found

    The politics of Islamophobia in Turkey

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    This chapter analyses the dominant years of the politics of Islamophobia in Turkey, which roughly covers the years from the last decades of the nineteenth century to the late 1990s. It takes the definition of Islamophobia as the construction of Islam and Muslims as the enemy. Based on that definition, it argues that Islamophobia played a constitutive role in the establishment and construction of the modern Turkish state. First of all, the politics of Islamophobia served to replace the Ottoman Empire with the secular–nationalist Turkish Republic. Following the completion of this political transition, Islamophobia was deployed to produce a secular–nationalist reality, which included the forming of a secular– nationalist society in its domestic realm, backing a Westphalian regional order and a Western- centric global order on its outside. The politics of Islamophobia remained dominant in Turkish politics until the 2000s

    An overview of effects of high rise buildings on intersections: iconova

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    Gaziantep, Türkiye’nin sürekli gelişen ve büyüyen önemli sanayi şehirlerinden biridir. Artan nüfusun ve gelişen sanayinin bir sonucu olarak trafikteki araç sayısı her geçen gün artış göstermektedir. Nüfusun ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilmek için yapılan yüksek katlı binaların sayısı azımsanmayacak kadar fazladır. Mevcut yolların kapasiteleri bu artışa bağlı olarak yetersiz kalmakta ve zaman içerisinde trafik akışında yavaşlamalara sebep olmaktadır. Iconova kavşağı, bu problemlerin yaşandığı kavşaklardan biridir. Primemall AVM’nin ve henüz tamamlanmamış olan yüksek katlı ICONOVA konutlarının aynı kavşakta yer almasından dolayı, şu anda kapasitesinin üst sınırlarında çalışan ICONOVA kavşağı, konutlar kullanılmaya başlayınca daha sıkışık hale gelecektir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yüksek katlı yapıların trafiğe olan etkileri dikkate alınarak, daha uzun vadeli planlamalar yapmak ve HCM (Highway Capacity Manual) hesaplamaları ile VISSIM yazılımından faydalanarak Iconova kavşağı için çözüm önerisi sunmaktır. Bu çalışmayla, trafik akışının daha verimli hale getirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Aynı zamanda, çalışmanın yüksek katlı yapıların trafiğe olan etkileri ve kavşak kapasite hesapları açısından bilimsel bir referans olması hedeflenmektedir

    The Potential for Plurality and Prevalence of the Religious Institutional Logic

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    Embracing Religions in Moral Theories of Leadership

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    Effect of Lipid Content on Anaerobic Digestion Process and Microbial Community: Review Study

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    The indiscriminate release of significant amounts of food waste, fat oil and grease, and sewage sludge (SS) into the environment causes severe contamination in many nations. There are numerous potential treatment methods to cope with the organic wastes, but anaerobic digestion is currently widely accepted to handle different kinds of biological waste. One of the pillars supporting anaerobic digester biogas production increase in treatment plants is the use of fats in the wastewaters. However, it has been claimed that high-fat wastes, particularly mono-digestion in the anaerobic reactor, inhibits acetoclastic and methanotrophic bacteria, delays the formation of gas even more, and overtaxes the system. This paper examines the research on the impact of lipids on biogas enhancement, reactor inhibition, impact on the microbial communities, and co-digestion with lipids in the anaerobic digestion process

    The role of distant learning in the light of the spread of the (Covid-19) on the skillful and educational aspects of the students of the first three grades from the Parents point of view in al-koura district in Irbid

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    The study aimed to identify The role of distant learning in the light of the spread of the (Covid-19) on the skillful and educational aspects of the students of the first three grades from the Parents point of view in al-koura district in Irbid. The sample of the study consists of 200 parents of first to third graders in of Al-Koura District in Irbid. The researcher did a questionnaire that consisted of 50 items distributed on two domains: skillful and educational. The study revealed the role of distance learning on skillful and educational. Domains of first to third graders, which was high with a mean of 4.1058, with variation of the strength of items. There was no difference between skillful and educational domains. There was statistical difference due to teacher gender for the benefit of females. There was statistical difference due to school\u27s property for in favor of private schools. In light of study result, the researcher provided recommendations, which can develop shiclents abilities for first to third grades and maintain their health

    Effect of Lipid Content on Anaerobic Digestion Process and Microbial Community: Review Study

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    The indiscriminate release of significant amounts of food waste, fat oil and grease, and sewage sludge (SS) into the environment causes severe contamination in many nations. There are numerous potential treatment methods to cope with the organic wastes, but anaerobic digestion is currently widely accepted to handle different kinds of biological waste. One of the pillars supporting anaerobic digester biogas production increase in treatment plants is the use of fats in the wastewaters. However, it has been claimed that high-fat wastes, particularly mono-digestion in the anaerobic reactor, inhibits acetoclastic and methanotrophic bacteria, delays the formation of gas even more, and overtaxes the system. This paper examines the research on the impact of lipids on biogas enhancement, reactor inhibition, impact on the microbial communities, and co-digestion with lipids in the anaerobic digestion process


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    Over the years, biogas production technology has advanced with the goal of lowering process costs and greenhouse gas emissions, increasing biogas yield. Many design factors and operational aspects must be taken into account for steady and efficient biogas production. Furthermore, by properly monitoring various operational factors, the operation can be changed to unforeseen events. This review study covers the changes that occur when salt is present in biogas generation, as well as the impact on the microbial population. The results of the studies showed that adding salt in appropriate amounts is sufficient to enhance gas production and nutrient release, but the optimal scenario may differ from one biogas plant to another. Moreover, unfavorable situations to be avoided during the operation of the biogas plant have been discovered. Previous research had found that when the sodium salt concentration is less than 8 g/L, the reduction in methane generation is negligible. On the other hand, the addition of >8 g/L NaCl significantly reduced methane production (causing 17-80 percent inhibition)

    National (Dis)identification and Ethnic and Religious Identity:A Study Among Turkish-Dutch Muslims

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    National (dis)identification is examined in three studies among Turkish-Dutch Muslim participants. In explaining national (dis)identification, the first study focuses on ethnic identity, the second on ethnic and religious identity, and the third on three dimensions of religious identity. Many participants show low commitment to the nation, and many indicate national disidentification. In addition, there is very strong ethnic and religious identification. Ethnic and Muslim identifications relate negatively to Dutch identification and, in Study 3, to stronger Dutch disidentification. Furthermore, perceived group rejection is associated with increased ethnic minority and religious identification but also with decreased national Dutch identification. In addition, in Studies 1 and 2 the effect of perceived rejection on Dutch identification is (partly) mediated by minority group identification. The findings are discussed in relation to social psychological thinking about group identification, dual identities, and the importance of religion for intergroup relations