102 research outputs found

    Titanium Niobium Oxide Ti2 Nb10 O29 /Carbon Hybrid Electrodes Derived by Mechanochemically Synthesized Carbide for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    This work introduces the facile and scalable two‐step synthesis of Ti2Nb10O29 (TNO)/carbon hybrid material as a promising anode for lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs). The first step consisted of a mechanically induced self‐sustaining reaction via ball‐milling at room temperature to produce titanium niobium carbide with a Ti and Nb stoichiometric ratio of 1 to 5. The second step involved the oxidation of as‐synthesized titanium niobium carbide to produce TNO. Synthetic air yielded fully oxidized TNO, while annealing in CO2 resulted in TNO/carbon hybrids. The electrochemical performance for the hybrid and non‐hybrid electrodes was surveyed in a narrow potential window (1.0–2.5 V vs. Li/Li+) and a large potential window (0.05–2.5 V vs. Li/Li+). The best hybrid material displayed a specific capacity of 350 mAh g−1 at a rate of 0.01 A g−1 (144 mAh g−1 at 1 A g−1) in the large potential window regime. The electrochemical performance of hybrid materials was superior compared to non‐hybrid materials for operation within the large potential window. Due to the advantage of carbon in hybrid material, the rate handling was faster than that of the non‐hybrid one. The hybrid materials displayed robust cycling stability and maintained ca. 70 % of their initial capacities after 500 cycles. In contrast, only ca. 26 % of the initial capacity was maintained after the first 40 cycles for non‐hybrid materials. We also applied our hybrid material as an anode in a full‐cell lithium‐ion battery by coupling it with commercial LiMn2O4

    Synthesis and processing of nanoscaled ceramics by chemical routes

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    Nanocrystalline boehmite and TiN powders have been used as model systems for testing the conception of small-molecule surface modification for the preparation of processable nanoscaled slips and pastes with a high solid content. It was found that after surface modification of boehmite with carboxylic acids like acetic or propionic acid and the addition of 5 to 6 vol.-% of organic processing additives pastes with a solid content of about 45 vol.-% can be prepared. The nanocrystalline pastes have been extruded to tubes which after drying exhibit green densities of about 55 to 60 % of the theory. In the case of TiN it was shown that deagglomeration with short-chained organic bases gives low viscous slips with a solid content of 40 wt.-%. Green bodies with a green density of about 50 % of the theory have been prepared by vacuum-assisted pressure filtration. The nanocrystalline material exhibits a very high sintering activity so that a density above 96 % of the theory could be achieved at 1150°C leading to a microstructure consisting of an average grain size of about 50 nm. This clearly demonstrates the potential of nanosized starting material for separating the densification regime from the grain growth regime in the sintering step

    Analysis of the psychiatric consultations for inpatients and from the emergency room in a university hospital: A comparison with studies from Turkey

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    Objective: The aim of this research was to assess the characteristics of the consultations required in a psychiatric department of a university hospital, and the distribution of psychiatric disorders in hospitalized patients and patients admitted to the emergency room. Method: In the study, the data of 539 patients 18 years or older (48.67 ± 20.91 years) (46.8% women) who were hospitalized and who presented to the emergency room between 01/01/2015 and 31/12/2015, and for whom a psychiatric consultation was requested were recorded onto a structured form. Patients' electronic databases were reviewed retrospectively for the specified date range. Descriptive statistical analyzes (frequency of data, distribution, mean, standard deviation) were performed for the data examined in the study. Results: Medical departments (42.9%), surgical departments (31.7%) and the emergency medicine department (25.4%) were the most frequently psychiatric consultation requesting departments. The most frequent requests for consultation were agitation (15.4%), depressive symptoms and signs (14.7%) and suicide attempts (12.2%). The most frequent psychiatric diagnoses were depressive disorders (19.5%), delirium (18.2%) and schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (7.4%). Musculoskeletal diseases (17.4%), mental disorders (15.0%), oncologic diseases (14.1%) and suicide attempts (12.2%) were the primary diagnoses of patients. Discussion: Consultation and liaison psychiatry services have an important role in our relationship with other departments in medicine. Priority to training of depressive disorders, delirium and suicide attempts should be offered to healthcare providers working in these departments

    A Rare Mimicker of an Adrenal Carcinoma: Co-occurrence of Hemorrhagic Pseudocyst and Myelolipoma

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    Adrenal collision tumors are rare tumors composed of two different benign or malignant tumors in the adrenal gland. Radiological features are very helpful in the diagnosis, however it is not always possible to make a definite diagnosis with imaging findings alone because the coexisting masses contain different tissue components. In this paper, we report the imaging findings of an adrenal lesion with pseudocyst and myelolipoma mimicking an adrenocortical carcinoma in a 42-year-old female patient. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an adrenal lesion containing myelolipoma and hemorrhagic pseudocyst mimicking an adrenal carcinoma in the literature

    Retrospective Analysis of Lymphangitis Carcinomatosa Regarding Primer Tumor Spectrum and Computer Tomography Features

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    INTRODUCTION: Lymphangitis carcinomatosis (LC) is used to describe the metastatic involvement of pulmonary lymphatic canals and perilymphatic connective tissue by primary tumor cells and commonly occurs secondary to primary tumors, mostly adenocarcinomas, originated from breast, lung, gastrointestinal system cancers. Common findings in lung computed tomography (CT) are interlobular septal thickening and increased reticular/reticulonodular density. In this study, we aim to present the primary tumor spectrum and most frequent computed tomography findings of patients with LC. METHODS: In this double-centered study 63 patients, who had lung CT examination due to prediagnosis of LC, were retrospectively investigated. 41 patients with final diagnosis of LC due to findings upon Positron emission tomography/Computed tomography (PET/CT), ultrasonography, CT scan, endoscopic, bronchoscopic and cytopathologic investigations and/or clinical manifestations are ultimately included RESULTS: In 41 patients with LC, lung in 11 cases, esophagus in 7 cases, colon in 6 cases, stomach in 4 cases, pancreas in 3 cases, breast in 2 cases, bladder in 2 cases, thyroid in 2 cases and singly larynx, kidney, prostate and bone marrow in 4 cases were respectively revealed as primary tumor origins. Most frequent lung CT findings were increased reticular/reticulonodular and nodular densities, thickenings of interlobular septa, mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathies, pleural and/or pericardial effusions, atelectasis, ground-glass opacities. Extrapulmonary involvement was detected in 14 patients DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: LC occurs with metastatic involvement of pulmonary lymphatics in patients with primary malignancy, especially adenocarcinomas. In CT, the reticular, reticulonodular, and noduler pattern (most common pulmonary parenchymal changes) and mediastinal lymphadenopathies (LAP) are the most common findgs. Pulmonary CT examination is accepted as the most important radiological modality in diagnosis and follow up of LC

    Orta lob sendromlu olgularda bilgisayarlı tomografi bulguları

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    Amaç: Orta lob sendromu OLS , sağ akciğer orta lobunun kronik veya tekrarlayan atelektazileri ile karakterize bir tablodur. Spesifik bir klinik bulgusu yoktur. OLS tanısında Bilgisayarlı Tomografi BT en sık kullanılan modalitedir. Kliniğimizde son iki yılda OLS tanısı almış hastaların BT bulgularını literatür eşliğinde sunmayı amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntem: Mayıs 2015- Mayıs 2017 tarihleri arasında hastanemiz radyoloji kliniğine başvuran ve OLS tanısı alan 29 hastanın, BT ve klinik bulguları retrospektif olarak iki radyolog ve bir göğüs hastalıkları uzmanı tarafından incelendi. Bulgular: OLS tanısı alan 29 hastanın 17’si %58,6 kadın, 12’si %41,4 erkek hastaydı. Kadın/erkek oranı 1.42 idi. Bu olguların yaş ortalaması ise 59,4±17,01 8-84 yaş olarak hesaplandı. Klinik değerlendirmede en sık semptom öksürük, nefes darlığı ve balgam olarak saptandı. Radyolojik görüntülemede tüm hastaların BT tetkiklerinde sağ akciğer orta lobda atelektazi mevcuttu. Atelektazi ile birlikte diğer en sık eşlik eden bulgular ise 11 hastada mediastinal ve/veya hiler patolojik görünümde lenfadenopati, 6 hastada bronşektazi, 4 hastada enfeksiyon ile uyumlu parankimal bulgular, 3 hastada parankimal nodüller, 3 hastada peribronşial kalınlaşma, 2 hastada operasyon sonrası değişiklikler, 2 hastada diafragmaevantrasyonu, 2 hastada mukus tıkacı, 1 hastada squamöz hücreli kanser, 1 hastada da pulmoneremboli idi. Dört hastada herhangi bir ek akciğer patolojisi saptanmadı. Sonuç: OLS, sağ akciğer orta lobun total atelektazisi olup spesifik klinik bulguları olmaması nedeniyle kronik ve tekrarlayan akciğer şikayetleri olan her hastada özellikle sağ akciğerde yerleşim gösteren lezyonlarda ayırıcı tanılar arasında göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. BT’nin rutine girmesi ile de radyolojik olarak görülme sıklığı artmıştır. BT, OLS tanısında etkin ve noninvaziv bir görüntüleme yöntemidi