1,768 research outputs found

    Thermal Effects for Shaft-Pre-Stress on Rotor Dynamic System

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    This Paper outlines study behaviour of rotating shaft with high speed under thermal effects. The method of obtaining the frequency response functions of a rotor system with study whirl effect in this revision the raw data obtained from the experimental results (using Smart Office program) are curve-fitted by theoretical data regenerated from some of the experimental data and simulating it using finite element (ANSYS 12). (FE) models using the Eigen analysis capability were used to simulate the vibration. The results were compared with experimental data show analysis data with acceptable accuracy and performance. The rotating effect causes un-symmetry in the system matrices, resulting in complexity in decoupling the mathematical models of the system for the purpose of modal analysis. Different method is therefore required, which can handle general system matrices rather than symmetrical matrices, which is normal for passive structures. Mathematical model of the system from the test data can be assembled. The frequency response functions are extracted, Campbell diagram are draw and simulated. (FE) is used to carry out such as simulation since it has good capability for Eigen analysis and also good graphical facility. Keywords: Thermal effects, Modelling, Campbell diagram, Whirl, Rotor dynamics.Comment: Published by: Academic Research Publishing Agency. All rights reserved, 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 pictur

    Scattering of the double sine-Gordon kinks

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    We study the scattering of kink and antikink of the double sine-Gordon model. There is a critical value of the initial velocity vcrv_{cr} of the colliding kinks, which separates different regimes of the collision. At vin>vcrv_{in}>v_{cr} we observe kinks reflection, while at vin<vcrv_{in}<v_{cr} their interaction is complicated with capture and escape windows. We obtain the dependence of vcrv_{cr} on the parameter of the model. This dependence possesses a series of local maxima, which has not been reported by other authors. At some initial velocities below the critical value we observe a new phenomenon -- the escape of two oscillons in the final state. Besides that, at vin<vcrv_{in}<v_{cr} we found the initial kinks' velocities at which the oscillons do not escape, and the final configuration looks like a bound state of two oscillons.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; v2: minor changes to match version published in EPJ

    Influence of beta-blockers on mechanical dyssynchrony and cardiac remodeling in patients with ischemic chronic heart failure in the setting of revascularization

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    Diastolic dysfunction (DD) and cardiac dyssynchrony (DS) are involved in the progression of chronic heart failure (CHF). A comparative analysis was conducted of the effect of a 6-month course of nebivolol and bisoprolol on DD, DS and metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) level in patients with ischemic chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and with midrange ejection fraction (HFmrEF), as well as in patients with comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the setting of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) after 6 months of therap

    A closed form for the electrostatic interaction between two rod-like charged objects

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    We have calculated the electrostatic interaction between two rod-like charged objects with arbitrary orientations in three dimensions. we obtained a closed form formula expressing the interaction energy in terms of the separation distance between the centers of the two rod-like objects, rr, their lengths (denoted by 2l12l_1 and 2l22l_2), and their relative orientations (indicated by θ\theta and ϕ\phi). When the objects have the same length (2l1=2l2=l2l_1=2l_2=l), for particular values of separations, i.e for r0.8lr\leq0.8 l, two types of minimum are appeared in the interaction energy with respect to θ\theta. By employing the closed form formula and introducing a scaled temperature tt, we have also studied the thermodynamic properties of a one dimensional system of rod-like charged objects. For different separation distances, the dependence of the specific heat of the system to the scaled temperature has been studied. It is found that for r<0.8lr<0.8 l, the specific heat has a maximum.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, Accepted by J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Konstitusionalitas Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Kebebasan Beragama dan Beribadah di Indonesia

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    In the explanation of Law no. 1/PNPS/1965 stated that the recognized religions in Indonesia are Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hindu Buddhism, and Confucianism. As a result, other beliefs loses its legal standing and legal protection by the state. The issue of religious freedom is also influenced by the different interpretations of the terms "religion" and "belief" by the public and law enforcer. First, the terms "religion" and "belief" have different meanings. "Religion" refers to the religions adopted by Indonesian citizens, in accordance with the explanation in Law no. 1/PNPS/1965. While the term "belief" has no legal basis. Second, the terms "religion" and "belief" have identical meanings. If this opinion is recognized, then there will be generalization between "agama wahyu", and "agama budaya”. On the other hand, Article 29 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia does not yet have an adequate constitutional interpretation in resolving this issue.Dalam Penjelasan UU No. 1/PNPS/1965, disebutkan bahwa agama yang diakui di indonesia adalah Islam, Kristen, Khatolik, Hindu Budha, dan Khong Hu Chu. Dampaknya, kepercayaan yang tidak disebutkan kehilangan kedudukan hukum serta perlindungan hukum oleh negara. Masalah terhadap kebebasan beragama juga dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan penafsiran atas istilah “agama” dan “keyakinan” oleh masyarakat dan penegak hukum. Pertama, istilah “agama” dan “keyakinan” memiliki pengertian yang berbeda. “Agama” merujuk pada agama-agama yang dianut warga negara Indonesia, sesuai dengan Penjelasan dalam UU No. 1/PNPS/1965. Sedangkan istilah “keyakinan” tidak memiliki landasan hukum. Kedua, istilah “agama” dan “keyakinan” memiliki makna yang identik. Jika pendapat ini diakui maka terjadi generalisasi antara “agama wahyu”, dengan “agama budaya (kepercayaan). Disisi lain, Pasal 29 ayat (2) UUD NRI 1945 belum memiliki tafsir konstitusional yang memadai dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini