41 research outputs found

    Mothers’ evaluation of cartoons’ influence on early childhood children

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate mothers’ thoughts about the influence of cartoons on their young children. Two hundred twenty three mothers of preschoolers and kindergarteners completed and returned a demographic information form and “Mothers’ Evaluation of Cartoons” questionnaire. ANOVAs were computed to examine the effects of demographic characteristics and television related variables on mothers’ thoughts about cartoons. Mothers’ educational level, children's age, parent-child length of daily television watching and their perception of television affected their thoughts about cartoons’ influence on children

    Mothers' evaluation of cartoons' influence on early childhood children

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate mothers' thoughts about the influence of cartoons on their young children. Two hundred twenty three mothers of preschoolers and kindergarteners completed and returned a demographic information form and "Mothers' Evaluation of Cartoons" questionnaire. ANOVAs were computed to examine the effects of demographic characteristics and television related variables on mothers' thoughts about cartoons. Mothers' educational level, children's age, parent-child length of daily television watching and their perception of television affected their thoughts about cartoons' influence on children. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Children, mothers, and preschool teachers’ perceptions of play: Findings from Turkey and Norway

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    This cross-cultural study aims to explore children’s, mothers’, and teachers’ current perceptions of play in Turkish and Norwegian cultures by using the Cultural Historical Action Theory framework as an analytical tool. The participants included 40 children enrolled in preschools, 39 mothers, and 10 teachers. In this cross cultural comparative study, structured interviews were used to collect the data. The results revealed one common theme across the participants’ definitions of play, the feelings related to play. All three groups expressed play as a way of having fun. Another common theme for the adults from both countries were the ideas that, play is important for children’s learning and development and, it is impossible to think of an alternative to play. Both Norwegian and Turkish children defined play as different examples, such as cars, bicycles and balls. While Norwegian teachers defined play as a context in which children make their own decisions, both Norwegian and Turkish teachers considered play socialize with friends and to be a way of communication. The concept of adults as the community of play and children as the actors of play deserve more attentio

    Investigating kindergarteners’ number sense and self-regulation scores in relation to their mathematics and Turkish scores in middle school

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    Number sense and self-regulation are considered foundational skills for later school learning. This study aimed to investigate the predictive power of kindergarten children’s number sense and self-regulation scores on their mathematics and Turkish language examination scores in the 5th and 6th grades. The participants in this study were 5th grade (n = 46) and 6th grade (n = 28) students, whose number sense and self-regulation skills were measured when they were in kindergarten in 2009 and 2010. Data were analyzed through multiple regression. The results showed positive and mid-level correlations. The children’s kindergarten number sense and self-regulation scores significantly predicted their 5th and 6th grade mathematics and Turkish language examination scores. Self-regulation was the stronger predictor of mathematics scores, whereas number sense scores were the better predictor of Turkish language examination scores. The findings from this study provide further evidence as to the critical role of children’s early skills in middle school mathematics and language achievement. © 2016, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Inc

    Early childhood teachers’ roles in free play

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    In the world of child play, where do adults stand? What is the place of adults in children’s play? These questions have been considered in the literature regarding play in efforts to provide children with ample play opportunities. This study aims to examine teachers’ roles in free play. In this study, data are used to examine the type of roles teachers most frequently use during free play. Participants of the study were 141 public school early childhood teachers. Results showed that the leader role was the least preferred, while the onlooker-stage manager role was the most frequently chosen among the five teacher roles in free play. Moreover, participating teachers’ involvement in play is influenced by children’s age groups, years of teaching experience, number of children in the classroom and number of learning centres. © 2017 TACTY

    Investigating kindergarteners’ number sense and self-regulation scores in relation to their mathematics and Turkish scores in middle school

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    Number sense and self-regulation are considered foundational skills for later school learning. This study aimed to investigate the predictive power of kindergarten children’s number sense and self-regulation scores on their mathematics and Turkish language examination scores in the 5th and 6th grades. The participants in this study were 5th grade (n = 46) and 6th grade (n = 28) students, whose number sense and self-regulation skills were measured when they were in kindergarten in 2009 and 2010. Data were analyzed through multiple regression. The results showed positive and mid-level correlations. The children’s kindergarten number sense and self-regulation scores significantly predicted their 5th and 6th grade mathematics and Turkish language examination scores. Self-regulation was the stronger predictor of mathematics scores, whereas number sense scores were the better predictor of Turkish language examination scores. The findings from this study provide further evidence as to the critical role of children’s early skills in middle school mathematics and language achievement. © 2016, Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Inc

    Okula hazır bulunuşluk ve yürütücü işlev performansları arasındaki ilişki

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    Bu çalışmada, 5-6 yaş çocuklarının okula hazır bulunuşluk düzeyleri ile yürütücü işlev görevlerinde sergiledikleri performansları arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. İlişkisel tarama yönteminin kullanıldığı bu çalışmanın örneklemini 69 çocuk oluşturmuştur. Çocukların matematik, fen, ses, çizgi ve labirent alt boyutlarının ölçülmesiyle okula hazır bulunuşluk düzeyleri belirlenmiştir.   Yürütücü işlev performanslarını belirlemek amacıyla çalışma belleği ve engelleyici kontrol becerilerine yönelik olan görevler kullanılmıştır. Veriler, Kendall’s tau-b korelasyon tekniği ve  Mann Whitney U testi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, çocukların çizgi alt boyutu puanlarının engelleyici kontrol görevi ile; çizgi, matematik, ve labirent alt boyutu puanlarının çalışma belleği görevi ile ve fen, ses ve labirent puanlarının ise hem çalışma belleği hem de engelleyici kontrol performansını içeren görev ile ilişkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışma belleği performansları yüksek olan çocukların matematik, çizgi ve labirent alt boyutu puanlarının, hem çalışma belleği hem de engelleyici kontrol performansları yüksek olan çocukların ise fen, ses ve labirent alt boyutlarından aldıkları puanlarının yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir.  