46 research outputs found

    Student Valunteer Business Consulting Division

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    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Untuk Menentukan Estimasi Biaya Dan waktu Penyelesaian Produk Di Industri Karung Plastik

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    Nowadays, the ability to make right decision is one key success factor to face the global competition. This ability is supported by information system, which has been developed from just retrieving information into providing alternatives for decision making. This decision support system is used by PT AP to help the management in setting the cost and the due date estimation for its products. The decision support system designed will give a short term reference in determining cost estimation through product cost estimation and market cost estimation. Besides this system also will give a reference in determining product due date. With those references, the management will be assisted in determining the product price to the consumer and also the order due date. The result of this system shows that the a new system using computer is better than manual system. Some indicators used to prove it are represented in several tests done in this system with the result of good condition for normal test and unnormal test, the same result in manual and computer computation, and signifincancy in reducing processing time from 11 seconds into 3 seconds. Keywords: information system, decision making, cost estimation, reducing processin


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    This study examines whether the changes in the financial statements and dividends can together provide a better information transmittal system to deliver missing private information on the firm using Indonesian firms as the sample. In doing so, this study consider three components in evaluating the dividend signaling theory: the expected content favorableness, the sign of dividend change, and the role of dividend signal. Thefinding shows that in Indonesia, the market reactions to the dividend announcements depend on the role of dividend signals, whether it is confirmatory, clarificatory, or unclear. The other finding shows that this market is more concern to the content expected favorableness rather than to the dividend sign

    Model Integrasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Dan Sistem Pakar Untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Saham

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    Model of neuro-expert system was developed. The main idea is to integrate both artificial intelligence methods such as neural network and expert system in a business strategy or investation. The neural-network is used to solve numerically the mathematical model developed based on the data collected from Jakarta Trade Center and the mechanism of acquiring the investation. The objective is to provide certain decision and recommendation to buy, hold or sell the insvestation based on the analytical result. Two aspects are integrated in this model such as fundamental aspects consisting of macro-economy, industry and enterprises conditions and also the technical aspects consists of the price of investation, knowledge bases collected from many experts and also the algorithm of both neural network and decision searching. Backpropagation algorithm with ten hidden-layer and Levenverg-Marquartd method are used in structuring the model. The data used in testing the model is collected from PT. Astra International Tbk. during 225 days of trade. The results shows that the enterpirse is recommended to sell the investation in the next 40 days and this decision is expected to gain the benefit of Rp. L075 per exemplar excluded the dividen. Keywords : integration model, neuro-expert system, decision support, investation


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    This study examines whether the changes in the financial statements and dividends can together provide a better information transmittal system to deliver missing private information on the firm using Indonesian firms as the sample. In doing so, this study consider three components in evaluating the dividend signaling theory: the expected content favorableness, the sign of dividend change, and the role of dividend signal. The finding shows that in Indonesia, the market reactions to the dividend announcements depend on the role of dividend signals, whether it is confirmatory, clarificatory, or unclear. The other finding shows that this market is more concern to the content expected favorableness rather than to the dividend sign. Keywords: dividendbalance sheetsignalingroleclarilicatoryIndonesi

    Location Planning of Urban Distribution Center under Uncertainty: A Case Study of Yogyakarta Special Region Province, Indonesia

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    Purpose: The paper aims at proposing a framework of hybrid spatial-fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making and demonstrating application of the framework to evaluate and select the appropriate location for Urban Distribution Center in Yogyakarta Special Region Province, Indonesia. The study has been inspired by the need to evaluate the Urban Distribution Center initiative, i.e., Jogja Inland Port by local government that has been hampered due to lack of participating companies. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed framework consists of two steps of analysis. First, spatial analysis to generate alternative locations using weighted Geographical Information System data; second, fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making to select the best location. Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution was applied to deal with multi-criteria, multiple stakeholders, and uncertainty. Accessibility, security, connectivity of multi-modal transport, costs, environmental impact, proximity to customers, proximity to suppliers, resource availability, expansion possibility, service quality, are taken as the decision criteria. Local government of Yogyakarta province, practitioners, and logistic expert, are involved as representative participants in evaluating the Urban Distribution Center location of Yogyakarta Special Region Province. Findings: The proposed framework has indicated that the Jogja Inland Port is not the best alternative. A joint warehouse managed by a group of private companies located in Berbah (Sleman district) appears to be the best alternative location for Urban Distribution Center. Consistent results are also found by using other approaches (Intuitionistic Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution and Set Pair Analysis). Research limitations/implications: In addition to the government, expert, and practitioners that involved in this study, future research could engage local residents as decision makers to refine the results, as various stakeholders may come up with different preferences. Practical implications: From a practical point of view, the application of combined approach (integrating spatial analysis using weighted Geographical Information System data and fuzzy multi-criteria decision making) is a promising approach in dealing with Urban Distribution Center location problem which is characterized by multi-criteria, multiple stakeholders, spatial-related issues, and uncertainty. Social implications: The unsuccessful establishment of Jogja Inland Port implies that Urban Distribution Center location problem is a complex system, involving multifaceted factors that should be considered simultaneously. Originality/value: The research proposes a framework to evaluate and select the appropriate location for Urban Distribution Center through combined approach of weighted Geographical Information System data and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making which involves relevant stakeholders.Peer Reviewe


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    Bottleneck is possible to occur in a system like hospital, especially in admission and discharge of inpatient processes. It can have impact on increasing waiting time and delayed time. Some alternatives were proposed to reduce them, i.e. shift scheduling and human resource allocation. This research modelled real system accompanied by two scenarios: the first scenario was conducted by balancing human resource utility without altering number of employees, whereas the second scenario considered possibility of changing number of employees. The results showed that both scenarios produced reduction of waiting time and delayed time. The first scenario is more feasible compared to the second as no hiring or firing employees occurred, resulting in waiting time reduction of 110.6 minutes (15%) and decrease in delayed time by 184 minutes (15.9%). The reduction of waiting time and delayed time is higher in scenario 2, which are 423.6 minutes (57%) and 281 minutes (24%), respectively. However, there must be 4 additional employees hired in pharmacy applied in scenario 2


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    Hospital as a health institution must be able to give good services for its stakeholders, especially patients. However, patients often have to wait for quite a long time in queues before service. A study case in an internal medicine polyclinic in a large scale hospital in Yogyakartashowed that for around 60 patients in a day, they have to stay in queues for more than one hour averagely. This observation occurred when appointment scheduling was used, i.e. patient must make an appointment for the service time. This research evaluated some scenarios that can reduce the waiting time in this system. Results showed that patient’s arrival was recommended to be schedulled every 15 minutes with adjustment on the number of operating server. This recommendation can reduce patient’s waiting time by 28-50% by taking into account the presence of the late doctors

    Kesiapan Teknologi, Kelayakan Ekonomi Dan Administrasi IKM Mainan Di YOGYAKARTA

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    The toys have a large market share, with a population of children aged up to 14 years 28.7% of the projected population of Indonesia in 2015 reached 73.2 million people. On various studies indicate both local and imported toys are threatening the health and safety of children. So the government published Permenperin No. 24/2013 concerning the implementation of mandatory Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for Toys. This study aims to assess the readiness of SMIs toys in Yogyakarta. Readiness assessment through three approaches are, readiness of technology using technometric, the calculated economic feasibility analysis of benefit to cost ratio and administration assessed. The results obtained showed that the number of SMIs in Yogyakarta which meet the requirements of industry license by 50 %, brand requirements by 22,2% and the combination of 16.7% of the total SMI. For technology readiness 16.7% of SMIs have TCC less than 0.3 (traditional technologies), 77.8% of SMIs have a TCC between 0.3 to 0.7 (semi modern technology) and 5.5% of SMIs have TCC is more than 0.7 (modern technology). Economic feasibility percentage of SMIs that meet the economic feasibility of 61%. It can be concluded that SMIs in DIY are technologically and economically ready, but not administratively

    Pemetaan Limbah Kerajinan dan Industri Kecil Menengah Berbasis Eco-Industrial Park Menuju Kawasan Zero Waste di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    This research is about Small Medium Industry (SMI) waste management which integrate SMIs in Sukoharjo. The aim of this study is to determine the potential of the SMI waste in order to improve the welfare of SMIs in Sukoharjo economically and environmentally, and to determine whether the concept of eco-industrial park (EIP) can be applied to SMIs in Sukoharjo. Results from this research is that with design the concept of zero waste from each IKM waste by recycling and / or reuse of waste produced, then mapping the SMI waste management to realistic EIP system and EIP towards the ideal system thus becoming a zero waste industrial region. SMIs waste utilization with realistic EIP system capable of obtaining savings of Rp172.176.360, - per month and an increase in profit of Rp79.705.000, - per month with BCR of 2.15. While the concept of EIP towards the ideal system capable of obtaining savings of Rp166.447.860, - per month and an increase in profit of Rp 66.409.100, - per month with an increase in investment of Rp2,289,182,500,- with BCR of 1.89. Results of analysis of the environmental impact of EIP realistic system and EIP towards the ideal system is to have a positive impact to the environment. Results of the analysis gap shows that concept of EIP can be applied to SMIs in Sukoharjo