586 research outputs found

    Upscaling cassava processing machines and products in Liberia

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    Open Access JournalCassava is produced by more than 80% of farming households and is an important contributor to gross domestic product (GDP) in Liberia. It is therefore important to assess the status of cassava processing into food and other products. A total of one hundred and sixty (160) well-structured questionnaires were used for the collection of information from eight counties, with twenty respondents from each county. It was found out that all the counties lack adequate modern cassava processing machines, with almost all cassava processing operations being done with rudimentary equipment. Gari and wet fufu are common products in Liberian markets, with no high-quality cassava flour (HQCF) or derivatives. Consequently, user and gender friendly processing machines were installed in six established modern cassava processing centres, and new cassava products, such as fufu powder, tapioca, and HQCF with its value-added products (10% bread and pastries), were introduced. This upscaling will enhance the cassava value chain in Liberia with improvement in livelihoods, especially for vulnerable women and unemployed youth

    Mathematical modeling in population dynamics: the case of single species population

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    The growth and decline of population in nature and the struggle of species to predominate over one another has been a subject of interest dating back through the ages. Applications of simple mathematical concepts to such phenomena were noted centuries ago. This paper discusses mathematical models in biology, their formulation, analysis and interpretation. Much emphasis is placed on how appropriate assumptions simplify the problem, how important variables are identified and how differential equations are tailored to describing the essential features of a continuous process. The trust of this paper is the application of mathematical models in helping to unravel the underlying mechanisms involved in biological and ecological processes. African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences Vol. 2(1) 2004: 1-

    The Asia Minor Greek adpositional cycle: a tale of multiple causation

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    This paper examines the interplay of language-internal continuity and external influence in the cyclical development of the Asia Minor Greek adpositional system. The Modern Greek dialects of Asia Minor inherited an adpositional system of the Late Medieval Greek type whereby secondary adpositions regularly combined with primary adpositions to encode spatial region. Secondary adpositions could originally precede simple adpositions ([PREPOSITION + PREPOSITION + NPACC]) or follow the adpositional complement ([PREPOSITION + NPACC + POSTPOSITION]). Asia Minor Greek replicated the structure of Ottoman Turkish postpositional phrases to resolve this variability, fixing the position of secondary adpositions after the complement and thus developing circumpositions of the type [PREPOSITION + NPACC + POSTPOSITION]. Later, some varieties dropped the primary preposition SE from circumpositional phrases, leaving (secondary) postpositions as the only overt relator ([NPACC + POSTPOSITION]) in some environments. In addition, a number of Turkish postpositions were borrowed wholesale, thus enriching the Greek adpositional inventory

    Evaluation of multistress tolerant maize varieties for sustainable intensification in northern Guinea Savanna of north eastern Nigeria

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    Maize productivity is limited by multiple stresses in the savannas of West and Central Africa. Field trials were conducted in northern Guinea savanna of Nigeria in 2011 and 2012 to evaluate the performance of multi-stress tolerant maize varieties. Thirteen varieties including Local Check replicated three times were tested in randomized complete block design. Plant and ear heights were significantly higher for LNTP x LNP-WC3 and 2004 TZE-W DTSTRC4 than POOL 18-SR, 2009 TZE-W POP-STR, EVDT 99-W STR; and EVDT 2000-Y STRQPM, respectively. Striga count was significantly lower for EVDT 99-W STR and LNTP x LNP-WC3 than all the other entries. Days to 50% tassel and 50% silk were each significantly earlier for EVDT 99STR W-STR QPM, DT-W STR SYN, EVDT-99W STR and 2009 TZEW DT STR than the Local Check. Anthesis Silk Interval (ASI) was significantly lower for TZE COMP3 DT-WC2, 2009 TZEW DT STR, and EVDT 99-W STR than Local Check. Number of ears plant-1 was significantly higher for 2008 DTMA-Y STR than Local Check. Grain yield ha-1 was significantly superior for DT-Y STR SYN, 2008 DTMA-Y STR, 2004 TZE-W DTSTR C4, 2009 TZEW DT STR and EVDT 99-W STRQPM, respectively. Plant height was positively correlated with ASI and ear height, while ear height was positively associated with ears plant-1, days to 50% silk and 50% tassel. Grain yield ha-1 was positively correlated with ears plant-1, days to 50 % silk, days to 50% tassel and ear height, while ears plant-1 was negatively correlated with ear weight. Farmer selection criteria for acceptance of variety were in the order: Striga tolerance > nutrient value > drought tolerance > flour value > good taste > high yield > early maturity. The five varieties: DTY STR SYN, 2008 DTMA-Y STR, 2004 TZE-W DT STRC4, 2009 TZEW DT STR and EVDT 99-W STRQPM satisfied farmers criteria and were promising and thus nominated for on-farm demonstration and subsequent adoption in the region

    The impact of climate change on household food security in the Bongo District of the Upper East Region of Ghana

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    The study determined the impact of climate change on household food security, investigated awareness level and identified coping strategies used to mitigate negative impact of climate change in the Bongo District with emphasis on women. It was a cross-sectional survey conducted in four purposively selected farming communities in the District in the Upper East Region of Ghana. A sample size of 246 women participated in the study. Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics of the participants, awareness of climate change, food consumption patterns, coping strategies and household food security. Data on rainfall and temperature for the past 30 years period in the District were obtained from the Ghana Meteorological Service. Crop yields data over a period of 21 years in the District was also obtained from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA). The results revealed that rainfall in the Bongo District has been decreasing at - 0.3 mm per annum and maximum temperature has been increasing at 0.005 °C. More than half (62.6%) of the participants were aware of climate change in their communities. Majority (89.4%) of the participants reduced the quality and quantity of diets as coping strategy method during food shortage periods and almost all (97.2%) of the households were food insecure. Participants who reported to have observed decrease in rainfall were more likely to be food insecure (OR = 3.96; CI = 0.56 – 27.81). Participants were aware of climate change and employed reduction in the quality and quantity of diet as coping mechanism. Almost all households were food insecure. There is the need to intensify climate resistant agriculture technology such as irrigation methods to offset the negative impact of climate change on food security in the District.

    Discount factors and thresholds: Foreign investment when enforcement is imperfect

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    We consider a model that provides insight into the well-known Folk theorem in economics that when the discount factor beta is sufficiently close to 1, expropriation will never occur. Although this Folk theorem is true in our model, our perspective is different. The discount factor beta often is described as a "deep structural parameter" that is difficult to alter at a point in time. In contrast, we analyze the determinants of two thresholds and beta* that segment the unit interval on which beta is defined into three subintervals. These subintervals correspond to the three possible equilibria for investment flows: autarky, underinvestment, and unconstrained optimal investment. These thresholds are of interest because they can be altered by specific policy interventions. As a consequence, even if beta is small, some level of foreign investment can be supported. We construct measures of beta for 40 countries, characterize and beta*, and discuss recent trends in investment flows

    Imperfect enforcement, foreign investment, and foreign aid

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    The lack of a supranational legal authority that can enforce private contracts across borders makes debt repayment in an international setting contingent on borrowers' willingness to pay rather than ability to pay. This market failure (i.e., inadequate enforcement) causes investment to fall short of its unconstrained level. This paper examines how foreign aid affects a country's willingness to honor private investment agreements. We consider two types of aid: technical assistance and loan subsidies. We show that when enforcement is inadequate, aid has the following effects: (i) it reduces default risk, promotes capital flows, and can, in principle, restore investment to its unconstrained level; (ii) when default risk is high, aid can increase the welfare of both the recipient and the donor country. Thus, foreign aid serves as an enforcement mechanism in an international setting. This provides a nonaltruistic rationale for foreign aid. Finally, we discuss the implications of providing bilateral versus multilateral aid (e.g., by individual countries versus multilateral organizations)

    Effects of farmers\' seed source on maize seed quality and crop productivity

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    Although farmer-saved seeds constitute about 90 per cent of maize seeds planted annually, their effects on crop performance are not well known. This study determined the seed quality and field performance of farmer-saved seeds of the most popular quality protein maize (QPM) variety, Obatanpa, compared to the certified seed of the same variety. Seed samples collected from four locations (Kwadaso, Ejura, Nkoranzah and Wenchi) showed higher percentage complete vital staining of embryos using 2, 3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) and higher 1000-seed weight in certified seeds, indicating high vigour and complete seed development. Whereas germinating seedlings of the certified seeds did not show any fungal growth, farmersaved seeds showed profuse fungal development and stunting. Seedling counts showed 9 and 21 per cent reduction in certified and farmer-saved seeds, respectively; but plant counts before harvest showed 12 and 23 per cent reduction. Plants originating from certified seeds flowered at the predetermined date of 55 days, but the farmer-saved seeds flowered about a day or two later owing to reduced vigour. Lodging was less in plants originating from certified seeds, particularly in the trial planted at Ejura (transition zone) compared to Kwadaso (forest zone). The advantages of certified seeds reflected on increased grain yield, which was about 1.2 t ha-1, equal to ¢1,100,000.00 (110)ha1or47percentincreasesoverthefarmersavedseeds.Thestudy,therefore,showedtheimportanceofcertifiedseedsinincreasingmaizeproductivityandfarmersincomes.Bienquelasemencegardeˊeparlagriculteurconstitueenviron90pourcentdegrainesdemaı¨ssemeˊesannuellement,seseffetssurlerendementdeculturenesontpasbienconnus.Uneeˊtudeeˊtaitentreprisepourdeˊterminerlaqualiteˊdegraineetlerendementsurleterraindesemencegardeˊparlagriculteurdelavarieˊteˊlapluspopulairedumaı¨sproteˊiquedequaliteˊ(MPQ),Obatanpa,compareˊaˋlagrainecertifieˊedelame^mevarieˊteˊ.Leseˊchantillonsdegrainerecueillisdequatreemplacements(Wenchi,Nkoranzah,EjuraetKwadaso)montraientunpourcentagepluseˊleveˊdeta^chesembryonnairesvitalesetcompleˊtes,appliquant2,3,5chloruretripheˊnylteˊtrazolium(CTT),ainsiquunpoidsde1000grainespluseˊleveˊesensemencecertifieˊe,indiquantunevigueureˊleveˊeetundeˊveloppementcompletdegraine.Tandisquelessemisgermantdesemencescertifieˊesnontpasmontreˊaucunecroissancefongique,lessemencesgardeˊsparlesagriculteursmontraientundeˊveloppementfongiqueabondantetretardeˊ.Lescomptesdesemismontraient9et21pourcentdereˊductionrespectivementensemencecertifieˊeetensemencegardeˊeparlagriculteur,tandisquelescomptesdeplanteavantlamoissonmontraient12et23pourcentdereˊduction.Lesplantespoussantdesemencescertifieˊesfleurissaientaˋladatedeˊtermineˊede55jours,tandisquelessemencesgardeˊesparlagriculteurfleurissaientenvironunoudeuxjoursplustardaˋcausedevigueurreˊduite.Moinsdelaverseseproduisaientchezlesplantespoussantdesemencescertifieˊes,surtoutdanslesculturesdessaiplanteˊesaˋEjura(zonedetransition)compareˊaˋlessaideKwadaso(zonedefore^t).Lesavantagesdesemencescertifieˊessetraduisaientdanslaugmentationderendementdegraine,quieˊtaientenviron1.2t/ha,uneˊquivalentde¢1,100,000.00(110) ha-1 or 47 per cent increases over the farmer-saved seeds. The study, therefore, showed the importance of certified seeds in increasing maize productivity and farmers' incomes. Bien que la semence gardée par l'agriculteur constitue environ 90 pour cent de graines de maïs semées annuellement, ses effets sur le rendement de culture ne sont pas bien connus. Une étude était entreprise pour déterminer la qualité de graine et le rendement sur le terrain de semence gardé par l'agriculteur de la variété la plus populaire du maïs protéique de qualité (MPQ), Obatanpa, comparé à la graine certifiée de la même variété. Les échantillons de graine recueillis de quatre emplacements (Wenchi, Nkoranzah, Ejura et Kwadaso) montraient un pourcentage plus élevé de tâches embryonnaires vitales et complétes, appliquant 2,3,5 chlorure triphényl tétrazolium (CTT), ainsi qu'un poids de 1000 graines plus élevées en semence certifiée, indiquant une vigueur élevée et un développement complet de graine. Tandis que les semis germant de semences certifiées n'ont pas montré aucune croissance fongique, les semences gardés par les agriculteurs montraient un développement fongique abondant et retardé. Les comptes de semis montraient 9 et 21 pour cent de réduction respectivement en semence certifiée et en semence gardée par l'agriculteur, tandis que les comptes de plante avant la moisson montraient 12 et 23 pour cent de réduction. Les plantes poussant de semences certifiées fleurissaient à la date déterminée de 55 jours, tandis que les semences gardées par l'agriculteur fleurissaient environ un ou deux jours plus tard à cause de vigueur réduite. Moins de la verse se produisaient chez les plantes poussant de semences certifiées, surtout dans les cultures d'essai plantées à Ejura (zone de transition) comparé à l'essai de Kwadaso (zone de forêt). Les avantages de semences certifiées se traduisaient dans l'augmentation de rendement de graine, qui étaient environ 1.2 t/ha, un équivalent de ¢1,100,000.00 (110)/ha ou 47 pour cent d'augmentation par rapport aux semences gardées par l'agriculteur. L'étude, par conséquent, démontraient l'importance de semences certifiées à l'augmentation de la productivité de maïs et les revenus d'agriculteurs. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (1) 2007: pp. 105-11