5,165 research outputs found

    Multistability of free spontaneously-curved anisotropic strips

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    Multistable structures are objects with more than one stable conformation, exemplified by the simple switch. Continuum versions are often elastic composite plates or shells, such as the common measuring tape or the slap bracelet, both of which exhibit two stable configurations: rolled and unrolled. Here we consider the energy landscape of a general class of multistable anisotropic strips with spontaneous Gaussian curvature. We show that while strips with non-zero Gaussian curvature can be bistable, strips with positive spontaneous curvature are always bistable, independent of the elastic moduli, strips of spontaneous negative curvature are bistable only in the presence of spontaneous twist and when certain conditions on the relative stiffness of the strip in tension and shear are satisfied. Furthermore, anisotropic strips can become tristable when their bending rigidity is small. Our study complements and extends the theory of multistability in anisotropic shells and suggests new design criteria for these structures.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    The acute and chronic implications of the COVID-19 virus on the cardiovascular system in adults: A systematic review

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    Despite coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) primarily being identified as a respiratory illness, some patients who seemingly recovered from initial infection, developed chronic multi-system complications such as cardiovascular (CV), pulmonary and neurological issues leading to multiple organ injuries. However, to date, there is a dearth of understanding of the acute and chronic implications of a COVID-19 infection on the CV system in adults. A systematic review of the literature was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines and prospectively registered via Prospero (ID: CRD42022360444). The MEDLINE Ovid, Cochrane Library and PubMed databases were searched from inception to August 2022. The search strategy keywords and MeSH terms used included: 1) COVID; 2) coronavirus; 3) long COVID; 4) cardiovascular; and 5) cardiovascular disease. Reference lists of all relevant systematic reviews identified were searched for additional studies. A total of 11,332 records were retrieved from database searches, of which 310 records were duplicates. A further 9887 were eliminated following screening of titles and abstracts. After full-text screening of 1135 articles, 9 manuscripts were included for review. The evidence of CV implications post-COVID-19 infection is clear, and this must be addressed with appropriate management strategies that recognise the acute and chronic nature of cardiac injury in COVID-19 patients. Efficacious management strategies will be needed to address long standing issues and morbidity

    Historic Churches and Their Hygrothermal Environment: A Review of Criteria Related to Building Fabric, Artefacts, Artwork and Occupants

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    Regarded as important cultural heritage, historic churches have been utilised over hundreds of years for worship and community benefit. Simple on/off space heating systems are installed in many churches to increase human comfort. However, the conservation of the important historic artefacts and artwork contained within may not have been fully considered. This review attempts to appraise the standards in place for artefacts and artwork. A consensus of 15–25 °C and 40–65% relative humidity is established as safe from the standards reviewed. Consideration is given to the environment within the church to understand if such exacting conditions can be met. The review finds that the conservation and preservation of artefacts and buildings are aligned goals, although striving to meet specified target ranges for artefact types is not fully compatible with historic churches. The stability of the internal environment is clearly an important factor in conservation and benefits human comfort expectations. Churches may contain microclimates throughout the building, complicating the use of target ranges for artefacts, artwork and comfort. The findings of this study can assist historic churches in managing the change, alteration or installation of heating systems

    Antibody responses to nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in adults: A longitudinal household study

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    Background. Natural immunity to Streptococcus pneumoniae is thought to be induced by exposure to S. pneumoniae or cross-reactive antigens. No longitudinal studies of carriage of and immune responses to S. pneumoniae have been conducted using sophisticated immunological laboratory techniques.Methods. We enrolled 121 families with young children into this study. Nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs were collected monthly for 10 months from all family members and were cultured in a standard fashion. Cultured S. pneumoniae isolates were serotyped. At the beginning (month 0) and end (month 10) of the study, venous blood was collected from family members 118 years old. Serotype-specific antipolysaccharide immunoglobulin G (IgG) and functional antibody and antibodies to pneumolysin, pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA), and pneumococcal surface antigen A (PsaA) were measured in paired serum samples.Results. Levels of anticapsular IgG increased significantly after carriage of serotypes 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F by an individual or family member. For serotype 14, a higher level of anticapsular IgG at the beginning of the study was associated with reduced odds of carriage (P = .0006). There was a small (similar to 20%) but significant increase in titers of antibodies to PsaA and pneumolysin but no change in titers of antibody to PspA.Conclusions. Adults respond to NP carriage by mounting anticapsular and weak antiprotein antibody responses, and naturally induced anticapsular IgG can prevent carriage

    Reply to: Terry, J. and Goff, J. comment on “Late Cenozoic sea level and the rise of modern rimmed atolls” by Toomey et al. (2016), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 451: 73–83

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 469 (2017): 159-160, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.11.028

    Fast Simulation of Facilitated Spin Models

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    We show how to apply the absorbing Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm of Novotny to simulate kinetically constrained models of glasses. We consider in detail one-spin facilitated models, such as the East model and its generalizations to arbitrary dimensions. We investigate how to maximise the efficiency of the algorithms, and show that simulation times can be improved on standard continuous time Monte Carlo by several orders of magnitude. We illustrate the method with equilibrium and aging results. These include a study of relaxation times in the East model for dimensions d=1 to d=13, which provides further evidence that the hierarchical relaxation in this model is present in all dimensions. We discuss how the method can be applied to other kinetically constrained models.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Late Cenozoic sea level and the rise of modern rimmed atolls

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 451 (2016): 73-83, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.03.018.Sea-level records from atolls, potentially spanning the Cenozoic, have been largely overlooked, in part because the processes that control atoll form (reef accretion, carbonate dissolution, sediment transport, vertical motion) are complex and, for many islands, unconstrained on million-year timescales. Here we combine existing observations of atoll morphology and corelog stratigraphy from Enewetak Atoll with a numerical model to (1) constrain the relative rates of subsidence, dissolution and sedimentation that have shaped modern Pacific atolls and (2) construct a record of sea level over the past 8.5 million years. Both the stratigraphy from Enewetak Atoll (constrained by a subsidence rate of ~ 20 m/Myr) and our numerical modeling results suggest that low sea levels (50–125 m below present), and presumably bi-polar glaciations, occurred throughout much of the late Miocene, preceding the warmer climate of the Pliocene, when sea level was higher than present. Carbonate dissolution through the subsequent sea-level fall that accompanied the onset of large glacial cycles in the late Pliocene, along with rapid highstand constructional reef growth, likely drove development of the rimmed atoll morphology we see today.Support for this work was provided through a Jackson School Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship to Michael Toomey

    Acute COVID-19, the Lived Experience, and Lessons to Learn for Future Pandemics

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    Objectives: The study aimed to increase the understanding of the lived experience of patients during the acute phase of a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection. Method: A Web-based survey was distributed through established patient and public engagement and involvement groups and networks, social media, and by means of word of mouth. The survey covered questions relating to patient demographics, COVID-19 diagnosis, symptom profile, and patient experience during acute COVID-19. Results: The findings demonstrate the varying symptom profiles experienced by people in the acute stage of COVID-19 infection, with participants sharing how they managed care at home, and/or accessed medical advice. Findings also highlight themes that people were concerned with being unable to receive care and believed they needed to rely heavily on family, with extreme thoughts of death. Conclusions: Although the urgent threat to public health has been negated by efficacious vaccines and enhanced treatment strategies, there are key lessons from the lived experience of COVID-19 that should be used to prepare for future pandemics and public health emergencies

    Developing effective strategies to optimize physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in the long Covid population- The need for caution and objective assessment

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    he Post Covid-19 Condition (commonly known as Long Covid) has been defined by the World Health Organisation as occurring in individuals with a history of probable or confirmed SARS CoV 2 infection, usually within 3 months from the onset of acute Covid-19 infection with symptoms that last for at least two months which cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis. Long Covid is associated with over two hundred recognised symptoms and affects tens of millions of people worldwide. Widely reported reductions in quality of life(QoL) and functional status are caused by extremely sensitive and cyclical symptom profiles that are augmented following exposure to physical, emotional, orthostatic, and cognitive stimuli. This manifestation prevents millions of people from engaging in routine activities of daily living (ADLs) and has important health and well-being, social and economic impacts. Post-exertional symptom exacerbation (PESE) (also known as post-exertional malaise) is an exacerbation in the severity of fatigue and other symptoms following physical, emotional, orthostatic and cognitive tasks. Typically, this will occur 24–72 h after “over-exertion” and can persist for several days and even weeks. It is a hallmark symptom of Long Covid with a reported prevalence of 86%. The debilitating nature of PESE prevents patients from engaging in physical activity which impacts functional status and QoL. In this review, the authors present an update to the literature relating to PESE in Long Covid and make the case for evidence-based guidelines that support the design and implementation of safe rehabilitation approaches for people with Long Covid. This review also considers the role of objective monitoring to quantify a patient's response to external stimuli which can be used to support the safe management of Long Covid and inform decisions relating to engagement with any stimuli that could prompt an exacerbation of symptoms