14 research outputs found

    Determining Source Rock and its Characteristics Using Organic Geo-Chemistry Derived from Parent Rock Evaluation, Separation, and Columnar and Gaseous Chromatography on Cretaceous Units in Central Iran at Khor-Biyabanak

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    Recently, the investigations made on rocks of cretaceous units at Central Iran have revealed source rocks and their characteristics (origin, amount, and type, maturation of organic material, hydrocarbure (Hydrocarbon) generation ability and sedimentary organic material environment). The information obtained from investigation and evaluation of cretaceous rock units at Khor-Biyabanak region using following methods have led to the determination of the source rocks with some weak to medium organic material from the downstream to upstream of the section (underlying-intermediate cretaceous towards upstream cretaceous) in the region such as evaluation of source rock, separation of Bitumen, columnar Chromatography, and aseous Chromatography. With due regard to the amounts of TOC, HI, Tmax, S1, S2, PI, EOM, HCS, SAT/ARO, CPI, Pr/Ph, pr/n-c17, ph/n-c18, and the ratios, graphs, and derived peak values, it can be claimed that the type of organic materials present in the source rocks are Classes II and III Kerogens. The maturation of existing organic material in the source rocks is high and shows approximately the ending oil generation window and last stages of Catagenesis (Katagenesis). The origin of the organic material is also a marine and continental mixture which currently is capable to generate humid and dry gas in the existing source rocks. Also, the formation environment of existing source rocks is regenerative, and quasi-regenerative-marine

    Determining Source Rock and its Characteristics Using Organic Geo-Chemistry Derived from Parent Rock Evaluation, Separation, and Columnar and Gaseous Chromatography on Cretaceous Units in Central Iran at Khor-Biyabanak

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    Recently, the investigations made on rocks of cretaceous units at Central Iran have revealed source rocks and their characteristics (origin, amount, and type, maturation of organic material, hydrocarbure (Hydrocarbon) generation ability and sedimentary organic material environment). The information obtained from investigation and evaluation of cretaceous rock units at Khor-Biyabanak region using following methods have led to the determination of the source rocks with some weak to medium organic material from the downstream to upstream of the section (underlying-intermediate cretaceous towards upstream cretaceous) in the region such as evaluation of source rock, separation of Bitumen, columnar Chromatography, and aseous Chromatography. With due regard to the amounts of TOC, HI, Tmax, S1, S2, PI, EOM, HCS, SAT/ARO, CPI, Pr/Ph, pr/n-c17, ph/n-c18, and the ratios, graphs, and derived peak values, it can be claimed that the type of organic materials present in the source rocks are Classes II and III Kerogens. The maturation of existing organic material in the source rocks is high and shows approximately the ending oil generation window and last stages of Catagenesis (Katagenesis). The origin of the organic material is also a marine and continental mixture which currently is capable to generate humid and dry gas in the existing source rocks. Also, the formation environment of existing source rocks is regenerative, and quasi-regenerative-marine

    Investigation on Sedimentary and Depositional Environment Usage of Cretaceous in South-East of Golpayegan Region

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    In this investigation, the facies and their usage in the environment of cretaceous rocks that crop out at 35 km south-east of Golpayegan is studied. The section with 811 m thickness is composed of compact, dark marly shale, shale dark sandstones, orbitolina-contained limestone, marly limestone and calcareous limestone of early cretaceous (Albian), and dark gray limestone marly limestone of late cretaceous ages. Field and microscopic (petrographic) studies lead to recognition of 7 carbonate and 2 clastic facies. Facies 1 (Bioclast lime mudstone) indicates medium open marine environments. Facies 2 (Bioclast wackestone). Facies 3 (Peloid wackestone), Facies 4 (Bioclast packstone), Facies 5 (Bioclast packstone), Facies 6 (Intraclast packstone) and Facies 7 (Lime mudstone) indicate shallow to medium (sub-tidal) inter-tidal and supra-tidal deposition. In some cases, such as Facies 8 (Lime mudstone) and Facies 9 (Sandstone) Facies refer to a clastic condition which has direct relationship with active tectonic periods. Meanwhile in normal cases, Facies 4, 5 and 6 Facies are representative of carbonate basin in shape of homoclinal ramp

    Investigation on Sedimentary and Depositional Environment Usage of Cretaceous in South-East of Golpayegan Region

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    In this investigation, the facies and their usage in the environment of cretaceous rocks that crop out at 35 km south-east of Golpayegan is studied. The section with 811 m thickness is composed of compact, dark marly shale, shale dark sandstones, orbitolina-contained limestone, marly limestone and calcareous limestone of early cretaceous (Albian), and dark gray limestone marly limestone of late cretaceous ages. Field and microscopic (petrographic) studies lead to recognition of 7 carbonate and 2 clastic facies. Facies 1 (Bioclast lime mudstone) indicates medium open marine environments. Facies 2 (Bioclast wackestone). Facies 3 (Peloid wackestone), Facies 4 (Bioclast packstone), Facies 5 (Bioclast packstone), Facies 6 (Intraclast packstone) and Facies 7 (Lime mudstone) indicate shallow to medium (sub-tidal) inter-tidal and supra-tidal deposition. In some cases, such as Facies 8 (Lime mudstone) and Facies 9 (Sandstone) Facies refer to a clastic condition which has direct relationship with active tectonic periods. Meanwhile in normal cases, Facies 4, 5 and 6 Facies are representative of carbonate basin in shape of homoclinal ramp

    The Eocene – Oligocene Facieses and Sedimentary Environments in Sardarreh Area, Garmsar

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    This research studies the Eocene – Oligocene facieses and sedimentary environments have in Sardarreh, Garmsar. Field studies were conducted to achieve this goal. So, 95 samples were taken from the studied section. Because of the similarity of the samples, 49 samples were selected for the preparation of thin sections. For facies interpretation and providing sedimentary model (Carruzi, 1989((Flugel, 2011) and naming of carbonate rocks (Dunham, 1962)، (Folk, 1962) and (Chen, 2011) were used. Thin section consists of: skeletal elements, including(Mollusks, Brakiopoda, Akinoderma, Foraminifera, Algae, Ostracoda, Gastropods) and Non-skeletal particles(pelloidy, intra-clast), Quartz(grains of sand), Gloconite, Feldspar,  Chert, Gypsum, Salt, Anhydrite and facies’s matrix are calcareous mud and micritic or Asparitic cement. These studies led to the identification and separation of 7carbonate and destruction facies that have deposited in 4 facies belt. Open marine facies includes: A1: Bio-clast pack stone. Barrier facies takes in: B1: Pelloid bio-clast grain stone. Pool facies holds: C1: Gypsi- ferrous marl, C2: Calcareous sandstone.Tidal facies zone comprises: D1: Sandy pelloid wack stone / pack stone, D2: Sandy intra-clast wack stone / pack stone and D3: Fenestral mudstone. Due to interpretation of these facieses and their environments, the ancient geographical situation of this area is characterized. This is a carbonate platform which is a kind of carbonate Rimmed shelf.

    The Eocene – Oligocene Facieses and Sedimentary Environments in Sardarreh Area, Garmsar

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    This research studies the Eocene – Oligocene facieses and sedimentary environments have in Sardarreh, Garmsar. Field studies were conducted to achieve this goal. So, 95 samples were taken from the studied section. Because of the similarity of the samples, 49 samples were selected for the preparation of thin sections. For facies interpretation and providing sedimentary model (Carruzi, 1989((Flugel, 2011) and naming of carbonate rocks (Dunham, 1962)، (Folk, 1962) and (Chen, 2011) were used. Thin section consists of: skeletal elements, including(Mollusks, Brakiopoda, Akinoderma, Foraminifera, Algae, Ostracoda, Gastropods) and Non-skeletal particles(pelloidy, intra-clast), Quartz(grains of sand), Gloconite, Feldspar,  Chert, Gypsum, Salt, Anhydrite and facies’s matrix are calcareous mud and micritic or Asparitic cement. These studies led to the identification and separation of 7carbonate and destruction facies that have deposited in 4 facies belt. Open marine facies includes: A1: Bio-clast pack stone. Barrier facies takes in: B1: Pelloid bio-clast grain stone. Pool facies holds: C1: Gypsi- ferrous marl, C2: Calcareous sandstone.Tidal facies zone comprises: D1: Sandy pelloid wack stone / pack stone, D2: Sandy intra-clast wack stone / pack stone and D3: Fenestral mudstone. Due to interpretation of these facieses and their environments, the ancient geographical situation of this area is characterized. This is a carbonate platform which is a kind of carbonate Rimmed shelf.

    The potential sources of Bauxite in PirMishi Tash, Semnan province, northern Iran

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    The Tash bauxite mine is located approximately 6 km northeast of Tash village and 40 km northwest of Shahroud city in Semnan Province with coordinates of 36° 32′ N to 36° 37′ N and 54° 41′ E to 54° 48′ E. The actions of the orogenic phase of the former Cimmerian as well as the chemical and physical factors have caused the erosion of the basalts in the Shemshak sedimentary basin, which has resulted in the simultaneous deposition of the Shemshak molasses‌ and bauxite in the Tash area. According to some geological evidence and the location of Elias rule, bauxites in the vicinity of Shemshak Formation shales, it is concluded that the clay minerals have played an important role in forming the bauxite deposits in this area. The results showed that the basalts were formed from the alkaline magma and then altered to clay minerals. The remaining immobile elements such as aluminum and residual iron formed the Tash bauxite deposit. The investigation of thin sections designates that the studied ore contains ooidal, plitomorphic, allogeneic pizolite, coloform, and compressive dissolution texture, which indicates the autochthonous origin. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, goethite, and hematite were also recognized. The mineralogical study, performed by the X-Ray diffraction method, led to the identification of minerals of anatase, boehmite, diaspore, chamosite, kaolinite, quartz, and hematite. Analysis of ore samples by the X-Ray fluorescence method and calculation of aggregation coefficient of trace elements and geochemical indicators along with geological evidence revealed the source rock could be from the mafic type

    Subcutaneous Tissue Responses to Three Endodontic Irrigants: A Comparative Study

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    Introduction: This study aimed to compare the subcutaneous tissue responses to MTAD (mixture of a tetracycline isomer, an acid, and a detergent), 17% EDTA, and 2.6% NaOCl. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six Wistar albino rats were used for this study.  Test solutions were injected subcutaneously into predetermined areas on the animal dorsum. The rats were then randomly divided into three groups of twelve each and sacrificed at 2 hours, 2 days, and 2 weeks. The severity of inflammation induced by each irrigant at different time intervals was assessed histologically. The data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman tests. Results: The difference in severity of inflammatory reactions induced by tested irrigants at the different time intervals was statically significant (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the severity of inflammation induced by MTAD and 2.6% NaOCl at the various time intervals (P>0.05). Subcutaneous tissue responses to MTAD were not different from those observed in 17% EDTA specimens at 2-hour and 2-day intervals (P>0.05). Conclusion: Under the conditions of this study, MTAD has the same toxicity as 2.6% NaOCl