33 research outputs found
Backward pion-nucleon scattering
A global analysis of the world data on differential cross sections and
polarization asymmetries of backward pion-nucleon scattering for invariant
collision energies above 3 GeV is performed in a Regge model. Including the
, , and trajectories, we
reproduce both angular distributions and polarization data for small values of
the Mandelstam variable , in contrast to previous analyses. The model
amplitude is used to obtain evidence for baryon resonances with mass below 3
GeV. Our analysis suggests a resonance with a mass of 2.83 GeV as
member of the trajectory from the corresponding Chew-Frautschi
plot.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure
Factors Influencing Color of Dark Cutting Beef Muscle
Color of dark cutting beef rib muscle was measured as affected by treatment with rotenone or chilling in an oxygen rich atmosphere. Samples homogenized with the mitochondrial inhibitor, rotenone, or pH 5.0 buffer remained red for up to 1 hr. Control samples blended with water remained red when chilled but turned dark when held at room temperature. Thin slices of dark cutting beef muscle would turn red when chilled in air or oxygen to 3°C, or when chilled in oxygen to 14°C, but would turn dark when transferred from oxygen at 3°C to air at room temperature. Thus, dark cutting beef muscle will turn red if mitochondrial respiration is inhibited, allowing myoglobin at muscle surfaces to remain oxygenated
Men under pressure: representations of the `salaryman' and his organization in Japanese manga
In this article we analyse representations of the Japanese salaryman and Japanese organization in Japanese manga, or graphic novels, during the turbulent decades from the mid-1980s to the present day. We argue that manga presents salarymen protagonists in a sympathetic yet not uncritical light, and that it displays support for and criticism of both the Japanese and American organizational models. We describe how these manga offer important critical challenges from the world of popular culture to the direction of change in Japanese business organizations since the 1980s. In addition, we suggest that the manga may also provide salarymen with opportunities for critically re-evaluating their own working situations and for developing methods for surviving and thriving under the pressures of working within contemporary Japanese business organizations
A research on human body symbols as a meansof expression for contemporary ceramıc(s) art
Bu araştırma insan bedeni sembollerinin seramikte kullanımı ve çağdaş seramik sanatçılarının eserleriyle değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Tarih öncesi çağlarda ilk insanın mağara duvarlarına çizdiği resimler sembolik bir arayışın ürünleri olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sembolik ifadeler; insanın doğadan edindiği izlenimlerle birlikte, sanatın temelini oluşturmuştur. Bu bağlamda insan, çevresiyle etkileşime geçtiğinde duygu ve düşüncelerini, aklını kullanarak, bu birlikten doğan sonuçla sembolleri yaşamının her alanında kullanmaya başlamıştır. Sembolik düşünmeye başlayan insan kendi bedenini ve diğer bedenleri keşfetmeye başlar. Onu algılayabilmek, öğrenmek ve şekillendirebilmek ancak onu en iyi şekilde tanımayla kazanılır. Duygu ve düşünceleri sembollerle ifade etme anlayışı insanlar için bir anlamda ihtiyaçtır. Sembolik düşünmeyi başarabilen insan, yine duygu ve düşüncelerini aktarırken soyut olanı somutlama yolunda ilerlerken sembollerle anlatabilme yetisine sahiptir. Beden belli bir zamana, toplumsal işleyişe ve alana işaret eder. İnsan ve insan bedeni sembollerinin en eskisi ve en evrenseli olması da bundan kaynaklanır. İnsan bedeni yaşamı, ölümü, cinselliği içinde barındırdığı için yaşamın somutlaştığı bir alan haline de gelmektedir. Bu somutlaşmayı sağlayan insanoğlu, sembolleri kullanarak insan bedenini daha okunur hale getirmiştir. İnsan bedeninin belli bölümlerinin sembolik ifadeye dökülmesi, anlam ve dönemsel özelliklerinin bilinmesi ve bu anlamda çağdaş seramik sanatçılarının eserleri, yeni bir yönelim ve bakış açısı kazanma sağlaması açısından önem taşımaktadır.This research has been tried to be evaluated with the usage of the symbols of human body on ceramics and the works of contemporary ceramic artists. The images that were drawn on the cave walls by the primitive men in the prehistoric ages emerged as the products of a symbolic quest. These symbolic expressions, together with the impressions taken from the nature by men, generated the basis of art. In this regard, humans, upon using their minds, emotions, and thoughts while interacting their surroundings, started using the symbols that were born out of this unity on every field of life. A human that starts thinking symbolically discovers his body and then other bodies. Sensing, learning and shaping it can only be achieved by getting to know it ideally. In a sense, the conception of expressing the emotions and thoughts via symbols is a necessity for humans. Humans that achieve to think symbolically also have the ability to use symbols on transmitting their emotions and thoughts while concreting what is abstract. The body points out to a certain time period, social functioning and area. This is the reason why the human body symbols are the oldest and most universal ones. Human and also becomes a field in which the life turns concrete since it contains life, death and sexuality. The human and human being that has procured this concretization made the human body more legible by using symbols. With regards to symbolically articulating the human and certain parts of human body and getting to know their meanings and their periodical features, works of contemporary ceramic artists are essential in order to be able to gain new tendencies and perspectives
Assessing the future global impacts of ozone on vegetation.
Ozone is a major secondary air pollutant, the current concentrations of which have been shown to have significant adverse effects on crop yields, forest growth and species composition. In North America and Europe, emissions of ozone precursors are decreasing but in other regions of the world, especially Asia, where much less is known about its impacts, they are increasing rapidly. There is also evidence of an increase in global background ozone concentrations, which will lead to significant changes in global ozone exposure over this century, during which direct and indirect effects of other changes in the global atmosphere will also modify plant responses to ozone. This paper considers how far our current understanding of the mechanisms of ozone impacts, and the tools currently used for ozone risk assessment, are capable of evaluating the consequences of these changing global patterns of exposure to ozone. Risk assessment based on relationships between external concentration and plant response is inadequate for these new challenges. New models linking stomatal flux, and detoxification and repair processes, to carbon assimilation and allocation provide a more mechanistic basis for future risk assessments. However, there are a range of more complex secondary effects of ozone that are not considered in current risk assessment, and there is an urgent need to develop more holistic approaches linking the effects of ozone, climate, and nutrient and water availability, on individual plants, species interactions and ecosystem function