51 research outputs found
The basic tendencies of information and marketing development of the heavy engineering industry are analyzed and the peculiarities of their growth are revealed. The basic principles of the creation of a unified information management system in the field of marketing which is based on the conceptual provisions of the strategy for the development of the heavy engineering industry have been formulated. The creation of a center for management of branch marketing information flows based on vertical and horizontal interaction between the industry levels and contributing to the increase in the effectiveness of information support for the enterprises of the machine-building complex at the industry level has been proposed
Organizational and economic directions of competitive recovery of Russian pharmaceutical enterprises
The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to the fact that the sustainable development of the economy of any country is the most important level of public health, which in turn, is conditioned by providing high quality pharmaceutical products. This is determined by the effective activity of the pharmaceutical industry, its competitiveness. Thus, the study of the competitiveness of Russian pharmaceutical enterprises, the development directions of its improvement should contribute to the sustainable development of the Russian economy. The article is focused on the development of organizational and economic ways of competitive recovery of the pharmaceutical industry. The leading approach to the study of this issue is an analytical approach that allows identifying the main directions of competitive recovery of the pharmaceutical industry. The results of the article: the study of possible organizational and economic ways of competitive recovery of Russian companies in the pharmaceutical industry, the algorithm of directions of its increase. The made recommendations have been tested in a number of Russian companies in the pharmaceutical industry. The article date may be useful in the management of the pharmaceutical industry now, as well as for understanding the specifics of the domestic pharmaceutical industry. © 2016 Ashmarina et al
Practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students in higher educational institutions of Russia
© 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. Academic mobility enhances the accessibility, quality and effectiveness of education and is an important tool for creating a global educational area and for supporting mobility of human capital. Therefore, this article aims to develop practical recommendations for optimizing the process of formation and development of academic mobility of students. The paper presents practical recommendations at the regional and university levels, allowing to organize the process systematically and holistically, purposefully uniting the efforts of all its subjects, and choosing priorities for action in accordance with individual and typological characteristics of certain students. Provisions of this article may be useful for teachers, management and staff of international departments of higher educational institutions of professional education
Structure and development of the intellectual potential of the industrial enterprise personnel
© 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is to develop the conditions of the management system improvement and the industrial enterprise personnel development. Presented article defines the intellectual potential of the enterprise personnel, its location, components and forms of appearance in the enterprise activities. The personnel intellectual potential is an important factor of scientific and technical progress and increases the efficiency of all aspects of industrial enterprise production and commercial activities. The results of the present study indicate the need to evaluate and determine the directions of the enterprise personnel intellectual potential development to achieve the strategic company’s goals and creating competitive advantages. This article is intended for managers, executives, HR staff and researchers dealing with personnel development of the industrial enterprise
Improving the information system of university management
© 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. University management is currently supported by information system providing storage and data structuring of information required. Managing the development and improvement of the educational process quality requires creation of a monitoring system covering all of its objects and various measurement tools, which monitors the set of all features. The paper presents the components of pedagogical management, considers indicators of pedagogical processes and methods of evaluation, which define the basis for monitoring the educational processes at the University. Also the structure of a software module is shown, that works on the principle of the expert system and identifies problem characteristics of the educational activity. The results of the experimental work show the effectiveness of the presented software, that supports management decision-making of university departments’ leadership and faculty
The publication demonstrates research results received in 2008–2014 on studying rape varieties field resistance in the forest steppe of the Western Siberia. Periods of observation differed in weather conditions and defined different disease manifestation. The authors come to conclusion that downy mildew and Altelnaria blight are mostly occurred in agrocenoses of spring rape. Phytoimmunology estimation of spring rape on the background of natural infections demonstrates that varieties of Siberian selection differ in field resistance to the diseases. Sib NIIK-21 variety is the most resistant to downy mildew and Alternaria blight; disease progress is 2.6 times and 1.8 times lower in comparison with the standard SibNIIK-198 variety. The paper demonstrates Yubileyniy variety and ANIIZIS-4 variety are mostly resistant to Alternaria blight. These varieties can be applied in further selection as resistance sources. The publication shows SIBNIIK-198 variety is least resistant to downy mildew and Alternaria blight; disease progress index reached 65.6 % and 30 % correspondently.В 2008–20014 гг. проведены исследования по изучению полевой устойчивости разных сортов ярового рапса в условиях лесостепи Западной Сибири. Годы наблюдений различались по погодным условиям и определяли разное проявление болезней. Наибольшее развитие в агроценозах ярового рапса получили пероноспороз и альтернариоз. Фитоиммунологическая оценка сортов ярового рапса в полевых условиях на естественном инфекционном фоне в селекционных питомниках СибНИИ кормов показала, что сорта сибирской селекции обладают разной полевой устойчивостью к комплексу болезней. Наибольшей групповой полевой устойчивостью к пероноспорозу и альтернариозу обладает сорт СибНИИК-21 – развитие болезни по сравнению со стандартом (сорт СибНИИК-198) было в 2,6 и 1,8 раза ниже. Наименьшая восприимчивость к альтернариозу отмечена у сортов Юбилейный и АНИИЗИС-4. Эти сорта могут быть использованы в дальнейшем селекционном процессе в качестве источников устойчивости. Наиболее сильно поражался пероноспорозом и альтернариозом сорт СибНИИК-198 – индекс развития болезни достигал соответственно 65,6 и 30,0%
The article explores annual fusarial wilting of plants in the forest-steppe of Western Siberia. It observes the progress of the disease in hot and dry conditions of vegetation when it becomes 86.3 % and prevalence varies from 50 to 100 %. When the disease is progressing, chickpea plants die out. Infected seeds and soil perform as disease carriers; chickpea seeds are infected with fusarial infection up to 10-23 %, mostly: F. oxysporum (Schlecht.) Snyd. et Hans., F. oxysporum var. orthoceras, F. solani (Mart.) App. et Wr., F. solani. var. argillaceum (Fr.) Bilai and others. The paper analyzes soil concentration and outlines high soil fungi consentration of Fusarium. The most wide-spread fungi in the soil were Fusarium oxysporum var. orthoceras, F. solani, F. sambucinum Fuck., var.minus Wr., F. gibbosum App. et Wr., F. acuminatum, F. oxysporum and others. The authors explore content of pathogenic carriers of fusarial wilting of chickpea and identify the dominating types of chickpea as F. oxysporum var. orthoceras, F. sambuсinum var. minus, F. solani, Fusarium gibbosum. The authors observe effective chickpea varieties with low fusarial wilting for their further application in selection.Исследованиями, проведенными в лесостепи Западной Сибири, установлено, что в посевах нута ежегодно отмечается фузариозное увядание растений. Показано, что наиболее интенсивно это заболевание проявляется в жарких и засушливых условиях вегетационного периода, при этом индекс развития болезни может достигать 86,3% при распространенности от 50 до 100%. При сильном развитии болезни растения нута погибают. Установлено, что факторами передачи возбудителей заболевания являются зараженные семена и почва. Выявлена высокая степень зараженности семян нута фузариозной инфекцией (до 10–23%). Из семян выделялись преимущественно F. oxysporum (Schlecht.) Snyd. et Hans., F. oxysporum var. orthoceras, F. solani (Mart.) App. et Wr., F. solani. var. argillaceum (Fr.) Bilai. и др. Проведенным анализом почвы выявлена высокая степень ее заселенности грибами рода Fusarium (в среднем 5–8 тыс. пропагул в 1 г сухой почвы). Наиболее распространенными видами в почве были Fusarium oxysporum var. orthoceras, F. solani, F. sambucinum Fuck., var. minus Wr., F. gibbosum App. et Wr., F. acuminatum, F. oxysporum и др. Изучен состав патогенного комплекса возбудителей фузариозного увядания нута. Доминирующими ви- дами, выделенными из растений нута, являются F. oxysporum var. orthoceras, F. sambuсinum var. minus, F. solani, Fusarium gibbosum. В селекционных питомниках выделены перспективные сортообразцы нута с наименьшей распространенностью фузариозного увядания для дальнейшего использования их в селекционном процессе
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